Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO Chapter 244 [Bonus ] 100: Where Is My Beloved?

The city was a waste; buildings collapsed, corpses flooded the streets, and destroyed cars blocked the exits as the survivors could only panic, causing trouble for the struggling law enforcement and warriors desperately fighting for their lives against the several hundred demons whelps.

The vicious creatures with mouths that split into four parts, all filled with jagged and gruesome teeth; their eyes were pure yellow, able to sense heat and movement and ears that could hear sounds from deep underground.

Terrifying predators.

Until a huge black sword crushed their bodies into a grey paste, Alizée’s beautiful blonde hair swaying as she watched the distance with her eyes shining a brilliant gold, long wings tainted with black fluttering from her back.

Her body shot forward, killing the demon whelps like ants, trying to avoid attracting the attention of the big shots before she saved the innocent families in the shelters.

’Fuck! Four of the twelve shelters were wiped out...!’ Her mind filled with frustration as she swiped her sword against a broken window to find a close to clean the black ooze from her blade.

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She knew too many demons were in the city; it was impossible to stop them all. The government had ordered the city’s evacuation, but some citizens hadn’t listened to the warning, and now they paid for their disobedience.

But what could she do? She was just one warrior; she couldn’t possibly help everyone at once. It would take years even if she fought day and night. Alizée believed she did her part, visiting six of the twelve, saving two shelters and helping them escape.

’Fuck these people... I need to get back to...’





Her face twisted as her body began oozing a black mist that seemed to devour the golden luminescence.

"There’s no way he can die!"

Her lips peeled back as she spat out a mouthful of black blood before she collapsed to her knees; quickly, her skin began to turn black, her horns growing from her forehead, as he body crackled with a black light, the sunlight within 4 metres of her body vanishing.

Alizée returned to her feet, her muscles bulging as she grasped her greatsword, two black wings fluttering behind her as a dark, mystical fog followed her steps.

The demons were going to pay for this.

Only that thought filled her mind; as she began to fly at supersonic speed towards the monolith and head towards the huge island, she last felt his traces, her sword like the black death, cleaving, chopping, tearing the demon whelps like tissue paper.

As her body spiralled across the ground, her sword was like a blender, flesh, blood and organs splattering everywhere but her body, as the black mist from her body devoured their corpses as if each demon never existed.

Only a beautiful black flower is blooming from the cracks below where they died.


Meanwhile, at the Monolith...

"Ufufu! If it isn’t the elven princesses, Esmera and Lusia and even the lovely queen Almerias of the slutty forest elves! Buhi~!" A male’s voice sounded, clearly the tone and arrogance of an orc.

"Olivander!" Almerias shouted, her body wearing a tight green armour, with sleek pants covering her body completely, a total change from her former slutty self, as she held a brilliant brown bow adorned with a red gemstone and pure evergreen leaves.

The elves were locked in a desperate melee with the orcs; Lusia’s twin swords, like dead and slaughter, were killing the pigs, her movements almost reminiscent of Zell when he was single handily destroying them the other night.

She leaned back before easily slicing their throat’s using the minimal power, before taking elegant steps back, as a volley of arrows from Esmera shot across her body, killing half a dozen fat pigs.

"Oh, Lusia! You owe me one, hehe~!" Esmera chirped as Chris, armed in full silverplate, dashed forward, his sword and shield only to protect Esmera and kill her enemies; the monolith was chaotic, with bodies of elves, demons and orcs piled around, as many other of the dark races also changed sides, ambushing the other elven or halfling tribes massacring them, blood washed the once beautiful concrete.

"Don’t falter!" Almerias shouted, her arrow reaping another orc knight’s life as she kicked away a demon puppy, its claws tearing the flesh on her thighs, revealing her pink flesh, now bleeding profusely.

"Shit! Olivander, you bastard!" Almerias howled, firing arrows at Olivander, which bounced off with an echoing clang.

A female orc threw herself through the air to attack the elf; Almerias jumped out of the way, sending it flying into a large crowd, but she hadn’t seen the others making quick movements as her left ankle got sliced by an orc’s greatsword, snapping at the ankle and making her roll across the floor, damaging the morale of the forest elves, as the elves following Esmera began to fill the gaps desperately.

"Y...you fucking traitor!" Almerias howled, her mouth oozing blood as she pulled a sharp piece of debris from her chest, violent wings circling her arm, her face like that of a she-demon as her body cracked with electric white light, burning everyone around her alive, the cries and screams of the wounded mixed with the smell of burning hair, skin, flesh and bone.

The vampires turned away from their gruesome task, seeing a blood-chilling beast upon the scene capable of causing utter destruction and wiping out half their numbers in moments.

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"Silly bitch-buhi~ of course we will side with the stronger race buhi!" Lord Olivanders huge body stepped forward, holding a massive axe which cleaved the elves and humans around him into blood paste with his casual swipe, fear and terror filling the hears of the elves, as even the "champions" chosen by the divines were barely able to fight the demon whelps in groups.

Almerias collapsed to one knee, the dark, grimy arrow piercing her torso and shattering against her armour.


Lusia, just managing to dodge the two strikes of the orc, ignored the arrows raining down upon them and reached down into Almeria’s shoulder to extract the projectile, looking at her bloody clothing with concern.

"Keep going! There are too many enemies...!"

But this wasn’t just another elf; it was her mother! How could she obey those words...

Esmera looked back, a bitter smile on her lips as the smoke of Almeria’s blazing attack billowed into the air.

"My dear queen of the forest elves, how fortunate it is that the orc warlord here has been so kind and noble, buhi! Become my women, and I will stop this slaughter~ buhi!"

With those words, half a dozen male orcs surrounded Esmera while Chris stood beside her, slightly in front to stop any blows, despite his armour now half broken, dented and bloody.

"Zell~ where are you?" Like a song, but played in reverse, as if the devil was calling out to them. A broken, distorted voice sounded...

"Zell~ Zell! Woosh! Come now~ don’t play games....!"

The entire battlefield was destroyed, a huge black blade sliced through the entire engagement, and orcs, elves and humans alike were slaughtered as if they fell into a combine harvester.

Alizée’s berserk rage continued; her eyes, nose, and lips bled, and her skin cracked as her power went out of control, each slash killing at least 5 people; her feet stomped on the skulls of the demon whelps as her eyes became jet-black, the voice of all light, two streams of black fluid, like tears of despair constantly oozing.

Standing above the monolith was a female, her head with one twisted horn, dark blue skin and green eyes, with no pupils; in her hand was a curved blade, with twisted barbs, words inscribed on the blade in demonic which read "Fairy Slayer."

"Oh, you finally came~ fairy of the Beaumont family! Hihihihihihih~ time to have fun tearing you limb from limb~ ahhhh, what does your fairy pussy taste like? Should I eat it raw or bake it... stew it? Ahhhhh~ my cunt is quivering at the chance to devour you!"

The woman’s face twisted as drool oozed from her lips, a long purple tongue over 20 centimetres sliding along her chest as she stepped forward, dropping off the huge monolith, the wind pressure and popping of her ears nothing but orgasmic for her, as she held her curved, crescent-like a sword above her head, ready to kill the black-winged fairy.

"Buh...uh! Ufufu!"

Lusia slowly brought both twin swords down in a two-handed grip as Chris jumped behind Esmera, pulling her out of the orc swinging blow before making her hide behind her Lusia sliced through the first orc knight before spinning around the shield as the demon’s momentum continued; swinging around her own body and smacking him to the ground before bringing them both to his throat and ending his bastard life.

"Kuh..." Lusia’s abdomen began to ooze dark blood and pus as his blade penetrated her green leather armour.

A huge explosion of steel sounded before the sound of meat being torn apart; despite the battle raging on, everyone could hear the sound of a woman’s agonised moan, followed by the fleshy thud of something dropping.

’What in the hell...?’ Esmera asked herself as her eyes widened as the face of Lusia’s stomach approached the scene, where the black fairy stood, her body swaying, while the left side was missing, but it was strange.

"Eh!? Why is the demon’s body being held in the air like that if she won!?" Esmera’s question was answered as goo-like black tendrils burst from the bloody and cleaved body of Alizée, her arm on the ground, but countless sharp black blades fired from her wound, like sharp slimes, penetrating the demon over and over and over.

Mincing, tearing and pulling apart her body, nothing but purple-blue meat was left pulsating on the ground as Alizée herself collapsed, her remaining hand stretching out to the direction Zell went missing, as her bitter and hoarse voice sounded. "Zell... Come back to us..."

"How am I alive?"

Lusia crawled over to Alizée as the demon whelps retreated and slowly picked her up; the elf didn’t seem to be in pain as she lay there with just a slight gasp before smiling at Lusia, who responded by ripping the bloody leather away from Alizée’s body, her smooth pale skin being revealed to the light... and all was still not right.

Lusia opened her mouth in awe as her eyes darted to where the demon’s body was, her shoulders tensing.

"The blood on the right is too dark; why did it become dark... and she has lost her entire shoulder... What are those tendrils?... and where is the sword!" She said as her hands moved quickly.

Within a minute, the black fairy’s body began to repair, causing the surrounding elves to celebrate, but the battle was not over...

The orcs were fleeing towards the place all the elven family members and children were hiding.

"Fuck... this is too much!" Esmera cursed as she held Chris’s hand tightly.

He was about to complain when a huge flaming meteor suddenly crashed, causing their entire world to become white, blinding many people with open eyes except Alizée.

She watched the meteor with focused eyes, even if it hurt her black eyes because she felt it.

Her beloved had finally shown himself.

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