Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 252 Rero rero rero

Chapter 252 Rero rero rero

Before the white spear could hit him, it was suddenly blocked by a defensive field, which was created by the joint effort of the Symbolists.

Alex nodded appreciatively upon seeing this, as he realized that the Symbolists with him are all serious right now.

"Boom boom boom!" At the moment that the Symbolists had sprung up their defenses, the Celestials from above started to attack, using their Celestial Constellation Arts.

The sky glowed white as numerous constellations covered the battlefield. Out of these constellations, powerful attacks came out, hitting the defensive shield with full force.

Fortunately for everyone inside the shield, it managed to hold its ground, although no one was sure on how long it will last.

After all, it was only the Celestials and their abilities that are hitting the shield right now.

The lethal weapons that they have with them are still not being used, and the Traveler Team that is leading the Celestials wat not yet attacking too!

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Alina was not sure why their invaders are holding back now, but she was sure that they must be planning on doing something.

As for what this plan was, Alina had no idea on what it could be.

Well, whatever that plan might be, Alina was confident that they can all get through it!,


"Boom boom boom!"

As the attacks continued on landing on their shield, Alex could be seen looking at the attackers above intently.

"..." Even though Alex tried to look composed right now, there will still some traces of worry and panic that could be seen on his face.

Alina and Queen Mother frowned as they saw Alex’s face, as they saw that there’s really something unnatural about Alex right now.

But even if there was something wrong with him, Alex showed that he was still somewhat reliable as his following words had managed to rouse the crowd.

"Everyone, keep your defenses tight!" Alex shouted to the Symbolists as his he also started on writing his own Symbols. His Symbols, which looked golden before, now had a tinge of black on her bodies.

Alina, who saw this color change, started to have the suspicion that Alex was using doing something with the Symbols using his Abyss Energy.

While he was writing the Symbols, Alex continued to talk loudly.

"Our goal here is to weather their attacks while my companion frees Lingo. Once Lingo is free, we will use his power to push these people back! Do you all understand that?"

"Yes!" All the Symbolists replied, although some of them seemed to be unhappy with what Alex just said.

But even though they were unhappy, they had no choice but to accept what Alex just said.

After all, they were caught in a surprise attack, and the best way that they can do to push the attack back was of course by using Lingo himself!

Alina naturally knew this too as she naturally agreed to Alex.

"Queen Mother and Professor! Go and plant that parasite inside Lingo!" Alex shouted to the two women as his writing frequency increased. "And please, do it as fast as possible! With the weapons that these invaders are carrying with them, I am not sure if our defensive wall would hold for that long! So please speed up the planting process! Our lives will depend on that!"

"You could have worded it better, prick." Professor Frances muttered angrily as she and Queen Mother started to do their work on Lingo. "Wouldn’t it hurt to give us some nice and encouraging words?

"..." Alex did not give any reply to that, which elicited an irritated huff from the professor.

Alina only shook her head upon seeing this, as she knew how pressured Alex must feel right now.

"From the looks of it, it seems like the Celestial Faction have already freed the prisoner in the Yellow Moon, just like what we are trying to do now." Alina thought to herself quickly as she unsheathed her katana. "That could be the only reason that they are attacking now. But if that was really the case, then where is that prisoner? Is that prisoner staying at the Yellow Moon? That’s probable, since they had to leave someone guarding the Yellow Moon..."

At the instant that Alina thought of this, she felt somewhat confused.

"Why are they attacking us anyway? Couldn’t they have just chosen to go to the Red Moon? After all, that place is empty, since its power recipients are unable to go there..."

This is the thing that Alina was confused of right now.

Why would the Celestial Faction choose to attack them, when they can just attack the Red Moon?

Hell, they could even just choose to attack the Devourer Faction at the Green Moon!

Yet, even with these choices, they still chose to attack the Blue Moon!

"Tsk, I should think about this later." Alina thought to herself sourly as she pointed her sword at the opponents from above.

For now, Alina had no choice but to use her Dimension Manipulation Esper power, even if it was weakened right now.

Alina’s Dark Magic, which had also reached Grade 6 already, was more suited for covert and individual fights.

That means that for the current situation, Dark Magic won’t be of that much help, unless Alina evolves too.

But Alina still had no idea how to evolve herself, so she has no choice but to rely on her dimensional manipulation for now.

"....I still have some contribution points left. Should I use it to increase my Mental Power?" Alina thought to herself quickly as Alex continued to bark orders to the people around her. "Why am I even thinking about it? Of course I should do it!"

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At the moment that Alina became Alex’s Companion, she already knew that she will be mostly relying on her Esper Power on the missions. As for her Dark Magic, Alina only uses if to cover up her weaknesses.

Since her Esper Power was her ace, Alina must naturally invest heavily on strengthening it!

"Thud, thud."

As she made this decision to increase her power right now, Alina had no choice but to approach [Asteria], since this blonde fairy was the only one that can make the transaction for Alina.

"!!!" But before Alina could approach [Asteria], Alina suddenly stopped on her tracks.

Alina looked back at the invaders once more, and this time around, Alina’s eyes widened like saucers, as if she had just seen something unfathomable.

"These people... there’s something wrong with their bodies!" Alina exclaimed to herself inwardly as she gazed at the invaders above her.

"My eyes... they’re telling me that these people are real, but my eyes are also telling me that these people are fake!" Alina thought to herself in disbelief as she her eyes started to blink rapidly. "Ho-how could that be possible!"

This is the first time that Alina had seen something like this, and it naturally forced her to stop on her tracks.

She even momentarily forgot about her plan to increase her power, as her mind was bombarded with the questions that she have right now!

"Alina, is there something wrong?" Alina’s daze was only snapped when a worried Alex had called out to her. "Did you see something from these invaders?"

"Yes I did see something... and I am not sure if what I saw is good or bad for us." Alina replied quickly as she gritted her teeth.

"Well then, what is it that you saw?"

"I saw-" But before Alina could give her reply, they suddenly heard a melodious laughter coming from above.

"..." This pure and enticing laughter sounded somewhat inappropriate for the current situation, as it could be heard on a battlefield right now.

"..." Alina looked to the source of the laughter, and just like what she suspected, it was the kimono woman who laughed.

The kimono woman’s mask and armor was still on her body, making her look somewhat weird as she continued to laugh.


She could even be seen hugging her belly, as if she found something extremely hilarious right now.

And while this woman was still laughing, all the Celestials behind her had continued attacking, as if they do not care on what the kimono woman was doing.


Alina could not help but frown as she heard the kimono woman’s laughter.

Alina was no sure why, but she started to feel disgruntled about this woman, especially from the way that she laughed.

In fact, her disgruntlement was so great that she harbored the notion of beating her up right now!

If it weren’t for their current defensive situation, then Alina could have already flown towards this kimono woman and attacked her!

As she thought of these things, Alina shook her head as she realized that there’s something wrong with herself too.

"Strange... why do I feel so much hate against her right now?" Alina thought to herself as she glanced at the laughing woman. "And this hate... its similar to the hate that I have for Astria. Wait, I feel the same thing for the both of them? If that was the case, then that means that this kimono woman is..."

Alina’s thoughts were interrupted as the kimono woman started to talk.

"Haa.... I’m sorry everyone if I laughed. I just could not help but do it!" The kimono woman managed to say after wheezing out some more laughter out her body. "How could I not laugh when I had seen something special like this!"


The kimono woman then continued her monologue as she ignored the battle that was occurring around her.

"You know... I made a bet with my teammates on who will discover our secret first. Talia said that it will be the Explosions Guy, while Mac said that it will be you guys. it. As for me, I said that nobody will discover it!" The kimono woman then started panting for no reason at all as her skin started to turn red.

"Ha... I really thought that I was right, but as it turns out, it was you guys who really discovered it first! For that, I applaud you." The kimono woman then started clapping out of nowhere, with her two companions clapping alongside her.

"Especially you, little one." The kimono woman said as her head turned at Alina’s direction. "You... you’re the one who saw through our secret. It must have been because of your eyes, right?"


"Well, don’t be that shocked little one. After all, I am the same as you..."

At the instant that the kimono woman said these words, she suddenly removed the bottom portion of her mask revealing her thin and delicate lips.

A perfect-looking tongue then came out of her mouth, which started to waggle in the air excitedly.

"Hahaha! I want to taste you all so bad right now!" The kimono woman shouted out as her tongue continued to waggle. "Ahh... I wonder how your skins would feel once my tongue caresses it... Ooooh.. just the thought of it is making me shiver right now!"


Needless to say, everyone was creeped out by what they heard, especially Alina.

"Tsk, we use our tongues to enjoy food, and not to engage in evil things!" Alina thought to herself angrily as she was now personally offended by this kimono woman. "This woman... she must be re-educated about this!"

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