Elder Cultivator Chapter 807

Chapter 807

Upon return to Akrys, Anton found the coalition was fending off a bacterial infestation in one of their rivers. It most likely wouldnt have lasted forever on its own, but they would have had to give up using that resources for some time. Instead, they were already figuring out how to deal with it, with only a modest amount of information from the void ants.

Im glad you let them resolve it on their own, Anton told Ty.

The swordmaster shrugged. Its not like I could have dealt with it. At most, I could throw pills at it. Or chop everything into pieces he smiled as he held out his sword. And I know they will have to deal with much more in the future.

Anton had a small amount of medical training, but in actuality it would be easier for him to resolve the issues through another method. It wouldnt be much different than what they were actually doing- boiling the water- but it would be more targeted and at the same time more widespread. Though he couldnt guarantee that the water sources would be better off without any bacterial presence, most of those that got along well with other life lived inside them in the longer term.

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Regardless of the methods, Im glad its being resolved. Im far too used to living among those who have fully completed Body Tempering or in cities with full filtration methods. Ancient problems have become less remembered.

Yeah, Ty shrugged. Though some of these guys didnt get sick to begin with. And I dont just mean the stronger ones.

Oh? Anton raised an eyebrow.

The warthogs. And some others. If I think back to my schooling Ty scratched his chin. Id say its the biological differences that makes some of them potential hosts and others not. Its not just humans down there, after all.

Diversity is an advantage though I would hope it wouldnt make them numb to the suffering of others should their majority not be affected by future issues.

Thats a problem of empathy. And your sect, at least, will have no trouble with that. Back to the bacteria, Ty pointed. They have another method as well. Primitive filtration, maybe, but there it is.

Anton saw that some of the river was diverted into what he could only call a mess of algae and clams. But regardless of how the system looked, Anton could tell it was effective. And it should be relatively cheaply scaled, since it used living things that could replicate to fill larger areas. For the moment, it only filled a small pool that the local area used to gather water.

Who came up with that, I wonder Anton probed around, Ah, I should have expected. Meep. Hes found value in all sorts of fungus and plants before. And I think he has some others interested in his methods.

Its interesting to see, Ty admitted. Its already turning into a very different place. Different thinking and availability of options.

Anton nodded. It would have been a mistake to force them into a mold that fit for humans. And if more of that is valuable later, they can adopt it as necessary. Its an odd balance, between assistance and letting things progress naturally.

Indeed, Ty replied. Though I have the feeling that most of what we can do here has been accomplished already. My disciples need to grow more on their own to benefit from much more instruction. The differences in body, and the gap in cultivation he shrugged. Its too much. And Ive probably spent too many years here already. Good thing I can maintain my own ship. Though I could always force you to bring me home.

I could do that, Anton admitted. But Id rather not. Especially with my new travel methods.

I did notice an odd feeling as you approached, Ty said. That related?

I would assume so, Anton said. Ive been improving my speed bit by bit. For any serious increases, however, I think I need stars bound to me. I have some ideas

Youre already the fastest thing in the lower realms, as far as long distance travel goes, Ty pointed out.

But its not enough. Imagine I got a call for help from somewhere. I couldnt possibly show up before anything but a long term invasion was resolved. And I am in the Enrichment stage. I need to improve my techniques to match.

A fair enough point. Well, good luck with your star hopping. I wont be here for much longer, except to return occasionally.

I do appreciate you watching over them.

Ty shrugged. Hey, it was only partially a favor for you. Most of it was for Chikere.


A sword dangled out of the side of Agoms mouth, as she spun and twirled. The wolf was only as tall as Chidis knees now, but rather than her positioning being a hindrance to her she took great advantage of being able to so easily attack the lower half of her opponents. Humans were too used to fighting things like themselves or large beasts, and most werent prepared to cope with a threat like her.

Not that Agom was a large threat to anyone just yet. She was still young and early in her cultivation journey, after all. The small-toothed wolf might soon reach the equivalent of Essence Collection, but that still put her far below fighting on an interplanetary scale.

This is good, Chikere nodded. The world is better because of me.

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While that might technically be true, Chidi was the one who had trained Agom. And someone in the lower realm had trained the other sword cultivators. On the other hand, she had convinced them to do it, so she deserved a bit of the credit. And she was once again out of Chidis reach, so she could get away with more. Not that he thought that was a problem. He was much more uncomfortable when Chikere was barely functional and seemed like a viable opponent. Perhaps eventually he might match her, but it was too soon.

Dont forget to challenge yourself, Chikere said. Training like this is good, but your parents and I didnt reach our current levels without strife. And not everywhere in the Scarlet Midfields is so safe as our Alliance. I am currently restricted in my movements, but that doesnt mean you should remain static.

I understand, Chidi agreed. He didnt intend to wander around making enemies of every sword sect like Chikere might, but he could certainly find something worthwhile that still involved conflict. Plenty of worlds were filled with strife, often caused by those with power and with a minimum of foresight or altruism. Foresight, because no matter how much power they gathered to themselves, they would ultimately end up alone regardless of having or not having underlings.


Catarina slapped a map on the table, though it was little more than a blank piece of paper with a few points, except for the very edges. The Bloodsoaked Nebula. We werent expecting anything from where Chikere formerly searched, but the area has indeed been cleared of Dubets Heart.

Timothy nodded. Which leaves a lot of area still to search. Its unlikely to appear anywhere outside of the nebula, I assume?

Unless our information is wrong, it needs the history and continuation of violence. Which means its not really something that can be farmed not by ethical means, at least, Catarina clarified. Which is a shame, because it could do so much good. Artificial prosthetics are all well and good, but they cant fix everything.

And it takes a similar expense to handle specific cases, Timothy agreed. Chikere was rather lucky that her damage was efficient.

Right, Catarina nodded. Anyway, I believe that if we manage to obtain more we should be able to avoid anomalies like what happened before. We cant just bet on things turning out as well as they did.

And we finally have time Timothy said. Maybe soon, the world wont need us.

Hah! Catarina laughed. As if attacks arent already being planned. Whether its a few decades or a few centuries, Xankeshan will need us. But weve done pretty good managing things so far.

You more than me, Timothy shrugged.

I know youve done more than you make it look like. Planning the defensive coordination to work with the formations being just one thing. But anyway Dubet’s Heart might not be our only solution. But I dont think we will find too many things of similar quality anywhere but the Bloodsoaked Nebula. The concealing aspects of it mean its less thoroughly explored on a wider scale. And being outside of our normal area of influence will be a better challenge.

I do need something to push me further, Timothy admitted.

And Im not planning to rest on my butt just past the threshold of Augmentation, Catarina smiled. You think Alva or Fuzz would want to come along? Hoyt?

We shouldnt pull away too many people. But we should certainly invite more than just the two of us.


A group powerful enough to challenge the Exalted Quadrant on any level was not something that could be underestimated. And so, even though Velvet found that at least some subset of the western barbarians was happy to fight under the name of the Chaotic Conglomeration, she didnt intend to discount their cognitive abilities. That was why shed spent so long coming up with a good cover story which ultimately involved a number of half-truths she could tell involving prior conflicts with the Exalted Quadrant.

Then she found her way to the battlefield under the command of the Citadel of Exalted Light. She was part of the reinforcements to one of the contested border worlds. Velvet had plans for a grand sabotage, after which she would immerse herself among the ranks of the enemy but a decent opportunity came when she was on a simple scouting mission.

It was a simple mission- check on a mine that hadnt reported back in a few weeks. She fairly quickly determined that it was occupied by the enemy, and she could have returned. But as it turned out, she was not the only one with orders related to the mines. She wasnt sure if it was a lack of coordination or an intentional action on the part of some other commander, but she noticed a small army approaching the occupied mines.

Said army was primarily composed of Essence Collection and Life Transformation cultivators. It wasnt as if Integration cultivators were so common they could fill out an entire army on their own, after all. Spirit Building cultivators sometimes participated in larger wars as well, but at a certain point it would only take a halfhearted effort by a powerful expert to wipe out an entire battalion of low enough ranking cultivators so nobody bothered. Might as well wait a decade or two for them to be more useful.

Judging the balance of forces from what she had observed, there was a slight advantage to the attacking cultivators, even if she were to assume that the occupants took over control of the mines formations. The cultivators involved were mainly from the Flowing Fog Den, a sect that previously had some presence on Ceretos as well. Obviously their abilities in the upper realms were more refined, but ultimately it involved stymieing their enemies senses to gain the upper hand in battle. That was valuable on an open battlefield, but less so in confined corridors where they had limited directions to come from. It seemed the occupying leader recognized that, because as soon as the rolling fog approached they were already in a defensive position inside.

Velvet felt the battle beginning, but she only cautiously approached. She didnt want to get too far into the battle and be taken as a foe by the locals, regardless of the fact that she technically wasnt their ally.

However, she found a good opportunity as one of the Flowing Fog leaders stayed back. It was reasonable, given their advantages. Keeping a watch on the battlefield was good. It was just there was a problem. Maybe it was her advanced age, but Velvet didnt feel the woman was doing a good job of watching her back as her own forces attacked.

Just so that she didnt end up in any sort of ironic double ambush, Velvet carefully scouted out the area, making sure she wasnt being followed herself and that the commander was indeed effectively alone. A handful of meters to the next person might not seem like far, but in an ambush situation it could be a deciding factor.

Her dagger pierced through defensive energy into the womans spine, the difference between the womans cloth armor having a high collar or not proving fatal. The reaction from the others was near instant, but Velvet was already fading away with a bloody dagger. She wouldnt count on the fog to conceal her against its own originators, but she was plenty comfortable wandering around a battlefield unnoticed.

Before the battle was over, she intended to get both daggers bloody. She wanted some recognizable work to help her easily ingratiate herself to the local group, while pretending to be part of their Conglomeration but separated from a different division. It was going to be tricky, but she had put in the legwork to get this far and wasnt going to back down. They knew things she needed to know.

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