Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 743 Lenny Vs Undead Secrets

Chapter 743 Lenny Vs Undead Secrets

Moments later, Vinegar separated herself from his embrace, "its not over!" she muttered as she turned towards the castle made of undead remains, "the undead commander lies within."

lenny nodded at this and wanted to advance forward, however, she stopped him, "don’t go! he is..." she paused "...Different!" lenny raised a brow, "what do you mean?" he asked.

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"It all started when my father came for me. unfortunately, the fight with the other great demon existence that day ten years ago, had left him very wounded, and he was not able to give his full strength in battle. His defeat was inevitable. But father did not go out without leaving behind... a GIFT!" she paused again.

"You see father had in his possession once upon a time, a page from the legendary book of death. in it, he learnt secrets that pushed him to the top in a short amount of time, even breaking through his bloodline limitation to climb to his rank of Great demon. But that was not all it had taught him.

Father, had his blood mixed with the authority from the page from the book of Death. Using that authority, he tampered with the invitation stone of the undead commander. Since then, the undead commander has been... dare I say... dormant?"

Lenny heard those words and was not sure what to think of this.

However, Victor flew over with the head of Governor Momoa in his hands, "that will explain why the moves these undead display are only monotonous, as if done by muscle memory. There is no real intention behind them." he threw the head of the once great demon demon on the ground.

Lenny looked at the head of the governor and frowned. He remembered that he had promised this man his death. It was such a shame that he did not get to kill him by himself.

Now, he had even more reasons to kill the undead commander.

Lenny nodded at Victor as he turned to the castle made of undead.

"I tried to get in there, but it can sense my intentions, and prevented me. It is purely defended by the Primordial beast." Lady Vine added.

"I see, let me try it then!" Lenny flew in the air as he moved towards the undead castle.

As Lenny approached the macabre structure of the undead castle, a sense of unease settled over him. The castle, an eerie amalgamation of bones and rotting flesh, seemed to pulsate with a dark, malevolent energy. The air around it was heavy, filled with the whispers of a thousand lost souls.

He landed at the entrance, an archway of intertwining skeletal remains. The atmosphere was oppressive, almost suffocating. Lenny could feel the presence of the Primordial Beast, its energy lurking within the shadows of the castle, waiting.

This castle sat on the colossal figure of the primordial beast, but Lenny could tell that things were a little more than that.

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the confrontation. "this is going to be fun!" he muttered.

The Primordial Beast was no ordinary foe; it was an ancient entity, its power vast and unpredictable. But Lenny was also not normal. besides, he had also grown in strength.

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He stepped forward, his aura flaring up as a challenge to the beast.

Almost immediately, the ground shook, and a thunderous roar filled the air.

The world seemed to morph as the castle shifted location, moving like a ship on the sea, on the beast’s body, all the way to the ground.

With the primordial beast taking a full stand for the confrontation.

The Primordial Beast emerged, a monstrous entity that seemed to defy reality. Its form was a bit different from before. Now, it was ever-shifting, a grotesque blend of various creatures, each more terrifying than the last.

Lenny did not hesitate. He surged forward, his body crackling with cosmic energy. The battle that ensued was titanic. Lenny’s white flames clashed with the dark energy of the beast, lighting up the dark sky.

The ground trembled with each exchange of blows, the air sizzling with unleashed power.

the beast’s hundred purple glowing eyes fired beams of light at him. But Lenny swatted them away like he would do a fly. such petty attacks were nothing compared to him.

And sent back totems forming gigantic ice spears at the beast. At first, the spears seem to work as they exploded on impact, freezing the giant tentacles that rushed at lenny.

But the Primordial Beast was relentless. However, Lenny matched its ferocity with his own. He moved with precision and grace, his attacks a blur of speed and power. With each strike, he chipped away at the beast’s defenses, his resolve unyielding.

Attacks upon attacks came from the mindless beast.

From the battle, Lenny could tell that what Victor said earlier on was very true. This primordial beast did not attack like it would do a creature with wisdom.

Lenny could tell that not the full abilities of the beast were utilized. The beast was attacking purely based on instinct.

"Too easy," Lenny chuckled lightly.

As the battle raged on, Lenny began to gain the upper hand. He could sense the beast’s energy waning, its movements becoming sluggish. With a final, mighty roar, he unleashed a torrent of white flames, engulfing the Primordial Beast in a searing inferno.

The fact that the beast was ten years old of dead matter also made it’s fall a very easy one. It was worn out from years of undead flesh. Even the cold could not protect it for much longer.

The beast let out a final, agonized howl before collapsing, its form disintegrating into ash. Lenny stood victorious, his breathing slightly heavy but his spirit unbroken. He had defeated the Primordial Beast, but he knew that the true challenge still lay ahead – confronting the undead commander.

With a determined gaze, Lenny turned towards the heart of the castle. It was time to face the mastermind behind the scourge that had plagued the land for so long. He stepped forward, ready to end the reign of the undead commander once and for all.

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