Elder Cultivator Chapter 839

Chapter 839

It had been long enough since Anton had visited anywhere along his route to the east, ending at Inistra. It was time for him to make his once in a few decades checkup. Maybe closer to a century, this time. Hed been quite busy, and hadnt needed to return. So he hadnt found the time.

Tenouna and Shrenn were almost unrecognizable. They were no longer the only occupied planets in the system. They had already been spreading on his last trip, but they were just starting to settle their moons and other places. Now their population and prosperity had exploded. Many people still lived underground, but that became more a matter of efficiency of space usage rather than a necessity.

He stopped by Syrinx and the Hardened Crown Sect, though he didnt have much to do there. The stubborn Naamah was at least making use of the more admirable side of that quality, beginning interaction with Nidec.

They hadnt expanded outside of their system yet, and it wouldnt be necessary for quite some time- but the changes he saw were quite astounding. It helped that very few people remembered the previous conflict between the twin planets. They were still the highest population, but more than three quarters of people were too young to remember the war. And those who did like Admetus and Aurelianus had been part of the reconciliation.

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Like with Syrinx, he happened to choose one of the rare times Anishka wasnt on Ekict but instead back on Ceretos- though he had taken some time to reconnect with her already when he stopped by. He couldnt really expect everyone else to just stay in one place when he himself was now more of a wanderer, but it was strange to stop by the planet and not have her there.

Anton had been more or less aware of what changes were happening in each place, so he wasnt surprised by anything until he came to Xicil. The desert planet had some way of sensing the approach of cultivators, and they were quite efficient about hiding underground. Despite that, the place was lively- with a clearly farmed surface that spoke of a significant population.

Anton didnt want to force people inside every time he showed up, but he was still curious so he couldnt help but stop by. Thus, he was quite surprised to find someone waiting outside. He hadnt raced towards them, since he didnt want to spook them, but there should have been plenty of time. Especially since this was a Life Transformation cultivator.

With that in mind, he made his way around the planet, landing a hundred meters away from the man, finding that he had sun-kissed dark skin. He figured it was polite to walk up to him instead of instantly sitting down at the table the man was at- even though he was certain it was set up for him.

Greetings, mighty one.

The mans style of speech was a bit awkward, but Anton had plenty of practice with those who had been separated from the connected language of cultivators. And hed also learned much more different language with regards to what was spoken on Akrys.

Greetings, Anton said. I had expected a note, to be honest.

It was not good enough, the man said. As he looked at Anton, he swallowed nervously. Sit, if you please. My name is Bishan.

Anton took the seat across from him. I am Anton. It was clear the man was uncomfortable, though Anton was trying to do his best to not be threatening.

Apologies. You burn with the power of many stars. I thought I was prepared, but

Ah, Anton nodded. He supposed he hadnt really been around much since reaching Enrichment. He might have simply gone past, in fact, since he saw no reason to bother them on outgoing and return trips. Yes, I have grown stronger since I was last here.

... How? Bishan asked. I mean you do not need to give up any secrets, but I wonder how you are here and not ascended.

That was something Anton was willing to answer. I took a different path. Instead of Ascension, I remained here. Connected myself to the stars.

I see, Bishan nodded. We had not considered anything like that, but perhaps we should have. I was a small child when you first appeared. I was a bit precocious, taking up cultivation early. When you came, I hid just inside our seal. I felt you first then. And I am partially responsible for the exchange of notes.

Anton smiled. Im glad to hear it. And I apologize, he gestured around them. I never intended to force people to rush inside. I have troubled your planet more than a few times.

Oh no, Bishan wave his hand. It is a very rare occurrence to have you visit. One day off every few years, or decades and this time, we wondered if you might return. And the lack of warning is good for us. You do not seem to be hostile. But others might be. People need the experience. There has only been one other besides you.

There was someone else? Anton asked. When? He had specifically not given the coordinates of Xicil to anyone.

Three, no, four decades ago. However, they merely entered the system and did not descend to the planet.

Anton frowned. If they were going to cause trouble, they likely would have done so by now. Perhaps it was someone trading with Inistra who randomly stumbled upon the system? Or one of the alliances exploration ships? He hadnt heard about it, but even if it had been reported perhaps they hadnt made the connection. They might have even missed that the planet had life.

Well, It is good there has been no actual trouble. And that you seem to be living quite well. I always see plenty of food growing.

Yes, our seasons are mild. We are able to grow almost year round, and there is little to disrupt us. And we have enough natural energy to cultivate to some extent.

Youre more than just some extent, Anton said. The peak of Life Transformation up until a few centuries ago, my people werent any different. Do you get anyone ascending?

Yes. Occasionally, Bishan said.

Why not yourself?

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Actually I was hoping for this. To speak to you. He was starting to relax, now. Oh! He grabbed the flask he had set out on the table. Would you like something to drink? It is strong, but good. He poured two glasses, setting them evenly between himself and Anton.

Anton wondered if there was some protocol, or if he was merely being given a choice. They were the same either way. Thank you, he said, reaching out for one and sniffing it. The smell was interesting, but his senses told him much more. Fermented cactus juice. It does indeed seem like it will be strong. Anton took a sip- and Bishan hastily reached for his own glass and drank some as well.

So you were interested in learning about us?

Indeed, Anton said. Normally, when I visit places I like to give them advice on growth of crops. I am a farmer, actually. But you clearly have picked out the best crops to suit yourselves. Anything advice I can give would be more akin to cultivation advice.

I see, Bishan said, some disappointment in his voice. I understand that you would not want to share such secrets.

Anton grinned. My second favorite thing to do is discuss cultivation with people. Though I think you simply knowing about a path besides Ascension might have led to something for you. And at the same time, I would be interested in hearing why your people live like this. But I can guess at part of it.

Ultimately, Antons guess turned out to be right. Some cycles before, there had been an invasion that nearly wiped them out. They managed to keep enough records that the next cycle they were able to barricade themselves underground, enduring long enough that the invaders had to return with the tides of the world after gaining nothing of value. Since then, there had been no further attacks, but they tried to be ready.

Anton didnt know when they managed a warning system, and he didnt ask. That was sensitive information they could keep for themselves. Most of that day was chatting with Bishan about cultivation, though Anton didnt give away any major secrets. He had good feelings about the man, but it was their first meeting and he truly didnt know much about the planet or its people, except approving of their tenacity.

Since it seemed people wouldnt be coming out while he was around, Anton didnt linger beyond a single day. He might have left sooner, but he figured he had already ruined the day of work just for arriving so he might as well learn some things. He did speak about the Lower Realms Alliance, suggesting that they might want to join it- but ensuring that he would keep their location secret if they didnt want to. Though people would certainly have to know about them eventually, with the rate expansion was happening. Maybe not in the next decade or century, but at the very least people would have to know they were there and didnt want to be bothered.


Anton was surprised to find Varghese at the peak of Life Transformation. Since he couldnt really schedule his timing around what the sect head was doing, he just showed up- and predictably Varghese chased away everyone seeking his attention to make time for Anton. Anton knew it was partially respect for him, but also an excuse for Varghese to not have to deal with them. Otherwise, he would have been content to wait.

Sect head, Varghese bowed his head.

Branch head Varghese. It has been far too long. I know we have been exchanging messages, but its not the same.

Indeed it is not, Varghese admitted.

Even so, you could have asked for my advice. Has your cultivation hit a bottleneck? Anton asked.

Varghese shook his head. You provided me with sufficient guidance- and the Path to One Hundred Stars. No, I was simply waiting for this. To consult with you in person.

You could have asked me to come.

You were busy. And I have been busy. Honestly, I needed the time. To think. And to make certain things could function without me.

You intend to ascend? Anton asked, surprised.

Not at all, Varghese said. But I recall you speaking of turning your body into little more than a mess of charcoal. And there are the other complications. You see, I want to bind Inistras star.

Is that so? Anton asked. I can give up my bond to the star.

No! Varghese said. I know that would drop your cultivation. A decade or more, I imagine. I wanted to see if both of us could bond to the same star.

I see, Anton nodded. None of the others have chosen this path. Vincent was quite different. And others generally choose to ascend, or forge their own paths. Not that I am saying it is incorrect to try but they are intimidated by me.

Myself as well, Varghese admitted. Which might be why I didnt ask you to come. But I want to try.

You know it will be dangerous for us? Anton asked. For you more than me, I imagine.

I know, Varghese said. And I understand if you wouldnt want to risk yourself.

Anton shook his head. I dont mind. I need to know, actually. I dont intend to monopolize things for myself, after all. But well need to be careful. I dont know if Ill have to relax my control or anything else. There has only been one other time, with Ekicts star- and the one drawing power from that did so in an entirely different manner.

Anton had already been planning to spend more time on Inistra than elsewhere, but now he had a reason to spend several months just going over the risks and possible scenarios. Because he didnt want the local branch head to die, for more than one reason. And he also didnt want himself to die, though as hed stated the risk of that was much lower.

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