Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 541 Deep Demon Rank five

Chapter 541 Deep Demon Rank five

Welcome to the Satan System


Essence collector (mid tier 1): Slowly steal the Fundamental Life Essence of foes for every Injury inflicted on them and also those that die by your hand.

*White Prince: Kiss of the Fallen Prince

*The influencer: (Mid tier 1) : Restricted by the strength level of the victim.

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*Demon Eater: Digestion rate increased. Host can now digest more than one Blood Essence, Demon core, Hell beast heart at a time(Max of six cores at a time)

*Soul master: (Mid tier 1) Call upon the souls of those you have killed in battle.

* The Harbinger of Pain: Bring upon the lot attentive punishment and an increase in points.

Half born-Human


Presence = Passive ability (limited by magic points in the middle tier)

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*Paraglider(mutual) Long-Nose.

*Fighter: Alpha Selection Tournament

*Contract Accepted for Victor’s delivery to the Primordial beast.

*Holy Tool: Anguis

Lenny’s Stats had totally increased, and some more like Rabid Dog had evolved into Berserker. His white Prince title had changed in description from touch of the Fallen to Kiss of The Fallen.

This meant that his white flame had also increased. He could now burn the very air.

A lot of things had changed. Vice realized that all he had been seeing was what Lenny allowed him to see.

The truth was that Lenny’s Satan System might have been a lower level compared to the greed system, but it was still a High-quality system.

Besides, Lenny was far ahead of Vice in power. Vice was only on the second rank of the Deep Demon Realm. He had gotten it wrong when he thought that the attacks he had been spitting out were of any hurt to lenny.

In truth, Lenny was just appraising the usefulness of his own system, seeing what beautiful things that it could do.

For this, Lenny played along from the very beginning.

Lenny had pretended not to notice his presence, and that was the beginning of Vice’s confidence. This was confidence that he allowed to easily take hold of his head.

After what had happened a week ago with the jungle brothers, it was only natural for any opponent Lenny was to face to think that he was some small fry that could be pushed around.

However, growth was the pillar that he stood by. A constant, never-ending function of growth that allowed Lenny’s new day to be stronger and better than his former.

In fact, Lenny was such a person that ensured that he of today could beat himself of a day ago. A constant upward spiral of growth.

"Good!" Lenny nodded, "So you see, you were never in my eyes in the first place. "

At this moment, Vice seemed to burst with one last effort in an attempt to escape but Lenny’s blood in his body was the cuff that held him down the moment his attempt was ensured.

Lenny stood tall, his eyes still fixed upon Vice, who looked up at him with a mix of defiance and resignation. The battlefield, once a canvas of chaos, now lay quiet in the aftermath of their clash.

Lenny’s voice, firm and unwavering, cut through the silence. "from your fighting style, I can tell. You are the type to always think of yourself a grand puppeteer, weaving your schemes in the shadows. But from the very beginning, you were nothing more than a fleeting shadow, insignificant and inconsequential."

Vice sneered, attempting to muster his defiance. "You may have won this battle, but you underestimate my resilience. I am not so easily defeated. The Royal family of Greed is not so easily defeated."

Lenny chuckled, a sound that echoed with the weight of his triumph. "Resilience, you say? You mistake persistence for power. You danced on the edge of my sword, thinking you could manipulate the outcome. But in the end, you were nothing but a pawn, a mere pawn in a game you could never comprehend."

Vice’s eyes narrowed, his anger palpable. "I will rise again. I always do. You may have defeated me today, but I will return, stronger and..."

Lenny shook his head, his expression one of pity. "Your delusions of grandeur blind you. Your attempts at manipulation were feeble, your schemes transparent. In the grand tapestry of fate, you were a stain, a brief smudge on the canvas of history. Not just to me but also the so-called Greed Family. Your significance was a mere illusion. But don’t worry, like you said, ’I’ll Preserve your consciousness so you can have a front-row seat at their destruction."

With each word, Lenny’s voice grew colder, his arrogance apparent. "You see, Vice, Unlike You, I accept my usefulness in the hands of my master, but I am still the architect of my life. I serve no cause for no royal Family. I only the Blade of my Master’s vengeance and the end of your existence. Your fall was inevitable the moment you stood against me, and your legacy, I assure you, will be nothing but a cautionary tale of hubris."

Vice’s defiance wavered, his bravado fading in the face of Lenny’s confidence. He glared up at Lenny, but Lenny’s gaze remained unyielding.

"Remember this moment," Lenny continued, his voice carrying the weight of finality. "Remember that you were crushed not just by my blade, but by the truth of your own insignificance. You were a speck of dust, Vice, and now, you’re nothing but a memory fading into oblivion," Immediately, Lenny stroked, digging into Vice’s head and extracting his Core.

As he did, so did His Satan System.

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