Dysfunctional - An Assassin’s Guide to Reincarnating in Another World Chapter 424 - 423 Valentines Day(Part 7)

Point-of-View: Rai Rumel


Hah, got him! Kuro definitely doesn’t look too pleased about this! But, uh, let’s just hope that this doesn’t backfire and I end up getting hit with a paintball.

"Paintball Russian roulette, the third and final game of the contest, will now begin. This gun has been cast with a spell that causes it to misfire eighty percent of the time, you will each pass it around and pull the trigger while pointing it at yourselves...you may either point it at your head or your chest. The game will keep going until only one person is left standing, unless both members of a couple are eliminated first. Begin," Instructed the Vampire, before handing me the gun.

Huh? Wait, hold on a sec...so it’s not just one person that’s gonna get blasted? It’s at least two, and up to three!? I, uh...I don’t like these odds!

"What’s the matter, Rai, you look awfully pale, especially considering how confidently you decided to go for the third round," Kuro smirked at me.

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"We probably shouldn’t have been so hasty without first confirming the rules," Key whispered to me apprehensively, as I pressed the gun against my chest.

"Well, it’s too late now...and it’s too embarrassing to back out at this point. Let’s just hope that the two of them get eliminated first!" I exclaimed as I pulled the trigger...and then let out a sigh of relief as it misfired.

I then passed to gun to Persia, who nervously pointed it at her chest and pulled the trigger, the gun misfiring again.

Wow, even without real bullets, this really is one hell of a stressful game...especially since none of us are safe till either an entire couple or three others get blasted first.

Key went next, a look of apprehension on her face as she pointed the gun at her chest with a reluctant frown, before stiffening as she pulled the trigger...and got her chest covered in a thick, brown liquid. Is that...melted chocolate?

"This smells amazing, but it feels so gross and messy," Groaned Key, as the chocolate got absorbed into the fabric of her top.

"Oh, so ’paintball’ is actually...hey, are we allowed to point the gun at our mouths?" Inquired Kuro, as she passed the gun to him while continuing to mutter to herself.

"I’m afraid that’s against the rules, my lor-...I mean, sir," Came the response from the Vampire.

"Fair’s fair, I suppose...alright, here goes...!" He exclaimed, pointing it at his head as he pulled the trigger...but nothing happened.

"My turn again, huh...," I muttered nervously, before taking in a sharp breath and pulling the trigger while pressing the gun against my chest, and letting out a sigh of relief as I was spared again.

"This is getting more and more stressful," Frowned Persia, as she went next, before surviving again.

"Guess it’s me again. Here goes-...ah, crap," Grumbled Kuro in dismay, as his face got blasted with chocolate.

"That looks like it’s gonna be a pain to clean off," I grinned, as he licked up the drops of melted chocolate that were running down his face.

"Here’s hoping you get blasted too," He responded dryly, as he tossed me the gun.

"Well, the odds are in my favor, in terms of probabilit-...," I began, before trailing off as I pulled the trigger and shot out a blast of chocolate onto my chest, "Goddammit."

"Oh, thank goodness," Persia let out a huge sigh of relief.

"How about that, looks like you jinxed yourself...and besides, you’re the one who wanted this third round, but looks like we win 3-0," Taunted Kuro, as the chocolate on his face suddenly vanished.

"Huh? How did you just...!?" I exclaimed incredulously.

"Oh, I just asked Diablo to formulate a spell to clean off the chocolate, and now that the game’s over, I activated it," He replied with a shrug.

Oh, right, he can cast spells without the parchment now, thanks to consuming the life forces of Sant and Samsara.

"Hey, use the spell on us too," Requested Key, as she tugged at her chocolate-soaked top with a look of disgust.

"Hm...should I or shouldn’t I...?" He wondered out loud with an innocent look on his face, before glancing at me with a smirk.

Aw, man, please don’t be a dick about this...


Point-of-View: Azyl Roake


I’m exhausted...I had so many modifications to make to the protective barriers over the last few days that I was completely spent. All of us that had been involved in organizing this festival had been commanded by Kuro to take today off, and we’d also been provided with a whole bunch of free chocolate and weed if we weren’t up for exploring the festival, so that was nice.

I was having some Vampires and Demons watch over the control room where the barriers are set up from, though I made sure that they kept watch in shifts, since today is a festival and all. I’d feel bad if some of them ended up missing out on it entirely.

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Personally, I don’t really care about missing out myself, since it’s bound to be heavily crowded out there. This is much more suited to me, just lazily relaxing in a room.

Sure, there were a few others here too, but I was familiar with all of them, so I didn’t mind it. This is nice...guess it’s back to work tomorrow though, I’ll have to readjust the barriers again once all the visitors leave.

The door to this room then opened, and I heard footsteps echoing towards me...huh? Please tell me they’re walking towards someone else...I don’t want to move right now, I’m way too comfortable, damn it.

The footsteps continued to get closer...before stopping right as they closed in on me. Oh, come on...why now? I don’t know what this is about, but please, ask someone else...!

"Excuse me, Sir Azyl...I apologize for bothering you, but there is a visitor from the Rustlands that wishes to see you."

Hm? I glanced up to see a Vampire, one of those who was currently on shift to guard the castle entrance. There’s someone who wants to see me?

"Uh...who is it?" I inquired with a sigh, as I reluctant sat up.

"Oh, my apologies, sir, I did not get her name. She appeared to be a young girl with blonde hair and upwards-curving fangs-...or maybe tusks?"

Wait...could it be...?

I stood up with a slight wobble, my knees buckling a bit as I did.

"Where is she?"

"I had her wait in one of the empty meeting rooms, sir. I shall lead you there right away."

I followed after him as he showed me the way, guiding me to a nearby room, just a couple dozen meters away from the room I’d been lazing in. I then told him to get back to guard duty, before I took in a deep breath and opened the door, walking into the room.

"It has been a while, Azyl...you are looking rather well," Came a familiar voice to greet me as I entered.

My former master in spell creation and casting, one of the foremost experts in magic amongst humans and my former sort-of lover.

"Yeah...long time, no see, Elina. You look...the same as always," I responded, noting that she hadn’t changed a bit.

Same height and build, even her hairstyle and length were the same. Meanwhile, I think I’ve gotten a tiny bit taller and more well-built lately, so in a way, she looked even smaller then before.

"Hmph, I suppose so. I have to say, you certainly have changed...and I am not just referring to your physical growth. I believe that you have already surpassed me in spell creation, some of the barriers that you have created are beyond my capabilities, I am quite impressed, my former apprentice," She remarked with a rare, sincere smile.

"Oh, uh...thanks, that actually...kinda means a lot coming from you, my former master," I responded, kinda taken aback, "Never expected you to be so honest or direct before."

"Are you calling me dishonest? Of course you would respond to my compliment by insulting me," She huffed in response.

"That’s not what I mean, I, uh...sorry, it still hasn’t quite sunk in that I’m seeing you again after all this time," I replied sheepishly.

"It certainly has been quite a long time since we last saw each other...but even so, I would think that I at least deserve a little bit more respect than this," She frowned.

"Uh...is there anything I can do to make up for it?" I responded with an apologetic smile.

"Hm...yes, there is one thing you could do, I suppose," She remarked after a slight pause.

"Okay...well, what is it?"

"I would, ahem...like to see your bedroom...," She replied in a slight whisper, her face turning slightly red as she averted her gaze.

Does she mean...alright, in that case, I only have one response...



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