Devil Slave (Satan system) Chapter 98 Catching The Eye Of Everybody

Lenny raised his foot from E666’s face.

He had a smiling look that was not at all a smiling look.

It looked to E666 as if the Grim Reaper was trying his best at humour.

She nodded as she stood to her feet.

She had just been given a quick lease on life.

But to say that she was not still scared, was a lie.

Lenny had collected the points he needed from Pocket. In total, he had now had a thousand five hundred points. Of course, this was with the addition of the points that he got from Killing three bulls.

However, just when he was about to leave, he whispered into E666’s ears.

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"You seem to be useful for the moment. A little advice, don’t become useless."

His words made her swallow slightly.

However, as he walked away, he gave her an order, "Kill him before you leave!"

E666 widened her eyes. But she understood what Lenny meant.

This was actually the lesson to her.

Pocket was no longer of use to lenny. And now, he was using her hands to get rid of him.

Lenny walked away without looking back. Whistling his favourite tune from his former world as he did.

E666 looked around her.

She picked up a spear not so far away, and then she walked, Pulling herself towards Pocket. She was injured and had broken a few bones in her attempt at Lenny’s life earlier on, but that did not matter.

With what she had just seen, she knew that if she did not do as Lenny said, she would also enter that flexible definition of the word USELESS.

Pocket had also heard what Lenny had said.

He tried to turn, but Lenny’s petrification held him firmly in place.

"I’m sorry!" She muttered lowly as she swung the spear for his head.


Some of his blood splashed on her face and hid body fell to the ground.

After which, she turned, staring at Lenny’s back.

For split second there, her muscles tightened around the spear and she thought about throwing it at him, but she immediately stopped herself.

The things Lenny had done so far played continually in her head. She subconsciously looked in the direction of the Nameless Crew Female Gladiator that had Masturbated with the edge of a spear to death.

In between her legs no longer looked like the glory hole that would make man and demon rush with sensual desire. It was now a mess of blood, diced flesh and other fluids.

it looked more like a Rotten fruit.

She immediately dropped the spear and limped out of the Coliseum.

Meanwhile, far up in the VIP section, a particular demon was filled with excitement for what he saw.

He held on to the railings of the VIP Louge and squeezed it tightly.

"Good! Good!!" He commented lightly.

This was no other person than Cuban.

"That boy! why did you not present him during the governor’s visit the last time?" Cuban asked.

The magistri took several steps forward and bowed, "Forgive me, my lord. But back then he was not in the Arena. Word reaching me tells that he had escaped. That was why he could not be displayed for the Governor’s visit."

Cuban raised a brow, "Escaped!?"

"Yes, my lord! However, just like the others that managed to survive the Chimera Queen, he came back."

Cuban suddenly frowned, "was he not punished?"

"He was, but somehow, he managed to survive."

"Huh!?" Cuban turned to the Magistri. He had obvious surprise on his OX face.

The reason for his surprise was that they had never been a gladiator that had survived the punishment of returning back to the Arena. The entire aim of punishment was not to punish, but to actually kill those that escaped as a way of cautioning the others that might have such wild thoughts.

Then again, it was not exactly an escape from the Arena.

After all, beneath were the caves of the Colony and around was the demon town. Either way, they would be ending up on a demon’s plate as breakfast.

However, It was always better to trim the edges of the flowers in a garden lest they grow out of control.

Cuban nodded in understanding.

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"He is too strong to be in the E class!"

The Magistri nodded, "should I instantly promote him?"

"No!" Cuban raised a hand, "Let him be. The rules of the Arena must be followed strictly. There is no need to worry. He is a shark in a small pond. The E class is obviously too small for him. He will naturally climb on his own. We just have to wait for him."

"Yes, My lord."

"And one more thing. The Governor’s daughter’s three hundred-year-old birthday is at hand. The governor was impressed by the last Display and has invited us to make another one at her birthday ceremony. No matter what class he is in by then, make sure he is on the list!"

"Yes, My lord!"

He bowed once more.

Meanwhile, Lenny was heading straight for the Meal Hall. He was not aware that interference with his plans was on its way.

Has he walked, a whip suddenly headed for his back.

Lenny leaned and immediately, he stretched his hand and grabbed it.

He turned in the direction of where the attack had come from.

To his surprise, it had come from Instructor Bodat.

Bodat pulled at the whip. However, Lenny held on it to it and for a split second, he could not pull it back.

However, Lenny immediately let go of the Whip, making Instructor Bodat doubt whether what he had just felt was an illusion. After all, the Gladiators no matter how strong they became even those in the A Class were not supposed to be at the same strength level as Demons.

Instructor Bodat walked forward, "The Arena has its rules. You are not to attack a fellow Gladiator until instructed. What was the meaning of that Bullshit stunt you pulled in there!"

"Me!?" Lenny raised his hands as if he was innocent, "I don’t think you are remembering right instructor, but I only killed the bulls. All the others ran off to their deaths. Surely you do not want to punish me for doing the right thing, right!?"

Instructor Bodat frowned. However, what Lenny had just said was true. At least in the eyes of everybody that was watching, it was true.

Punishing him for something he did not do would just be wrong.

However, Instructor Bodat knew his Gladiators at a closer level, and he knew that Lenny had something to do with the death of the Gladiators from the nameless crew.

Lenny gave a wide smile, "If that would be all instructor, I would be heading to the Meal Hall now."

Lenny walked away.

However, as he did, another demon walked to Instructor Bodat’s side. It was none other than Potty. The frog-like looking demon that had initially sent Lenny to the D Class.

"There is something wrong here! And you said that he escaped from the colony!?" Instructor Bodat asked Potty.

"Yes! He came through the F Class. Also, some ants were in pursuit of him when he arrived here." Potty answered.

Bodat frowned a bit, "Send someone down there later and check up on the Chimera queen."

Potty raised a brow at this, "You can’t possibly mean...?"

"No! I’m just checking to be sure. Report back to me with what you find!"

Potty nodded and disappeared into the shadows.

Meanwhile, Lenny made his way to the Meal Hall and E666 followed behind him.

Lenny got his food and made his way to a corner to enjoy his meal.

Lenny ate as if he did not have a worry in the world. His face was full of smiles and he even sniped some cockroaches passing by and placed them on E666 bowl for her.

However, E666 was lost for appetite.

Apart from the fact that she was wounded, she was practically having breakfast with the devil.

At the moment, she was more concerned for her life and the words that would come out of her mouth than the meal before her.

However, Lenny did not push her or force her.

He finished his meal first and then afterwards, he looked at her.

She swallowed hard as she spoke.

The order of Gladiators is said to have been founded by the first Gladiator to ever rebel against the demons.

It was aimed with the goal of finding a way out of the Arena and into the free world.

Also, it helped to keep the hope of the Gladiators alive.

Rumours have it that with the plans proposed there, many have actually made it out alive. But that was a long time ago before the coming of the Magistri.

Lenny raised a brow at her. "I already know this part. You can skip it. The Magistri has an ability that lets him know the general location of every person branded with a class number, and that is Why no one can escape."

"No!" E666 shook her head, "that’s not true. The reason why no one can escape is that the Magistri is secretly the head of the Order of Gladiators..."

[Author’s note: Please enjoy more chapters at Webnovel]

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