Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 121 Division Director

Chapter 121 Division Director

"I definitely need some medicine later..." Division Director Alexander Green muttered to himself as he rubbed his temple. "Sigh, things just keep on piling up here..."

Alexander stood up from his desk as he observed the view outside his window.

All that he could see was the Grand Point City, with its tall buildings and countless structures. He then shook his head as signs of another headache started to sprout from it.

"Are there any updates about the breakout situation?" Alexander asked the man standing behind him as he left the office. "Did they locate the new Villain Team already?"

"Our agents determined that the team who broke Glacia out is currently staying at the residence of Mafioso." The man behind Alexander replied as he struggled to keep up with him. "From what we can see, it seems like the new Villain Team has allied with the Supervillain Mafioso."

"That just makes the situation worse." Alexander said as he could not help but let out a grunt. "Not only did we embarrass themselves by letting Glacia escape, we even allowed Mafioso to ally with a powerful Villain Team? This is just blasphemy."

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"But Director..."

"How about the new Hero Team? Have you contacted them already?" Alexander said as he glared at this secretary. He did not mean to snap at him, but his irritation got the better of him. "Please tell me that they are genuine good guys."

"You should not worry about that, Director Green. They look as clean as we want them to be." The secretary replied as he fixed the folders that he was carrying. "Our SHA Agent on SODB also managed to secure a power testing with the Travelers later. However, with the current state of events, I do not know if that power testing will still happen..."

"If they come here, make sure to receive them well." Alexander said as he stepped on the elevator. He then gave his secretary a stern glare as he said,

"Don’t antagonize more Superhumans right now. We need all of their help."

"Yes Director!"

"....." Alexander then kept his mouth shut as the elevator door closed, bringing him to his next destination.

"Sigh, why did I agree to become the SHA Division Director here in Grand Point City? I just got a lot of stress from getting this job!" Alexander complained to himself inwardly as he straightened his suit.

He then looked at the smooth metal in front of him, which was reflecting his image well.

What Alexander saw in his reflection was a man of average build and piercing blue eyes. The man in the reflection looked to have lost some weight, resulting in a slightly sunken face.

Alexander blinked a little as he basked in his appearance.

"Ugh, I lost 10 kilos already... My wife will surely kill me if she discovers that I did not eat her food that much." Alexander said as he fixed his suit. "Well, I just have to act tough in front of her..."

After he thought of ways to escape the wrath of his wife, Alexander started to look at his palms as he thought to himself,

"If I just had a Superpower, then maybe I am free already of this job. Sigh..."

Because of the nature of the SHA, only Non-Superhumans were allowed to take official positions there. If someone was a Superhuman, they have to be a Hero under SHA or if their Superpower was weak, join its Special Services.

Alexander was a Non-Superhuman, which allowed him to take the position as the SHA Division Director here in Grand Point City.

Alexander obviously was slightly unhappy with his position, but with the current state of the Grand Point City, he knew that he was the only one who can run the Grand Point City Division of SHA.

"Ding!" The elevator let out a pleasant sound as its door opened, bringing Alexander to a new room.

"!!!" Once Alexander stepped out of the elevator, his demeanor changed.

Gone was the slightly lethargic and disappointed man.

The Alexander right now was a man with imposing presence and full stature.

"Ehem." Alexander let out a cough, catching the attention of the 6 costumed people in the room.

All these costumed people were busy on training, although each of their training routine were unique from each other. They stopped the training that they were doing as they stared at Alexander.

"You all heard what happened to Glacia earlier." Alexander said as he stared back at the members of Grand Point City SHA Hero Team. "A new Villain Team broke her out, and they are currently taking residence under Mafioso’s Residence. After some deliberation with Main Director Segway, I was able to gain clearance to allow you to mount a full-on-assault towards the Villain Team, which we will call ’Alchemists’ for now."

"Um Director Green..." One of the members of the SHA Hero Team, a short and petite woman wearing a magical girl costume, raised her hand as she asked Alexander, "Isn’t it a little too much for us to mount a full-on-assault?"

Alexander looked at the woman, whose beautiful face and pink hair matched her magical girl costume.

Alexander only knew this woman in her Hero name, which is Magic Girl, which fits her appearance and her power set.

Yes, the name sounds bad, but the Hero herself loved it, so what can the SHA do about that?

"That’s what I am thinking too." Alexander replie to Magic Girl with a sigh. "But one of Pantheon’s member, which you all know as Foresight, made a prediction that basically forced us to mount an assault today."

"Foresight?" Magic Girl squeaked out as her eyes started to widen in ’fangirl mode’. "She did a prediction?"

"Yes, she did." Alexander replied as she gave the hero a ’stop your worshipping’ look. "And from what I heard, Foresight also forced the Pantheon Hero Team to send out one of their members to assist us."

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"Really!!!" This time, everyone in the room let out a squeak as they all went excited. "Someone from them is joining us? OMG!"

".... I know that the Pantheon is the best Hero Team out there, but you should remember that you all represent the SHA." Alexander sternly said as she glared at them. "Do not attempt to do anything that will sully the honor of the SHA Grand Point City Division!"

"Yes Director Green..." The heroes all wilted under Alexander’s piercing look. "But can we ask autographs from the incoming Hero?"

"It depends if Tetra would want you to give his autograph." Alexander said as he looked at the door. "Even if he was the vice-leader of the Pantheon, he still had the attitude of a gangster. I do not know if he will be interested on giving you autographs."

"Holy s**t, the Pantheon actually sent Tetra for us?" Alexander did not even try to identify the one who said this sentence, as he was busy fanboying inwardly too.

If anyone living on Earth will be asked on which Hero Team is the strongest, they will always give the same answer!


The Pantheon was considered to be the World’s Strongest Independent Hero Team. In fact, they were even stronger than the SHA’s strongest Hero Team!

They were so strong that other countries regularly ask for Pantheon’s help. Natural calamities, hostage situations, and world ending crises, name any of them, and the Pantheon’s members could be seen dealing with these stuff!

This strength naturally attracts powerful villains itching for a fight, which the Pantheon just defeats with ease.

All of these events and other important things had basically turned the Pantheon into the only World-Level Hero Team.

For the SHA Grand Point City’s Hero Team to fangirl and fanboy at the Pantheon was just normal.

Heck, even Alexander still had a wallpaper of Myth on his phone.

"Ok, all of you should fix up now." Alexander said as he allowed the excited Heroes to squeal in excitement for a few more minutes. "Tetra is bound to arrive, so you should greet him amicably."

"Yes, Director!" The Heroes cheerfully replied.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Alexander started to hear the signature rumbling sounds of thunderbolt and lightning, indicating the arrival of Tetra. Alexander adopted a fawning expression on his face as he saw the Pantheon Member descending towards the SHA Headquarters.

Alexander left the Training Room as he rode the elevator towards the lowest floor of the SHA Headquarters.

It was at this floor where everyone enters the Headquarters, and even someone like Tetra will have to pass through here.

Alexander was able to reach the floor just in time before Tetra entered the building.

"Welcome, Sir Tetra. I hope you will enjoy your stay here." Alexander said as he shook his hands with the vice-leader of the Pantheon. "It’s good to see you here."

Tetra, who was only wearing black pants, black biker jacket and a half mask, gave Alexander a nod.

Alexander gulped slightly, as Tetra’s imposing presence threatened to swallow him up.

"Well, Foresight told me that I should come to this place to assist you all in this frontal assault. As usual, she did not tell me the reason on why I should go. She just told me that I should go. So Director Green, do not worry about what I feel in this stay. I just want to do my job, and I hope you and your team will do it properly."

"Of course we will." Alexander replied as he tried to not get intimidated by the pressure being let out by Tetra. "Come in, Sir Tetra. We were about to discuss the assault plan. It would be great if you can give us your opinion."

"Well, it won’t hurt if I will listen to the plan. We have some time anyway." Tetra replied as he entered to Headquarters, garnering some surprised shouts to the civilians who saw his arrival.

Alexander and Tetra then walked towards the elevator, with Alexander starting some small talk with Tetra in order to not make their situation awkward.

"Director Green! You have to see this!" Before the two could enter the elevator, Alexander’s secretary came rushing in towards him.

The secretary was holding the standard SHA Phone, which he shoved towards Alexander. "Director Green, you have to see this message!"

"Let me see that." Alexander replied as he grabbed the phone away from his secretary.

His eyes then scanned the text message on the phone, with Tetra looking at the message too.

Once he was finished reading the message, Alexander and Tetra looked at each other, with Alexander looking more stressed and Tetra looking more excited.

"Well, this changes things." Tetra said as Alexander let out another sigh. "It seems like this will not be just another assault mission then."

Alexander could only hunch his shoulders after he heard what Tetra said.

"...I have to change the plans now, Sir Tetra." Alexander replied as he hung his head. "The implications mentioned in this message will not allow my current plan to work. Damn that Villain Team! I swear I will make them realize that they should not mess with anyone in Grand Point City!"

"That’s the spirit, Director Green." Tetra cheerfully replied as they entered the elevator. "Now I understand why you were the Division Director here in the Grand Point City. Your attitude certainly helps you survive this job. Well, everything survived except for your hair."


The elevator then closed as the 30-year old Alexander rubbed his bald head.

"Squeak, squeak."

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