Dysfunctional - An Assassin’s Guide to Reincarnating in Another World Chapter 366 - 365 - Power Boosts(Part 3)

Chapter 366 - 365 - Power Boosts(Part 3)

Point-of-View: Rai Rumel


"I shall count down from five, the fight will begin once I finish uttering zero. Understood?" Instructed the Demon ref.

He then began counting down slowly, as we all responded affirmatively. I opened my third eye and took my new weapon into my hands...since this hammer is pretty big, I had to leave my scythe behind, though I think I might work towards dual-wielding them, if possible.

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That’s probably gonna be pretty difficult though, so I’ll put it off for now. I began charging my lightning into the hammer, which crackled and sparked as I charged it up, as the ref began to finish off the countdown.


The instant the countdown ended, all four of them got on the move, Selesa flying up while Prato and Lusk zipped across the edge of the barrier, and Misen shot straight towards me.

As he halfway closed the gap, he fired a lightning bolt at me, which I countered with a swing of my hammer, absorbing the bolt, right as he neared me and drove his dagger towards my throat, which I blocked with the handle of my hammer, before discharging streaks of lightning from the weapon.

Misen quickly sprang back, but wasn’t able to avoid getting struck on the right shoulder, wincing slightly as it hit him. I then leapt out of the way as Selesa fired down wind slashes at me, before using my tail as a spring to jump up and avoid a concentrated beam of purple flames from Prato...Fire Magic combined with Obliteration Magic, I definitely want to avoid getting hit by that.

As I reached the peak of my jump, Lusk fired out a barrage of water bullets at me, to which I responded by firing out a powerful lightning blast from my right hand, evaporating the water projectiles as our attacks canceled each other out.

I then quickly gripped my hammer handle with both hands and raised it above myself, right as Selesa swooped down and swung her spike-like knuckles at me, which I just about managed to block with the handle of my hammer.

She swiftly halted and flew up again as her knuckles began to crack when she put more pressure down onto the handle of my weapon...as I began to close in on the ground, I noticed Lusk and Prato rushing in towards me.

I rapidly twisted myself across and swung the hammer down, slamming it onto the ground before they could close in on me, an electric shockwave bursting out upon impact and knocking them away, stunning them as they crashed onto the ground and skidded away.

Alright, I think I’m starting to get the hang of this increase in power...my turn to go on the offensive. I then shot towards Misen, raising my hammer as I closed in on him, too fast for him to evade. If I swing it down at him, he’ll definitely get teleported out...but you know what, he’s always been kind of a dick, so I think I’ll go for a lower blow first. Literally.

As he instinctively began to raise his arms up defensively, I tightened my grip on the handle and halted the downward swing, before spinning the handle in the opposite direction...and the end of the handle swung upwards and struck him right on the balls.

"You...bastard...!" He wheezed in pain, collapsing onto the ground with a weak whimper, clutching his crotch as his face turned pale.

"Oof...," Muttered Selesa, who was still airborne, while Lusk and Prato were cringing slightly from the sight of Misen writhing on the ground, hands on his balls.

I then swung the hammer end down at him, teleporting him out before my weapon could strike his head, and probably crush his skull. I then turned around, surveying my surroundings...the remaining three were all warily keeping their distance.

Selesa then opened her third eye, and I quickly broke eye contact in response...she has Chaos Magic, not good. If I look into her eyes and she activates an illusion spell, I’m in trouble. I then evaded as Lusk fired out water bullets at me, before flinging a couple of his daggers in my direction, which I deflected with a swing of my hammer.

As I began charging up the hammer with lightning, I shot towards Prato, who fired several purple heat beams at me, which I narrowly evaded, wincing slightly as one of the beams grazed my right ear...holy crap, that’s some seriously intense heat!

I then sprang back as Selesa fired a wind slash down at me, before firing a lightning bolt at Lusk, before he could attack me again. He narrowly evaded and countered with a water bullet, which I dodged and then raised my hammer, which was violently crackling and sparking now that I’d charged it up.

Before any of them could react, I swung the hammer at the ground as hard as I could, releasing all the charged up lightning as I did. A powerful shockwave burst out upon impact, as several massive streaks of lightning crackled and exploded out of the hammer end, knocking all three of them away and hitting the walls of the barrier, dazing them as they got struck by stray streaks of my lightning.

Time to finish this. I then bent my knees and sprang up as high as I could, rapidly zipping up through the air like I’d been catapulted by a spring, getting within ten meters of Selesa...let’s see if I can reach her! I drew back my arm and then swung it up in her direction, flinging my hammer straight at her.

"Oh, shit-...!!!" She began to exclaim in alarm, but she couldn’t react in time.

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Right before my hammer could cave her ribcage in, she got teleported out, the hammer halting before it could crash onto the barrier wall, as I held my palm out towards it, drawing it back towards me.

As I began to plummet, I charged lightning into the hammer as fast as I could, swinging it at the ground as I closed in on it, breaking it apart even more than it already was, shards of rubble bursting out and the ground shaking slightly.

The dust began to settle as the impact died down, and as the cloud cleared, I looked around to see a violent haze, shimmering...and in the middle of it, was Prato. I see, he discharged violently intense heat all around himself, melting the chunks of rubble that came his way...the ground around him was looking kinda red-hot and glowy.

What about Lusk? Where is he-...suddenly, my trail of thought was cut off as something wrapped around me firmly, restraining me.

"What the-...heh, well played," I sighed wistfully, as I glanced back to see Lusk behind me, his tentacles wrapped around me.

"Ahhhh, I’m so jealous, wish that was me!" Wailed Selesa from outside the barrier, looking at me with envy and longing...actually, I think the latter emotion is probably directed at the tentacles...which were all cut up and bloody.

I get it, he must have wrapped them around himself as a shield from the rubble...from what I know, his tentacles grow back if severed, so that’s why any damage to them wouldn’t teleport him out. Still, this must hurt a lot.

"I have got you now...you cannot escape," He declared confidently.

"You’re right, I can’t move like this...but that said, I do have at least one option up my sleeve," I responded with a smirk, before discharging lightning from my entire body in a sharp burst.

Lusk let out a stunned yelp, his grip on me loosening as I zapped him, giving me some leeway. I bent my left arm, drew it forward and then drove it back, slamming my elbow onto his side, eliciting a sharp gasp of pain from him, his grip weakening further, but his tentacles were still around me.

I had enough room to move my arms though, and I quickly raised my right hand, dropping my hammer as I did, while charging up a lightning bolt and pointing it right behind me, before firing...and in the next instant, I no longer felt anything restraining me, as he got teleported out.

That just leaves one more-...woah! I narrowly evaded as a heat beam was fired in my direction, before quickly turning around and rushing in the direction it came from, charging lightning into my hammer as I shot forward.

Prato was down on one knee, his right hand on the ground as a bead of sweat ran down the side of his face. He fired a few heat beams at me from his left hand as I swiftly shrunk the gap, evading his attacks. The moment I closed in and raised the hammer, he suddenly raised his right hand, lifting up a chunk of the ground as a shield between us.

Undeterred, I swung my hammer onto the wall, striking it with immense impact, cracks spreading out from the impact point and the chunk of rubble broke apart like a dropped cookie.

As the wall crumbled away, my eyes widened in surprise...because he wasn’t behind it. Crap, where’d he go-...shit, behind me! I reacted as fast as I could the instant I felt a lick of heat behind me, as I drove the end of my weapon’s handle backwards like a spear...and the next thing I knew, I was outside the barrier.

Aw, man...I lost. Maybe four on one was a bit much for the first time testing out my increase in power. Oh, well, I’m still reasonably satisfied with-...

"The result is a draw, since no one is left inside the barrier," Remarked the Demon ref, to my surprise.


"Hm...it looks like we were teleported out simultaneously," Said Prato, walking over with a frown, looking displeased with himself as he stared at his hand with a frustrated expression, "Not good enough, I must become stronger than this."

Wow, he sets pretty high standards for himself, huh?


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