Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 763 The Wrong Affection

Chapter 763 The Wrong Affection

The Wandering City was a very big place. And even these three with their incredible speed took time to find the nearest town.

It was already getting dark, but they eventually did.

This place had been just as Coco had told them.

Yes! It was a city with its own ecology, people, and therefore problems.

Of course, the people that lived in this place were not humans but rather demons.

However, they all had Edo century Japanese dressing and live style.

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A demon that had a fish’s head but humanoid body sat cross legged on the floor has it enjoyed the honoring meal that its children came to offer it on its birthday ceremony.

Each one, little demons would step forward and make a cut on their arm for the older demon to enjoy their blood.

At another side was a demon that wanted to buy some mutated beast meat. He made a cut on his hand and the blood flowed out into a bowl.

The Seller took it and handed over the meat.

Lenny, Victor and Coco all covered in cloaks that hid their faces and expressions saw these scenes as they passed by.

Just as Coco had said. The method of exchange in this place had been blood.

Blood was exchanged with everything.

Even in this demon town, it was the same thing.

Coco led the way, and both men followed behind. "for us to get to the heart of the master’s Apprentice, we have to go through the Worship Temple. its a place that permits the demons to give compulsory offerings."

Finally, they arrived at a Temple.

This was a huge building with runes carved on its four pillars.

It was huge and looked like a canopy. It was a magnificent sight of artistry perception.

In front of it was a queue of demons.

lenny found out that the demons of this place were highly religious. However, their worship was not to some god but rather a statue Blood Demon.

This temple was made in worship of this blood demon.

According to Coco, this Blood demon was the patriarch of the Asmodeus family.

The entire temple gave an eerie feeling. And this was not just because of the fact that screams could be heard coming from within.

like the other demons, Lenny, Victor and Coco went on the queue.

Lenny was in front while the other two were behind him.

It was indeed a peaceful time as they continued on the queue. And then it happened.

The demon in front of lenny looked like a snake with a humanoid body but had a child over her shoulder. The little one, strongly resembling its mother played with a doll.

for a moment, Lenny could not help but be drawn to the child.

Lenny had been in the world for a very long time, but this was the very first time that he was seeing a demon child. He could not help but be fascinated by this.

He remembered that vine had told him about demons being races of their own, which in turn meant that they had the capability to have their own offspring.

Although, she did add that the possibility of this was low.

The usually concept humans had of demons was that they were abominable creatures from the pit of hell. But now that lenny thought about it, they were actually more than that.

Of course they were not humans, but that did not mean that they were not also people.

This rose a different feeling in?his heart. A feeling that lenny could not believe that he had. It was both familiar and weirdly foreign to him.

Almost as if it had always been there, but was induced. He did not understand it and he could not help but hold a hand to his chest.

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After what Victor had said before entering this place, Lenny had thought about a lot of things. He had to admit that his cruelty seemed to have been mysteriously tampered.

His goal had always been to free humans from demons, but at the same time have vengence for his master. The vengeance part was supposed to be the first and foremost and freeing humans as second. But even he could tell that he had been swayed from his original goal.

And he did not know why, but he felt the need to fight for humanity even more. Of course, it was not bad. But the priority was getting very mixed up, and he did not know why.

What made it more apparent was the fact that Victor had said that he was struggling with fatherhood.

lenny knew that the old him would have killed Luca the moment he knew he was his son just so that he did not have distractions.

As disturbing as it was to know, Lenny knew that he had slacked.

With all that had happened in his life, he shouldn’t have slacked at all. In fact, he was supposed to be more ferocious than ever. After all, suffering came with its own kind of forging steel out of men. But instead, he had gotten softer.

Lenny took a look at his hands. "what I’m I doing?" he asked himself in his mind.

This question was a valuable one. After all, he had just had the thought that demons were also people. And for a brief second, doubted whether he should continue on this path.

Lenny shook his head, "No! My resolve has not shaken. I will get the Angel, absorb it. And then Kill all the demons."

However, even though lenny said this, he found himself looking at the demon child in a weird way. the appearance would have otherwise been disgusting to any ordinary person, but Lenny could see past that and onto the innocence behind.

And for a brief second, Lenny actually felt the need to protect. This was a terrifying feeling for him.

Why in the heavens did he feel the need to want to want to protect a demon? Even if it was a child demon. After all, demons had not cared about them.

Even Human babies had been used for delicacies from time to time. And Lenny knew without a doubt, that this demon child would naturally grow in the accustomed light of other demons and engage in such heinous crimes.

And yet, he felt this way.

Lenny took sharp breathes in and out as he tried to calm his unnecessary rising emotions.

As the line progressed further, lenny would stare at the child and the child, ever busy with the doll did not even look at him.

However, a harsh scream came from within that scared the child and the doll fell to the ground.

Lenny picked it up and handed it over to the child.

The little one smiled at him as it nodded its head in thanks.

As they continued on the queue, lenny found himself drawn to the child. He did not show his face, but with some sound effects with his mouth and hand signs, the child would laugh from time to time.

Finally, they were at the end of the line. And then Lenny looked up above. The Stature sitting in a lotus position, without a face and painted red from top to bottom with blood surprisingly managed to present a dignifying sight.

In front of it were two demons, one male and the other obviously female. One on each side dressed like monks with red robes and big red pearls around their necks.

Both had their eyes sewn shot, and their hands were in a prayer position.

"Offering or Sacrifice!" The female demon announced at the turn of the next demon.

"Sacrifice!" the demon responded as it stepped forward towards the Male demon.

The male demon pointed at a pit on the side. Lenny was close enough to see the content of the pit clearly. In there was a grinder.

The demon left the queue, and as if hypnotized, jumped into the pit. Instantly, the grinder did its work and the demon gave hellish screams as it was turned to meat paste.

Lenny raised a brow at this, but Coco standing behind him quickly explained, "these demons believe in the supremacy of the Asmodeus family. Their entire existence is for the praise and sustenance of the Asmodeus family and its glory. For this, they must give regular thanks in terms of offerings. If offerings cannot be given, then Sacrifice is served as the second option..." Coco pointed to the female demon, "remember, we are going for offering."

The next was the mother and child pair in front of Lenny.

"Offering or Sacrifice!" The female demon announced again.

"Offering," the mother demon replied.

The Female demon pointed to a pit on the side, and the mother walked over to the pit, and then a sight Lenny was not expecting happened.

The mother took her child and threw it into the pit.

For a few seconds, Lenny’s mind paused, looking at the grinder in the pit and then back at the innocent look on the child’s face.

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