Earth’s Alpha Prime Chapter 72: . (EDITED)

Chapter 72: <Isolated Suction>. (EDITED)

Ignoring Dante, who was still in shock, I opened the Stats section in my to look at the improvements from the centauri Kavach’s stats, that were added through the system’s safety mode.


Level - 25 (Tier-2; High-Phase)

Estimated Level - 37 (Tier-3; Mid-Phase)


* ? Looted Stats

^ ? Spirit Item Stats

° ? Achievement Title Stats

E ? Evolution Stats

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Lt ? Temporarily Limited Stats


Strength: 130 (33+15*+72^+10 E)

Agility: 125 (33+15*+67^+10 E)

Vitality: 125 (65+15*+35^+10 E)

Endurance: 125 (70+15*+25^+5°+10 E)

Spirit: 125 (85+15*+15^+10 E)

Luck: 47 (7+25^+15°)

Health: 1250/1250

Stamina - 625/625

Spirit Energy - 605/625

Undistributed Stats: 0


On top of the Centauri Kavach’s additional stats (i.e, STR+15, AGI+15, VIT+25, End+25, SPR+15), there were also the Looted stats that I gained every time I exited Inverse mode.

With them, my Overall stats reached ’630’, which was why my ’Estimated level’ showed LV.37, bringing me on par with a Mid-Phase Tier-3 Being.

As the last preparation to fight against the High-Phase Tier-3 Aerial monster, I used to temporarily limit my Strength Attribute to by 5 stats.

[Strength: 130-5Lt -> 125]

[With all 5 main Attributes in Equilibrium, automatically activated and you have entered the State of Harmony.]

A cooling sensation spread through my mind, as I magically gained off the charts control over my 5 Main Attributes.

After entering the state of Harmony, I didn’t directly leave for the Aerial monster’s habitat.

Instead, I decided to make a short visit to Olivia’s group and leave Dante with them, so that I don’t have to babysit him while I fight against that Aerial monster.

With Hobgoblin MJ protecting their group, I don’t need to worry about Dante’s safety.

Well, with his Fate stats, Dante could survive just fine even without MJ’s protection.

But, I wanted him to focus on increasing his , so that he could help me in tracking down the Grade-4 Spirit Fruit I was looking for.

Another reason for intending to visit Olivia’s group, was to give Andrea a Party Invite.

From MJ, I learned that Andrea trained her Innate Talent Mastery during the 18-hour rest period, and brought it to Stage-3.

But to save my Grandfather, she needs to at least have Stage-4 Mastery in the Light Element.

With her Grade-8 Innate Talent, it wouldn’t take long before she reached the peak of Stage-3 Mastery, but going past that was an entirely different topic, due to the existence of the 1st Universal Limit.

Still, it wouldn’t be much of an issue, considering that Andrea had an Grade-8 Innate Talent.

So, by accepting my Party Invite, Andrea could solely focus on training in her , without having any need to level up on her own.

After that, I would leave there and go towards the Aerial monster’s habitat by myself.

Since Hobgoblin MJ was with Olivia’s group, they wouldn’t be in any danger whatsoever.

Once I decided on my course of actions, I asked Dante,"Did you consume any food in the last 3 hours?"

Hearing that, Dante replied in puzzlement, "No, but why do you ask?"

Instead of answering him, I looked at the description of one the Centauri Karach’s Inherent Skills, .


(Rare Grade): Able to use suction force to pull any object or lifeform towards the user as long as it weighs less than the user.

Range: 1000 meters.

Cost: 10 spirit Energy per use.


Compared to the Skill’s information that was transmitted to my mind, it’s description was rather vague, because the uses and applications of that skill were numerous.

One of them was to use it for high speed movement.

But, before I activated it, I passed my Stream Wind Sword to Dante, and asked him to hold onto my Stream Wind Sword as hard as possible.

Even though he didn’t understand why I was asking him to do that, he still complied.

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I lifted my left arm and pointed at the top of a tree that was 200 meters away from me and murmured, "Isolated Suction".

Since a 20 meter tall Tree weighs more than me, who weighed in at around 1600 pounds, I was pulled towards it at high speeds, just like a pebble that was fired from a slingshot.

At such speed, it took me just a second to traverse the 200 meter distance.

If not for me using the psychokinesis ability of Olivia’s Innate Talent to deviate myself at the end, I would have crashed into the tree.

With no more suction force in action, I began to fall back to the ground like a stone that was thrown at a 45 degree angle.

But, before I landed on the ground, I once again activated upon another tall tree that was 300 meters away from me.

By repeating the same process, I continued to travel towards Hobgoblin MJ, who was with Olivia’s group.

Slowly, I increased the range of until it reached its maximum.

With my enhanced vision, it wasn’t a problem for me to have a clear look at a tree that was a kilometer away.

Unlike how it took me a second to cross 200 meters, it took me 5 seconds to reach the tree that was a kilometer away.

In my mind, MJ analysed that my velocity while using was 200 m/s.

If not for , I had to at least be a Low-Phase Tier-4 Lifeform to move at the astonishing speed of 200 m/s.

Due to the Skill, , the always stuck floating closer to me.

As for Dante, he held onto the like a koala hugging a tree branch.

There wasn’t any problem for him to cling on the Sword since the skill was active, and with that, he basically holds on to the soft layer of wind around the .

Even with 30 Stats in the Endurance Attribute, Dante still had to close his eyes, since he didn’t have goggles to protect his eyes at high speeds.

With around 600 points of Spirit Energy, I didn’t shy away from continuous usage of , which consumed 10 Spirit Energy per use.

Just like that, it took me less than 3 minutes to traverse 23 kilometers (14.3 miles), and Olivia’s group soon entered my vision.


-----Sergei’s P.O.V-----

Just like what was in the agreement that Olivia had with me, she made me her Company’s Chief of Security in the 18-hour rest period after Day-2.

With the information she collected on the remaining members of the Assassination Organization, that had tried to kill my daughter and me, I began my hunt.

The concealment abilities of my Grade-8 Darkness Innate Talent made it a cakewalk for me to infiltrate past any security detail, and take down most of the higher ups of that Assassination Organization before the rest period ended.

Back when Olivia recovered from her near death state, the System announcements mentioned that she turned into an ’Omega-Chosen’.

Even though I didn’t exactly know what that meant, I became sure that it was even above the title ’Alpha-Chosen’ from the pressure she unintentionally gave off with just her casual gaze.

It was totally different from a Tier Suppression, as I felt an invisible oppressive force upon my Innate Talent, rather than my physical body.

Later, she controlled the Innate Talent suppression that exuded from her, and told us not to ask her anything regarding the incident that happened just then, as that she would explain it when the time is right.

Even though Olivia didn’t tell us anything, I had a hunch that everything has to do with the man who stood at the top of the Trial World Leaderboard rankings.

By the end of Day-2, Olivia even surpassed me in the Leaderboard rankings.

Even though Olivia didn’t need me with her new potential and how fast she levelled up, she didn’t waver any of our agreement conditions, and fulfilled her end of the deal.

Along with her honesty, her leadership, and capabilities to analyse and deal with any situation in a calm and collected way, only made my admiration grow for her.

So, I decided to follow Olivia and help her gather more of Earth’s Alpha Chosen before the tournament began.

When Day-3 began, Kasim and Andrea started with sharing their opinions and thoughts on the change in the duration of the Trial Program.

But from Olivia’s expression during our discussion, I could tell that she knew something about it, but she didn’t mention anything and instead diverted the topic to hunting monsters.

That only increased the centainity of my hunch that everything had to do with the Hobgoblin’s master.

But I didn’t voice my thoughts, and following that, we began hunting monsters without being careful of any monsters, since we had the all powerful Hobgoblin Monster protecting us.

An hour passed while we were at it and then all of a sudden, Olivia froze in her tracks and turned to face north.

I extended my ’Shadow Sense’, which was an ability of my Darkness Innate Talent that let me sense any movements of Shadows within a kilometer radius.

Through that, I sensed a shadow heading straight towards us at a breakneck speck.

I alerted the others in our group and all of us took a defensive stance, except for the Hobgoblin monster, which did something that I didn’t expect such a powerful monster to do.

It kneeled on one leg with an expectant look on its face, as it looked at the direction of the incoming shadow.

Looking at the Hobgoblin monster’s actions, a sudden realisation dawned upon me.

In the next second, a loud bang resounded a few meters in front of us as if two cars collided against each other and earth momentarily shook, as we were hit by the waves of wind that were caused by the crash.

Once the dust settled, there was a 4 meter wide crater visible at the crash site, and at the centre of that crater, there stood a man in a golden black suit, with a long sword vertically floating half a meter behind his back.

My suspicions were confirmed, when I heard the Hobgoblin Monster’s words, "Welcome, Master."



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