Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 569 The Handshake

Chapter 569 The Handshake

At this time, a shadow suddenly Materialized beside Glenn.

Father black and his Dog were just behind her. Even though they acted as her guards, on seeing the shadow, none of them moved

The Shadow whispered certain words into her ear and then just as it came, it disappeared into the darkness.

"What is it?" Father Black asked her.

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"It would seem that the party has started." As she said this, she slightly stroked the ruby stone that hung in her cleavage.

Father black nodded, "should we get started then?"

Glenn nodded, "Yes. I trust the other arrangements are in place?"

"The Runes are all in place my lady," Father black nodded as he patted the Giant dog at his side, "and my baby girl is already ready!"

"Good! Let’s go then."

She waved her hands and runes appeared all around her. Immediately, it opened up a portal.

The Dog beside Father Black rushed into it. As it did, so did Father Black.

"Now, let the dance begin."

Glenn’s smile got brighter.

At this moment, a series of underground events were happening. Today was either going to be the day that the City of Milk and Honey fell or the day that it was Reborn.

Either way, blood would be spilled and lives would be extinguished

This was the one constant.

Riff sized up Lenny properly.

Lenny was quite slim but built well. His Lean muscles were an artwork of incredible perfection, shaping his body like he had been specially favored by a sculptor.

With his fair skin as a result of his Lucifer heritage and his white flaming hair, he was the textbook definition of a pretty boy.

However, the broad smile stretching all the way to his ear was evidence that he was a maniac true and true.

Riff frowned a bit. he did not like the look on Lenny’s face.

Riff channeled his immense power and unleashed his Killing Intent, a potent force that resonated with his magic.

The air literally hummed with anticipation as he released it, a wave of red dark energy like flying swords so intense that it seemed to shimmer with raw power.

The force surged through the air, an unstoppable tide of destruction, crashing against the sturdy trees about the stage like a tidal wave.

The impact was nothing short of spectacular. The trees, once proud sentinels of the forest of Imperilment were nothing before Riff’s unleashed might.

With a deafening roar, the force sliced through the trunks, cutting them into little chunks as if they were made of mere paper. Splinters and leaves filled the air, creating a chaotic dance of nature’s fury.

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The earth beneath their feet was instantly curved with intricate cut and slice marks as if a hundred skilled swordsmen had battled fiercely upon it.

Amidst the devastation, Lenny stood and Victor was behind him. This blast of Killing intent had been sent directly to Lenny, yet, he remained unmoved by it. All that happened was little cuts that appeared on his body here and there. Adding an extra layer of attractiveness to his fair skin as his blood, in little drops, fell from the cuts.

Lenny remained himself, an enigmatic figure, wearing a smile that seemed to defy the very essence of danger. His eyes sparkled with a mix of admiration and amusement as he observed Riff’s power in action.

Despite the overwhelming display of force, Lenny remained unfazed, his confidence obviously unshaken.

Riff’s attack now had only been a bit of a test. But those in the Arena were left in shock at this. After all, Riff had been in battles before this one. Only his presence and the air turning into blades around him made his opponents scared.

However, here was Lenny, taking on the full blast of his power and remaining unfazed by it all.

In the heart of this epic battle, the clash between Riff’s overwhelming Killing Intent and Lenny’s unyielding resolve painted a vivid picture of contrasting forces in the minds of the watchers.

The air crackled with tension, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation. It was a moment frozen in time, where the clash of powers and wills came as sharp as a blade.

"Not a bad handshake," Lenny complimented. "However, now it’s my turn!"

The moment Lenny said this, first came a roar like an ancient beast of a mountain declaring its sovereignty and then, the world suddenly went silent.

It was silent for a few seconds, which naturally gave the impression that it was over.

Curtin saw this and chuckled lightly with an obviously proud look on his face, "Is that really all you can do? And here I thought that you were..."

His words stopped in his throat as the ground began a tremor.

It was like an earthquake, shaking the very earth, and then, cracks formed on the ground as a wave of White flames shot from the ground like a mushroom cloud after an explosion.

This included the bats sending images of the battle to the Arena.

Elder Zod had no choice but to quickly send a fresh new set of eyes into Imperilment.

And that was when they all saw it.

The entire area a full one Kilometers around them had been completely burnt to ash.

Curtin had instantly closed his eyes in reflex to the power unleashed by Lenny. On opening his eyes, he quickly checked his body, patting his face, chest, and even his ass to know if there were still there.

He sighed. Somehow, he had managed to still preserve his life.

Curtin looked up, Riff’s magic was about his body. This was what had protected him from that blast.

However, Riff himself had not been left unscathed.

Curtin could not help but wriggle his nose a bit at the smell of burnt meat obviously oozing from Riff’s body.

"You have improved!" Riff spoke lightly.

Since Lenny had met him, this was the first time he was actually hearing the always silent red hulk speak.

"You managed to touch my skin. That means you can handle my chaos..." As he talked, the air seemed to morph into blades...

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