Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 108 A Pair of Lilies

Chapter 108 A Pair of Lilies

At the instant that she had this realization, Lauren’s eyes widened in panic as she knew how f**ked she is right now.

Glacia, from what Lauren knew, was a Supervillain of the Grand Point City.

She’s the leader of the group Children of the Jotunn, and they basically control a portion of the city.

She holds legal and illegal businesses all over the city, with her using her power to maintain these establishments.

She was a natural businessman and a villain, as she rules her whole organization with an iron hand.

Anyone who betrays her will either be dead or missing, and those who dare to cross her path doesn’t meet any good end either.

Because of these things, Glacia naturally was considered to be a Supervillain who needs to be arrested.

Attempts to capture her however had failed, due to her power.

Glacia had two aspects on her power.

The first one was cryokinesis, which allows Glacia to manipulate ice in different ways and even force its creation.

This aspect was the one that gave Glacia her moniker ’Ice Queen of the West’.

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Obviously, if cryokinesis was her only power, that will not be enough to let her elude arrest.

What made Glacia dangerous was the second aspect to her power.

And that is that the longer you fight Glacia, the weaker you become.

When Glacia enters into her combat state , she will constantly release a ’weakening aura’ that will affect anyone around her.

This weakening aura had a gradual effect, making anyone exposed to it feel sluggish and slow.

The longer one was exposed to this weakening aura, the weaker they will get.

And once this weakening aura was combined with Glacia lowering the temperature to below freezing point, anyone fighting her will face a definite handicap.

These two aspects of her power was what had allowed Glacia to remain free here in Grand Point City.

Lauren naturally was unhappy with this, as it was people like Glacia who make life in Grand Point City difficult.

But even if she was feeling unhappy, she perfectly knows how to pick a fight.

"Sorry, I got lost! I will be going out of here already!" Lauren said as she slapped the road with her right palm.

Even if Lauren wanted to have her debut right now, she still knew that it is plain suicide to just fight a Supervillain on her first night.

Lauren was not sure if she can even survive fighting against Glacia if she fights her right now. Well, she is not planning to fight her anyway...

After she slapped the road, Lauren jumped away, leaving the symbol + stuck on the road.

The + symbol glowed for a second before Lauren activated it.

"What is this trickery?" Glacia snarled from within her Ice Armor as she saw the + symbol on the road. "Are you using this to fight me?"

By this point, Lauren noticed that the bespectacled man who was talking with Glacia earlier was already gone.

Lauren was not sure how this bespectacled man was able to disappear quickly, but this is advantageous for her right now, as she will only have to escape from Glacia herself.

"No, I am using it to run away." Lauren replied as she pulled out something from her jacket.

It was a lighter, which Lauren immediately lit.

She then threw the lit lighter on the road as she ran away.

"Nobody can just run away from me, young lady." Glacia said as she raised her arms to attack Lauren.

But before she could do so, the fire of the lighter hit the road, and a moment later, the whole road was aflame.

"What!" Glacia looked at the flaming road with surprise as she saw its intense flames trying to eat her up. "Hmph, little tricks like this won’t hurt me!"

Glacia tried to raise her foot, but she halted as she found her foot suddenly stuck on the road. Glacia looked at her foot as she managed to piece out what Lauren had done to her.

"You little b**ch!"

What Lauren did was just simple.

Once she placed the + symbol on the road, she added the Flammability Property on the road, which came from nearby diesel tank.

With the road now imbued with Flammability Property, Lauren had no problems lighting it up in flames.

These flames however were unable to hurt Glacia.

But Lauren was not aiming to use these flames to hurt Glacia.

She was using it to trap her.

Because it was currently burning, , the asphalt on the road had no choice but to melt, turning into a puddle of asphalt goo.

Once this asphalt goo came into contact with the foot portion of Glacia’s Ice Armor, they solidified, trapping both of Glacia’s feet in place.

Glacia might have cyrokinesis and weakening aura, but that does not give her superhuman strength to break the solidified asphalt trapping her feet.

"Very impressive, you thought of slowing me down with this." Glacia muttered as she looked at her trapped foot.

"However, this is not enough!"

At the instant that she said these words, Glacia shot three ice spikes.

One was headed towards the escaping Lauren, while the other two crashed right into the solidified asphalt.

The solidified asphalt crumbled when the ice spikes hit it, freeing Glacia’s feet.

As for the last ice spike, it hit the fleeing Lauren on the back, sending her sprawling down the road.

"Gah!" Lauren shouted as she only stopped rolling after 5 rolls.

She let out a cough as she slowly stood up, monitoring the amused Glacia who was approaching her with an amused expression on her face.

"You’re still alive from that? How impressive. Most Heroes that I face gets impaled by that." Glacia muttered as she saw two glowing x symbols underneath Lauren’s clothes. "Hmmm... it seems like your power allowed you to live... but how long can that sustain you?"

"...." Lauren had no reply to that, as she was still busy acclimating through her pain.

While Lauren was running away earlier, she did not waste time as she slapped both of her hands on her kevlar vest.

This allowed her to place two x symbols on her kevlar vest.

Once she had done this, Lauren chose to double the shock absorption property of her kevlar vest.

This turned out to be a good decision as her enhanced kevlar vest was able to tank most of the force that the ice spike brought to her.

The remaining force however that entered her body was enough to rattle her organs.

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"Blergh." Lauren’s body trembled as she felt the urge to vomit, as her stomach was pretty scrambled by the attack.

It was only her dignity and fear that was stopping her from puking out.

"You did well for newbie." Glacia said as she looked down on the prone Lauren. She then looked at Laruen’s body, as if she was checking her out.

After observing Lauren for a while, Glacia suddenly wore a smirk as she said,

"Hmm.. you know what, I will let you survive if you pledge to serve me right now. After all, you look quite beautiful... you might do good on accompanying me in bed..."

Despite her current situation, Lauren could not help but blush as she heard what Glacia said.

It was quite known in the Grand Point City that Glacia was into women.

Nobody can deny that, as there were reports and stories of Glacia abducting women and making them her ’property’.

Because of that, most of the beautiful women in the Grand Point City try to avoid Glacia if they can.

Of course there are some women that do the opposite, with them approaching Glacia instead of avoiding her.

After all, Glacia was a beautiful woman herself, with her pretty face, her long, slim legs, her round rear and her large bust that was emphasized by her current attire...

"No, bad Lauren!" Lauren shook her head after thinking of these things, as she knew that it was not her time to ogle at a Supervillain’s assets.

"Hohoho, you seem to share the same interest as me..." Glacia smirked as she saw Lauren’s reaction. "How about it? Will you join me? I can make you feel as if you were in heaven..."

From the way that Glacia talked right now, it was as if she was not perturbed about what Lauren did to her.

Well, Glacia can afford to do this, as she was powerful.


Lauren took some deep breaths to calm herself as she propped her body up.

She raised her head as she glared at the Supervillain, with her face wearing a grim frown as she said,

"There is no way that I, a Hero, will follow a Supervillain!"

Ok, Lauren was sure that Glacia was pretty hot and sensual, but that still does not change the fact that Glacia was a Supervillain.

There is no way that Lauren, a Hero, will just follow Glacia.

That is not how Lauren operates.

"Oh, that’s too bad." Glacia said, even though she did not look that disappointed with what Lauren said. "Actually, I do not need you to agree, as I will take you here by force, whether you like it or not!"

"Now!" At the instant that the supervillain said these words, Lauren knew that she must make her escape now.

Her mind flashed as she tried to think of a way to distract Glacia.

"There!" Lauren’s eyes widened as she began to see her path to victory.

Both of her palms glowed as she readied herself to place the symbols on her target object.

Glacia naturally saw what Lauren was about to do, so she immediately pounced toward Lauren, with her power manifesting a gigantic Ice Claw that will grab Lauren.

"Gah!" Lauren should have been the one who activated her ability faster, but something had impeded her from doing so.

Glacia’s weakening aura, which had been already working at full blast earlier, has started to affect Lauren.

Combine that with her internal injuries, and Lauren’s reaction time was much slower than before.

The gigantic ice claws grabbed Lauren before she can activate her ability, locking her in place as the cold invaded her body.

"Good..." Glacia purred as Lauren did her best to pound the ice claw. "You won’t regret what will happen to you, that I assure of."

Lauren’s only reply to that was a glare, but even her glare was slightly broken as her facial muscles were cramping up already.

"Hohoho.." Glacia then started to laugh, as she tightened her grip on Lauren. "Both of us wi-"


A sudden crash suddenly sounded out behind Glacia, interrupting her from talking.

"Who?" Glacia spun around, as she tried to look at the disturbance.

"Oh, did we intrude on something intimate?" A drawling voice said, as Glacia and Lauren observed the cause of the crashing sound. "Maybe we should leave you two alone?"

The source of the crashing sound were three people who suddenly appeared in the area.

The trio was composed of one male and two females, and the contrast in their appearances was quite stark.

The male seemed to be a teenager, although the cloak and the opera mask that he was wearing makes it hard to confirm his age.

The woman on his left seemed to be a beautiful woman, with long, black hair caressing her white, slender legs.

Even if this woman was wearing a mask too, both Lauren and Glacia could not help but gulp as they felt desire upon seeing this woman.

As for the other woman in the trio, she seemed to be a little different, but she can still be considered to be beautiful.

Her green skin and her mask was unable to hide her voluptuous body that was even more curvaceous compared to Glacia’s!

The trio were currently busy staring at Glacia and Lauren, who were both staring back at them too.

This stare-off only lasted for a second before Glacia and Lauren gave their answers.

"F**k off young man. Leave those two women beside you, and I will let you live."

"Please help me!"

The man from the trio seemingly smirked as he received two contrasting answers from Glacia and Lauren.

This man tilted his head, staring at Glacia specifically as he said,

"Well, well, well, it’s pretty obvious here that you are a villain, who was about to kill an honest Hero. Why should I, a virtuous lad, leave a Hero from your evil clutches? There is no way that I will allow that!"

"Hmph. Foolish words. I guess it is time for me to-" Glacia’s words however were cut off again as the black haired woman from the trio suddenly slashed her sword towards Glacia!

Lauren heard a slicing sound, and before she knew it, she was back to the ground again.

Lauren looked back at Glacia, with her eyes widening as she realized that the ice claw that was gripping her earlier had been disconnected from Glacia!

The cut that made that disconnection was clean, and from the way the cut was angled, there was no doubt that the cut came from the black haired woman’s attack!

"What? That is so soft." The man from the trio commented as he seemingly stared at the cut that the woman made. "I thought you armor will be stronger than what I expected... Hmm... It seems like even I can make wrong predictions too."

"I will kill you!" That was Glacia’s only reply as she jumped towards the trio, with countless ice spikes appearing around her, and with her weakening aura blasted at its full power. "I will kill you!"

"Do it if you can." The man replied as he and his companions made their move. "I want to see the caliber of Superhumans, and you will be the one that will show it to us."

"F**k you!"

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