Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 101 Did You Use Master’s Name In Vain?

"Tell me!" Potty demanded.

Crusher tried to swallow but he couldn’t. He slowly lifted his one good hand and then he pointed in a particular direction.

Potty followed his hand. However, Crusher suddenly directed his finger to Potty, raising the middle finger at him, "Fuck you frog face!"

This made Potty angry, and he frowned hard. He suddenly threw a punch at Crusher’s face.

However, Just before the punch would reach, a fair-skinned hand from nowhere caught it.

Potty was surprised by this.

His eyes quickly traced the hand to the person that had caught his punch.

However, just as he was about to see the face of the person that had stopped his attack, a punch came right for his face.


The punch was hard and it sent Potty flying into one of the columns.

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Potty was taken back by this, and he immediately rushed to his feet.

As he did, he massaged his jaw with his frog-like tongue.

he turned in the direction he had flown from.

However, there was no one there.

The only thing he could see was the blood on the ground that came from Crusher serving as evidence that what had just happened was not an illusion.

Potty rushed to the location with the blood on the ground. He looked around, his sharp uneven eyes checking every nook and cranny.

However, he did not see anybody.


A silhouette passed behind him.

It was fast like the wind.

Potty immediately turned about.

However, he did not see anybody.


Once again, the silhouette passed behind him, and he turned quickly.

"Who are you!? Are you going to continue playing games, or are you going to come out and face me like a proud demon!?" Potty lamented.

However, no one came out.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, the assailant gave a nice smile.

It was obvious that Potty did not know who it was. Also, he thought that it was a demon. After all, only a demon could have been strong enough to have hit him like that.

"Tell me!" a voice sounded from the shadows, echoing across the walls of the cave, "how did you find out?"

Potty looked around, he could not see anybody. However, he understood what the voice meant.

The person in the dark wanted to know how Potty knew that Crusher was a scammer. After all, everything had been going fine and even potty himself had been ready to leave.

However, when he took a better look at Insect-B, he suddenly attacked.

Potty laughed a bit, "it was not hard. I have lived with humans for many years. I know how they think, feel, and even act. it was the humanoid insect. When she opened her mouth, I smelt a particularly familiar scent from her breath."

"Oh!" the voice giggled a bit, "And what familiar scent was that?"

Potty gave a wide smile, "Cum!"

"Huh!?" the voice in the dark was surprised by this. However, Potty further explained.

"To be precise, it was male Cum. That female Insectoid does not have the lower half of a human body. That means that if any human male wants to have ’fun’ with it, they can only use the mouth. However, a human Insectoid is of great value. There is no way that the Chimera queen would allow any human male to have that kind of fun with it. Even if the New caretaker was her pet. She has worked too hard and too long to allow such a great achievement to become another fucker’s toy. Also, the new caretaker just so happens to have burnt his class tag from the Arena off his chest.

The person in the shadows heard this and could not help but laugh.

After all, who could have thought that the entire show was spoilt because of Crusher constantly doing Insect-B in the mouth?

This proved that the demons that took care of humans in the Arena were really observant of human behaviour.

"Not bad!" the voice in the shadow commented, "But you could not just realize the ploy and walk away. You had to open your big amphibian mouth. Now, you die!"


A silhouette passed by really fast.


Another hit caught Potty right in the face.

Potty fell to the ground. This time around, he spat out some blood which greatly surprised him.

"How dare you!? do you know how many centuries ago I last saw my own blood!?" Potty was mad.

He waved his hands and his darkline energy was released out of his body in waves. It was fire all over his body, but it was dark like the night.

"Finally, you have released your darkline energy! I can test my new strength on you."


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Another hit came. However, Potty defended against this one.


Another hit came. This time around, the Silhouette stayed.


Punches and kicks were exchanged between the two, and this time around, Potty gave the last hit which landed right in the centre of the silhouette.


The Silhouette was given a punch that sent it flying into the nearest wall.

Almost as soon as the Silhouette crashed into the cave wall, Potty did not give him any opportunity and rushed for him again.

However, when he reached the rubble on the ground, the person had already moved.


The person in the shadows coughed loudly. Apparently, he had sustained some injuries from their little bout.

Potty smiled, "not bad! unfortunately, from this clash alone, I can tell that you are easy prey for me. You are just a lesser demon of the first rank, and you dare play such petty tricks with me?"

Potty opened his hands, "HAHAHAHA!!!" he laughed wildly. Do you even know who you are messing with? This is the territory of Cuban, a blood descendant of the fallen Morningstar, First of the Black Winged. A third rank Deep level Demon. According to hell’s order, you are intruding on his territory, and for this, you deserve nothing but Dea...!"

Potty froze in his words.

The person in the shadows had suddenly decided to show his face.

However, it was not a demon like Potty was expecting. It was also not a Chimera ant.

It was human. But what really surprised him was the human.

Lenny stepped out a very deep frown on his face. Obviously, he was very angry.

"Impossible!" Potty muttered.

He could not believe what he was seeing. After all, Lenny was firstly not supposed to be this strong.

Secondly, Lenny was supposed to be in the Arena and not down here.

Potty and Lenny had a short but meaningful history.

Potty was the person that took F999 who was the initial owner of the body Lenny was currently occupying to the Arena as punishment.

He was the reason for F999’s death which led to Lenny’s takeover.

He was also the one that took Lenny to Instructor Bodat.

More than anyone, Potty knew Lenny well. At least, he knew the F999 well.

"E999!?" Potty muttered in surprise.

Lenny raised a hand to him, "What did you say just now!?"


"What did you say about my master’s bloodline?" Lenny asked again.

As he did, his body seemed to steam up and the water vapor slowly formed white flames.

Although it was not so obvious especially because of his smile, but Lenny was really angry.

"What did you say about the MORNINGSTAR bloodline!?" lenny asked again. He was really interested in hearing what Potty wanted to say.

"I said that Lord Cuban who owns this Arena is of the bloodline of Morningst...!!!"


Before potty finished talking, he had been loaded with a punch carrying a massive load of White Flames.

<-10 points Magic points>

However, Lenny still did not let him off. He followed after him fiercely.

Punch after punch filled with White flames was used to decorate Potty’s body.

Initially, Lenny had reserved to fight Potty in the shadows. After all, he was an assassin and the dark was where his skills shone brightest the most.

Assassins mostly worked undercover.

However, what Potty had just said had pissed Lenny off beyond the normal scope of reasoning.

After all, Potty had mentioned the name of his master, claiming that Cuban was a blood descendant of Lucifer Morningstar.

Lenny had met Lucifer and had also seen Cuban. There was no way that his master had blood ties with that beast.

In fact, even mentioning Lucifer’s name alone had sent him into a very violent rage.

People could bad mouth Lenny and he would not mind. In fact, they could bad mouth his mother in his former life and he would still not mind.

But saying trash about his mentor and saviour was just plain pleading for a well-deserved trashing.

Potty was taken by surprise, he was currently being pommeled by a human.

This was a great embarrassment, especially because he had always considered Lenny to be trash.

Since it had come to this, he was going to use his technique....

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