Dysfunctional - An Assassin’s Guide to Reincarnating in Another World Chapter 162 - 161 - The Counterattack Begins

Chapter 162 - 161 - The Counterattack Begins

About a day later, late evening on the 26th of January, I was outside the north side of the wall surrounding Silvland, along with the forty-seven others who were a part of this. Eight of the nine stop-watches had been divided between the three groups, with one given to the diversionary team, the rest each going to the people that were most likely to successfully reach their respective rendezvous points.

From the sixteen that’d be heading for the castle, I was given one of three stopwatches, while the other two went to Valaque and Lagusa. From the sixteen that would be heading west, the three that were given stopwatches were Selesa, Les and a lapdog. And from the sixteen going east, it was Yuur and Siert who were given the remaining two stopwatches. All the stopwatches were in sync, and we’d start the attack the moment the timer reached ten minutes, which would be when the diversion to the west would be launched.

Atticus had gotten an estimate of how often the guards changed shifts, and we’d timed the launch of the according to that. The instant the timer on the stopwatches hits the ten-minute mark, the others would all activate their Stealth barriers and go in through the wall, while I would swiftly kill both the Vampires guarding the north gate and then head in myself. Oh, and Persia would be sticking with me, as I’d made her agree to before we came here.

We were all currently about a kilometer ahead of the north gate of Silvland, and it was less than ten minutes before we’d launch the attack. Looking at the sky, I’d say it was currently around 6:15 PM, more or less, the stopwatches didn’t show the time, they were simply timers that could tick over upto forty-eight hours. And they were currently at around the three minute mark. They didn’t have a seconds display, only hours and minutes, but that was plenty for our current requirements, especially since we hadn’t expected to have such a convenient tool to begin with.

The attack would launch at soon as the ten-minute mark ticked over on these stopwatches, simultaneously with the diversionary attack to the west, and once we all get inside, it’d take us at least a day or so to get to the castle, and slightly longer for the groups headed east and west to get to their rendezvous points, therefore, we’d agreed to launch the next phase of the attack at the thirty-hour mark. If not everyone was at the rendezvous points by that time, we’d still go ahead with it, under the assumption that they were dead or captured. I mean, it’s not like waiting around in uncertainty would do us any good.

The next phase was simple, the east and west teams would go all out in their attack, drawing the weaker Vampires away from the center. Five minutes after thirty hours pass, we’d attack the castle. We still hadn’t settled on exactly how to proceed when that happens, but I assume Valaque and I would look for Lazarus, with Atticus guiding us, while the others would hold off any Evil Numbers or Vampire Knights we run into along the way.

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Well, the final plan could end up being a lot different than I was expecting, but it wasn’t what I needed to focus on for right now. However, it was hard not to think about the fact that I can’t beat Lazarus unless I consume the life force of a Knight or Evil Number...and one won’t be enough, I can’t beat him in ten seconds...

Well, no point getting too ahead of myself, that was all well over a day away from now. I need to focus on the present, get through it, and worry about the future when it gets here. Oh, and since sneaking through Silvland to the rendezvous points would take so long, we’d considered bringing food and water along, but decided against it when I instead suggested that we could just sneak into and loot food from houses.

...what? We’re saving the people here, a bit of stolen food and water is a small price to pay. We probably shouldn’t steal from the slum residents though, so we’d have to wait till we get to the middle or upper-class areas before we look for food.

"Is anyone else getting excited? I feel like a little school kid who’s about to go on a field trip," Remarked Valaque with a giddy laugh.

Is he putting on act to keep himself calm? No, I don’t think so...he’s genuinely excited about this. He’s really hard to read, and even harder to predict...I definitely can’t have him running free once this is over...I have to kill him.

"It’s just you...though I have no complaints so long as you perform your role properly," I replied, checking the time...five minutes to go.

"I already told you, I’m the strongest human in this-!"

"Strength and competence are not mutually exclusive," Interrupted Lagusa with an exasperated sigh.

Hate to admit it, but I agreed with him on that.

"I’m starting to get pretty nervous over here," Said Selesa, walking over to me, along with a few of the others on my side.

"Heh, I have to admit, I’m a little scared myself," Added Gela with a nervous chuckle.

"Wow, even you? You’re usually so violent that it’s weird seeing you like this, Gela. But I think it’s safe to say that we’re all scared," Chimed in Vi, a serious look on her face.

Yeah, I agree, this was kinda unsettling, Gela was usually just concerned with how much blood she could spill and how brutally she could do so.

"I mean, I may be scared, but I’m also kind of excited...I can get to tear apart so many Vampires over the next day or more!"

Yeah, that’s more like her.

"Well, it is a do or die situation, so I get it...but there’s no reason to panic, if you use the Stealth barrier and the other barrier like we discussed, there won’t be a problem. Don’t think too far ahead, focus on the immediate task at hand and worry about what’s next afterwards," I advised, attempting to make them see things more optimistically.

"Absolutely, well said, Kuro," Nodded Instructor Tabbs in agreement, "If we get too ahead of ourselves too early, we may trip before making any progress at all."

"Yes, you are right, we formed a solid strategy, but for it to work, we must believe that it will work and not panic," Added Ekai objectively.

Okay, now it feels like everyone’s starting to just state the obvious, but the nervous tension around the group was slowly beginning to ease up, so I won’t ruin it.

"Right...well, it’s almost time, everyone. Take your places, since we won’t be able to see each other once the Stealth barriers are active, we better get in position so that no one bumps into each other," I remarked, before heading to the middle, where the other fifteen all were.

Each of the three groups of sixteen were standing a fair ways away from each other, about twenty meter gaps between each group. And within each group, each person was standing with about a couple of meters between those next to them, to avoid crashing into each other. I stood right next to Persia since I’d be going in with her, who looked a bit nervous and was trying to hide it. I held her hand and squeezed it reassuringly, she gave me a small smile in reply, the tension in her expression easing a bit.

"I must say, I am surprised...from despising talking to other people to inspiring and advising them...you certainly have changed, boy," Observed Sicario with a raised eyebrow, approaching us.

Grr...fuck you.

"Go away, you’re ruining my concentration."

"That petty immaturity is as prevalent as ever, I see, some things do not change so easily. Also, I have to ask...are the two of you heading in together? You are not standing with any space between you."

Tch, no one had said anything so far, and I’d hoped that no one would, but of course, this old turd had to poke his nose in...


"The plan was that we all split up. And the Stealth barrier cannot fit two people unless they are huddled close together."

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Not really, it wasn’t that tight a fit, if it were three people, then yeah they’d have to huddle, but it was spacious enough for two people. I don’t want to waste energy arguing with him though...

"Right...we plan to huddle close together. There, happy now? Get lost already."

"But the plan-."

Right, I forgot that he could be kind of a perfectionist at times, especially during difficult missions. It was pretty annoying back in my old world, but now that I hated him so passionately, it was even more annoying. Go die in a fire, you piece of crap.

"Just drop it, Arturo, it’s no biggie. Plus it’s less than two minutes left, so we don’t have time to argue," Interrupted Valaque, looking annoyed.

"Heh, I bet Art is just jelly over the fact that his old apprentice has a girlfriend when he doesn’t!" Laughed Rion light-heartedly, "Hey, Kuro, did he have a love life back in your old world? He never talks about that."

...really? Now? Also, we’re all still enemies, stop acting so chummy.

"Ooh, I’m curious as well!" Added Valaque with a glint in his eyes.

Azeria and Kuua was looking on with interest too, while Presde and Hacte didn’t seem to care. Well, I should be civil, might as well play nice till this mission is over, there’s no benefit in creating any additional tension right now...

"Uh...there was a phase where he’d bring a prostitute over almost every week for about three years, that’s all I know," I replied with a shrug, Lagusa stiffening in surprise as I did.

Oh, right, I only knew that because I heard the sounds of bed springs creaking and female moaning coming from his room often, he probably had no idea that I heard all that...

"For real!? That’s hilarious! I thought he just didn’t have a sex drive at all," Snorted Rion with laughter, finding it hysterical.

"Once a week for three years...that’s like, more than a hundred and fifty prostitutes!" Exclaimed Valaque in surprise.

Huh, now that he mentions it...yeah, that was a lot...

"Wha-!? H-how do you know about that!? You were nine to eleven years old at the time!"

Every time he speaks, I feel like stabbing someone.

"...that house echoed a lot, remember? And I had unsupervised access to the internet all day everyday when I wasn’t training, so I knew plenty of stuff. It’s not my fault that you were a shitty guardian."

"Grr, you little brat..."

As the timer reached nine minutes, less than a minute to go before we begin, a silence enveloped us, the tension in the air slowly rising. It felt like the stopwatch timer was taking forever to hit that ten-minute mark...and then it finally did.

"Alright, time to move out!" Declared Valaque eagerly, activating his Stealth barrier and disappearing, everyone else following suit one by one.

"I will see you at the rendezvous point, Kuro, till then," Said Atticus, before activating his Stealth barrier.

I felt a tap on my shoulder as I took out my Stealth spell and stood by, turning around to see who it was...

"Oh, it’s you, Az...what’s up?"

He’d been pretty quiet this whole time...wait, never mind, he’s always quiet...

"Is something wrong?" Asked Persia.

"Nothing, just, uh...don’t die, you two."

"Heh, come on, man, who do you think I am? Don’t die, yourself," I replied with a grin, lightly punching him on the chest.

"Oh, please, right back at you...who do you think I am?" He smirked, before activating his Stealth barrier.

Wow, that...might be the first time he’s bluntly shown his confidence in his abilities. Right, looks like everyone else was already gone...since I was to take out the guards, I was going to do that after giving the others a headstart of a couple of minutes, giving them the chance to get inside the walls before I take out the guards. This was in case there were any other Vampires headed in the direction of the gates, they others could take them out and keep them from interfering while Persia and I kill the guards. Now, then...

"Ready to go, Persia?"

"As ready as I’ll ever be," She replied affirmatively, before I activated my Stealth barrier around the two of us.

Alright, then...let’s begin the counterattack against the Vampires...


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