Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 117 So You Are The One With My New Coat Of Skin.

The moment the pill was brought out, the eyes of all the demons in attendance was drawn to it.

Demons used Dark Magic.

However, this pill did not have Dark magic.

It has a different kind of magic that immediately drew their attention.

"Is that..." Lady Hanger whispered, "chaos magic?"

D455 immediately swallowed the red pill.


A string wave of chaos magic burst from his body.

Chaos magic looked dark like Dark magic but it was magic incapable of tangible form.

it appeared as if it was leaving D455’s body, but also as if it was entering, and also hoovering about him.

Basically it had no specific direction in any way or form.

Also, it distorted 455’s form a bit.

The pupils in his eyes suddenly doubled. His ears became pointier, his body bulked up to twice his size, and his fingers became long and sharp as a blade.

Cuban stood up from his feet, "BASIT! What the fuck is this!?"

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Lady Hanger also watched with puzzlement.

"Hahahaha!!!" Basit laughed out loud, "oh it’s nothing. Just a little enhancer my friends in Judas Groove have been working on."

"Judas Groove!?" Lady Hanger asked, "is it that the Asmodeus family territory!?"

"Yes! Yes!! It is. And to think that you will recognize your own family’s handy work, Cuban. Then again, you won’t know since you are an exiled puppy."

Hearing this, Cuban frowned hard.

"Basit, chaos energy corrupts. It...."

"Can be harnessed and controlled," Badit interrupted lady Hanger. "Chaos magic does not corrupt humans easily. This we all know. It’s one of the reasons we breed them. This Devil pill will change the dynamic of the war."

D455’s transformation had ended.

Lenny used Surveyor on him.

[ D455

Half-born (chaos Corrupted)

] All stats doubled by chaos magic.

"What the fuck...!?" Lenny cursed out.

D455’s stats had doubled.

Lenny suddenly had a bad feeling about this, and that was not just because of the increment in strength.

Chaos magic gave him a subtle dangerous feeling deep within his being.

"D800, be fcuking Careful," Lenny whispered lowly.

D800 waved his hammer, "so you got a little bigger and uglier, so fucking what!?"

With incredible force, D800 kicked against the ground, speeding for D455.


The moment he got to him, D800 activated his ability.


*Bang!* His hammer slammed right into D455’s chest send him a distance away.

D455 landed hard on the ground. However he did not fall to the ground.

On his chest was a carve in that had been made by the unforgiving hammer.

However, before the eyes of the audience, the dent in his chest instantly healed.

It was like it had never been there in the first place.

"Huh!?" Everyone was drawn in by this.

It was true that certain Half Borns had incredible healing abilities but it was all nothing like this.

This one had healed fast and before their very eyes.

"Hahahaha!!!" Basit chuckled lightly.

Lenny frowned at this.

This was terribly bad.

" So you are a little tougher to squash. What’s the big deal!? You still a bug. Just a bigger one." D800 waved his hammer in the air and rushed for D455 again.

However, this time around, he activated his ability on the hammer.


This exponentially increased the weight of the hammer as He jumped in the air and brought it down on D455’s head.

*Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!*

Again and again, he brought down the ferociousness of his hammer on D455.

The hits reverberated all around. However, it was of no use.

Basit suddenly sat up right in his seat, "will you just stop getting hit and finish him off already!"

D455 nodded to his master’s will.

D800 brought the hammer one more time.



D455 caught the hammer with a hand.

D800 tried hard to push, but D455 was just too strong. Hard as he tried, it was of no use.

D455 pushed back.

D800 was stubborn. He did not show weakness in front of his opponent.

However, the devil pill had doubled the strength of D455.

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D455 pushed with both hands, making D800’s feet slide across the ground.

He pushed D800 to the edge of the fighting area.

Lenny could see how hard D800 was struggling to keep up with his opponent’s strength.

He had activated his ability on D455 to his max, but it was of no use. D455 was like an immovable tank.

And then, D455 suddenly smiled, revealing a set of uneven teeth that had been made worse as a result of the Devil’s pill.

D455 activated his ability.

*Concrete muscles!*

The strong expanded muscles on his arms suddenly contracted, focusing their strength on the hammer.

D455’s sharp claws dug into the hammer.


An unbelievable crack sound was heard as D800’s Hammer started to have cracks on it.

The cracks extended like a spider’s web on the crack.

Everyone watching knew it was coming.

This included D800.

"Shit!" D800 cursed.


His big hammer broke into a lot of pieces falling straight to the ground like stone particles.

The moment D800’s hammer broke, D445 rushed at him with his long fangs.


They came the first slashthat traced from the chest up to the chin.

Nearly Uprooting his lower jaw.

Blood poured fiercely on the ground.

With this one hit, D800 had been heavily dazed.

The Magistri as the referee of the match tried to stop the match, but before he could, D455 had attacked some more.

D455 had just had a taste of blood

He wanted nothing more at the moment than to display the intense, raging desire to cause chaos.

Even though the Magistri announced the fight to be over, D455 did not stop.

He slahed and slashed.

Raging all over D800’s body.

The Magistri was Forced to activate his darkline magic to pull D 455 back with a blood whip.

But it was too late.

D800’s lower jaw was gone, his stomach and Rib cage was totally gone.

Every thing had happened so fast, that it was nearly unbelievable.

Lenny immediately rushed into the ring.

D800 was partially Reptilian. He had the ability to heal all hole was not lost.

At least that was what Lenny thought until he got to D800 on the ground.

Saying that D800 was currently a mess was not clear justification for gravity of his injuries.

Immediately, Lenny tried to accelerate the healing process by putting back some of the organs like his intestine and liver into his body.

"Come on man. Don’t fucking die on me man. I am supposed to kill you myself, remember?"

It was not hard for Lenny to notice that something was wrong. D800 was not healing.

According to the scan he made of D800’s body with the Satan system, D800 was not healing.

In fact, his injuries showed

It was not hard for Lenny to conclude that D455’s claw had corrupted the injuries on D800’s body.

However, Lenny did not want to give up yet.

Lenny tried to reach for his bursted stomach.

However, D800 suddenly geabbed his hand.

Lenny turned to his face. He could see that D800 wanted to say something, but his lower jaw had be uprooted out.

D800 looked Lenny intently in the eyes. Lenny had seen many deaths.

He had seen deaths long enough to understand that look.

D800 was telling him not to stress himself.

He knew that he was done for.

Lenny could guess that if D800 still had his mouth, he would smile right about now.

After all, his eyes looked so peaceful. It was almost as if he was half to be leaving this world where the only thing he had done since his birth was to struggle for survival.

His throat coughed out some blood and then the expression on his face suddenly went stiff.

Lenny frowned hard. Only yesterday, he had been eating with this same man telling stories at the table, and now, he was dead.

The irony of life and death was so deeply annoying.

This was the first person he ever wanted to kill that he did not mind having a vibe with.

Lenny could birth that even if he was to kill D800 himself, the man would still die cracking jokes and telling stories with him.

Men such as this that would live life in the moment, look death in the face and smile were quite rare.

It was for this reason that Lenny respected D800. Yes, it was respect.

Even though he could squash him like a bug, he still respected the man.

How couldn’t he?

D809 was willing to dine peacefully with a man that wanted his head as a trophy.

In Lenny’s opinion, respected men such as this did not deserve to die in this manner.

At the very least, Lenny believed that D800 deserved a better death than this.

He deserved a more honourable death than this.

Lenny believed that he would have sent D800’s soul to the after life in a better more glorious manner, and not dying on the ground like a squashed cockroach.

This made Lenny Very angry. He turned to D455, "so you are the one with my new coat!?"

"Huh!? What new coat?"

Lenny chuckled lightly, "your skin, I’m going to enjoy wearing it."

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