Elder Cultivator Chapter 336

Chapter 336

The actual sect grounds of the Worthy Shore Society were much the same as the area surrounding it, with the exception that they inhabited the largest island in the area. In addition to that, the sect ground extended via bridges to many of the other rocky promontories in the area, filling out much of the surroundings. The area was clearly difficult to inhabit, since there was little soil for growing any sorts of plantlife which was the basis for the majority of food. Even fish were difficult to get for the most part, as accessing the deeper parts of the ocean required navigating the surrounding area.

Like any sect who lived in harsh conditions, they were used to the struggles and found them worthwhile for the benefits. Defensive security was often one, but abundant natural energy was another. From the way Catarina was looking around with great interest, Anton expected there were either some natural or artificial formations involved in those aspects.

The reception by the Worthy Shore Society was overall positive but reserved. It was obvious they shared some of the same sentiments about foreigners that the rest of the Exalted Archipelago did. Anton didnt blame them for that opinion, as from his observations cultivators in general were difficult to trust. Even if a majority were safe, he would trust a larger proportion of commoners than cultivators. People with power thought they could get away with more, and they were right up until they overestimated themselves in the wrong circumstances.

There was something more to it than just distrusting new groups of cultivators, however, because they were specifically concerned about them being from outside the Exalted Archipelago. Anton wanted to ask about that, but doing so immediately didnt seem appropriate.

The visiting cultivators were all given appropriate accommodations. They werent particularly fancy, but it didnt seem that the quarters for guests were particularly different in scope. Any other visitors would have received the same serviceable accommodations. As a Life Transformation cultivator, Catarina was an exception- though it hardly mattered since she would only be spending time in her room to sleep.

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The visitors were allowed access to a portion of the library. It didnt contain the core cultivation technique or combat techniques of the Worthy Shore Society, but it did have quite a few things available. Anton couldnt possibly read it all, but one of the librarians was a kindly woman who helped him find whatever he was looking for.

I must ask. How do the people here feel about Everheart?

Hes an asshole, Librarian Jala stated simply.

Besides the universal constant, I meant. What are the opinions on his techniques and the like?

Well. As he had a great proclivity for collecting and creating forbidden techniques, the opinion on such things varies. She shrugged, But everyone will admit his talent and knowledge.

Ive studied most of the knowledge I could find, Anton admitted. Though I primarily found myself interested in his studies on how to teach people to advance through the early ranks of cultivation.

I dont believe I have seen any of that, Jala admitted.

It was mainly in one cache. Though there could have certainly been more here. He was a prolific traveler, so I assume he came to the Exalted Archipelago?

Oh yes. He planted down a few of his tombs here. It was quite a surprise to everyone with the last one though. A great teleportation formation revealed itself. Difficult to hide, that.

Nobody had noticed any of ours, either. Though I suppose we have more continuous landmass to hide things in. What do you know of Brogora? Most of our records of the Exalted Archipelago were destroyed centuries ago, in the previous invasion.

She gave him a look which made Anton think that perhaps he had been too obvious. It would probably be best to read it for yourself.

Jala helped pick out a few choice records for Anton to read through. They were copies- probably copies of copies- but he expected they would be accurate to what information was available at the time.

First were records of Everheart. It seemed he was actually from Brogora. The records spoke of many conflicts he had with various sects, but despite the attempt at a neutral tone by the author it was clear that they were at least a little happy that hed taken some arrogant sects down a few pegs. And of course he ran off with a bunch of their stuff.

It was further back in the past than that for the time of the previous invasion. However, what was mentioned wasnt at all what Anton expected. He could hardly find a mention of ascension experts coming to take anything away. Instead, there were only cultivators of Brogora attacking the Exalted Archipelago to steal their resources for their own use- to empower themselves. Anton couldnt say that it didnt happen, but he still felt something was missing.

I suppose I can see why you wouldnt be enthusiastic about our presence. But theres nothing here about the invasion of the ascended cultivators.

Unfortunately, those records are private.

Anton frowned. Can you talk about any of it? Whatever we could use to improve our own chances would be quite helpful. After all, even if were defeated we could take out a few before they make their way over here.

I would have to speak to the elders to say any more, Jala admitted. But from what I have read our information wouldnt help you. Everhearts visions at the tomb are certainly of more use.

I see. I will wait for an answer on that then. In the meantime, I would like to see more of these other records, if I could.


It was clear that even in the time of the invasion that Brogora wasnt one unified whole. A large number of sects had been involved in raiding the Exalted Archipelago, to be certain, but it wasnt something that could be attributed to the continent as a whole. The different sources agreed on the basic facts, however. Anton could see why that might sour the Exalted Archipelago towards Brogora but it needed a bit more. For example, they hardly seemed to be a unified whole. The first ship they had encountered on this trip was ready to send them back or fight them, but still suggested they come to the Worthy Shore Society.

None of the conflict was in living memory either. Practically nobody even remembered Everheart firsthand, let alone the invasion before that time. Vandale had even been too young to know the man personally, though there were some indications that perhaps Swordmaster Rahayu had.

Yet if humans were good at one thing, it was holding a grudge. With the only available information being what was written he knew everyone would be subconsciously influenced by it instead of reserving their judgment for things done by actual people and groups that currently existed.

At least they didnt seem interested in an organized revenge. If they had, it would have been done long ago, since they didnt need to be reminded of Brogoras existence.

As for Aicenith, it was further away. Not so far as it might seem, since going past the Exalted Archipelago would lead them to the other continent, but it was further than Brogora and theoretically a more difficult journey.

One thing Anton was certain of was that the Worthy Shore Society was not interested in revenge. There was no air of hostility, only caution. The cauton seemed unnecessary to Anton, not because he expected them to immediately be trusting but because they were strong. The sect had perhaps two thirds of the cultivators that the Order did, but they had more Life Transformation cultivators. They werent all just old folk either, but there seemed to be a regular progression of them.

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That information wouldnt be much more than an interesting piece of data except that the Worthy Shore Society didnt consider themselves one of the major powers in the region. They werent just referencing the whole of the Exalted Archipelago either, but the southeastern section. No wonder a group of pirates had three Life Transformation cultivators among them. They werent the strongest ones he had met, but it wasnt so easy to make that step. Anton was now keenly aware of that.

The natural energy in the region was not the cause. It might be marginally higher than Brogora had been, but Anton didnt believe it would make such a difference. It was something else. Something Anton hadnt even thought to ask about, but simply stumbled across in the library.

Cultivation manuals Anton stopped to look at them. I thought you said these belonged in the restricted section, Jala?

Do they? she questioned as she looked at them. After flipping through some books and unfurling scrolls, she shook her head. No, these all belong here. Feel free to peruse them, if you wish.

So Anton did. He wasnt planning to change his core cultivation technique now, even if he could, but learning what snippets of knowledge others had put together was always helpful. A short time later, Anton found his confidence shaken. The Worthy Shore Society had a collection of cultivation techniques. Complete ones. Even to the point of ascension. Of course, a technique could claim to be complete and be missing key pieces of information- either on purpose or because it was flawed- but Anton didnt find any flaws. At the very least, they were more complete than the others he had seen.

The Deathly Heart Technique professed completion, as did the cultivation technique of the Twin Soul Sect. The latter was hard to obtain complete copies of, but pieced together it was clear they at least had guidance up until the end of Life Transformation, where the talented cultivators could make the last step themselves. But the techniques here purported to guarantee ascension to those with a certain level of general talent and affinity for the technique.

... May I copy these? Anton asked.

Anything in this section of the library may be shared freely, Jala confirmed. Interested in studying different techniques, are you?

Well they are complete after all, Anton admitted.

I suppose. A bit low quality though, in my opinion.

Anton kept his reaction limited. He couldnt hide some surprise at the casual declaration that implied the Worthy Shore Society was a step above all of them. Anton had to admit that some of them felt lacking in other areas, but having a complete path was vitally important. Theyre still very useful for study, Anton finally commented.

I suppose so, if you were in the business of refining different techniques. You said you try to teach everyone to cultivate, right? Jala nodded. Finding something suited for everyone seems difficult. Or refining something that already exists.

Well, I try. Though I cant say I have the ability to piece together a complete technique.

Shouldnt expect that while in Essence Collection, she pointed out.

A fair point, Anton admitted. He couldnt help but wonder if one of the elders would be able to fill in the missing hole of the hundreth star. It wouldnt be as satisfying as solving it themselves, but if it ultimately ended up with ascension cultivators from the Order well, that hardly mattered until after the invasion anyway. In truth, Antons main hesitation was appearing weak. The Worthy Shore Society might be decent folk, but other members of the Exalted Archipelago might want to take advantage of Brogora if they found they were lacking in complete techniques, and that they had fewer Life Transformation cultivators.


I could open up the restricted section, Catarina offered when Anton explained his conundrum. Then you could see the best techniques.

Thats not really what I had in mind, Anton admitted.

The rest of the usual group was around. Timothy, Hoyt, Velvet, and even Alva.

And the secret histories, Catarina prompted.

Anton pursed his lips. I would certainly like to know that information, but breaking the rules of our hosts seems not only impolite, but very dangerous.

Theyre not perfect, Catarina pointed out. Their formations arent on the level of Everheart.

Nobodys formations are, Anton said.

Not yet, Catarina acknowledged. π‘“π“»β„―π‘’π‘€π˜¦π‘π‘›β„΄π“‹β„―π‘™.π˜€π“Έπ“‚

Timothy spoke up next, I do agree that we should be concerned about the dangers. Here they are with vessels that could absolutely reach us, and yet they havent tried. Probing for information might anger them unintentionally, but theyre hiding something.

Openly hiding things is better than not admitting it, Velvet said. Have you talks with the leadership revealed anything, Catarina?

Besides the stuff about formations? No. I spent all my time studying them.

And they let you? Velvet asked.

I might have offered some improvements, she admitted. The thing is, they just dont have any formation masters here right now. In this particular sect, I meant. The formations should have been in a better state at some point and have been decaying. Which means they might have secrets I want. Catarina paused, Beyond the ones that directly affect the fate of our continent, I guess.

I havent been denied access to the information yet, Anton admitted. Jala said the elders could take some time to make the decision. Its only been a few weeks. Given the chance, he would gladly continue reading in the library for a year or two- especially if he was going to copy more information. Reading was much faster than scribing, even as a cultivator. The mind was always faster than the body. Anton considered developing a technique to use multiple quills to fill a whole page or several pages at a time, but that might just result in wasted paper. Then again, he could devote a week or two to see if it panned out.

What do you think, Fuzz? Alva asked. Are they good people?

An affirmative bark at least made everyone feel better, though Anton wouldnt put all of his trust in Fuzz. And even if one group was fine, throughout the entire Exalted Archipelago there would certainly be more than just one group of pirates who wished them ill.

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