Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 576 What’s With You Guys And Devil Pills?

The battle raged on with Clawed giving it all he had.

At first he was not sure what the boxes of magic stones were for. But soon, he was made to understand.

the Undead magi opened their mouths and then swallowed them in huge chunks.

"Impossible!" Clawed muttered, "Magic stones should not be taken like that."

Magic stones could not be taken raw. it needed to be processed into potions or elixirs. This was just the basic norm.

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Everybody knew this.

It was like saying one could live inside the ground and call it a home. A house has to be built first.

However, it was happening before his eyes.

He was so surprise that he actually stopped attacking as he was curious as to what would happen next.

However, his eyes were not graced with what he had expected. He had expected that the magic crystals would make them instantly blow up.

But he was very wrong about that.

They hollow purple eyes shone brightly and for a moment, it looked as if their bodies filled with magic crystals was going to swell and blow up, but as the purple in their eyes shone brightly, it magic calmed down as their bodies absorbed the magic it provided.

In this manner, they were fully recharged again.

And before his eyes, they bit once more into their flesh, and as the black blood like paste flowed out, they hummed their chants, summoning nether creatures once more from the Nether realm.

"Oh Fuck me!" Clawed cursed as he waved his hand, once more making a blade of cosmic energy.

At this exact moment, Duncan, back at the City of Milk and honey watched the fight from atop the City walls. As he watched clawed fight, tears slowly fell down his eyes.

"A beautiful night! isn’t it!?" Duncan spoke to himself. "Don’t worry, only a little more and it will be all over!"

Thousands of miles away, a giant figure, seemingly a Red Dragon of magnificent propositions slithered through the air like a snake in water.

It had magnificent speed and the direction it moved in was naturally the city of Milk and Honey.

At another side, a ghostly city also made its way through the ethereal, seemingly being in this reality and not being in this reality.

This night, the moon seemed even bigger than ever. It was as if it came closer to the earth to have a better view of the earth shaking battle that was to occur between all the incredible forces and to decide on a winner as its judge.


Meanwhile, Lenny fought Riff with agility that was beyond human comprehension.

As the battle continued, Lenny was able to easily adapt to Riff’s brutish battle style, easily parrying his attacks and Causing him pain.

Riff was indeed strong and as the fight progressed, he seemed to be getting even stronger. However, against Lenny that depeded more of technique and skill other than brute force, he was bound to not make head way.

Lenny suddenly increased the distance between him and Riff.

For a while now, he had been using WILL. Performing two acts at a time. The first was battling Riff and the second was weaving Runes.

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All of a sudden, Lenny made a somersault in the air and then he waved his hands.

Instantly, an amalgamation of dark runes jointed to make a perfect spere appeared in mid air and rushed towards Riff.

Riff was taken by surprise at this.

And tried to back away, but it was too late. A volley of giant shadow spears dark as night rushed out of the runes.




They instantly impaled him to a mountain behind.

Blood trailed down his body, and his face was looking beaten and bruised badly.

In the Arena, Agnes held her breathe while Lady Vinegar chuckled at the sudden development of things.

Lenny was winning and they knew it.

"impossible! How the hell does he have strength in the upper ranks of the Deep Demon Realm. "Something is not right here. He must be cheating?" Agnes frowned as she stated firmly.

Lady Vinegar chuckled a bit, "who could have thought that person like you would wine so much like this? Come now Agnes, we both are not new to this. He is able to do it because he is strong enough to."

Lenny landed over Riff, "are you going to give up or do you want me to have your head first?"

Lenny was expecting a frown, a sorry look or even tears would not have been too surprising.

However, Riff chuckled wildly, "give up! now why would I do that? This battle is only starting!" Riff suddenly opened his hands to reveal a bunch of pills in them.

Lenny recognized these pills. "What the fuck is with you guys and these things!?" Lenny cursed out. "can’t you just lose honorable and get it over with?"

"LOSE!?... Lenny Tales! you do not know anything about the world. "A loss for me simply means death. That old bastard will not let such a stain to is Pride survive!"

"Old Bastard!?" Lenny asked.

"Yes! My father. Mr Augustus." He did not speak anymore but immediately kicked into action.

Riff instant popped six of the Devil pills into his mouth, and then blasted Lenny with Cosmic energy.

Naturally, Lenny created a distance between them. And then the transformation began.

Riff was already a giant of a guy, but his hands suddenly got bigger as his his chest promptly followed, threatening to rip through his stretched skin.

His legs got bigger and and bone spikes shot out from different parts of his body as the air crackled with chaos magic. Red lightening sparked around him, making his body glow slightly in an other worldly light.

The shadow spikes Lenny impaled him with suddenly dissipated.

"Fuck! still not strong enough." Lenny cursed at the shadow spikes.

(Authors note: So an epic tale of revenge, backstabbing and display of true evil is coming... stay tuned on Webnovel. And please send golden tickets. I will increase release rate again to four chapters a day if we make it back to top 100 golden ticket ranking)

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