Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 669 That’s impossible

Chapter 669 That’s impossible


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As Lenny sat strapped to the chair, the chainsaw’s menacing buzz filled the air, a sound that spelled imminent doom. But as the deadly tool hurtled towards him, a remarkable transformation occurred within Lenny’s mind.

Time seemed to stretch, each second elongating into an eternity. It was a sensation he recognized, a throwback to the lesson he had learned years ago with the hummingbird.

The chainsaw, which had been barreling towards him at a terrifying speed, now appeared to move in slow motion. Lenny watched with an eerie calm as the jagged teeth of the blade, each one a harbinger of pain and destruction, rotated towards his skin.

He could see the individual teeth, the way they caught the light, the sinister glint off their sharpened edges. The chainsaw was coming horizontally, aiming first for his arm before it would tear into his chest and out the other side. A dance with death, choreographed with cruel precision.

But Lenny, even in the face of such horror, found a well of untapped potential within him. His body, honed by years of trials and the lessons of adaptation, reacted in a way he had never experienced before. As the chainsaw bit into his left hand, tearing through skin, muscle, and bone with a sickening ease, something incredible happened.

Just as his hand was severed, and the chainsaw’s path to his chest was clear, Lenny moved. It wasn’t just a twitch or a flinch; it was a lightning-fast, explosive action. With a force that defied logic and the constraints of his bindings, he kicked against the ground. The movement, fueled by a desperate, instinctual drive for survival, sent him soaring upwards from the chair.

The room blurred around him as he dived away to safety, his body contorting and twisting in mid-air with a grace and speed that were nothing short of miraculous. Lenny had achieved the impossible. In a moment that should have been his end, he had transcended his physical limits, performing a feat that went beyond human capability.

As he landed, rolling away from the path of the still-spinning chainsaw, the reality of what he had just done began to sink in. Lenny had faced death, had felt its cold touch, and had escaped its grasp through sheer will and the ability to adapt. His heart pounded in his chest, a frenzied drumbeat celebrating his survival.

The room, which had been a stage for his expected demise, was now witness to his extraordinary escape. Lenny lay there for a moment, breathing heavily, taking in the gravity of his narrow escape. He had done more than just survive; he had shown that when pushed to the brink, he could reach within himself and find the strength to defy the very laws of nature. f𝗿e𝗲𝘄𝗲bn𝐨𝚟𝚎

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His journey, from the snow-covered mountain with the monastery to this moment, had been a testimony to the power of adaptation, resilience.

As Lenny landed on the ground, rolling to the side to avoid further harm, the entire room was plunged into a stunned silence. Eyes widened in disbelief, and mouths hung open, unable to process the spectacle they had just witnessed. This included the Host, Magistri, the audience, and most notably, Agent ’X’. The impossible had unfolded before them, an act so extraordinary that it defied all logic and expectation.

Magistri, the host, known for his composure and control, stood frozen, his usual eloquence replaced by a dumbfounded gape. The audience, accustomed to witnessing feats of daring and danger, found themselves gripping their seats, their breaths caught in their throats. This was beyond anything they had ever seen.

But it was Agent ’X’, the orchestrator of this deadly game, who was the most visibly shaken. His face, usually an unreadable mask, now betrayed a shock so profound it seemed to age him another ten years in mere moments. The wrinkles on his forehead deepened, and his eyes, wide with disbelief, stared at Lenny as if trying to reconcile the reality before him with the expectations of the planned outcome.

Lenny, amidst the collective astonishment, chuckled lightly, a sound that seemed almost out of place in the tense atmosphere. Relief washed over him, not just at having saved his own life but at having proved to himself and everyone present that he was far more than they had bargained for.

With a practicality that contrasted starkly with the surreal nature of his escape, Lenny began to address his bleeding arm. He had lost a hand from the elbow down, a severe injury that would have sent many into shock or despair. Yet, Lenny’s focus was unyielding. He tore strips from his clothing, fashioning a makeshift bandage to stem the bleeding. His movements were methodical, each wrap of the cloth tight and precise. The soft pattering of his blood droplets hitting the ground punctuated the silence, a stark reminder of the injury’s severity.

As he worked, the room remained in a state of shocked silence, the audience and participants alike trying to process the miraculous escape they had witnessed. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of awe, disbelief, and a growing sense of respect for the man who had just defied death in such a spectacular fashion.

Finally, with his wound as tended as it could be under the circumstances, Lenny raised his head. His gaze locked onto Agent ’X’, a confident smile playing on his lips despite the grim situation. His eyes, sharp and unyielding, conveyed a clear message - he was not a man to be underestimated, a man who, even when faced with the direst of circumstances, could find a way to overcome.

The moment was a turning point, a clear shift in the dynamics of the room. Lenny, with one incredible act, had changed the game entirely.

And as the reality of this settled over those present, the expressions of shock slowly gave way to a dawning recognition of Lenny’s true capabilities. The game had changed, and Lenny was no longer just a participant; he was a force to be reckoned with.

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