Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 116 The Septissential Septuplets

Chapter 116 The Septissential Septuplets

(((Author’s Note: I know that the word septissential does not exist, but it sounds just right here...)))

"Didn’t I tell you before that only when you get all the Abyss Tomes that you can use the Abyss Abilities at full power?" Asteria muttered as she gestured towards her 7 small beings currently flitting all around Alex. "This, is that full power that I am talking about."

"I..." Alex found himself a little lost for words as he looked at the source of his shock.

All 7 of them looked to be human, although their sizes were exactly the same as Asteria.

Alex was not sure if Asteria was related to them, but that query does not matter for now.

Alex stared at each of the Seven, as he observed their full appearances.

Each of them were wearing different kinds of clothes, and they all seem to radiate the different kind of mood.

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To Alex’s surprise, he found out that he was linked to all of them, with him exactly knowing who they are and what their characteristics would be.

Right now, Alex will call them all as Sprites, as that is one of the things that can describe small beings like them.

Starting from the left was a stout Sprite, whose stomach was bulging way beyond the normal limits. The mouth of this Sprite was also ridiculously wide, as if it was the Sprite’s main weapon.

With his link with them, Alex can identify that this Sprite was Greed.

Floating beside Greed as a fairly thin Sprite, although the teeth of this Sprite was extremely long, almost as long as the Sprite’s legs. The Sprite was also holding a large black ball, alerting Alex with the fact that this Sprite was Gluttony.

Beside Gluttony was a fairly seductive looking Sprite. This Sprite was also androgynous, making it hard for Alex to see its gender. To his disappointment, Alex could see this Sprite giving him a saucy look. Even an idiot will know what that look would mean.

"I am sure this one is Lust." Alex muttered to himself as he looked at the middlemost Sprite.

Out of all the Sprites present this Sprite was by far the quietest one. However, with just one look, Alex had the feeling that this Sprite was also the most volatile one in the room.

Alex’s gaze on this Sprite did not linger for that long, as he knew that making Wrath angry could not be that worth it.

Around Wrath’s left side was a Sprite that was almost as quiet as Wrath, although the snores coming out of this Sprite was enough to offset its silence.

"He’s definitely Sloth." Alex muttered to himself as he looked at the second to the last Sprite.

Unlike the other Sprites, this Sprite creeped Alex a little out.

After all, this Sprite was just bowing its head down and was mumbling to itself. Alex could also see this Sprite gazing at the other Sprites with a somewhat envious look on its face.

Without a doubt, this Sprite was Envy.

As for the last Sprite, Alex resisted the urge to sigh as he had the urge to just punch this Sprite in the jaw.

The last Sprite... just looked so smug. The polished and orderly clothes that it was wearing and the cocky grin on its face just showed its extreme overconfidence.

Heck, this Sprite has already beaten Asteria in terms of pissing Alex off!

By that point, Alex made sure to be a little wary of Pride, as his experiences with Asteria already made him quite wary of beings like her.

"They’re cute." Alina said as her eyes narrowed, like a predator seeing its prey.

She then jumped towards the 7 Sprites, with her hands manipulating the space around her to not let them escape.

Queen Mother joined in the fun too, as she curiously poked around.

To Alex’s surprise and slight indignation, none of the Sprites did anything to free themselves. They just stayed in place, letting two beautiful woman poke and pet them.

Well now, that Alex can see it, he’s now feeling a little jealous...

"So, I can feel my link with them all." Alex said as he watched the smothering of the Sprites. "But what are they? And how does all of this relate to my power up?"

"Sigh." Asteria let out a long sigh as she flopped on top of Alex’s head. She then gave it a small bop as she said,

"Let me explain to you everything then. First, was that your tomes gained full sentience when you gathered the whole Abyss Tome Set. Once they gained sentience, they were able to gain the rights to evolve into magical beings, which in this case, are like what you see right now."

"Magical beings huh. I can’t say that I am not surprised." Alex muttered sarcastically. "Then?"

"Since they are now all magical beings, the way they get the power for you will be much better than before." Alina replied as she tilted her head. "If before, you are the one that has to absorb the Abyss Energy to raise you Abyss Grade, now, all those 7 Sprites can absorb the Abyss Energy for you, and each of that Sprite has Abyss Energy Absorption rate greater than yours!"


"Imagine that! " Asteria smugly said as she let out a grin. "Seven powerful Abyss Energy Absorbers giving you Abyss Energy. Your Abyss Energy Grade will surely skyrocket in no time at all! Oh, and if you are worrying about things like the requirements to break through the next grade, you do not have to worry about them, as your 7 Sprites will make those breakthroughs easier too!"

By this point, Alex was already salivating with all the information that he just gained.

Before, Alex was not sure yet on how he can reach the full peak of his Abyss Abilities in a short amount of time.

But with the appearance of the Sprites that problem was now solved!

"That’s not the only benefit that you get." Asteria said as she let Alex start silently whooping. "Those beings... that you call Sprites also added more power and flexibility to your Abyss Magic."

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"Explain that a little more clearly."

"Hmph! Since the Abyss Tomes have now evolved to Abyss Sprites, the potency of all your Abyss Magic has increased too. Not only that, but the Abyss Sprites can also perform their own respective Abyss Magic by themselves, even without you casting it personally. In a fight, that kind of flexibility was very helpful. Oh, and now that your Sprites are sentient, they can also synergize your different Abyss Magic in ways that you will find it hard to imagine."

Alex was about to jump up and down in excitement at this point, although he was still now showing the excitement in his face.

From the way that Asteria talked right now, there was still more to come, and Alex was just here waiting for her to say it.

Asteria seemed to have noticed it too, as she gave Alex’s head another bop as she said,

"The best part of this whole deal was that you can now collaborate with your Abyss Sprites to fuse your Esper Abilities with your Abyss Abilities!"

"Hehe, that is all that I want to hear." Alex muttered as he took a deep breath. "So, how should I do that?"

"It’s a little hard, but I think that you can manage it." Asteria said as she looked at her nails.

Asteria then flicked her tiny fingers as she muttered,

"...First of all, you will have to take control of your Mental Power while your Abyss Sprites will control your Abyss Energy. You and your Sprites will then fuse the Mental Power and Abyss Energy together. Only once you were able to do this combination that the whole fusion will succeed... It’s just simple, right?"

Even though the steps that Alex heard was somewhat easy, he also realized the implications of what Asteria just said.

"...Now I understand why I need to have Abyss Sprites to just succeed on fusing my two different abilities." Alex muttered to himself as he slowly approached his Sprites.

Even if Alex had no enough experience as a Traveler, he was fairly sure that combining Mental Power and Abyss Energy together will be quite a daunting task, especially if only one person was doing it.

But now that Alex had the Abyss Sprites with him, he was quite sure that he will succeed on fusing the two!

"Hehehe, what would happen to my Esper Abilities once I fuse it successfully with my Abyss Abilities?" Alex thought to himself as he called out to his Sprites. "Will it allow me more powerful abilities?"

It was just a fleeting thought, but Alex wished that his EM Wave Manipulation will upgrade to a more powerful kind of manipulation.

Alex was already salivating as he imagined the new form of his EM Wave Manipulation will be.

Will it allow him to create stars, or maybe allow him to manipulate energy? Or maybe allow him access to the fundamental forces? He will only know that once he did the fusion.

Of course Alex was not really sure yet on what will happen to his Esper Abilities, but it was fine for him to hope for the best, right?

"Ok, my cute little Sprites, gather all around here, as I will need your help with something." Alex said as he waited for the Sprites to approach him.

Alex fought back a smile as he found the attempts of the Sprites to approach him quite adorable.

"I know that it might be rude for me to make you do something when you just evolved, but I really need your help now." Alex said, as he knew that even though he was the Master of these Sprites, he still had the responsibility to be polite to them. After all, bad things happen to those who abuse their subordinates.

"As long as you will help me out here, I will make sure to treat you with what you want." Alex said as he enjoyed the excited smiles that appeared on the Sprites’ little faces. "So, don’t feel shy and tell me what you all want!"

|||Master, can you let me eat some of Big Sis Alina’s powers? They look quite delicious to me!|||

***Master, let me eat the green lady! She looks damn fiiine!***

///Oh Master, you already know what I want. Just say the word, and we can do it even here~\\\\\\\\\\\\

---I want to sleep on the green lady’s breasts. It looks quite soft and plump...---

^^^I do not want anything Master... Please just don’t kick me out!^^^

\\u003c\\u003c\\u003cMaster, I want you to ignore that bratty Asteria that is sitting on the top of your head. I am clearly the more superior one compared to her! Come Master, kick her out and make me your new favorite!\\u003e\\u003e\\u003e

This time, the choking sound that came of Asteria was just extreme anger.

"Sigh..." This time, it was Alex who let out a sigh, as he realized that having 8 midgets all having their own attitudes was the worst effect that he got from his upgrades.

"To quote Lauren herself, this is so misfortunate!"


Speaking of Lauren, right now, she was busy heading back to her real house.

She had already hidden her costume in her bag, which was slung on her right shoulder.

As for her left shoulder, a grocery bag was slung on it, full of food stuff that Lauren just bought earlier.

"Hmm, hm hm~" Lauren was currently humming cheerfully to herself, as she was undoubtedly happy with what happened to her.

She was also slightly blushing, as if she can remember something that made her bashful.

However, that cheerfulness disappeared as she heard a disturbing news coming from a nearby radio.

[[[Good morning everyone. We have an emergency news to all of you. The Supervillain Glacia, who was arrested last night by a new Hero and a Hero Team has escaped her containment and is currently on the run. She was able to escape due to the appearance of a new Villain Team. Witnesses said that the prison defenses were unable to put up a fight as the Villain Team nonchalantly let Glacia out. The escaped Glacia and the new Villain Team are now labeled as high-class threats. Residents are advised to look out for their safety, as the city mayor advised them all to just stay in their houses. The police officials, SHA Agents, and SHA Heroes are all doing their best to contain the said situation. Thank for your understanding and keep safe.]]]

"Oh no, we are all so screwed."

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