Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 644 Fight for humanity begins with a Boom! 2

Chapter 644 Fight for humanity begins with a Boom! 2

The undead commander, perched atop the colossal primordial beast, observed the approaching FlameBorne Ants with a grim acknowledgment. At his side stood Clawed and Duncan, eager to unleash their wrath upon the fiery invaders. However, the undead commander, a shrewd tactician, raised a hand, signaling restraint.

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"Let’s witness their futile struggle before we extinguish their feeble hope," the undead commander mumbled in a low, guttural voice. Little did he realize the extent of humanity’s resilience.

Crusher, astride the foremost FlameBorne Ant, demonstrated a surprising mastery over the flames. He reached beneath the ant’s mouth, extracting the fiery essence with a practiced motion. As the other magic users joined in, infusing their own magical energies, the sky became a canvas for destruction.

The air crackled with the scent of magic and burning flesh as the FlameBorne Ants, guided by the precise control of their riders, unleashed a relentless rain of flames upon the undead army below. The flames erupted in a symphony of chaos, casting an eerie glow on the desolate battlefield.

Explosions blossomed across the undead ranks like grotesque fireworks, accompanied by the sickening sounds of rupturing flesh and crumbling bone. The undead, caught off guard by the unexpected aerial assault, disintegrated into showers of putrid gore. The ground trembled beneath the onslaught as the flames roared with insatiable hunger.

The acrid stench of burning flesh and charred remains mingled with the dusty earth, creating an atmosphere of macabre intensity. The explosions sent shockwaves through the undead horde, tearing apart their numbers with unrelenting force.

The mushroom cloud of ash and debris rose ominously into the sky, a visual testament to the devastating power unleashed upon the undead. The once-advancing army now faced annihilation from above, as humanity, against all odds, fought back with a ferocity that transcended despair.

In the midst of the fiery storm, Crusher and his fellow riders continued to manipulate the flames, orchestrating a deadly ballet that painted the battlefield in hues of destruction. The undead commander, his arrogance shattered, now confronted the unforeseen tenacity of the human spirit, embodied in the relentless rain of flames that heralded the desperate fight for survival.

The Undead commander, its bony visage etched with frustration, glared at the devastation wrought upon its undead legions. Unfazed by the carnage, the commander’s eyes glowed with an ominous purple hue. With a deliberate raise of its skeletal hand, a signal echoed through the undead ranks, a silent command to reform and retaliate.

The undead, devoid of pain and unburdened by the loss of their brethren, reassembled with eerie precision. The Undead commander’s will permeated through each ghastly form, knitting them back together into a cohesive force. The battlefield, once strewn with the remnants of the undead, now witnessed their resurgence.

On the other end, Perseus continued to unleash his own magical assault, complementing Crusher’s fiery rain from the opposite direction. The beauty of this combined assault lay in the diversity of magical attributes each rider brought to the fray.

Perseus, with his mastery over green electricity, augmented by the FlameBorne Ant’s gray flames, generated shockwaves that surged through the battlefield.

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As other magic users, each wielding their distinct elemental affinities, joined the onslaught, the undead below faced a symphony of chaotic energies. Flames, ice, and other mystical forces converged, creating a kaleidoscope of destruction that intensified the chaos on the ground.

Explosions rippled through the undead ranks, accompanied by the crackling of magical energies and the sizzling of electrified air. The undead, though lacking sentience, bore the brunt of these combined assaults. Limbs were torn asunder, and grotesque forms disintegrated under the relentless barrage.

Despite the initial setback, the Undead commander’s calculated mind saw an opportunity within the chaos. As the undead ranks reformed, an unsettling determination emanated from the purple glow in its eyes. The undead were not deterred by pain, fear, or loss, making them a relentless force, ready to counterattack with the undying resolve of an unyielding legion.

The command echoed through the ranks of the undead, a guttural murmur that carried with it the weight of impending doom. Instantaneously, those with skeletal wings, their bony structures still functional, launched themselves into the skies, propelled by a relentless determination to assail the FlameBorne Ants.

"Damn it!" Crusher’s expletive cut through the chaos as the undead airborne horde closed in on their vulnerable aerial allies. The Flambourne Ants were not designed for combat but rather for the potent gray flames they bore. However they now found themselves ill-equipped for an aerial confrontation.

"Prepare yourselves!" Crusher’s rallying cry reverberated among the magic users positioned behind him. Gripping two massive axes drawn from the sides of the FlameBorne Ant, Crusher steeled himself for the imminent clash. Standing defiant on the creature’s back, he leaped into the air as the first flying undead creature lunged toward him. The heavy swing of his axe cleaved through the creature’s neck, severing its head before it crashed to the ground. 𝗳r𝐞𝐞w𝐞bn𝚘ve𝚕.co𝐦

In a gruesome ballet, Crusher seamlessly transitioned from one undead foe to the next, leaping and cutting with merciless efficiency. However, the undead were equally unrelenting in their onslaught. The airborne undead creatures clawed and tore at the Flambourne Ants, rending them apart with horrifying brutality. The magic users on their backs became hapless victims, their bodies mutilated as heads and limbs rained down from the sky.

The battlefield became an unsettling tapestry of death, with the once-mighty FlameBorne Ants now reduced to mangled corpses plummeting to the earth. The remaining magic users, desperate to fend off the onslaught, unleashed their magical barrage, but the relentless tide of the undead was unyielding.

Amidst the chaos, the Flambourne Ants, once symbols of destructive power, were now falling from the skies, their flames extinguished, and their riders slaughtered. The gruesome scene unfolded in a cascade of despair, with the undead claiming a bitter victory in the merciless aerial engagement.

But Crusher was not done. He still had a trump card up his sleeves.

"Insect-Bee, sweetheart! Blow them up."

Immediately he gave the order, Insect Bee, back at the Witch’s territory gave the command.

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