Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 111 Please...Impress The Governor’s Daughter.

Lenny backed off steadily.

He could feel that he had recovered a significant amount of Magic points.

Although he was not sure how he would defend himself against these many Magistris, he knew one thing.

That was the fact that he did not want to become what so ever it was that those people were becoming when they put in the capsules.

He would rather kill himself than allow them stick him in a tube.

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Lenny slowly gathered his energy. Even his muscles had become taunt, ready to explode for an escape route if this Magistri before him was to release his darine energy again.

Passing out here was akin to a chicken taking a nap on the butcher’s board.

Lenny was not going to allow what happened the last time repeat itself.

The corner of his eyes looked around and even to the door they had come in through.

The Magistri saw this and chuckled lightly.

"Trust me, there is no need for that. If I wanted you in a capsule, I would have done it a long time ago."

"Then what do you want from me?"

"You, my friend are a miracle to all of us. You are, if I dare say the only one that can get us out of this prison."

The Magistri saw Lenny’s puzzled expression and explained further.

"After your display last time in the Arena, Cuban already has his eyes on you. However, he does not know that you are this strong if not you would have been put in a capsule a long time ago. This is the advantage you have. In about a week from now is the governor’s daughter’s birthday. This Arena as well as several others have been invited to participate. She is a not so easy to please woman. However, she has guaranteed that the Winning Arena gets the Core of a very extraordinary dark beast."

"What is it?"

"It is an item that can free us all from Cuban’s chains. Rumours say that it can ever restore back to us what was stolen," he pointed to his chest.

There, Lenny could see the stiching marks.

Clearly, This Magistri had also had his heart taken.

"The Heart is the Chain that holds our freedom. Our hearts, fed to Cuban’s breakfast table the moment it is taken from us, and our veins replaced with the sustenance of his blood. The moment he eats our hearts, our will to say No ceases to exist."

As the Magistri talked, he had a longing look on his face.

There was something Lenny could not help but be impressed about.

After all, he was also a human being.

He could not help but praise the incredibility of Human beings and their tenacious struggle for freedom even in a very obviously hopeless situation.

These men had lost their hearts to a demon, bodies turned to that of monsters, and they still had not given up on that freedom that was preached to them when they were little children in the F class.

Such Hope for freedom was quite moving and the Magistri’s cause seemed like a very good one.

However, Lenny’s Instincts told him that there was more to this story than this guy was letting out.

He did not believe that it was all to only get freedom.

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Besides, the Magistri had not told him the kind of beast. He had only said that it was a Demon beast.

Lenny’s mind made a lot of calculations.

As he did, the Magistri saw his expression and decided to further explain.

"Cuban wants the Demon beast core for his cultivation. He had recently advanced into a Rank 3 Deep level Demon. He wants to use the core to stabilize his cultivation. His Darkline magic is still very shaky from the advance. Also, if possible, he wishes to push it even further. For demons, strength is extremely important."

Lenny had not yet agreed to do this job, but it was obvious that the Magistri had made his decision for him. Then again, it was either do this or get your heart taken and be relegated to becoming an eternal slave for a Blood demon.

The obvious choice was definitely not eternal slave.

"If what you say is true, then that means that the core will be given to Cuban the moment I win."

The Magistri shook his head, "No! That is not how these things work. I have attended a few of them. Demons always respect strength. The Core would firstly be given to you as winner for you to present to your Arena Master. This is where the exchange will be made. I will help you with a fake for you to make a temporary exchange before you hand it over to Cuban."

"Huh!? Won’t he know the moment I hand it over to him?"

"He won’t. Demon beast cores are most unstable. Tampering with them can make them act up. He will wait for when he is in a private place before he uses it."

Lenny nodded in understanding. Apparently the Magistri had long planned everything out appropriately.

"The only thing you have to do, is make sure you impress the governor’s daughter and that is it."

"So basically, you are using me because I already have lesser demon level strength?"


"Hmmm," Lenny massaged his chin a little, "you said I will complete against other Arena’s right?"

"Yes, you will."

"What if they also have something of a similar manner planned out?"

"That’s most unlikely. Demons understand how human beings think. Allowing them with that much power without conversion can lead to disobedience and rebellion. No demon would want to take that chance."

Lenny turned. He could see as the Capsule with the former gladiator in it moved to join the other capsules on the walls.

He turned back to the Magistri, "I will do it."

"Good! All you have to do is lay low for a while. But not too low, so you do not raise suspicion. I will handle the matter with Potty and the Chimera queen. You just have to hold your killing urges back for a week."

Lenny understood what he meant.

Essentially, no more killing Gladiators for some time.

The Magistri suddenly remembered something, "also, you are going to be having teammates."

"I don’t do well in teams."

"I know you prefer solo, but this is not a choice you have...."

[Author’s note: Reviews please. Also, it’s a new month. Golden tickets please]

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