Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 106 The Arrival Of A Slaughter....

Before Lenny even came down the opening leading to the hall, he knew that they were Gladiators waiting for him on the other side.

However, he really did not care.

Whether is was a hundred or even a thousand of them, it did not matter at all.

The only thing that mattered was the inevitable demise of the Order of Gladiators.

Lenny took his time as he walked down.

A slight smile stained the side of his lips.

He whistled his favorite song as a strong sense of murder enveloped his being.

From the crown of his head to the soles of his feet was the deep seated desire to embrace the warmth of slaughter.

The moment they saw Lenny, the Gladiators did not panic. In fact, those that were sitting still remained sitting.

It was their assumption that Lenny was weak.

No matter how strong he had become, it was not possible that he could take all of them. In fact, only two C class Gladiators walked forward to block his path.

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"Good! A warm up," Lenny nodded.

Lenny could have just waved his hand and sent his white flame after these people. However, where was the fun in that?

Lenny considered himself to be an artist.

And as such, he felt the need to continually perfect his craft.

How can a painter get better if they don’t paint, or a musician get better if they don’t play their instruments?

How can a butcher get better if they don’t Cut meat?

Lastly, How can an Assassin survive if not by the blade?

Lenny waved his hands and two Pincer’s one for each appeared on his hands.

he waved them in the air a bit.

They made slicing sounds with the air as Lenny waved them.

As he did, the two C class gladiators saw him and each gave a cocky smile.

In fact, some of the Gladiators watching from behind burst into a laugh.

"Oh! These!? There are not for me," Lenny waved the blades and threw them at the feet of the gladiators, "I want your deaths to be thrilling. I want the THRILLER!!!"




The gladiators were surprised by this. However, Lenny was not in the mood to let them contemplate their decisions. he was going to help them make it.


He kicked against the ground.

One minute, he was where he was and the next he had grabbed the first Gladiator.

Lenny’s fingers penetrated his eyes, bursting them like over filled water balloons.


His fingers went deep into his victim’s head, and then gripping his skull from the holes he had penetrated, Lenny gave a sharp twist.


His other hand gave support by holding the gladiator’s body in place.

Lenny gave an effective pull and the Gladiator’s head was torn out of his neck like wild hungry animal aggressively tearing a piece of meat.

His skin and muscles detached from the rest of the body in respect to Lenny’s forceful irresistible pull.

The man was not even given the opportunity to scream in the pain of his death.

The only thing that followed his detached head was his Curvy ’S’ shaped spine.

Blood went up in the air from the headless corpse like a volcano angry at the heavens.


Blood Rained down on all of them, Lenny included.

The entire place paused in surprise for a few seconds.

Lenny threw the man’s corpse to the side.

He looked up to the sky. He could feel his skin thrill to the bathing of the blood that fell on him.

This was it. This was the feeling he had been looking for so badly.

There was nothing he wanted more than to bathe in the warmth of cold revenge.

His neck leaned back to an incredible length. He really wanted to soak in the feeling.

Like tasting food, the first bite was always the most important.

Savoring the taste was necessary.

As head remained in its position, but the moment all of the blood had fallen to the ground, his eyes alone moved over to the gladiators.

"You see what I mean? You need the Pincers," Lenny waved his hands again and more Pincers appeared.

He threw them before the Gladiators.

"Now, lets try that again."

The Gladiators looked at corpse on the ground and then at one another.

Without wasting time, they rushed for the Pincers on the ground.

These were experienced fighters.

They were used to bloody battles and were already mentally prepared to face Lenny.

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However, no form of preparedness was going to ready them for what was to come.

The first Gladiator raised his weapon in a swift attack for lenny.

He was fast, and from the way his muscles moved, Lenny could tell that he was a very good fighter.

He must have fined-tuned this move through the crude practice of fighting for his life over and over again.

However, in Lenny’s eyes, he was as amateur as a child learning how to swing a sword.

Lenny did not move and he allowed the blade near his body, giving the Gladiator the impression that his strike was true.

Just when the blade was to hit, lenny moved.

He dodged to the side and with a side step followed by a 360 degree turn, he’s hand gave a resounding slap that landed right on the face of the Gladiator.


It was a slap but it had not sounded like one.

It was like a watermelon had been kissed hard by a heavy mallet.

The Gladiator’s head gave a low explosion in the opposite direction of the slap.

Lenny moved away as the headless corpse unaware of its fate still swung the Pincer left and right in the coordination of its muscle memory.

The second person had been done in.

These gladiators no longer hesitated but rushed in for the fight all at once.

Lenny, was not one that liked engaging in such wide scale battles basically because of his origin as an Assassin.

He preferred the stealth and kill approach, but in this case, he wanted to bath well in the blood of these unfortunate victims.

They had wronged him. They had wronged him really bad.

They were even willing to tear his flesh, eat it, drink his blood and suck his marrow.

Surely, bathing in the bliss of their blood was the least he could.

In fact, Lenny could say that he was going easy on them.

After all, all he desired was to use their blood to wash the filt from his body.

In his opinion, he was being kind being satisfied with only soaking in the relief of their warm blood.

They attacked Lenny like they had always had to defend their lives in the Arena.

However, Lennyw as not like the adorable creatures that were fought in the Arena.

Although he looked human, he could not be categorized under the same umbrella with these Gladiators that were still far below him.

Lenny was a beast. He was a beast that won’t mind bullying young ones if it brought him the satisfaction of their death.

One by one, Lenny’s slaughter reached them.

Those that had even unlocked their special abilities rushed at him, but Lenny did not run from their attacks.

One Gladiator’s hands became hard as metal.

Unfortunately, his hand was not as hard as he was thought to believe.

Lenny broke them like they were twigs.

One by one, he delivered until them very violent deaths.

Some more violent than others.

The nice ones amongst them were the ones that he allowed to not feel pain before their demise.

Some were not so fortunate to enjoy such a nice offer.

There was one unfortunate victim that had his tongue torn out his mouth, and then his limbs torn out of his torso.

The fight had ended almost as quickly as it started.

The gladiators were not even allowed to shout to inform their other members of their unfortunate end.

All of them fell dead to the ground.

As they died, Lenny absorbed their life energy. However, it was like throwing a few drops of water into a river.

Their life force was just too weak to be of any significance to him.

Human meat, blood, bones and various organs lay scattered on the ground like it was the mess of children that had engaged in a painting contest amongst one another.

In and out, Lenny took sharp breaths. He wiped off some if the bllod stain from his forehead.

Afterwards, he advanced forward, whistling and enjoying the tune of his favorite song.

Just a few distance away, he could see two people.

One male and the other female. Even with the masks over their faces, he could clearly recognized them.

The moment the two set their sights on him, they froze in shock.

They could not believe what there were seeing.

Lenny took his time. Blood fell from his hands.

His last victim had just met his fate at the touch of the delivery of death by his hands.

Lenny strolled out of the shadows steadily.

As he did, he had a man’s neck in his right hand.

His left hand dripped steadily with blood.

Lenny paused a distance from them and smiled, "D7007 I have missed you dearly."

D7007 swallowed hard as he lost all composure.

Now, he could tell E666 was not exaggerating.

This was the arrival of a slaughter.

(Author’s note: please leave review from time to time. Thank you)

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