Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 89 Walking Away Oily And Shiny (New Major Task)

By the side, A big pot that could carry ten people was placed on fire to boil. Many people looked at it and fear made them back off.

The first punishment had began.

The Whips came down like the descent of lightening on Lenny’s Body.

Each sting of the whip was worse than a hundred bites from a poisonous snake.

These whips were tuned especially for training Gladiators. They were made from animal skin and had been baptized with Darkline energy.

It is said that they could even be used to cut iron. However, because of the demon Blood in Half borns, they could stand the sting of the whip.

But that did not mean that it did not hurt.

Also, it cut the skin finely.

This was not the first time that Lenny was receiving the whip.

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Back then, he had received the whip because he disobeyed orders. back then, the pain from the whip was so strong that he had nearly ran mad from it. He had to activate a secret technique that he learnt from the Monastery of pain and pleasure if not, he would have definitely gone insane from the pain.

Such a thing was a regular sight in this place.

It was the pain from whipping back then that helped him get total control of his sense of pain and pleasure.

However, that was back then when he was new to the place and his strength was not even worthy of being called a proper E Class Gladiator.

Back then, he was but a weak, skinny fellow with a lot of arrogance.

the only thing that had changed from that time till now, was the fact that he had was no longer skinny and weak, and the arrogance he had greatly multiplied.

The whips came down on Lenny like raindrops.

All parts of his body were exposed to it. And these gladiators did not care where they hit. Sometimes it was his chest, other times, it was his thighs, and other times, it was his face and his groin area.

They did not care. It was not their problem.

As they whipped him again and again, they enjoyed it. And some of them laughed wildly as they beat him hard.

One of which, was especially E444. The person that Lenny had removed his lips. he wanted revenge and this was his chance to have it.

He especially targeted Lenny’s face. He wanted to peel off his lips too.

At first Lenny frowned and made a crying face. However, he was soon bored by this. All of it was just too boring.

he just lay there and collected the beating.

His body had been baptized by much stronger and superior energy. This gladiators beating him felt like he was getting whipped by babies with toys.

Along the line, he even yawned.

This made Bodat frown, but he did not stop the Gladiators. As far as he knew, this might have just been Lenny faking it. But then again, he could see that the whips were not even making cuts on Lenny’s skin as they did before.

The beating did not stop until the total Number of Six thousand six hundred and sixty six was reached.

The gladiators breathed heavily. Some of them even wiped the sweat from their faces. They were obviously tired from the activity.

After all, the whips were heavy, and because of the darkline energy in them, they drained stamina.

The beating was finally over.

The Entire hall was suddenly quiet.

And then they could all heard it.

It was a SNORING sound.

When they looked around to check who was sleeping and snoring during such an important occasion, they discovered it was the person they had been whipping tirelessly.

This made Instructor Bodat frown hard.

He collected one of the whips from the gladiators, and putting his own Darkline energy in it, he whipped Lenny on the face.

"huh!? Is it over already!?" Lenny opened his Eyes. He Yawned once more, and then he looked at the stunned faces of the crowd.

he immediately remembered his situation, "Oh yes! sorry! AHHAHAAHAHAH!!! IT HURTS!!! AHHAAAHHHHA!!!" He screamed on top of his voice.

However, he looked at their faces, and it was clear that they were not buying it.


He coughed Awkwardly, "Okay! not buying it!?" he raised a brow at them, "in that case, let’s get this over with."

Lenny Suddenly moved his hands and the nails that had him to the crucifix were Forced out of his body.

Like the subtle ring of a bell, the big, heavy nails fell to the ground one after the other.

After his arms, the nails on his Legs were also removed. They came out of his body like big drops of sweat.

It was practically effortless.

Lenny jumped down from the Cross.

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Everyone looked at him in surprise. They watched as the big see-through holes on his arms and legs healed shut before their very eyes.

lenny looked around and at the Instructor. He took a step to walk away. However, he suddenly stopped, "Oh! forgive me Please! I forgot that I still need to clean up."

While Whistling, he walked towards the Big pot of now boiling, bubbling oil.

And then he did the most ridiculous thing ever, "CANONBALL!!!" He screamed as he grabbed his legs and jumped into the Pot of Boiling Oil.


The Oil splashed in all directions, pouring on those that were closest to the pot.


Several people screamed as the oil splashed and burnt their bodies.

Everyone stayed as far as they could from the Pot.

At first there was no sound from the pot, and they were sure that Lenny had become fried meat.

Time strolled by slowly, and then Lenny suddenly rose from the Pot of oil.

Everyone backed away some more.

He stood in his nude. The oil had washed away the blood and dirt stains on his body.

He now looked Shiny and the oil helped exaggerate the build of his very slim and fit muscles.

Slowly, he moved through the boiling oil to the edge and scaled over it. As he landed on the ground, some of the oil fell from his body to the ground.

Lenny waved his white long hair, and then he walked towards Instructor Bodat that still had his eyes on him, but with his mouth opened in surprise.

"These were your words Instructor! I can join the Arena once more if i survive my Punishment," Lenny smiled.

he could tell from Looking In Instructor Bodat’s eyes that he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t.

lenny turned about. He walked up to E444. this particular one had been enjoying whipping him.

"Remove your clothes!" Lenny ordered.

A few seconds later, the dumb for words crowd watched as Lenny walked away into the Cell area to take a nap.

Instructor Bodat frowned tightly. He was very angry. However, there was nothing he could do. He had already given his word that if Lenny made it through the punishment, he could join the ranks once more.

Surprinsly, his frown suddenly turned into a grin and then a good chuckle, "good! Good!! This is going to be fun."

As lenny walked back, he heard an Alert from the System.

All of a sudden, he saw the Icon for Daily Task crumble and then the Icon For major Task took its place. 𝗳r𝐞ew𝚎bn𝚘ve𝚕.c𝗼𝗺

Seeing this, Lenny Chuckled to himself.

Everybody watched him walk away all of them with Varying thoughts to themselves.

Lenny entered one of the cells and took a position to enjoy his nap.

A few minutes later, the gladiators came back to their cells.

Of course as they came, their conversations were all about Lenny.

Many of them that saw him in their cell instinctively avoided him.

In fact, many people did not wat to talk too loud for fear that he would hear them.

A person that could go through the kind of punishment he had gone through and still survive was practically a beast.

No body wanted to be in his radar. After all, this had never happened before.

This was the first time that a person that came back after escaping the Arena had gone through Punishment and still managed to survive.

However, one brave person immediately rushed to meet him.

"You...You are back!" He stammered as he talked. It was clear that he was trying his best to speak through his fear of lenny, and it was not exactly an easy task for him.

Lenny opened one of his sleeping eyes to see who it was.

It was E701. He had a hard-to-form broad smile on his face. This was the old man Lenny had first met when he came to this place.

Surprisingly, Lenny smiled back at him, "E701! Just the old rascal I want to see." Lenny pulled him to his side, "You looking very good!"

E701 was taken aback by this, however, he did not back away.

"A lot has happened since i was away. Why don’t you update me."

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