Developing My Little World Chapter 34: (Special)New System Explanation

Chapter 34: (Special)New System Explanation

Jay then got everyone to come back to the center of the living room, next to the holographic earth. He had everyone sit down and said,"I’m guessing you have seen and felt the huge number of changes to the system and power structure we have just implemented. That is because you did not have these things in your body as a part of you before. It was there, but you couldn’t access it yet. Now you all have access to your innate bloodlines, titles, talents and skills."

Levi raised his wing and asked,"So father did not choose our talents and other things?"

Jay shook his head and said,"I wanted to customize everyone, but I decided to follow my own wisdom from the past and let fate decide. So whatever you have now is part of your own power. It is not something I gave you. It is wholly your own, so take ultimate pride in that.."

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Everyone in the room was stunned to hear Jay say this. This was a lot to take in, but Star suddenly noticed something.

Star asked,"Father! I have a question! If the wild beasts that are not sentient but are growing stronger cannot cultivate, how can they keep up?"

Jay smiled and replied,"I am so glad you asked. The monsters will slowly develop and grow more powerful than the current sentients in the short term, say about 100 years. I have them now predisposed to form "Swarm Cores" which is where the strongest beast is trying to mate or hibernate or recover from a fight it will pull in all the lower level and lower power creatures as a "core" which create layers of weaker monster on the periphery and as you head further in, the monsters get stronger!"

Star was confused and asked,"That ok father, but how are these new beasts even categorized?"

Jay smiled and said,"I am so glad you asked! I had many limitations when it came to the unification of the energy systems, so I had to create 2 shortcuts for the beasts. The first is the beast’s "Soul Core" which is in a different location in the body of every species of beast. Only non-sentient beasts will attain this core. This core is a powerful natural treasure that can increase the sentients comprehension when cultivating their skills."

Star eyes widened.

Jay continued,"Right now, the soul cores will form and they will all be of the [Common] grade, but as they mutate they can follow a few paths of evolution and power growth. One of which is the purification of its core. The beast’s entire reason for existence is to gather more food to increase its mutation level and progress its strength. The grades of the core are Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Divine."

Kraken then raised her hand and asked,"Daddy..? What is the other installment you mentioned?"

Jay didn’t register her calling him daddy and already treated Kraken as his cute and smart baby girl! Stelara had a run for her money here!

Jay smiled at her and replied,"Yes, sweetheart. The second thing had to do with pesky soul and brain arts and energies that almost refused to work in tandem with each other. It was like 8 rabid, feral, and horny monkeys all fighting over a female who wasn’t even there!"

Everyone chuckled at the dumb joke, and after lightening up the mood, Jay continued,"There is a thing in all the beast’s brains called a "Skill Attainment Fragment". It basically just sits in the beast’s brain and records all of its usual happenings. As the beast fights with other beasts it will constantly push more energy into this fragment and attempt to upgrade itself. The levels of skill that the beast can currently go through are none, Novice, Accustomed, Intermediate, Advanced, Elite, Sub-Master, Master, Sub-Grandmaster, and Grandmaster."

Kraken was surprised at this information and she quickly noticed something as she asked,"Why is the skill level on the beasts different from the skill level I can see on my own skills?"

Jay patted the top of her squid head and said,"Skill levels for sentients is slightly different sweetheart. It’s way more comprehensive. If you want to know, can I explain how I set it up?"

She fervently nodded her head! She wanted to know! Every other god also listened closely as they didn’t want to ruin the explanation!

Jay beamed his pearly whites and said joyfully,"Okay my dear! Listen carefully! Every sentient after this generation will inherently know this information, and soon it will slowly trickle into your mind as well! Sentients all have skills! Even you as gods have skills. Let’s take a fictional human from 1,000 years from right at this moment. So he has skills that he hones through beast slaying! Let’s say he started his journey with only 1 skill, downward slash! While he could try to simply level up, that will only increase his base stats a little bit, and it won’t give him beasts that he can defeat that are strong enough to carry a powerful core or fragment! So he has to kill a low level beast while practicing his skill over and over again. He starts to get really good with the move, he gets so good with the move that he perfects the move and after perfecting the move, it turns into a stronger version, but now he has to study how to use the stronger version all over again! But he is undoubtedly much stronger than before! The skill level starts out at [Nothing] because even if you have attained the skill, you haven’t even practiced it, so you can’t possibly know it and actually use it! Ha ha!"

Everyone in the room was enlightened.

Jay continued,"The skill starts at [Nothing], then [First Steps], [Comfortable], [Adept], [Small Achievement], [Mastery], [Big Achievement], and finally [Perfection]!"

Everyone’s eyes opened wide as they finally realized what jay had done!

Jay used his god powers and looked directly into the camera and directly at you the viewer! He sees you reading his story and gives you a smile and a nod that the chapter is not over! Screw the 1k word limit! Jay then turns away from you the viewer, relieving you of his godly pressure, yet you, the reader, still feel the warmth of his smile as he looks at you through the pages of his story.

Jay then continued on explaining, saying,"After reaching perfection, the skill will evolve into a higher ranked skill! The ranks of skill are as follows, in order of rarity of the skill itself, which cannot be changed, no matter what. Rarity starts with Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Divine. Secondly, every skill is also power scaled to a certain star level and their skill level in between every star level! So if you took a [Common: Downward Slash (0 Star None)], theoretically, you COULD eventually turn it into [Common: Downward Slash (10 Star Upper-Level Perfect]. While this is possible for the user to do if they are really attached to a skill, it is not recommended as the system will try to present you with a different and better skill so you actively grow stronger under it."

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Star had an epiphany as she said,"You’re trying to make everyone on the planet continually lust for pure growth! They will grow culturally to respect the strong and to grow stronger themselves if they are not satisfied! There is always a way out!"

Jay nodded and said,"Exactly. Bonus points for Star.

Star smiled and was super giddy with excitement after being complemented.

Centi raised one of his appendages and asked aloud,"So from what I can tell, sentients kill beasts and gain some goodies that can help them improve their skills to fight tougher beasts and the cycle repeats. You increase the attributes of the body with levels, and maybe even equipment. You use excess experience and fragments to increase comprehension and learning of skills. I get everything you have done so far. What I don’t understand is if they have all of that, why would they ever want to become a mage or even a martial warrior? What is the need to cultivate or even attempt to gain natural treasures?"

Jay smiled and said,"Ah! Very good Centi! You caught on to a tricky bit I also was stuck on for a while in the middle of creating it! To explain, what I ended up doing was incorporating fate like I did for talent on what the individual will be best at. So if their fate is to be a monster on the battlefield they may become a fierce martial warrior, proficient in the use of Qi and maybe even soul arts. There are many sub arts that will be created but the four main systems they can use at the moment are Mana, Qi, Soulectra, and Elementia."

Centi, still a little puzzled, asked,"So what does cultivation improve?"

Jay then confidently smiled and stroked Centi gently. Jay said,"Cultivation is the foundation!"

Everyone gasped at that and Levi immediately asked,"Father, what do you mean?!"

Jay put a hand up gently and showed them to calmly talk. Jay then said,"Whether they are becoming a warrior, a mage, a qi user, or a regular knight, or any other sub profession that the sentients end up creating, all of their cultivation will be their foundation. So if a level 1 soldier had 10 stats in everything, he cultivates as a level 1 mage and increase his skills through cultivation and even gain passive skills that increase his stats and such things like that, before he even levels up for the first time, he could realistically have up to 30 in every stat! That is before his first level up! That is what cultivation is! The people on this planet will need to figure out how to live long lives and they will need to learn how to adapt very quickly. If any sentient species starts to fall back at this stage, give them a helping hand, as I believe this new generation will have many leading figures emerging from the power shuffles!"

All the gods nodded and promised to help the mortals through the difficult times!

Kraken, then asked another question,"Daddy? What about things like weapon or equipment forging? Pill creation? Those kinds of things? How does that work? How do craftspeople gain experience and power in this killing fest?"

Jay held up a finger and wagged it while saying ,"Tsk, Tsk! I thought I would’ve taught you better than to doubt me! The same rules for forging and crafting skills as the fighting skills! So replace Downward slash with Pill creation and there you go! Same thing! I used the same template for it! Still sticking with the none, first steps, comfortable, adept, etc. Craftspeople have special circumstances to level up, and making goods contributes to their experience points! If they deal with better quality equipment, they can usually level up their skill faster. If they enter what is known as a [Flow State] which any professional of any profession can enter, they can also comprehend higher level knowledge and create greater and rarer equipment! The same also goes for things like merchants! As they buy and sell goods, if that is their true fate, their skills will reflect that!"

Everyone in the room had a huge information dump being unloaded onto them as they tried to comprehend this new unified system! Every person could develop unique systems and skills! Any fight could be a deathmatch! This was a truly viscous unified system!

Jay then smiled with a knowing smirk as he asked aloud,"Do you all finally understand? I don’t simply want to make a paradise world! I want my people to be strong enough to conquer galaxies with a swipe of a bored hand! That is the power I want my people to hold!"

Everyone cheered at this news and everyone continued chatting as they asked small details about the system and its small intricacies. Jay didn’t mind answering questions, especially since it was alot of information.

Also, after getting everyone’s permission, Jay set the globe to start on normal speed for at least an hour to let the change truly sink into the planet.

[System update]

[System has been updated. System now authorizing and making changes to world and inhabitants]



[World is now starting at normal speed. Risk assessment: light risk (Do not speed up world for the moment)]

Jay then watched and attempted to view the changes that were now occurring on his planet!

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