Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 238 Yellow and Black

Chapter 238 Yellow and Black

"I think we have been duped." These were the words that Alex uttered as he looked around him. "We’re not supposed to be here..."

"...I sometimes disagree with your opinion, but this time around I fully agree with you." Professor Frances replied as she looked around her. "This place looks fishy af."

"You don’t need to elaborate that point anymore." Alex replied as he let out a sigh. "Ok f**k this, what the hell is happening here?"


Nobody had a reply, as they do not know the answer to that.


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When Alex and the others entered the portal to the Blue Moon, they expected themselves to be at the surface of the Blue Moon itself.

Alex even prepared some Symbols that will act like an astronaut suit for him just in case there’s no air on the Blue Moon. He also wrote these Symbols for his allies so that they can be safe too.

However, all these preparations were useless as Alex found himself at a place that was definitely not the Blue Moon.

Right now, Alex and his allies found themselves inside a massive arena that was covered with a domed roof.

Everything inside this arena was white in color, with white tiles and white curved walls dominating Alex’s vision.

There were four doors at attached to the walls of the arena, with each door found at the cardinal directions.

These doors were assorted in color, and Alex had no trouble differentiating them from each other.

Aside from these features, there was nothing else remarkable that can be found from the arena that they are in right now, and that realization has somewhat made Alex feel slightly suspicious.

This suspicion of his can be also seen from other people, with the Symbolists, particularly Nero looking around them in confusion.

As for Astria, she was sniffing the air with an intrigued expression on her face, as if she had discovered something unique about this place.

Alina had this same intrigued expression too, although it was her eyes that looked to be extremely focused.

"..." As he looked at his allies’ reaction to what was happening to them, Alex could not help but narrow his eyes as he realized that something was at play here.

"This Key was supposed to bring us to the Blue Moon, yet when we used it, we ended up at this place." Alex muttered to himself as he stared at the Blue Key. "Does this mean that this place is the Blue Moon? No, it is unlikely that this is the Blue Moon. We’re surely in a different place, although I am not sure why we are here. Tsk, this is getting out of hand already..."

As Alex muttered these complaints to himself, he could not help but look inside Alina’s Storage, more specifically, at the dumb fairy that was sleeping in the storage.

"Hmm... I’m sure that [Asteria] definitely knew about what is happening here right now." Alex thought to himself as he stared at [Asteria’s] sleeping form. "Well, I just have to ask her to know the answer!"

As he reached this conclusion, Alex reached out his hand as he attempted to pull out [Asteria] out of the storage.

But before Alex could even touch [Asteria’s] body, the said fairy suddenly jumped high in the air, deftly avoiding Alex’s grab.

"Huh?" Alex’s eyes narrowed in confusion as he saw what [Asteria] did.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alex hissed at[Asteria] as he saw her looking at him warily. "Why are you avoiding my grab, and why the hell are you pretending to be asleep?"



As she went silent for a few seconds, Alex could not help but notice that there was something wrong with [Asteria] right now.

Gone was the jolly and the haughty [Asteria], with her smug smile and irritating disposition.

What Alex can see right now was a withdrawn [Asteria], with a listless face only visible from the said fairy. Her body was even slouched forward, as if she was currently carrying some kind of burden that Alex cannot see.

This change in [Asteria] had Alex somewhat shocked, as just hours earlier, Alina was still on her smug personality.

For [Asteria’s] demeanor to change this drastically, there must be something that had happened to her!

"Ugh... Hooman, please don’t bring me out." [Asteria] slowly said as she averted her gaze away from Alex. "It won’t do us good if I will be out right now, so please promise me that you will not drag me out for now."

"...Is there any problem with this place?" Alex asked [Asteria] as he looked at her in a different light. "Is there something about this place that made you like this?"

"Hooman, you do not need to ask me questions anymore. After all, you will find out the answers to that later." [Asteria] replied in a faint voice as she let out a sigh. "Okay, I’ll go back to sleep now."


Before Alex could even give more complaints, the listless fairy ignored him entirely as she laid back on her tiny bed, which was followed by her snoring just a few seconds later.

"Tsk, first the destination change, then [Asteria]. What the hell is really going on here?" Alex thought to himself grimly as he gritted his teeth. "Is there someone that is messing with us here?"

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As Alex reached this thought, he could not help but look at his allies, who still all looked confused with what was happening.

As Alex saw their confusion, he let out a sigh as he decided to placate them all.

But before Alex could start his speech, he was suddely interrupted by a high-pitched voice above him.n

"Hahaha, so the hoomans have come here already. Welcome all of you big-footed apes!"

"!!!" Everyone who heard this sound all looked at the speaker, who was just floating 10 meters above Alex.

Alex and his companions looked up too, and when they saw who the speaker was, their eyes widened as if they could not believe what they just saw.

"....So this is the reason why [Asteria] would not come out at all." Alex thought wryly to himself as he shook his head. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, that fairy really keeps a lot of things from us!"

The newcomer who had just greeted them was a fairy, who was also around the same size as [Asteria].

This fairy, unlike [Asteria], was wearing a long black dress which fitted her small body.

This fairy’s hair was black and silky, with its tips reaching the fairy’s ankle.

There was a small book on this fairy’s left hand, while a small axe could be seen on her right.

All in all, the fairy that Alex could see above him was one that exudes the same atmosphere and attitude as [Asteria].

However, that was not the only thing that this fairy was similar with [Asteria].

This fairy, aside from the hair and the dress, looked exactly like [Asteria]!

She had the same face, same body, and the same cocky expression as [Asteria]!

The only real difference was that [Asteria] had blonde hair and dress, while this fairy had black hair and dress!

If one will place [Asteria] and this fairy beside each other, any onlookers would think that the two were twins who just dyed their hair to look different.

"..." Even Alex with his good eyes could not see any differences between this fairy’s appearance and Asteria’s which just made him more confused.

"Alina, do you see any kind of difference appearance-wise between this fairy and Asteria?

Alex whispered to Alina as he and the others continued staring at the black fairy. "You have the best eyes here, so maybe you can see it?"

"Alex... even I can see that these two are perfectly identical." Alina replied as she let out a frown. "No matter which way I looked at this fairy, I could not help but see that she was just a black-haired version of Asteria..."

"...Since you can also see their similarities, then there is around 100% chance that this fairy is related to [Asteria]." Alex muttered to Alina as he let out a deep breath. "I am not sure what we should do here, but it seems like bringing [Asteria] out will not be good. [Asteria] even told me herself that she does not want to go out. I’m definitely sure this black fairy is the reason for that."

"...Is that so? So that’s why [Asteria] does not want to talk. She must have foreseen something like this happening."


Alex would have liked to continue this conversation with Alina, but he was forced to stop as the black fairy above him started to talk.

"Pathetic hoomans, don’t dare to ask me about what is happening right now. If you want to know, then you should wait until the other hoomans arrive here. I will only bestow you all with my knowledge once all of you smelly hoomans are here!"

"All of us? Don’t tell me..." Alex’s words trailed as he realized what the fairy was talking about.

"Hmph, ’don’t tell me’ my ass!" The fairy suddenly shouted as she let out a growl. "Don’t tell me that you all just realized it now? Ugh... you really are all dumb! No wonder you hoomans easily die! You don’t use your swollen brains!"

"What the hell is that fairy talking about?" Professor Frances hissed at Alex as she looked to be already irritated with the new fairy.

"If we, along with the Symbolists have arrived here, then there is a high chance that the Celestials and the Devourers along with their respective Travelers will also come here." Alex replied to the professor as he gritted his teeth. "That’s the most likely scenario that will happen here."

"Even they will arrive? But if that was the case, then..."

"Then it just means that whatever we were supposed to do here is related to all the Factions meeting together at this place." Alex said as he finished the professor’s statement. "As for what it will be, we can only find it out once everyone comes here."

"That’s not a really good thing." Queen Mother worriedly said as she looked around her. "There’s a high chance that we will be forced to fight, no doubt about that. The question is, what will the fight be?"

"We can only know once that damned fairy speaks." Alex replied sullenly as he looked at the fairy, who was now drinking something that suspiciously looked like cola.

The fairy had a blissful expression on her face as she slurped the cola, and even with her miniature frame, she managed to finish the bottle of cola in just 5 seconds.


As he saw this comical scene, Alex tilted his head as he thought to himself,

"Alina’s hair is golden blonde, and she likes to drink honey, which can have a similar color to her hair. As for this new fairy, her hair is black, and she likes to drink cola. Hmm... since it was like that, then does the color of their hair indicate their favorites? Wait, why am I even thinking about this?"

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