Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 676 The End!

Chapter 676 The End!

In the aftermath of the undead invasion, the territory’s strongest fighters, including Crusher, Victor, and others, had leapt into action. They were determined to extinguish the fires and halt the advance of the reanimated corpses that threatened their home.

Crusher, a mountain of a man with a deep-seated loathing for the undead, plunged into the fray. His massive fists became instruments of destruction, pulverizing the skulls of the undead with each swing. His hatred fueled his strength, making him an unstoppable force against the wave of invaders.

The scene was chaotic, with fighters moving swiftly to eliminate the threat. In no time, the visible undead within the territory were dispatched. The ground was littered with remnants of the crushed invaders, a gruesome testament to the defenders’ prowess. Yet, in the midst of victory, an ominous presence lingered unnoticed.

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Nikky, in her undead form and hooded to conceal her identity, moved with a purpose different from her mindless peers. Her eyes, glowing a sinister shade of purple, hinted at a malevolent will driving her actions. Silently, she disappeared into the darkness, her intentions unknown and menacing.

Following the skirmish, Father Black, the leader, called for an urgent meeting with the other territory leaders. The atmosphere was tense and grim. Each face around the table was etched with concern and anger, reflecting the shock and fear that the unexpected attack had instilled in them.

After several minutes of heavy silence, Father Black broke the quiet. "Did we get all of them?" His gaze shifted to Insect-B, whose chimera ants were renowned for their sensory capabilities.

With a heavy sigh, Insect-B responded, "My chimeras haven’t sensed any more within the territory. Once they do, they’ll inform me."

Father Black nodded, about to express relief over their apparent victory, when suddenly, a shrill, blaring alarm cut through the air. It was unexpected and jarring, sending a wave of apprehension through the room.

"What the hell is it now?" Father Black growled, his expression turning into a deep frown. Before he could speculate further, a lab attendant burst into the room, panic written all over his face. "Sir, the Crystal Shield is coming down!"

The room erupted in shock and disbelief. "What?!" Father Black exclaimed. "Is it an outside attack? Who could possibly be powerful enough to breach our shields?"

This was a very serious question because while they had been getting rid of the invasion of the undead army within, the undead army outside the territory had finally made it to the Territory. However, as a result of the shield surrounding the area, The undead army had not been able to get through.

The undead primordial beast had even fired its blast of cosmic energy a couple of times and it had still no made an effect.

this had given those within the territory a sense that they were actually very protected. However, there was now news that the shield was coming down.

if the shield could hold against the assault of the primordial beast that was of the Great demon rank strength, then they was no reason for it to not be able to hold against any threat in the entire earth.

As they grappled with this new threat, the screen in the room flickered to show the CCTV feed from the room housing the Crystal Ball, the heart of their defense. On the screen, a figure could be seen violently striking the ball with a stick, each hit causing cracks to spread across its surface.

The leaders watched in horror as the once-impenetrable shield from the outside was being sabotaged from within. The Crystal Ball, while resilient against external forces, was fragile to internal attacks.

"How did anyone get into that room?" Father Black demanded, his voice a mix of anger and disbelief. Access to that room was highly restricted, available only to the territory’s leaders.

The camera zoomed in on the assailant’s face, and the room fell into stunned silence. The recognition was immediate and shocking. "…NIKKY!?" Father Black gasped, his voice barely a whisper.

Nikky’s betrayal cut deep. Even though she was now an undead and had no true will of her own, her actions threatening not just the safety of the territory but the very lives of all who resided within it was deep blow.

This was most especially true for her father, Scarface.

As the reality of the situation sank in, a mix of emotions – betrayal, fear, and urgency – filled the room. The leaders knew they had to act fast. The safety of their home and people depended on it.

Without hesitation, Father Black issued a command, his voice sharp and urgent. "Stop her now!" he barked, the weight of the situation pressing down on everyone in the room.

Insect-B, quick to react, summoned one of her most lethal insects. The screen displayed a live feed of the situation, showing the insect launching itself at Nikky with deadly precision. Its claws sunk into her skull, an act so swift and brutal that it made everyone in the room flinch.

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Then, with a forceful motion, it smashed her head against the ground, ensuring the sabotage was halted.

The room fell into a heavy silence, punctuated only by the soft, sorrowful sobs of Scarface.

Nikky’s father, a tough man known as Scarface for his battle scar on his face. He crumbled under the weight of the sight of his daughter’s corpse treated like garbage.

Silent tears streamed down his cheeks as he fell to his knees, a poignant image of a father’s grief.

But the moment of shocked mourning was abruptly interrupted by another lab assistant who rushed into the room, his face pale with fresh alarm. The room turned to him, bracing for more bad news, the air thick with tension and dread.

The assistant, struggling to catch his breath, delivered his message, "Sir, there’s more trouble! We’ve detected…" His words trailed off as he tried to convey the gravity of the new threat. But he stammered a bit.

"....Sir, we have found an anomaly. The damage done to the crystal ball was profound. It is... Damaged. If we don’t disconnect it from the core, the feedback energy will blow up, and we will lose the core." The fear in his voice reflected the gravity of the situation.

All eyes in the room turned to the screen, where the crystal ball was displayed in real-time. The once immaculate surface now bore deep, web-like cracks, a visual testament to the severity of the damage inflicted by Nikky. The ball, the cornerstone of their protection, was on the brink of shattering.

The room fell silent, the leaders processing the implications of this dire news. The crystal ball’s impending destruction was a significant problem, one that threatened the very safety and existence of their territory.

However, Father Black faced a devastating dilemma. He couldn’t simply order the disconnection of the crystal ball. The undead army, a relentless and merciless force, was poised just outside their doorstep, waiting for any opportunity to invade.

Father Black stood, his mind racing for solutions. The weight of leadership and the burden of the decisions he had to make bore heavily upon him.

On one hand, the crystal ball’s failure meant the collapse of their primary defense; on the other, disconnecting it would leave them vulnerable to the immediate threat of the undead horde.

His expression hardened with resolve. "We need a solution, and fast," he declared, his voice cutting through the tension. "We can’t let the ball break completely, but we also can’t leave ourselves open to attack. Ideas, now!"

The room buzzed with urgent conversation as the leaders brainstormed possible solutions, each aware that time was a luxury they no longer had.

The stakes were higher than ever, and the decisions made in the next few moments could very well determine the fate of their entire territory.

Outside the territory, a sinister scene unfolded, far removed from the frantic deliberations within. The undead commander sat leisurely in his chair made up of the flesh of the primordial beast.

Observing the turmoil he had orchestrated, slight chuckle escaped his lips, a sound that chilled the air around him. "It would seem that my pawn has done its job!" he muttered, a tone of satisfaction lacing his words.

With a wave of his hand, he issued a command that carried the weight of doom. "Bring that shield down." He then turned and affectionately patted the enormous primordial beast beneath him, a creature of nightmares that had been his loyal instrument of destruction.

At his command, the primordial beast opened its wide mouth, revealing a shocking secret. Within its gaping maw was an eye, larger and more ominous than any on its head. This eye, pulsating with a sinister purple glow, was a source of its terrifying power.

The air crackled with anticipation as the eye’s glow intensified, culminating in a massive beam of energy that erupted forth, far stronger and larger than any it had unleashed before. The beam, a concentrated force of destruction, shot towards the territory’s shield with a single purpose – to bring it down.

Back inside the territory, unaware of the imminent threat, the leaders continued their heated debate, searching for a way to salvage their situation. The lab assistant, his eyes glued to the monitors, gasped as he witnessed the primordial beast’s attack. "Everyone, look!" he cried out, his voice a mix of fear and urgency.

The room went silent as all eyes turned to the screen, where the terrifying spectacle of the primordial beast’s attack unfolded. The realization of their immediate peril dawned on them. The crystal ball’s damage, the undead army at their doorstep, and now this overwhelming assault – the challenges they faced were escalating rapidly.

(Author’s note: So you guys are not saying Anything. Do you like the current writing style, or are you enjoying the story? No feed back is demoralizing, I swear!)

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