Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 162 Just go and explode!

Chapter 162 Just go and explode!

That was it for Myth.

After all that taunting that Eldritch made and all the revelation that Alina said, Myth realized that it was already enough.

It is time for the Pantheon to end the Travelers and the Alchemists for good, and nothing, not even the irritating Foresight can stop her!

"Uwa!!!" Myth’s musings were cut off as she saw Nomad hurtling towards their direction.

A vein popped on Myth’s forehead as she saw the blatant attempts of Eldritch to distract them.

She watched with red in her eyes as Eldritch snatched Andrew Collins and his daughter away from Alchemist’s grip.

Her eyes then widened slightly as she saw the two disappearing, as if they were suddenly stored somewhere else.

"Hmph, preposterous bastards!" Myth thought angrily as she knew that what Eldritch did was a declaration of war already.

Since it was like that, there is no reason for Myth to hold back anymore!

Myth immediately accessed her available transformations, choosing one that she can use here.

She let out a light smile as she found the one that she was looking for.

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"..." Myth’s body started to warp as she used her ability.

"The Inquisitor, you shall be my form for now!" Myth thought to herself as her appearance changed into that of an old man looking like a sorcerer.

The transformation that she chose was the form of The Inquisitor.

Unlike the usual mythical creatures, The Inquisitor actually came from one of the most famous fantasy book series in the world.

In that book series, The Inquisitor was the main villain, and his power to manipulate all kinds of energy, scientific and magical, which made him an extremely powerful opponent.

In their current situation, Myth knew that using The Inquisitor is a good choice to make!

With the current line-up of the Pantheon, they had already set-up what each one of them will do.

Miden was there as a support, ready to neutralize the abilities of their opponents, while Foresight will be using her power as a support too.

Plague and Tetra were there for crowd control, with their abilities usable in large ranges and able to attack many at once.

As for Machi, his combat creations were all useful for combat, although it will take him a few seconds before he can deploy his combat creations.

That is where Myth enters the fray.

She will be the one that will dish out the damage first, with Miden neutralizing their opponents’ power.

The combination of their attacks will surely defeat the Alchemists and the Travelers, but if they somehow survive, Tetra, Plague, and Machi will be the one to finish them up!

"Hahaha! Let’s see how you will all run away while Miden neutralizes your power!" Myth thought with vindication as she raised her staff high in the air.

All kinds of destructive energy began to gather at the head of the staff as Myth observed Nomad’s wretched condition.

Just seeing the anger and the sheer despair on Nomad’s face was enough to bring Myth’s anger to the peak.

"Begone, all of you!" Myth thought to herself vindictively as she slammed her staff down, making all of her gathered energy impact against the Travelers and the Alchemists.

"Skroom!" Myth smiled maniacally as she saw the disturbance caused by her attacks.

The ground below her quaked as rifts in space began to appear at the impact site.

Myth let out a satisfied sigh as she looked at the destruction that she made, knowing that nobody will survive there, especially those who had their powers neutralized by Miden.

But before Myth could start celebrating silently, she heard a strangled sound beside her.

To her dismay, this sound came from Miden, who even with his mask, looked extremely distraught.

"Myth, my power did not work on them!" Miden, the usually jovial guy, looked extremely shaken right now. "I... I was not able to neutralize their powers!"

"What?" This time around, Myth was surprised with what just Miden said. "Are you sure about that?"

"I am sure!" Miden replied, this time with his body starting to shake. "I can’t force their powers to shut down! And the feeling that I get from their powers... was just like the one that I get from Tetra’s!"


There was another secret being kept by the Pantheon, and that was the fact that Miden’s neutralizing abilities does not work on Tetra’s Esper Ability!

To the public, the common knowledge was that Miden can neutralize Tetra’s power, but in truth, Miden can’t neutralize Tetra at all!

"F**k, from what we have seen in our past experiences, Miden can only neutralize Superpowers. If an ability was not a Superpower, then Miden will not be able to neutralize it!" After remembering this important information, Myth paled as she realized that their plan to deal with the Travelers and the Alchemists had fallen apart now.

"Guys! Execute Code Beta! Use lethal force to exterminate The Alchemists and The Travelers!" Myth shouted as she changed her body into the Adamantine Golem, which had the strongest defense out of all her mythical forms. "Don’t hold back anymore, or they could do something to us!"

After hearing what Myth said, the Pantheon members started to make their own moves.

But before the Pantheon could even move a step, Myth heard a hissing sound below her, prompting her to look down.


To Mtyth’s extreme surprise, she saw a 20-foot Hydra rearing its head on them! The Hydra, with its multiple heads, was letting out a hoarse roar which reverberated throughout the whole area.


The Hydra had 5 heads, with each head colored in a different way.

The eyes of each head had their own glints of intelligence, making Myth shiver inwardly as she looked at them.

The heads then looked at Myth, with each head wearing a sadistic smile on their own.

"Gruwa!" The Hydra let out another mighty shout as it shot towards Myth’s direction, making its intentions to attack Myth obvious.

"Pesky insect!" Myth roared out with her golem form as she rushed towards the Hydra, planning to smash it to pieces with her fist.

"Hmph, I am not sure if the other members of the Alchemists and the Travellers are still alive, but I am sure that this Hydra is one of them!" Myth thought to herself as she sprouted 20 more arms for her Golem form. "Well, no matter who you are, I will crush you here!"

"Hong~" It was at that moment, before Myth could attack the Hydra, that a different wave of power went through the area.

The source of this power wave was around 10 meters away from Myth and the Hydra.

"It’s that emotion power again!" Myth thought to herself angrily as she used her current form to tank the emotion altering ability by Eldritch.

When they experienced the power of Eldritch’s emotion manipulation before, the Pantheon members decided to create some countermeasures against Eldritch’s emotion manipulation.

Myth’s current form was one of that countermeasures, and the other Pantheon members had their own ways to deal with it.


Myth was able to shrug off the attack made by Eldritch, but to her disappointment, the Hydra shrugged it off too.

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Well, at least with what happened, Myth was able to know that the Hydra was not Eldritch, since Eldritch attacked them from 10 meters away.


In the end, Myth could only let out a disappointed tsk as she proceeded on pummeling the Hydra, with the Hydra dishing out its own attack too.

"Thoom, thoom, thoom." Different colored beams sprouted out of the Hydra’s mouth, striking Myth’s Adamantine Golem Body with the power of a nuclear bomb, and the precision of a sharpshooter.

"Gurd." Even with her extremely tough body, Myth could not help but let out a grunt, as she felt that all the attacks given out by the Hydra was heavy.

It took all of Myth’s concentration just to weather all of Hydra’s attacks.

"Good thing I chose to transform in this form. If I chose a different form..." Myth could only keep the shivers inside herself as she focused on destroying the opponent in front of her.

Even if the Hydra’s attacks were powerful, its body was weak, especially under the treatment of Myth’s 22-Adamatine-Arm combo.

Even if the Hydra can regenerate, Myth knew that it will be only a matter of time before it falls down.

With her still high defense, Myth knew that she can take down the Hydra first before its attacks could affect her!

"Hydra, I might not know who you are among the Travelers and the Alchemists, but be rest assured that I will identify you from your mashed body later!" Myth shouted as she decided to sprout 10 more adamantine arms.

"Boom, boom, boom!" It was then that Myth heard the sounds of battle behind her, making her realize that her teammates were fighting too.

With the firepower that her teammates have, Myth was sure that they still have an edge here, well as long as they will not be caught by surprise.

"Your guard is f**king down!" Myth shouted as she did an uppercut with 18 of her arms, which ripped off 4 of the Hydra’s heads, leaving only one head still attached to the Hydra’s body.

"Hoho, what’s next? You will sprout two heads from each severed head? Don’t try doing that in front of me! I know mythology better than you!" Myth shouted as she transformed herself back to The Inquisitor.

She then used The Inquisitor’s power to summon Hell Flame, which she used to cauterize the 4 stumps on the Hydra’s head.

The smell of cooked meat filled the air as the Hydra let out its own distressed shout.

"Gruam!" Needless to say, the Hydra looked like it was in pain, and to Myth’s slight satisfaction, she felt excited by this.

She then shifted back to her Adamantine Golem Form as she decided to use her 32 Adamantine Fists to punch the Hydra’s remaining head out of existence.


But before Myth could use her finishing move, she once again heard Miden shouting behind her, but this time around, his shout was not of surprise, but rather a shout of pain.

Myth looked behind her, and there she saw numerous carnivorous-looking plants chomping down on Miden’s combat suit.

Even with the all the technology that Machi placed on Miden’s combat suit, all of them seemed to be not enough to keep Miden safe.

Myth could only watch in horror as Miden’s whole body was swallowed whole by what looked like a gigantic Venus Flytrap.

"Hey, where the hell are you guys! Go and help him!" Myth shouted as she looked at the other Pantheon members, but to her dismay, she found out that all of them were all busy too.

Machi was busy facing off against the drone-making guy of The Alchemists, along with the interferences of Duplicator.

This chick, which surprisingly was human-sized now, was teaming up with the drone-making guy to combat Machi who was in his combat suit.

Foresight on the other hand was stuck in a battle of her own, facing off against the sword-wielding woman of the Alchemists.

The two combatants were moving erratically, as if they were playing some kind of laggy game.

"..." Myth knew that these two combatants had their own versions of future sight, making their fight extremely unique.

As for Plague, she seemed to be stuck with her opponent too.

Her opponent was Alchemist, who was laughing at the top of her voice as she sprayed her nozzle towards Plague.

No matter what kind of fatal bacteria or virus Plague used, all of them seemed to be ineffective under the assault of Alchemist’s nozzle.

As for Alchemist, she used most of her time to defend herself, which made it hard for her to attack.

These two fighters seemed to be fit and also unfit for each other, and Myth had the feeling that they will stay stuck on their combat for a little longer.

Myth then focused her attention on Tetra, who still at this point, was making Myth’s heart beat a little fast.

Tetra, just like the others, was also stuck in his own battle too, although the fight that he was in can be considered to be something else.

Eldritch and Khora were both allying to fight Tetra, and the abilities that all of them used made even someone like Tetra shake inwardly.

Tetra, to Myth’s surprise, was using Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Strong Nuclear, and Weak Nuclear Force to fight against his two opponents!

That kind of power was only used by Tetra to the opponents that he deemed worthy of it!

Eldritch and Khora seemed to be holding off their own ground, and the way that they did so made Myth inwardly nervous.

Everytime that Tetra sends out either a Gravitational or an Electromagnetic Attack, Eldritch seems to be doing something to negate it, while Khora does something to the Space around them to negate Tetra’s Strong and Weak Nuclear attacks.

And if there was an attack by Tetra that bypasses these defenses, the pair would teleport away, making those attacks miss completely.

There were some times that it was Eldritch and Khora attacking, with Eldritch relying on those ’Sprites’ of his to unleash a dizzying array of attacks towards Tetra.

Needless to say, the fight between them three was at a high level, and Myth was badly tempted to go and assist Tetra now.

"Gruam!" Myth’s observation of the fights was cut off as the injured Hydra growled behind her, making Myth remember about her fight.

Myth looked back to the Hydra, who was still glaring at her defiantly.

"So you are a She. Well, that will not make me falter here." Myth said as she already knew the identity of this Hydra.

By the process of elimination, Myth realized that this Hydra was most likely the whip-bearing woman of The Alchemists.

That was a pleasant surprise for Myth, as she did not expect that lascivious looking woman to be this powerful.

But that surprise was gone now, since the Hydra obviously looked like it was about to be finished off already.

"You still had that spunk in you huh. Let’s see if you will still have that once I am done with you!" Myth shouted as she decided to end this fight already.

Once she kills this Hydra, Myth will be free to assist her teammates, especially Miden who was now captured by Dryad.

"Just go and die!" Myth shouted at the top of her voice as she let out a flurry of punches with her 32 Adamantine Fists.

"Baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku baku!"

Myth then kicked the Hydra’s body off the ground as she sent one more punch to destroy its head.

"Bakuhatsu Suru!"(Explode!)

The explosion of the Hydra’s final head was like fireworks, and Myth was unable to avoid chunks of it falling down on her face.

Needless to say, Myth became pissed from this too.


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