Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO Chapter 181 37: Quest Complete!

Edelgard returned a little later, her body slightly damp with a slight floral scent as she quickly skittered towards Zell, sitting together near the now extinguished bonfire. Her soft rear bumped into his side as she leaned against him, letting her soft fluffy ears brush against his cheek as she leaned on his shoulder.

Her mother had gone to speak with the other Lycan, the offer from Zell was very impressive, and she had to admit being away from the forest. However, despite being a little awkward, the alternative would be horrible; the safety of her tribe was more important than a few decades of memories.

"Mmmm, you smell so nice, even though you didn’t bathe~ how unfair!" She chirped softly, looking at him with her huge, glistening eyes.

"Well, you also smell very good...!"

Zell’s hands wrapped around her, pulling her into a hug, almost shifting her onto his lap as she nuzzled his cheeks, sometimes giving small pecks on his face with her soft lips.

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"Hehe~ do you think so? Here smell my tail. It’s soft and smells like berries!"

She moved back just enough for him to see it, then reached down behind herself, pushing up the hem of her dress until he could glimpse her legs before shoving it right over them smoothly.

He felt something warm brush across his hand but couldn’t make out what it was due to the darkness, only feeling its warmth when Edelgard pulled her tail back, letting him feel it.

The tip twitched slowly, sending ripples through the length.

"Hehe~ do you like it?" Edelgard became more flirtatious since last night, her action just now to let her bare ass brush across his hand, something she would never have done before, but the pleasure of his touch seemed to drive her crazy; Zell wasn’t going to throw her down today, there must be a reason why the quest wasn’t finished.

But his hunch about Yanfra wanting him to save them was probably correct, thus once they agreed to move to his guild, Elizabeth and Cynthia could take care of them; both were getting along more each day, so he wondered which guild the group of wolves would be sent to. He hoped that it wouldn’t end in tragedy again…

His mind wandered off when Edelgard kissed his neck while running her fingers through his hair, ensuring her nails dug lightly into his scalp.

The wolf girl pressed her chest closer against his own, one hand slipping under his shirt. She rubbed her palm against his stomach, occasionally pressing her breasts against his skin, causing an electric shock throughout his entire body. Her breath tickled his earlobe as she whispered: "You’re such a good boy."

"Oi, horny girl, get up!" A booming voice sounded from a distance, and the deep husky voice of Freyja caused Edelgard to shoot up from her current position, her tail bushing like a scared cat as she dashed towards her mother with a fearful face.

"Mother... Please don’t interrupt me!


Freyja’s hand slapped the head of Edelgard, who crouched down, holding her head as if in huge pain, rubbing it and whining like a hurt dog. Her mother just sneered, tapping her fat ass with her toes as she passed; all the other women and their mates walked towards Zell behind her holding hands as they giggled and made jokes about Edelgard.

After walking from the campsite, they stopped by him, making sure no one else was nearby before whispering together.

"Zell, we have made our decision. Are you sure that offer is okay?"

"Yes, it is, but what did you decide?"

"I told the others that our pack is moving to join your guild in the city. as the husband of Edelgard; they didn’t mind as long as it was for the safety of our clan; we just hope that you will make a place for the young to play when the other’s give birth. Some women and most males do not participate in combat, so if possible, they would like other jobs and tasks.... is that alright?"

Freyja could only slowly learn what kind of man Zell was. Currently, she just wanted to set some basic rules, hoping that her clan could be happy and develop away from the dark past that followed her, a mistake she could not fix in the short term.

"We’ve decided to go with you, although staying here is our home; we’ll go with you tomorrow morning," Freyja said bluntly, looking at Zell.

Zell looked at the several Lycan’s wondering if this was true, he had only just met them recently. Still, maybe his new effect on beast races helped as many of the males looked at him like they would a proud son or close family member and the women swooned in the same way, no longer a sexual feeling but familial since he became Edelgards mate, these people would accept him even if he was a monster.

’I’m glad everything went well....’ Zell thought.

They returned to camp, where everyone was awake, having heard the news and excitedly talking. Some were excited, all their lives living in the forest or a small village, to be told they would soon go to a city and live in a guild.

To NPCs, the existence of a guild was something only those rich nobles or humans could be part of.

Although some were worried they would suffer prejudice or some form of hatred, as despite looking like humans, some of their blood was thicker than others meaning their arms were hairier with small claws or fangs, while all of them had tails and wolf ears. Humans and the other people in cities sometimes disliked the beast-type races.

Zell stood tall, towering over the rest as he sat next to Freyja, who sat on his left. Everyone was silent for a moment, waiting to hear what they had decided, but after a minute, Edelgard spoke first.

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"Hurry up and tell us already! We want to go to the city! I wanna go shopping!"

Everyone laughed at Edelgard’s outburst, including Zell; he smiled faintly at the stupid little girl that was now his lover; no matter how it started, he wouldn’t treat her differently from Tessa, Anya and the rest of his cute women. She was so different to Griselda that he looked forward to the changes in Griselda when she was made his woman.

"We will leave tomorrow; pack only the necessary things."

"However, Zell has offered to use his special magic to carry some important heavy items that cannot fit your normal luggage, and he agreed to pay our travel costs, so treat him like you would me in the future!"

Freyja said this not only to convince Zell but because she meant it. The moment he took Edelgards the first time, the fact stood that he was the next matriarch’s husband and held much sway.

Not only that, but he didn’t forget the name he mentioned and alluded to the meeting, ’He knows Griselda... but I hope he hasn’t taken both my daughters... this male is too strange... I should not be attracted to another male after I split with my husband... Is it because the gods who reincarnated us are different? Him the demons, me the divine? My feelings that should be permanent and unbreakable have faded, and now I feel only bitterness and hatred towards him....’

That was what she thought during their first encounter.

Now, however, her heart raced in excitement thinking about their upcoming trip, and the possibility of a new start; even Freyja began to see a new future; something inside her mind and heart told her this moment would change her destiny, no not only her’s but the entire Silvan bloodline as she watched Edelgard act like a baby for Zell, his huge hand rubbing her slightly soft belly.

’This girl needs more training.... that belly fat... what kind of mother will this lazy pig wolf become!?’ Freyja thought as she glared at Edelgard with her sharp gaze.

The young female blushed, trying to hide her embarrassment as Zell chuckled, patting her head gently.

"Don’t worry, dear, you look great. Now sleep well tonight~ I know you’re tired."

Edelgard nodded, falling asleep instantly as the adults talked amongst themselves, discussing various matters. After a while, they drifted off to bed, leaving the children to play outside and watch the stars; her soft breath tickled his thigh as he offered her his lap to sleep on, softly stroking her hair, waiting until her breathing was stable and her sleep was deep.

’This girl...’

[Quest Complete!]

You will return to normal space 24 hours or after arriving at Europa V guild headquarters.

Rewards will be given after completion!

Make sure to pet your cute tabby cats with lots of love!


When the sun rose, the caravan departed, heading westward. They headed straight for the gate to the city, stopping only briefly to pick up supplies and food. As expected, Zell’s magic worked wonders, allowing them to transport large amounts of goods without loading them onto carts.

By noon, the caravan arrived at the gates, passing through easily thanks to Zell’s identity as a player, entering the city silently. The guards greeted them politely, asking what business brought them to the city, but Zell waved them aside and entered the city alone, promising to meet up later.

A few moments later, he returned with a slightly sweaty face; beside him was a short blond girl in black gothic clothes and a cute parasol, while to his right were two women, one with strange purple-coloured skin, twisted horns and cute wings on her back, while the other was a female fox, her long blonde hair and ears caused the wolves to spruce up.

None of them thought that his guild would be non-humans, but saw a similar beast woman and strange female that relaxed, moving closer as the guard finally nodded and accepted them inside upon seeing the two guild cards and details.

"Wow... Darling knows so many beautiful women...." Edelgard muttered before Cryska gave the cute wolf girl a pat on the head, stroking her fur.


"Don’t worry; although master has many women, he loves us all equally. We won’t fight or bicker unless for who gets to enjoy him at night. Okay, cute little wolf?"


It was a little strange for Edelgard, and Freyja frowned a little as she spoke to Cynthia, but the details Zell offered were not a lie; in fact, Cynthia would give their families an even larger area and more relaxed rules than even Zell realised. Cynthia smiled at the strong, muscular Freyja and would make this powerful woman help train her knights too.

While everyone was getting to know each other, Cryska’s crisp voice suddenly sounded and caused many of the Lycan’s ears to spring up, especially Frejya’s.

"Hey Zell, why does your new woman look like a cuter and more fluffy version of Griselda? Do you have some sister fetish and want to collect all women that remind you of her?" Cryska’s voice was quite loud; for some reason stroking Edelgard made her excited and think of her old dog that passed away when Anya was a young girl.

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