Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 679 Our Alpha Must Survive

Chapter 679 Our Alpha Must Survive

Baroness Everbee, a figure of power and malevolence, observed the unfolding tragedy with a detached amusement. To her, the desperate struggles of the inhabitants of Glenn’s territory were nothing more than a spectacle, a source of entertainment much like a child watching ants scatter in panic when poured with water.

High above, in a realm that blurred the lines between the eighth earth and another world, she sat comfortably, watching the chaos she had orchestrated below.

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Her chuckle, devoid of any warmth, echoed through her ethereal domain as she reveled in the destruction and despair.

This was all her plan, a meticulously crafted symphony of suffering, and she was savoring every moment. But the sight of the people trying to escape, finding a glimmer of hope amidst the horror, seemed to irritate her. She wouldn’t allow them even that small mercy. Escape was not an option in the game she had designed.

With a cruel smile, Baroness Everbee made a cut on her hand. Dark, ominous blood flowed freely, dripping down toward the earth. As it fell, she whispered incantations in the ancient demonic tongue, words that carried the weight of dark magic and malevolence.

Runes, glowing a sinister red and shaped like the wings of butterflies, formed in the air around her. They fluttered with an unnatural life, ready to carry out her will.

With a casual flick of her wrist, she sent the runes hurtling down toward the earth. Though she couldn’t physically manifest in the earthly realm due to her overwhelming power, her influence was not so easily contained.

The runes, carriers of her dark intent, dove down toward the territory, each one targeting the portals that represented the people’s last hope for escape.

The runes, infused with her blood and power, merged with the portals. Their sinister energy corrupted the gateways, twisting and warping their purpose. The portals, once a path to safety, now became traps, a new and unexpected danger for the already beleaguered inhabitants.

Baroness Everbee, watching the fruits of her malevolent labor, smiled to herself. This was the kind of control and chaos that she thrived on, the manipulation of fates and the crushing of hope. As the people of Glenn’s territory scrambled to escape, unknowingly heading toward corrupted portals, the Baroness’s dark laughter filled the space between worlds, a chilling reminder of her power and cruelty.

Down below, as the first of the people began to enter the portals, the true extent of the Baroness’s sabotage would soon become apparent.

The struggle for survival was far from over, and with her intervention, the path to safety had become just another part of her deadly game.

Baroness Everbee, with her chilling detachment and cruel amusement, chose not to interfere with those attempting to escape through the air. In her eyes, their fates were sealed, one way or another.

The world outside was harsh and unforgiving, and she was confident that the undead commander and the chaotic state of the world would ensure their struggles were far from over. Her focus remained on the immediate chaos she had unleashed, watching with a dark satisfaction as the tragedy she orchestrated unfolded.

Meanwhile, back on the battlefield, Victor stood as a beacon of strength and leadership among the werewolves. As the Alpha of the Pack, he led his kin into battle, their unity and ferocity a testament to their nature. This was their first battle as a pack, and the weight of responsibility bore heavily on Victor’s shoulders. The knowledge that this could very well be their last stand together only fueled his determination to fight with everything he had.

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But as the battle raged on, a concerning issue became apparent. Victor, in the midst of combat, would periodically cough up blood, a stark red against the backdrop of the fight. This worrying sign did not go unnoticed by Elder Isaiah and Elder Zod, who watched with growing concern.

It was clear that Victor was not at his full strength, the toll of his recent power acquisition and the injuries sustained from the undead primordial beast’s blast weighing heavily on him.

Victor himself was acutely aware of his weakening state. He hadn’t had the time to fully assimilate the immense power he had acquired, and the physical demands of the battle were pushing him to his limits. However, the thought of stepping back, of not giving his all to protect his pack and his home, never crossed his mind. His resolve was as strong as ever, his commitment to the fight unwavering.

He fought with a ferocity and determination that inspired those around him. Each attack, each maneuver, was a display of his will to keep going, to push through the pain and exhaustion. The werewolves, looking to their Alpha, fought with renewed vigor, their howls a chorus of defiance against the undead horde.

Victor’s condition, however, was a ticking clock. Each cough, each moment of weakness, was a reminder that even the strongest warriors have their limits. But in this desperate hour, with their territory under siege and their very survival at stake, there was no room for hesitation or doubt.

Elders Isaiah and Zod shared a look of deep understanding, the weight of responsibility and the urgency of the situation clear in their eyes. They knew the significance of Victor’s leadership and the symbol of hope he represented to the pack.

His fall in battle would be a devastating blow, not just in the fight against the undead but to the morale and future of their people. They couldn’t allow their Alpha, their beacon of light, to be extinguished here, not when so much depended on him.

As Victor fought valiantly on the frontlines, coughing up blood yet refusing to yield, a strong werewolf warrior, known for his prowess and loyalty, sprang into action. With a swift, decisive move, he dived at Victor, pulling him away from the heat of the battle. Victor’s annoyance was evident as he demanded to know what was happening. His place was on the battlefield, leading his pack, not being whisked away to safety.

Elder Zod, approaching the pair, addressed Victor with a seriousness that brooked no argument. "We are sorry, my lord! But you cannot fall here. When all this is over, our people need a beacon of light to look unto. We cannot just let you fall here." His words were a stark reminder of the bigger picture, the future that still needed to be secured.

Victor, however, was not one to back down easily. He struggled against the werewolf warrior’s hold, determined to return to the fight, to stand with his pack until the very end. But his body betrayed him, the loss of strength and the effects of his injuries making his efforts futile.

Seeing no other option, Elder Zod resorted to a drastic measure. He blew a special powder into Victor’s face, a substance that induced temporary weakness. As the powder took effect, Victor’s struggles ceased, his body succumbing to the enforced reprieve.

"Take him to Lady Allison!" Elder Zod commanded the werewolf warrior, who nodded in understanding. The warrior, with a sense of duty and respect, carefully carried Victor away from the battlefield, heading towards the safety where Lady Allison awaited.

Elder Zod, a figure who had always had his reservations about Victor’s leadership, preferring Curtin to be Alpha, knew that personal feelings had no place in decisions of such magnitude. The survival and well-being of the pack were paramount.

He was an elder, a position that demanded the wisdom to make difficult choices for the greater good. And in this moment, ensuring Victor’s survival, ensuring that the pack would have their Alpha to lead them through whatever future awaited, was the decision that needed to be made.

As Victor was carried away to safety, the battle raged on. The werewolves, now without their Alpha, fought with a wild, desperate ferocity. Elder Zod and Elder Isaiah took up the mantle of leadership, directing the pack and coordinating their efforts against the relentless undead....

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