Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 580 Using Imperilment...

Chapter 580 Using Imperilment...

Basically, Curtin had lived a very shitty life all his life.

The worst part was that after he came back, he had to immediately implement all the terrible things he had learned over the years.

And his father, being Alpha of the Pack did not exactly make things easy for him. After all, he had multiple women and if it were not for Curtin managing to scheme against many of the women from the moment that the Alpha touched them, then there would have been an extra hundred more people competing for the seat of Alpha with him today.

With the training he had gotten, it was safe to say that Curtin did not have any threat to his position as Alpha. Unfortunately for him, a person like Victor had to be born, and it was said that his bloodline and control of the primordial beast;s blood was the strongest and purest in the history of the City of Milk and Honey.

Victor heard Curtin’s story and could not help but frown tightly. After all, he had heard it loud and clear that Victor had ensured that about a hundred more of their siblings were not born.

The Gravity of such an offense was incredible. But what was more incredible was the dedication that he had to grow in power.

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As Curtin told his story, he transformed, entering his Werewolf form.

On Seeing this, Victor immediately shifted his form too.

Victor’s Werewolf form had fur with the mutated shade of red.

However, to Victor’s surprise, so was Curtin’s werewolf form.

Even worse, it was bigger and wider than Victor’s. It also had thicker muscles and bigger arms. But the weirdest thing was the fact that two demon horns grew from the sides of his head.

"I Will rip you, limb from limb!" Curtin threatened as he leaped up in the air with a swipe of his claws for Victor.

Instantly, Victor moved. Even in his werewolf form, it was no problem for him to display his night dance technique.

He dodged, again and again.

Every step he took helped him dodge Curtin’s attacks.

However, he quickly realized that Curtain was not joking when he said that he had spent a long time in Imperilment.

For one that was still at the lesser demon rank to have survived a place like this, it was a testament to his capabilities, one of them being his quick reaction timing and his ability to quickly adapt to any situation.

Victor had gotten most of his skills from the minds of other people and had not even practiced those techniques that much.

However, Curtin was different. Every swipe of his claws went with the aim of killing. He did not have any intention whatsoever to wound Victor, only to see Victor’s neck stuck in between his obsidian claws.

He quickly adapted to Victor’s night dance, finding holes in the technique and exploring them.

In no time, his attacks started to hit. Victor would dodge here only to be smacked silly from another angle.


Victor coughed up a mouth full of blood as he was hit a distance away.

Victor had managed to block or dodge the most fatal of attacks. However, deep claw marks now decorated his armor, arms, and even his thighs.

Without a doubt, if it was not for the armor around his upper body, Victor knew that he would have died a long time ago.

Luckily for him, Lenny had adjusted the runes on the armor.

With their battle shaking the ground, and Victor’s blood splashing everywhere, it was in no time that hungry predators started to slowly gather around as the two fought.

Those who could not hold back even attacked as Curtin fought. jumping on both of them to take a bite out of the action.

Naturally, all that they met was the swiping of claws from either Curtin or Victor.

Naturally, this created more blood on the ground which attracted even more creatures.

Along the line, Victor’s defense slacked and a creature aimed for his left leg launched for a bite of his flesh.

The pain was incredible, and he had no choice but to receive one of Curtin’s blows in other to cut off the neck of his attacker. It had been a rainbow-like-looking snake, except that this snake had fur on its body, which gave Victor the impression that it was a mammal.

Instantly, Victor could feel that leg go weak.

"Poison! Shit... the creatures here do not play at all."

However, a thought suddenly came to his mind and he immediately set out to do it.

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He took a huge jump away from contact with Curtin, and then he smiled at Curtin, "It must be a real shame you know. I thought you learned so much so that you can easily deal with me. But look at you! I am barely fifteen and you can’t even kill me. Your poor old mother must be very disappointed in you."

After saying this, Victor rushed into the woods of Imperilment.

Those words vexed Curtin deeply, opening the wound in his heart. Without a moment to waste, he followed after Victor.

"Come back here you little tramp. Come here and defend your words!" Curtin screamed at Victor.

However, Victor would not have it.

After all, he knew that if he stood to fight Curtin, he was dead meat.

However, whoever said that he needed to beat Curtin with his own strength?

Victor had seen Lenny do battle a few times and he had really learned a few tricks. These were tricks that he was more than willing to try out.

Meanwhile, in the Arena, Agnes was happy. The sight of Victor running away like a sore loser after receiving slashes enough to threaten his life was the joy that filled her spirit.

After all, the moment Victor died was the moment she was going to have Lady Vinegar’s Deep Demon rank core.

However, what happened next made her frown deeply.

As Curtin chased after Victor, Victor would turn once in a while and throw insults his way.

These insults all cut across Curtin’s insecurities for the position of Alpha as well as the struggle he had to go through growing up.

This made Curtin very angry and he rushed at Victor with all his might.

He did not notice that although Victor ran through the woods for his life, his eyes seemed to scan the surrounding area like a hawk looking for Prey.

All the while, different beasts of the land would smell the trail of blood that Victor left behind and would rush at him, following his trail.

At the same time, Victor could already feel the stink of the poison from the snake rotating within his bloodstream.

He tried his best, implementing different techniques to expel the poison. It was working. However, his running was causing more harm than good for him.

Nevertheless, he did not stop.

After a while he looked behind him and there was a host of different creatures following behind Curtin who was behind him.

Victor smiled in his head. "Hopefully this works!" He suddenly paused mid-air, as if his feet had stepped on an invisible platform.


And then he stepped again and again and with a fierce turn in the air, he twisted over Curtin’s head.

Curtin filled with rage had been taken by surprise by this move. Victor was now above his head.

Victor waved his hands as his obsidian claws dug into his own flesh.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" With a loud scream, Victor cut into his own flesh targeting major veins and arteries.

Suddenly, a river of blood from his own body poured all over Curtin.

Curtin had been taken by surprise at this. The blood poured on his body, temporarily blinding his eyes and making him tumble forward.

After which Victor activated his Moonwalk technique again and went even higher into the air.

This made the creatures chasing to be unable to reach him. However, the smell of blood was now stronger on Curtin.

Immediately, the mutated creatures all rushed for him. each one of them taking huge bites of his flesh. many of them were naturally poisonous.

Victor high up in the air saw this and gave a slight smile. he had gotten far smarter than he used to be and now understood that he did not need to fight to come out victorious. All he needed to do was use his environment to his advantage.

the creatures, many of them abominable monstrosities of different sizes took huge bites out of Curtin’s body. many of them melted his flesh with their acid, dissolving him and digesting his flesh while he was still alive.

Curtin screamed for help, but it was no use. These creatures of Imperilment were in a constant state of hunger.

Just when Victor thought it was all over, a sudden red spark went up in the air and the atmosphere crackled in red lightening that snaked in the air like the roots of a tree.


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