Dysfunctional - An Assassin’s Guide to Reincarnating in Another World Chapter 192 - 191 - The Goblin King

Chapter 192 - 191 - The Goblin King

"So, what do you plan on doing now?" Inquired Lazarus curiously.

Yeah, I guess there’s no point in wallowing about it, huh? Ideally, I’d like to kill my imposter as soon as possible, but considering that he and I are equally strong and have the same physical weaknesses, not to mention the fact that the others will be on his side thanks to their altered memories, I’m definitely at a disadvantage. I need to get an edge somehow...

"Why not attempt to go to the Rustlands and explain to your friends what is going on?"

First off, I don’t have my Identification Card or my Adventurer Card on me, they’re probably with him. Which means that I’ll have to break through the protective barriers if I want to get into the Rustlands, which in turn, will set off the alarm function. The protective barriers also take teleportation into account, since I figured that The Empire could get past the barriers by teleporting inside instead...in other words, the Teleport Cross isn’t going to do me any good either.

And second, even if I could sneak in without setting off the alarm, convincing the others will be nearly impossible...everything that I’ve been through with them, they remember all that happening with him instead of me. Think about it, would you rather trust your own memories or trust the word of someone whom you have no memory of?

"Yes, I see your point. But you could still sow seeds of doubt, right? Let’s assume that they won’t believe you, but then, later, if your imposter acts differently to how you did in the past, they might start to have growing suspicions of him...in the event that this problem isn’t resolved any time soon, that could make a huge difference later on."

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I guess you’re right, but...the drawbacks of attempting to sneak into the Rustlands right now outweighs the benefits, so I’ll hold off on that. Considering the risk it carries, it isn’t worth chancing, just to sow some seeds of doubt. What else can I do to gain an advantage over him? A new weapon, maybe? No, that’s not enough. Maybe I could go to Platinberg, consume some Vampire life forces to gain some new Crosses?

Not a bad option, but Platinberg is the farthest nation from the Rustlands, it could take me upto two months to make the round trip. Yeah, I have till the end of the year to kill Shiro, but...I don’t know if I can afford to use up that much time, it’s too risky. I have no idea what my imposter might resort to if he gets impatient.

Hm, what else could I try? Consuming human life forces won’t do anything for me, I already have all five Elemental Magic types. And my fangs and claws don’t work on monsters that respawn, I can’t consume their life force, so-...wait, hold on a second...

Hey, Lazarus, I was wondering something...when I was asking you about the history of this world, you mentioned that you can sense the other monster kings, right? I don’t suppose there are any nearby?

"Ah, I see what you’re getting at...yes, in fact, the Goblin King is fairly close-by. He rules over Goblins, Hobgoblins and Ogres, and is quite formidable...but he should pose no challenge to you."

Well, in that case, there’s no time like the present...lead me to him, Lazarus.

"Very well...he is inside that cave."

This place, huh? Well, alright then, let’s go pay him a visit, shall we?


"Stop right around here."

Here? There’s nothing here though.

Wait, I know this spot...it’s the place where we first ran into Misen’s brother...that sure brings back memories, it’s been nearly three years since then.

"The Goblin King is directly below us."

In the maze?

"No, I do not think so...I believe that he is further below that."

I see, that means there’s a level below the maze, I didn’t know that...well, exploring the maze and looking for an entrance leading down sounds like a pain, so let’s just go straight down. I’ll blast a hole using an Elemental attack in Vampire God Mode. Hm, I don’t want to incinerate him, so I’ll fire it down a little bit away from above where he directly is. Let’s see...ten steps away should be plenty.

Hey, Lazarus, give me an estimate of how the Goblin King’s power compares to mine.

"Similar to your power level in Karma Mode, more or less."

Then regular Vampire Mode should be more than enough...I’ll only use God Mode for this part, blasting a hole down to the Goblin King’s location. I then transformed, entering Vampire God Mode and flying up as I charged up a concentrated blast of lightning, flames and wind between my hands.

Alright, here goes...Scarlet Incineration Cannon!

I fired the blast straight down, which shot through the ground in an instant, I then felt a second impact further down, as my attack drilled through another layer, followed by a third impact, shortly after which the blast died down. Oh, a quick clarification, since calling this attack Lightning-Fire-Wind Incineration Cannon would’ve been way too long, I decided to just go with Incineration Cannon.

Anyway, I then shifted from Vampire God Mode to regular Vampire Mode and dived into the opening I created, swooping down into the maze, before going through the second opening, into the lowest level, lighting up a large red fireball to illuminate the surroundings...and in there, were Goblins as far as the eye could see, and by the back wall, sitting on a throne made of human bones, was a large green monster...it was bigger than Hobgoblins and Ogres were, and looked pretty strong, physically anyway.

Hey, Lazarus, is that him?

"Yes, it is. The Goblin King, Bolg."

There sure are a lot of Goblins around him, huh?

Several of them had moved in close to the king...is he planning on using them as meatshields to protect himself?

"Hey there, Goblin King, what’s up? Don’t mind me, I’m just here to kill you to make myself stronger, no hard feelings, ’kay?"

"A Vampire? Why you here?"

"First off, I’m not a Vampire, and secondly, as for why I’m here...I literally just said why."

Hey, Lazarus, this thing can talk, but I don’t think it’s all that intelligent.

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"Well...yeah, I guess not."

"So, why don’t you get your underlings to scram and we settle this one on one?" I suggested, crackling red lightning around my hand.

"Haha, you scared? Vampire scared of Goblins? You coward, yes?" He snorted with laughter in reply.

You know, I was planning on having some fun with this, but this dumb fuck is really pissing me off...I’ll kill him without wasting any time. Can’t blast him though, it’d be a complete waste if I killed him before consuming his life force. I slowly flew down lower till he was within range...

"Hey, dumbass, since you pissed me off, why don’t you get up here...and apologize!" I suggested, using Beckon to pull him up towards me rapidly, drawing out my sword with my right hand and slashing off his limbs with it and my tail, before grabbing hold of his throat with my left hand.

He let out an excruciating yell of pain as I tightened my grip on his throat, smirking down at him as he stared back at me with fear in his eyes.

"H-how you-?"

"Shut up, I’m not interested in anything you have to say. Just shut up and die...," I remarked, as I pierced my claws into his neck and drained his life force, "Huh, what do you know, your life force actually isn’t half-bad."

I finished him off within a couple of seconds, his body slumping lifelessly. He was barely on the level of a Vampire General in terms of strength, but I guess he was hundreds of times stronger than any Goblin. I tossed his body back down, it fell onto the bone throne and shattered it into pieces. Huh, all the Goblins had completely stopped moving.

Hey, Lazarus, did I gain anything from that?

"Not much. A minor increase in strength, and your eyes will be able to see in the dark, even in you normal form."

Oh, you’re right, I can see pretty clearly now without the fireball, I just thought my eyes adjusted to the darkness. So, that’s all I got from-?

Suddenly, I felt something resonate inside me...and I instinctively knew what it could do...I had complete control over every Goblin, Hobgoblin and Ogre in this world, which numbered about twenty thousand each. I’d be able to summon any number of them out of thin air from anywhere, at no cost to my Mana or stamina.

I could even use them for reconnaissance, I could send them somewhere and look through their eyes, like drones. The only weakness it had was that if any Goblins, Hobgoblins or Ogres were killed, that’d be it for them, I can’t make them respawn. In other words, I could drive them to extinction if I felt like it...but there’s no need for that, they’d be more useful as my pawns...

Hey, Lazarus...

"Yeah, I can sense this power too..this could be quite useful."

Yeah, this is pretty cool, I wonder if the other monster kings will give me the same ability with their subordinates if I consume their life forces. Wait, how come you can’t summon Vampires?

"I don’t know, but...that would have been very useful."

I then flew down and formed myself a seat using Earth Magic. I still hadn’t fully mastered the use of the other four Elemental Magic types, that’s why I only used them in combination with Lightning Magic in fights. Anyway, I’m kinda hungry...and somehow, I doubt there’s any food and water down here...but that shouldn’t be a problem.

I focused and controlled some Ogres that were in the area leading to what used to be Goldway and The Empire. I had them collect some lizards, before summoning them here.

"Woah, they really did appear out of nowhere," I remarked in surprise, as they instantly appeared before me.

I cooked up the lizards with Fire Magic and ate them...huh, they’re not as good as I remember. Well, I have been eating better food lately, since I could afford it, while back then, I often opted for food that was cheap, and usually bland, but filling. Well, whatever, they’re tasty enough I guess, and besides, good food is the last thing on my mind right now. I considered my next move, as I formed some water using Water Magic and gulping it down.

I can’t go after my imposter, Shiro, while he’s in the Rustlands, it isn’t worth the risk, at least not this early, which means...I have no choice but to let him make the first move. Hopefully, he’ll be thinking along those same lines too...not-God mentioned where I’d be reappearing when he returned me to the living world, so Shiro knows that I’m to the west of the Rustlands...hm, but since he doesn’t know about the Goblin King, he won’t know my exact location.

I could go hunt down a few more monster kings before facing off against him...it’s currently the 26th of July, 1675, and I have till midnight on new year’s to kill him...that gives me a total of five months and a bit less than a week. That was plenty of time, but there was no telling how he might act if he gets impatient...just because he has all my memories and experiences doesn’t mean that he’s the same person that I am.

I then let out a yawn as my fatigue caught up with me. Well, I might as well get some sleep, I won’t be able to think to the best of my ability if I’m tired. I decided to send a few Goblins up to keep watch, just in case. If they encountered any humans, I’d be alerted immediately. Huh, I guess I’m now technically the Goblin King, considering my absolute control over them...well, whatever, time to sleep...



I woke up with a start as I got an alert from the Goblins I sent up to scout the cave, which meant that they had run into some humans. Huh, I wonder what time it is? I felt like I got a good amount of rest overall, I felt nice and refreshed. I stood up with a yawn and looked through one of the Goblins’ eyes...oh, I can hear through its ears as well, and I can control its body.

I could hear some voices, though they were kinda distorted...guess this is how Goblins hear things. They have good eyes though, I could see pretty clearly. The voices sounded pretty closeby, I think they’re coming from near where the hole I drilled in the ground was. I moved the Goblins towards the source of the voices, which soon came into sight...

What...what is he doing here...and why is he with my friends...!? I felt a fierce rage welling up inside me, as I made all the Goblins I sent up leap towards my imposter. And my rage only grew further as my friends assisted him in killing them...they really do think that he’s me...I’ll kill him...how dare he...!

"Calm yourself, Kuro, you must-!"

I ignored him as I let out a snarl of anger, entering Vampire God Mode and shooting straight up through the opening I’d blasted. As I burst through to the cave, I saw Shiro, also in Vampire God Mode, with my friends behind him, looks of alarm on their face. My rage boiled even more furiously, as I let out an infuriated cry...



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