Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 109 Truth About The Arena Part 2

From Lenny’s experience with potty, he knew that if he ate the heart of a demon, he would get extra points that would build his power.

The Magistri was done for the moment Lenny put his bloody hand into his mouth and activated his White flame ability.

Lenny did not want to waste any time. After he was done with this demon, he was going to back and deal with the remaining sheep that were the Order of Gladiators.

Especially A222, Lenny could already imagine very creative ways to make sure she paid for what she did.

The Magistri blew up in white flames, and lenny rushed for his chest.

Just Like potty, Lenny opened his chest. However, he was left speechless by what he saw.

Other organs like the Lungs and the rest were present However, one organ was missing. In fact, Lenny could see where the Heart was supposed to be. He could see the Pulmonary veins and Arteries that were supposed to be connected to it.

However, the heart itself was not there.

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Lenny frowned. From what he could see, it was as if someone had pulled the heart from the chest of the Magistri. But if that was true, then how was he still breathing?

Lenny could not help but be filled with a lot of questions.

However, he suddenly heard a voice come from behind him. f𝚛𝚎𝗲we𝗯𝗻ovel.𝐜om

"If it is his heart you are looking for, then you won’t find it."

This was an all too familiar voice. lenny turned about and there he was.

The Magistri. He was looking at Lenny. But he was not the only one. They were twenty-four others like him.

Instinctively, Lenny leapt into the air, backing off like a cat running away from water.

Lenny looked at the ground. The Magistri’s body that he had exploded and opened up was still there. However, the Magistri, or rather the Magistris were also standing in front of him.

Lenny was not stupid.

The moment he had killed the magistri, the Satan system had given him alerts confirming the Kill. There was no way that the person he had just killed was an illusion.

If this was an illusion, the system would not have given him the alert.

In other words, even if he was deceived, the Satan system given by Lucifer MorningStar could not have been deceived.

The Magistri that had spoken earlier stepped forward.

As he did, Lenny took another step back.


Lenny activated his ability. to his surprise, all the Magistris had similar stats except when it came to their power levels. Some of them were Rank 1, but most were Rank 2 and 3.

Except of course for one.

The one that had just stepped forward, was the highest. He was a Lesser demon with Rank 5 strength.

Lenny waved his hands and Pincers appeared. Lenny waved them before his face in a ready stance for battle.

He had just lost a considerable amount of his magic Points. He barely had enough to take down another Lesser demon of the same rank, not to talk of Rank 3 and above.

Lenny felt as if he had fallen somehow into a trap.

The Magistri in front looked at the corpse on the ground and then at Lenny’s stance and he nodded, "good! very good!! it seems that you inherited fine skills. You will be enough."

Lenny frowned, "enough!?"

"yes!" The magistri suddenly stretched a hand with a smile on his face, "E999 will you like to join me for a drink?"

"Huh!?" Lenny could not believe what he had just heard.

Just then, A222 rushed over. She looked at the ground and then back at lenny. Her eyes showed her obvious surprise.

"He killed him!!!"

The Magistri with an offering for Lenny nodded, "yes he did. It was good you called us when you did A222. If you hadn’t the Order of Gladiators would be no more."

The magistri turned once more to Lenny, "I’ll ask again, will you join me for a drink?" his brows frowned, "I will not ASK a third time!"

However, he could see in Lenny’s eyes that he was not going to drop his weapon.

As he talked, his darkline energy was suddenly released and it flowed in Lenny’s direction.

Lenny suddenly felt his breath become heavy and his knees and shoulders felt heavy.

It was like a heavy weight had suddenly been dumped on his shoulder.

He fell to the ground with a hand on his chest. He could see the RED alert from the System telling him to run.

However, movement felt heavy for him. It was like he was trying to swim through mud.

It was strenuous and his chest felt like his lungs were being compressed fiercely.

Lenny wanted to activate the rest of his energy to escape, but he felt as if his legs were tied to the ground.

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A lesser demon at the Fifth rank was just too much for him to handle.

As he fell to the ground, he could hear the faint voice of the Magistri talking.

"Take him to our room..."


Lenny opened his eyes slowly to the sound of a familiar voice.

"wake up E999, your tea is going to get cold."

As lenny opened his eyes, a strong headache assaulted him.

However, he suddenly remembered what had happened, and a jolt of adrenaline shot through his body.

In response, he tried to leap, but some chains pulled him back into his seat.

Lenny looked to his side. His hands were chained to the chair he sat on.

Before him was a round table with a cup of tea before him. Just ahead was the Magistri. He sat on a high chair with a comfortable backrest. He also had a cup of tea before him.

"I must apologize E999, you were becoming a bit difficult with accepting my invitation. I had to use some extreme means."

Lenny looked at the magistri and then back at the Chain. Although it looked like any normal chain, Lenny knew it was different. He could feel the rich flow of darkline energy going through it.

He tried to pull at it, but the Chain would not bulge.

"You don’t need to try too had. Even Lesser demon at Rank four would not be able to break out of that," The magstri advised.

Lenny decided to cease his struggles. After all, he did not seem to be making any head way.

To continue struggling was only foolishness.

Besides, Lenny could tell that the Magistri did not want to hurt him. If he did, he would have been dead by now.

Lenny looked around the room.

Earlier on, he had been trying to get out of the chains and had not taken the time to look around.

This surprisingly looked like a home.

There was a fire place by the wall, a custom size couch, and even some picture frames on the walls.

Most of which were of the old world. Men and women smiling as they received awards.

This looked like any other friendly-family home in his former life.

It even felt welcoming.

Considering the kind of places Lenny had been staying since he came to this world, he couldn’t help but feel a bit nostalgic. However, it was only for brief second.

It washed it away almost as quickly as it came.

After all, he was in enemy territory. It would only be foolishness if he allowed his mind be clouded.

The magistri noticed lenny’s eyes as they changed immediately to a more serious look and he nodded.

"So its just like we guessed. You are one of them."

"One of whom?"

"We call them Reminders. Half-borns that have inherited extreme abilities and even memories from both their human parents and demon Parents. Except that you are the most extreme we have ever seen."

"We!?" Lenny asked.

"Yes! we," The Magistri chuckled a bit. "let me ask you boy. What do you think the Arena is?"

Lenny raised a brow, and without hesitation, he answered, "a sick Farm-Buffet for demon enjoyment."

The Magistri nodded, "True. That’s true, but you are still far from it. Believe it or not, it is just a Playground," The magistri took a sip of his cup of tea.

Afterwards, he stood to his feet, and then he placed one of his hoof legs on the table. He spread apart some hair on his thighs revealing the number A001 on one side.

Lenny frowned, and then he smiled, "don’t worry. I know this part. You were a gladiator that was granted his freedom, but choose to remove his humanity just to serve a demon."

The Magistri Chuckled at Lenny’s words, "No silly boy. That is just what we want those in the Arena to hear. The Truth is far more delicate than that."

The Magistri stood to his feet, "come with me, let me show you something."

He waved his hands and the chains around Lenny’s hands were released.

As the Magistri moved, Lenny having no choice in the matter, steadily followed behind him.

The Magistri got to a door at the corner and as he entered, so did Lenny....

[Author’s note: Shit these guys might come for my life this night because of this cliff Hanger.... (0_0) ]

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