Elder Cultivator Chapter 672

Chapter 672

The knowledge of Eyvors confidence in Ekict, both the more populous cultivators and the individual known as Otakar, did not dissuade the Trifold Alliance from continuing their plans. If they simply left now, they would hardly feel they had gained retribution for the attacks against them. In fact, knowing they had strength in reserve made it even more critical to fight on their own terms instead of letting Ekict build up their own forces as they pleased. They had admitted no fault or offered concessions- they still intended to fight, and so the three systems together were prepared to coordinate with their available forces.

They had defeated Augmentation cultivators before. Fajra, as well as other invaders. The circumstances there were different, with their defensive positions granting them an advantage. But they were also stronger now. Personally, Anton did maintain caution about an Augmentation cultivator. Would he have the strength of Everheart after he recovered? Even though the man was from the lower realms, in most cases an Augmentation cultivator simply wasnt supposed to function in the lower realms. With the examples of adapted Transferall cultivators here, that limitation seemed to be lifted. So presuming Otakar was stronger was the correct call, and if that proved incorrect then they would simply take him out and move on.

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After retrieving their cultivators, the current goal was to cause as much damage as possible to the greater sects as well as killing Transferral cultivators wherever possible. Along with that, the formation masters intended to take down the planetary shields once and for all. It was draining to constantly batter through them, and betting that the locals would run out of power and the grand formation would fade away on its own was not something that seemed reasonable.

Instead of continuing distributed attacks, the focus was being brought to three areas. First was the Enkindled Sun Sect, known by all and thus one of those whose fall would be most effective to morale. Then the Gates of the Earth, founded by Aoibhin herself. They shared a similar style of wielding spears wreathed in elemental energy. Finally, the Celestial Consonance, a group that had abilities that could augment other cultivators to great heights. They would be most trouble in pitched battles, and while many were already with the gathered armies- armies which were now in a state of flux as redistribution was planned- those remaining at their sect itself could be reached more easily. None had been attacked previously, which should hopefully mean they were unready. But even if they were, they planned to bring enough forces to overwhelm them.

----- 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔴𝔢𝖇𝖓𝔬𝖛𝔢𝔩.𝖈𝔬𝖒

Anton himself was headed for the Enkindled Sun Sect, chosen because of its relative proximity to the Gates of the Earth. Just a few hundred kilometers, so even if he kept his position outside the barrier he should be able to reach them as well, at reduced efficiency. Though for the sake of the plans, they were not supposed to rely on his support. He was officially involved only in the assault on the Enkindled Sun Sect.

Fleets massed- some would remain in low orbit as backup or to protect retreats should it be necessary, while other ships would be involved in the assault directly, some carrying cultivators to the ground and other moving at the direction of the formation masters to take out the planetary barrier or the local sects defenses.

Once they were prepared, they made a simultaneous and swift approach. They could not afford to hesitate, though some amount of caution was warranted. The focused attacks soon broke through the planetary barrier, giving little time for reinforcements to arrive, and the assaults began.

The Fire and Ice Palace led by Annelie were among the first to land and face the Enkindled Sun Sect. The experts of the flame styles could bring their foes to a stalemate, while the ice combatants would overwhelm them. That was the theory, anyway. In practice, Annelie swept over the first wave foolish enough to step out of the sect, shattering any icy statues directly in her way and leaving the rest to the others. Anton contributed shots of his own, but foes fell so quickly he was hardly necessary.

In a way, they were almost a distraction as the ships flew to take out segments of the planetary formation- except they were a very real threat themselves.

As for the Gates of the Earth things were not going so well. The initial defense stood stronger, even as the Wayfarer took part. It and the other Ruteran ships were fully adapted to the style, but they hadnt expected the presence of Aoibhin herself, thought to still be nursing her wounds somewhere off in space after the battle for the Independence. At the location of the Celestial Consonance the defenders included not only the sect but other allies. Even with their numbers few, they put up a surprisingly robust defense. It was one that would eventually be worn down by the greater overall power of the attackers, given that Ekicts forces were concentrated in another area.

On the broader scale, pieces of the planetary formation began to fall, each one weakening the overall effect. Combined with the previous efforts, Anton expected it would soon fall apart, requiring extensive repairs that nobody intended to allow Ekict to make. Least of all Anton, because with the barrier down he could attack anyone not in a fortified sect.

Just about the time that the Wayfarer and the forces at the Gates of the Earth were starting to make head way, Aoibhin fleeing back inside the barrier, Anton sensed something approaching from the south. A power at the top of the scale he had sensed before from any individual, and thus instantly recognizable. An Augmentation cultivator, which could only mean it was the one known as Otakar. Unless they had others hidden in secret, but the fire element the man radiated certainly indicated he should be the one.

Antons initial impression of him was disappointing. He didnt feel as strong as expected, though that was not Antons primary concern. He wasnt looking for a challenge. Indeed, he was quite aware he could not beat the man alone. But his demeanor was also troubling, especially given his first interaction- with his own allies.

You ask for assistance for all of Ekict, and then the very first thing I must do is help you defend your own sect. Pathetic.

There were reasonable levels of banter and taunting to be had among allies. Even insults were tolerable in the right context, where they werent truly meant. But while Otakar was hardly excessive in his words, he also felt quite sincere. Anton had hoped to eventually reason with this man, but he was less comfortable about even suggesting it with a man at odds with his own allies.

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But he also didnt hesitate to assault his enemies. Even as Antons stretched tendril heard him speak, he began to attack. He wielded a long sword, swinging it widely. However, instead of cutting through anyone he seemed to take no care of their armor at all, his blade cutting through defensive energy before sparking off of armor. It seemed for a moment hed wasted his effort, until several cultivators and a nearby ship ignited, moments later consumed entirely by the flames.

Anton had already resolved to test him, preparing to launch attacks. He wouldnt be revealing the full extend of his range, and while Anton didnt want to give the man practice against him, he also couldnt leave him to fight unhindered. Dozens of arrows flew, only to be swept out of the air by the mans attacks even as his sword swept aside those around him. Anton hadnt seriously anticipated he would cause injuries, but he was disappointed how casual the efforts were. On the other hand, if he could influence the mans movements in any way, he could provide a valuable service.

The Enkindled Sun Sect directly below didnt need his contributions to its defeat. Waves of flame washed over Annelie, but she barely slowed as she made her way towards the core of the enemys defenses, and their leaders- at least one Integration cultivator among them.

Otakar leapt into the air, no longer content with those around him. The Wayfarer had focused on him with its attacks, and he moved in swift arcs that avoided lasers and projectiles alike. At most, the beams of power settled on him for brief moments, insufficient to tear through his defenses. He continued to pick up speed, flying clearly no stranger to him.

He moved along the whole length of the Wayfarer in an instant, his sword seeming to drag behind him. The worst did not come to pass- at least the ship was not split in half. Then again, the man was hardly a swordsman. Instead, the whole ship lit on fire inside its barriers- at least along that certain line.

Anton sensed something critical approaching. Actually, he only surmised something from the circumstances. But were they fast enough? He didnt want to show his hand so early, but he had to provide a distraction. As the Wayfarer rose into the sky, desperately fighting the fires melting the outer layer of their metal hull, Anton gathered his energy.

In his hands, Ascension energy. It wasnt supposed to be just a distraction, but rather a serious attack he presumed wouldnt work. Then, sneaking in along with it would be the spectral energy a thin needle imbued with some of the density of Azun, the neutron star. Antons energy could never be so massively compact- Azun itself could fit between him and Otakar dozens of times- but he could at least bring a semblance of it to his attack.

Ascension energy struck, quick as light. Otakar parried it with his blade, stopping his motions for a serious strike to focus only on that. At the same time, dozens or hundreds of lesser attacks struck his energy defenses directly. He would be worn down eventually if he let that continue, but it was unlikely he would let it continue.

Then, the second arrow. It was launched itself from a bow of energy of similar density, curving to an angle that brought it around to below Otakars feet- an attack from directly opposite would be too obvious. But alas, he sensed it anyway. He moved like the flickering of flames, his body bending. Either he knew the attack would return or simply wanted to show overwhelming force, but he sliced the energy apart with his blade. Disappointing, but if the war were won so easily then Ekict likely wouldnt have even succeeded on their initial assaults.

At least there were void ants on their way. They were dropped from the sky above Otakar, a great number of them locked in their flexible formations. While individually difficult to sense, together they made a blanket of nothingness. Otakar might have sensed that, or his roaming eyes could have simply spotted them- once again, in numbers they were quite visible.

His sword slashed, then again across itself. It was unfortunate, those in the middle who perished, but the rest would fall upon him. He should have chosen to dodge instead- he certainly had the speed for it.

But contrary to all of Antons expectations, the void ants lit on fire. Anton understood that they were not completely immune to the effects of energy, but he couldnt expect such a thing to propagate through them. Neither had the void ants, yet they reacted as if that were so, throwing their flaming brethren behind them. They landed upon Otakar, tearing into his energy. But instead of responding wildly, he lit his own energy on fire. It should have taken moments to burn up even the weakest void ant, but they all crumbled into ash a moment later. It was as if it was a purely natural fire, the heat not enhanced by natural energy.

Dozens of arrows from Anton burned up in the area around Otakar, no longer useful even as distractions. He hadnt stopped his assault the whole time, but simply couldnt break through. The second fleet was fully in retreat. Anton expected Otakar to chase after them, pressing his advantage. Instead, he turned towards the west. What did you do to our sun?

Anton shivered. We need to retreat! he called. Fortunately, it would take at least a short time for the man to cover the hundreds of kilometers. Perhaps a handful of minutes, based on Antons predictions of the mans maximum speed as he accelerated towards them.

Understood. We retreat! Annelie called to the Palace of Fire and Ice- followed up by immediately stabbing her rapier into the shoulder of an Integration cultivator leading them. From the tip of her blade, ice spread to cover his upper torso and head before she kicked it, shattering it all.

At least things had gone well with the Enkindled Sun Sect. But it was troubling that void ants were defeated by the man so easily. Anton wouldnt say he thought it impossible but it would be very difficult to make use of them to take out such a target.

Anton continued to attack the man as he moved, to watch his pattern. His own rate of recovering energy was quite high, but it would likely take an hour or two or ten to wear down Otakar based on what he sensed. Allied fleets began to retreat, gathering in space. Otakar was clearly a confident man, but he did not chase after Anton and the others, instead seeing to the remnants of the Enkindled Sun Sect. His actions were the only thing that kept them from complete destruction, and he hadnt even truly reached the battle.

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