Elder Cultivator Chapter 613

Chapter 613

The barren planet Tenouna, in Rolis outpost. That was where Anton found himself, waiting. The atmosphere did not become more friendly with time, but Anton supposed he should not have expected it. So far, he had done nothing to make them trust him.

Living on such a barren world, they likely had few resources someone could attempt to snatch from them, but that only made what they had more valuable. And with known enemies of some sort from Shrenn, wherever that was, caution was even more warranted.

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He had to wait several hours for any sort of response, though his sudden and no doubt unexpected arrival made that an entirely reasonable timeframe. Anton had heard the communications, but he did his best to seem unaware as the outpost commander Anatu approached him with purpose. Honored guest, the esteemed Aleksandra Payne has invited you to visit Rolis proper. Follow me.

For some reason, Anton felt less pleased with the polite formality that he was now receiving compared to the brusque responses he had previously received. However, he was pleased to find he was now being treated with the respect he deserved- though his pleasure was immediately followed by wonder at why he should deserve such respect. In other places he had contributed much. Here, he had done nothing yet. How easy it was, to think highly of himself.

Anatu showed him through the outpost towards the one place Anton had not been easily able to sense. He had still poked his senses through, of course, but it took some effort and he found little of interest. It was simply a box. Or rather, a boxlike structure that he had first experienced upon Rutera. Beneath the box was nothing- from outside, he had only sent his senses so far. But the surrounding details indicated it was an elevator. It was large yet only one of several, though currently the only one at the surface level. He sensed others down below, a significant depth. More than just a few kilometers, it should dip below even the base of the mountain outpost the stellar ships had docked in.

Anton pondered slightly. Were they attempting to entrap him? He didnt let his thoughts slow him, stepping onto the elevator immediately. A quick scan told him that it would be easy enough to break through the doors into the large shafts if necessary, and he could fly the vertical distance in a mere few moments. He wondered if his lack of trust was warranted. So far, he had no conscious signs of anything amiss, but he did not find himself able to relax.

As he descended, Antons senses picked out details of the city below. It certainly seemed more comfortable than the outpost above, yet no more welcoming. Streets and buildings were carved out of the stone of the mountain and earth below. Underground, Anton sensed more natural energy- it was certainly not abundant, but sufficient to support some amount of cultivation. Though that was obvious, or there wouldnt have been Life Transformation cultivators like Anatu present.

Curious individuals turned their heads as Anton passed, or did the same with their energy in an attempt to be more subtle. Even in a place with many cultivators, there werent so many powerful individuals that people would lose track of them. Anton obviously stood out.

Anatu wasnt a terribly friendly individual, but she did lead Anton to a larger structure, carved out of an area mainly containing marble. Efforts were clearly taken to beautify the visible elements inside and out- as well as mixing engravings with formation markings. As the residence of an important cultivator, it made sense.

Here we are, Anatu said simply to Anton. Then she spoke to the guards outside the front doors, This is the guest Aleksandra is expecting.

The guards knocked on the door, and an older man dressed in fine clothes opened it. He was an Essence Collection cultivator like the guards, which indicated quite a bit about the power of Aleksandra. Guards were one thing, but someone acting in the capacity of a butler that was a reasonably accomplished cultivator had some implications. This Aleksandra should be an important individual not just in Rolis, but perhaps influential throughout Tenouna.

This way, sir, the man bowed to Anton.

Inside, Anton didnt find things to be as opulent as he might expect though there were significant gold inlays. Rather than a sign of humility, Anton supposed that it might be as fanciful as this particular planet could get, with their resources.

A central courtyard had been carved out, one which came complete with a small garden as well as a fountain. In the center of the fountain was a wooden statue, an odd choice of material- though the enchantments kept it in pristine condition. The workmanship was also exceptional. Anton displayed what he thought was an appropriate level of appreciation as their route took a turn to the right, and quickly into a large sitting room. Wood was prominently displayed throughout the manor, and especially in this particular place. The chairs were even left bare of cushions, though Anton found they were still quite comfortable due to how they were carved.

Anton of Ceretos, a mature woman inclined her head as he entered. I was surprised to hear of the arrival of someone of your caliber. An individual from stars far away from our own, are you not?

Anton nodded in return. Indeed I am. Given the unexpected nature of my visit, I appreciate you making the time to see me. I happened to be passing through the area when I noticed one of your ships. Ceretos has gained interest in exploring the lower realms after recent developments. Knowing our neighbors, both close and distant, will be of benefit to us.

I see, Aleksandra nodded, And you came here without a ship?

Interstellar travel is possible with the use of certain techniques, Anton said.

I dont suppose you can share them? Aleksandra smiled. She was asking sincerely, but also didnt expect Anton to agree.

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Unfortunately not, he confirmed. Such a thing is not so easily distributed to new acquaintances. Star Steps would barely be usable by Life Transformation cultivators, and as for traveling between systems that would not be possible at all. Most of Antons ability there was developed strictly for his own use, though others who had reached a similar level of power could likely manage the same given time.

Too bad, Aleksandra said. Around that time, someone entered the room with a tray of sliced fruits, as well as a bottle of wine. I took the liberty of having refreshments sent for. Please, try some, she gestured to the tray.

Anton picked out a few slices. By his standards, the fruit was rather pathetic. Dry, stringy, and small in size. It had some sweetness to it, but none of it fit the standards he had even before he was a cultivator. He certainly wouldnt have sold anything with flesh that was so mealy. Delightful, Anton lied. Not just to be nice, though he sincerely believed this was the best they had to offer. I have not seen these particular fruits before. May I ask what they are called? That, at least, was a true interest of his.

What followed was a significant period of smalltalk, many probing questions asked of Anton while revealing little of Tenouna or Aleksandra. At least directly. Topic stayed away from anything of import, including cultivation and politics of any kind. Eventually, however, Aleksandra came to the heart of the matter. In your travels, have you come across a planet known as Shrenn? She was obviously interested in his reaction to that.

Anton did not find himself to be a particularly good liar, but when incorporating a majority truth it was not too difficult. I have not, he admitted. Hed only overheard it here. Is it nearby?

Quite, Aleksandra admitted. Within this very system, in fact. That, Anton could show true surprise at. Given our history with them, we had to be certain you were not with them.

I understand, Anton nodded. It is unfortunate that not all neighbors get along well.

Indeed, Aleksandra said. Alas, it has been a long and difficult conflict. But perhaps an individual like yourself might help. We are willing to offer payment for strong individuals willing to fight for us.

I appreciate the offer, Anton said. But I do not know if I could affect a long term war by myself. Not quickly, at least, and I do not intend to remain in the region for a long time. He certainly wasnt going to join a war where he knew less than half of the motives involved.

Disappointing, Aleksandra said, But the circumstances allow the option to remain open, should you change your mind. For now, stay as long as you like. I can show you around our fair city.


Anton had to admit that Rolis was impressive, in its own way. A low population of individuals lacking in resources of all kinds had managed to develop a functional city, and not only that but at least rudimentary space travel. All while involved in a war, though it was yet unknown which side was in the right- if there was one. Often, war had no justifiable reasons, though each side always thought themselves in the right.

Here was a planet with little resources- outside of Aleksandras manor, fruit was basically unseen. With nothing growing on the surface, it was clear why. Mushrooms and other fungus were common, though there were also various sorts of meat from unfamiliar creatures. The population wasnt starving. Instead, they seemed to maintain a long-term equilibrium.

In his movement around the city Anton picked out other elevators, these going even deeper underground. Deep enough that his senses couldnt pick up what was at the bottom, though he could postulate based on what was brought up. Water, among other things, as well as various sorts of plantlife- and yes, slain beasts. The manner of their death made it clear most were not farm animals of any sort, as they had numerous wounds on their bodies instead of clean cuts.

A place like this was simply begging for rejuvenation, and though Anton carried many seeds and the like he was not certain what would help. Perhaps if he saw the lower levels but that would require some level of trust. In both directions. Before he made any other moves, Anton needed to know about Shrenn. Were they responsible for Tenouna being the way it was? He would find out.


Leaving Rolis was relatively simple, though Anton did wait for one of the normal transitions of the large elevators between the upper outpost and the city below. It was better that they did not have to expend some of their precious energy to make a special trip for him, and that way he was able to observe some of the military personnel going to the surface. They did not engage Anton in conversation, but they gave simple answers when prodded. Not that there was much to be gleaned in a short time, nor did Anton attempt to discover any secrets. Not yet.

As Anton flew out, another ship was approaching the planet. That was not difficult to pick up, given how far his senses extended when uninhibited. In the hours hed first spent waiting in the outpost, there had been a few arrivals- Anton estimated perhaps a handful or maybe twice that if they went all day and night would transition in and out from just the one city.

The incoming ship showed some signs of battle, and upon probing into its stores Anton found, among other things, the illusive fruit and lumber. Based on its trajectory it was coming from off-planet, not elsewhere on Tenouna. From what he had gleaned, the planet was operating under a single authority, though whether that was nominal or fully true was anyones guess. There was more yet to learn. But should he start with other cities on Tenouna, or seek out Shrenn?

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