Dysfunctional - An Assassin’s Guide to Reincarnating in Another World Chapter 319 - 318 - Pawns

Chapter 319 - 318 - Pawns

Point-of-View: Belia Lasmodeus


"Now, then...let’s discuss what happens from now, shall we?" I remarked, looking around at the crowd below me with a sense of glee.

This is more like it, their confused, betrayed, enraged expressions, this...this is chaos! And despite the whirlwind of emotions churning below me, none of them dared interrupt me, with all eyes fixated on me...ohh, I’m loving this!

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"Here’s what I plan to do next! You ready for it...drumroll please...I’m gonna join up with the Rustlands! Yeah, you heard that right! They’ve experienced the power of the Elemental Sages, they’re afraid and insecure about their lack of power...convincing them will be easy! And who knows, I might even be able to convince them to let all of you join them too! If you’re willing to stick with me, that is," I stated with a laugh.

For the first time since I began talking, someone finally spoke up...

"After what you just told us...why the hell would we ever stick with you!? You just see us as nothing but pawns...we’re just tools to use and dispose as you see fit!" Exclaimed Shin, a furious look on his face.

"Yup, that’s exactly right, I do see the vast majority of you as my pawns! And let me tell you why it’d benefit you to stick with me, my pawns. Because where else would you go!? Abyss? Hah, I highly doubt they’d accept you there, they definitely won’t let anyone from Silvland in, Kuro has a clear aversion to religious fanatics, after all," I pointed out with a smirk.

Based on their expressions, they knew I was right. Gotta keep pushing...

"And if you stick with me, yes, I’ll use you for my own amusement and entertainment, but...while I may send many of you to your deaths, I can guarantee you this much...after everything you’ve all done and all the people you’ve pissed off as a result, you stand to have a much higher chance of survival with me than without me. And if nothing else, you can’t deny that the state of Silvland was improved quite significantly after I showed up!"

Hesitant murmurs began ringing out from the crowd below, uncertainty and reluctance in their voices.

"I’ve been in this world for over fifteen hundred years, since the very beginning of its inception, and I can tell you this much for sure...God doesn’t exist. Think about it, if Silvland truly was a holy nation or whatever, wouldn’t your God have done something when I showed up with all my nefarious intentions for the place? Oh, and let’s not forget the fact that Silvland didn’t even exist till a few hundred years ago! You’ve clung to a false religion for centuries, and what good has it done you? Nothing, that’s what! Make your own decisions, without the influence of the superstition known as religion!" I exclaimed with a wide smirk.

"Your speech is kinda all over the place, Belia," Said Shiro, as the responses began to divide the crowd, with many stubbornly sticking to their religious beliefs...what utter fools.

"That’s the point, organized isn’t chaotic!" I replied gleefully.

"...right, of course."

I then once again turned my attention to the crowd, deciding to give them one last push, and then let the rest unfold on its own, without anymore interference...

"Again, I’m willing to let you all follow me, but if you don’t want to, that’s fine by me! But think about it carefully...since you have nowhere to go, you’ll have to wander around like nomads. And if you do that, you’re sure to run into the other races...and as you experienced during today’s attack, the other races absolutely despise humans and want to drive humanity to extinction, plus even if that wasn’t the case, the fact remains that you all attacked and killed a number of them, and I highly doubt they’d care about the fact that you were all manipulated by me. If you opt against following me, that’s fine, I won’t force you, but...you’re all but guaranteed to die," I remarked objectively.

Alright, let’s wrap this up and see where it goes once I’m done...

"Oh, and as for you three summons, the same goes for you...and just so you know, everyone who’s killed the other three that I summoned alongside you are either in Abyss or in the Laus Domain, so your best bet is the Rustlands. Well, that’s all I have to say, and I’ll be heading off to negotiate with the Rustlands shortly, so you better make your decision quickly! Feel free to discuss it amongst yourselves, and if you don’t want to follow me, feel free to leave and go wherever you want. And I’m sure some of you want to kill me or whatever, and if that’s the case, feel free to try," I remarked with a smirk, before adding ominously,. "But I should warn you, do that and you will die, I personally guarantee it."

With that, I descended back down towards the ground, landing in the crater a little ways away from the crowd, as they began talking and discussing what to do amongst themselves, with plenty of them giving me dirty looks...heh, if looks could kill...because their sorry excuses for skills sure as hell can’t.

"We’re joining the Rustlands, you sure that’s a good idea?" Inquired Shiro with a raised eyebrow, as he swooped down and landed next to me.

Hacte and Druj were quick to join up as well.

"Actually, it’s kinda our only option right now. Kuro will never agree to join forces with anyone he doesn’t trust, and that goes double for the other races, they’d die before allying with humans. Bronztan and Goldway no longer exist, and there’s no other nations or settlements in this world, so it’s the Rustlands by default," I replied with a satisfied sigh...that was great, it feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

"I shall follow you wherever you decide to go, my lady," Remarked Druj.

"Yeah, same here, it’s not like I have anywhere else to go either," Chimed in Shiro with a shryg.

"I concur as well," Said Hacte with a nod.

"Great, I knew I could count on you guys!" I grinned, before shifting my attention as I heard someone approaching...ah, the three summons, and it looks like Aguil is heading this way too.

Hm, quite a number of the Silvland troops are leaving...guess they’re still hanging on to religious faith. Freaking dumbasses.

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"Belia...we’ll never forgive you for what you did to us," Began Shin, a look of burning hatred in his eyes.

"Mhm, and that’s totally understandable, that was all definitely my bad, I happily accept all the blame. But...?" I prompted with a smug look on my face, earning a glare from him.

"...but...you made a good point, we don’t have any other options. And you may have manipulated us, but we still killed all those innocent people in the Rustlands...so to atone for that, we’ll join forces with them and protect them, if they really do agree to ally with you. However, if and when that does happen...the three of us will never take orders from you ever again, got that?"

"Heh, I’d be surprised if you did, I mean, I did get three of your friends killed, so you’d have to be stupid to-...," I began, before trailing off with a smirk as he swiftly drew out his sword with a look of burning anger and pointed the edge towards my neck.

"Watch you mouth, bitch...I don’t care how powerful you are, I’ll kill you," He threatened me ominously.

Ooh, how terrifying...but unfortunately, he doesn’t have the bite to back up his bark, how sad. And I’m above responding to provocations from those too weak to challenge me. Anyway, with that, the three of them walked away, and Aguil walked up to take their places.

"Lady B-...Belia Lasmodeus. I...my followers and I will accompany you. Many have left, but-."

"Oh, that’s fine, in fact, good riddance. Alright, then, looks like I’ve got my answer...now, I suppose I’ll head to the Rustlands and see how willing they are to negotiate with me...," I remarked, a feeling of excitement washing over me...


Point-of-View: Sylvar Miirphys


"Tell me...how many casualties did we suffer?" Inquired Sant with a frown.

It was several hours later, and the Elf village was in absolute ruins. Shortly after the Water Sage showed up with Kuro and put the whole place on ice, all the humans working for Belia were withdrawn from the battle, and we were left in the horrific aftermath of it all.

"Yes, my lord...over eighty thousand Elves were slain, many of which included women and children. Additionally...Giddur is also dead, the Dwarves are currently selecting the next Earth Sage to take his place, but as you know, it’ll be a while before the ritual is complete," I replied with a grimace.

Bell and the others were helping with the rebuilding efforts, while Sant had called me up to give him a report on everything that had happened during the battle.

"I see, that is...unfortunate," He remarked with a grimace, "Perhaps, I ought put up a defensive barrier around the Laus Domain-."

"No, that’s not enough! We...we have to strike back at them and make them pay for-!" I began furiously.

"Calm yourself, Sylvar. We shall discuss that later, once we have restored some degree of normalcy to the Elf forest. For now, we must take defensive measures to ensure that Belia does not strike again while we are vulnerable," He replied objectively.

But that’s-...no, he’s right, getting emotional is a big mistake, we need to be calm and logical.

"Right...I’m sorry I got all worked up. What kind of defensive barrier are you going to put up?" I inquired.

"I am not certain yet, but it will have to be thorough, I suppose...."

"In that case, let me make a suggestion. How about a barrier that kills or incapacitates any and all monsters, as well as any intelligent living creatures that aren’t an Elf, a Halfling, a Fairy or a Dwarf?" I suggested.

"Hm...yes, that will be a rather simple matter. Impressive idea, Sylvar, I commend you."

"Oh, uh...thanks, my lord. Also, there’s another problem...this is regarding all the ice that froze the entire forest. Belia isn’t the only major threat to us...," I surmised grimly, before adding, "In my opinion, my lord, the biggest threat to us right now...is Abyss..."


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