Dysfunctional - An Assassin’s Guide to Reincarnating in Another World Chapter 348 - 347 - The Other Races Attack(Part 4)

Chapter 348 - 347 - The Other Races Attack(Part 4)

Point-of-View: Sylvar Miirphys


So far, so good. I was perched atop the wall at the spot above the north gate, as the other Elves poured in through the gateway, cutting down anyone and everyone that they came across.

Yeah, I’m not gonna think about the fact that, out of context, this very much looks like we’re the bad guys...especially since the other Elves are also slaughtering women and children that were running away screaming and crying...not gonna lie, it was a little conflicting, to say the least.

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I then quickly flew up as an Obliteration Magic blast came shooting towards me, narrowly evading it. Hm, looks like Demons, three of them...no worries though, I should be able to beat them quite easily even without resorting to my Wind Sage Mode.

"How amusing, Demons fighting alongside humans. Get in my way and I’ll crush you without mercy," I remarked threateningly.

"Go right ahead, Elf, cut down these mediocre host bodies of ours...there are plenty of suitable replacements to choose from," Responded one of the Demons with a smirk.

Oh...shit. If I kill their bodies, their intangible forms will simply find a different host, and it’d be more than a little problematic if they snagged the bodies of those from one of the races under Sant.

Damn it, what do I do!? I evaded again as one of them fired another Obliteration Magic blast at me, while cautiously keeping their distance...tch, if only I knew how to cast spells, I could have used teleportation to turn the tables, but with the amount of distance they’ve put between me as they surrounded me, I can’t go after one of them without leaving myself vulnerable to attacks from the other two.

Well, at least it looks like all the Elves have made it through, and are now starting to disperse and split up...Sant commanded us to send our numbers in from each gate and sweep inwards from every direction, killing every human they come across, while we Elemental Sages would stay close to the gates since the strongest of the Rustlands’ defenders will most likely head to those spots first, as well as to stop anyone from escaping.

I then evaded as one of the Demons fired another Obliteration Magic blast at me. I’m not having any trouble avoiding their attacks, but I’m not going to get anywhere just by dodging. Damn it, I need to find a way to stop sticking to a defensive approach, but how do I incapacitate these Demons!?

I can’t let them touch me, in case they have Corruption Magic and I can’t look into their eyes, since that’d make me susceptible to potential Chaos Magic attacks.

As I wracked my brain to try and figure out how to deal with them, something suddenly appeared in my line of sight, rapidly thrown towards me.

I swung my spear out, to try and knock it away, but the moment I struck it...it exploded, burning my hand as I winced in pain and blasted out a shockwave of wind, quickly flying up to get a look at whoever attacked me, right as two of the Demons zipped up on either side of me, one of them with an Obliteration Magic blast charged up.

I swiftly spun my spear across as they closed in on me, striking them with the handle and knocking them away, before getting a look at the person who threw the explosive at me...ohh, I remember her, she was one of the ones I fought before, the girl with the freckles, bronze colored eyes and hair and those twin short spears.

Hm, there aren’t any other Elves in sight in this area, had she been waiting till I was the only one left before attacking? Killing her should be easy, she’s slower and weaker than these Demons, they’re the ones that are going to be tricky to handle.

But now that none of the other Elves are around nearby, even if I do kill their host bodies, they’ll have to leave this area to find a new host, that should at least buy me some time, and I highly doubt that they’d go after me since the presence of the Wind Spirit would make it a lot harder for them to possess me.

Hm...yeah, I think I’ll go for it, risky though it may be, I don’t have any other ideas. And besides, fighting while holding back isn’t my strong suit, I just end up giving my opponents the opportunity to catch me off-guard, it’s best if I just go all out and wipe them all out without complicating things unnecessarily. Alright then, here I go...

I then let out a roar as I unleashed my full power, entering Wind Sage Mode. As green streaks appeared in my hair and wind swirled around me, I shot towards one of the Demons, the one that had been firing Obliteration Magic all this time, swinging my spear across and slashing his head off effortlessly as I shot past him, before quickly flying up as another explosive vial came hurling up towards me.

As I evaded it, it struck the decapitated corpse of the Demon’s former host body and exploded, as a dark cloud emerged and flew off further into the Rustlands...it’s already looking for a new host, huh?

From what I know, Demons are able to tell how likely their chances of possessing a particular body are just by looking, and the fact that the Demon didn’t make any moves towards me should mean that possessing me would be no easy task.

I flew up higher as another vial was thrown at me...tch, that’s getting annoying, I’ll kill her now-...wait, where is she? Did she run away? I don’t see her anywhere.

One of the two remaining Demons then fired a blast of water at me, as the other one flung a dagger at me, I deflected both away with a burst of wind, before quickly flying off the the left as a lightning bolt shot straight up at me, appearing seemingly out of nowhere, grazing my right hand as I failed to fully evade in time, wincing slightly as my arm got numbed.

What the-...!? Who did that!? I then noticed a small piece of rubble on the ground shift slightly...oh, I see, it’s an invisibility spell. Troublesome little pest, if she really thinks she can beat me with these cheap tricks, she’s got another thing coming, damn it!

I blasted out powerful, concentrated shots of wind at the two Demons, knocking them both away before they could react, one of them slamming onto the wall, as the other crashed onto the roof of a building.

I then shot towards the ground, firing out a rapid barrage of wind blasts all around me...if I fire in every direction, there’s no way she can evade them all-...I suddenly stopped and jumped away as I spotted another vial dropping down towards me, which hit the ground and burst out into a gooey puddle...it didn’t explode like the last one? What is that stuff?

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And more importantly, where the hell is she!? Damn it, she must have moved to higher ground when I descended, this invisibility crap is getting old real fast. Enough is enough, I’ll blow this entire area away!

A small scale hurricane should do the trick...suck on this, bitch! I violently twisted and swirled the air all around me in a devastating spin, before letting it all run wild and destroy everything around me, with me in the center.

The rubble on the ground rose up and got caught in the spiraling winds, as the buildings around got battered severely many of them shaking like an earthquake before starting to break apart, windows shattering and bricks getting torn off the walls as some of the buildings collapsed from the sheer force.

I then abruptly ceased my attack as I heard a stifled cry of pain, swiftly zipping in the direction it came from...there, I see blood dripping onto the ground, that must be her! I rapidly closed in and fired a blast of wind at point blank range, my attack connecting as a thud came from the building ahead of me, before she came into view, a shard of glass stuck in her left arm as beads of sweat ran down her face.

She also had a wry smile on her face...and a vial between her teeth. I quickly took a few cautious steps back...is that an explosive vial? The moment I backed away, she quickly threw back her head and swallowed the contents of the vial as she simultaneously yanked out the glass in her arm, letting out a stifled scream as she stopped the bleeding with lightning.

"Don’t...underestimate me...you piece of...shit!" She exclaimed, her arm trembling in pain.

She then gritted her teeth and shot towards me, faster than I thought she would...I quickly blocked with my spear as she drove one of her short spears towards my neck, which struck the blade of my weapon and shattered, before she slashed at my midsection with her other spear.

Before it could strike me, I burst out a wave of wind, causing her to stumble back as I drove my spear towards her head. She quickly tilted her head out of the way in alarm, just barely avoiding getting skewered through the face as my spear whizzed past the right side of her face, leaving a deep cut on the top of her ear.

She then let go of her spear, to my surprise, and grabbed my arm before I could pull it back, pressing a vial against it, which shattered...and formed that gooey stuff I’d seen earlier, firmly fastening her hand to my arm...crap, this is an adhesive, she’s stuck to me!

I then let out a sharp gasp as she slammed her knee onto my midsection, coated in lightning, zapping and knocking the wind out of me...it didn’t do much damage, but-...she then let out a vicious roar as she unleashed a rapid barrage of lightning enhanced kicks at my abdomen, each strike intensifying further and further...

Damn it...enough! I used my free hand to grab her right leg as she swung it at me, ignoring the electrocution that hit my arm as I blocked her kick, before tightening my grip and crushing her knee, eliciting an excruciating scream of pain from her.

"You...you little bitch!" I exclaimed furiously, as I repeatedly punched her torso in a blind rage, feeling her bones break with each strike as she coughed out blood.

I then ceased my assault as she suddenly slumped limply and stopped responding. Oh, is she dead already? That’s a shame, I was hoping to make her suffer some more. I let out a sigh as I returned to my normal state...now, then, how do I free myself from this sticky adhesive and-?

"Heh...can’t believe playing dead worked," She suddenly snickered weakly, as she stomped her left foot down onto the handle of her spear, kicking it up and grabbing it with her free arm, before swinging it at my forearm...but failing to cut through it fully.

Th-that was close...I froze up and couldn’t respond...but it turns out she’s not strong enough to cut through me, she hasn’t cut through me much deeper than my skin.

"Just die already, you annoying bitch of a cockroach!" I exclaimed, as I moved my hand towards her face, aiming to pump her full of wind through her mouth and make her burst.

Suddenly, I let out an exclamation of surprise and alarm as she spat out a streak of lightning at my right eye, as I just managed to react in time to avoid getting blinded, the attack hitting me between the eyes instead and dazing me. D-damn it, I can’t get my body to respond properly!

What, is she going to try to stab my face or neck now or something!? I’d like to see her try-...I was shocked as she suddenly let out an agonizing scream of pain and hobbled back, blood pouring onto the ground...as she cut off her forearm to separate herself from me, quickly zapping it with lightning to stop the bleeding. Her eyes glossed over as she turned pale and stumbled back on one foot...but she remained conscious, just barely.

N-no way...she couldn’t cut through my arm so she cut through her own!? What...what the hell is with her!? Enough is enough, damn it, I refuse to let such a weakling push me any further, it’s time for her to die!

As I shot towards her in a rage, she suddenly flicked something towards my face with her thumb with a weak smirk on her face, I quickly raised my arms to try and block it, but in my fury, I was too slow to react, as the vial struck the top of my face...and burst into another mass of sticky adhesive, blinding me and covering my nose and upper lip too.

Shit...shit, shit, shit, I’m wide open right now! I stumbled back in a panic while desperately firing out wind blasts all around me with my free hand...damn it, I can’t see, and if I try to pull this crap off, my one free hand will get stuck, leaving me completely defenseless. I’ll...I’ll kill her for this...I’ll kill her, I swear!


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