Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 306 Gold, Blue, White, Black, and Kid... What do these 5 have in common?

Chapter 306 Gold, Blue, White, Black, and Kid... What do these 5 have in common?

Alex was not sure on how long he passed out, as the moment that his awareness returned, he found no way to see the time.

[Alex]: "Where... the hell am I now?"

Right now, Alex realized that he is not anymore inside the shack.

Around him, all that Alex could only see was darkness, which had expanded all around him.

This darkness oddly felt comfortable to Alex, although he still could not help but feel wary of where he is right now.

[Alex]: "Seriously, where am I now?"

After muttering these words, Alex raised his right hand in order to scratch his head.

But at the moment that he raised his hand, he stopped on his tracks as he realized that something was odd with his right hand!

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[Alex]: "What the hell... Why is my hand see-through right now?"

Alex’s right hand, which should be in all case, be composed of his skin, bones and muscles, now looked like it was made up of a transparent material!

After seeing this bizarre sight in front of him, Alex waved his right hand in hopes of it becoming normal.

But this method did not work, as his right hand still stayed the same.

[Alex]: "F**k, so this is really see-through. Why the hell would this even happen to me? From what I can remember, I am supposed to be receiving two Major Powers right now. I should not even be in this place, and my hand should not be like this! Is this supposed to be happening to me?"

At this point, with everything that he just witnessed, Alex could have continued making numerous assumptions to himself.

Fortunately, that did not happen, as the sudden sound of footsteps behind Alex had forced him to stop.

Alex, who was engrossed with his thoughts, could not help but curse out as he realized that some people actually managed to sneak behind him without him detecting them early!

That in itself just increased Alex’s tension right now!

[Alex]: "Who goes there?"

Alex’s head spun as he faced the newcomers, with his body prepared to attack, although Alex was not sure if he can even fight right now.

But at the moment that Alex saw who the newcomers were, any intent of him fighting disappeared as he could only feel surprise right now.

[Alex]: "Wait... am I seeing correctly right now?"

Walking towards Alex calmly were 5 people.

These 5 people all had different colors and demeanor, which already makes them interesting.

But what was more intriguing about these 5 was the fact that all of them looked exactly like Alex!

That’s right! Approaching Alex right now were 5 people who all looked like him!

As these 5 got nearer and nearer to him, Alex could only sputter as he observed each one of them.


Leading these 5 was a gold-clad Alex.

This Alex’s body was covered with a golden glow, making him look extremely dignified and noble.

Every step that this golden Alex was taking was full of prestige, which combined with his elegant demeanor, made him more likable.

The only thing that was marring his glorious appearance was the haughty expression on his face, making this golden Alex look like an unforgiving tyrant.

Alex decided to call this person as [Golden Alex], in reference to his golden appearance.

The second Alex in the group has a body made up of black mist, which roiled and uncoiled with every step he took.

This black Alex was letting out a dangerous and primal feeling, as if he would swallow or kill anyone that will come near him.

Aside from this, there is also a touch of evil and darkness that can be felt from this black Alex, making him look somewhat undesirable.

Alex decided to call this person as [Black Alex], in reference to his black mist body.

The third Alex on the other hand, looked somewhat futuristic, with metal parts and electricity adorning his body.

Every now and often, blue sparks could be seen coming out of this Alex, which combined with his appearence, made him look more like a machine.

This was further exemplified by his cold, unforgiving, expressionless face.

For this one, Alex has decided to call him [Blue Alex], since he just... looks so blue.

Behind [Blue Alex] was the fourth Alex, which looked somewhat weak compared to the first three versions of Alex.

This fourth Alex only had a height that was half of the others, making him look like a kid.

He was wearing a set of clothes which belonged to a kid, coupled with a bright red hat on top of his head.

Cradled in his left hand was a thermometer, which seemed to be fluctuating greatly with his emotions.

Fourth Alex seemed to be a little scared, with him hiding behind [Blue Alex], as if he was treating [Blue Alex] as his protector.

[Blue Alex] paid no heed to this, as he seemed content on protecting the fourth Alex.

For fourth Alex, Alex has decided to name him [Kid Alex], since he just looks like a kid now.

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As for the fifth and final Alex in the group, his appearance can be said to be refreshing compared to [Black Alex].

Pure white robes which looked like snow, coupled with a calm face was the stand-out characteristics that fifth Alex had.

Every movement that this Alex had were all composed of purity and wisdom, making this Alex look otherworldly and somewhat ethereal.

But to anyone that will observe him more closely, one can also see that that the eyes of this Alex was filled with ambition!

This ambition was hidden deep beneath his eyes, but anyone can see it as long as they will observe him intently.

For this one, Alex has decided to call him [White Alex]. The reason for that is of course already obvious.


Alex only took around 3 seconds to make all of his observations, nd once he did that, he stayed still as he waited for the 5 newcomers to talk.

Fortunately for Alex, his colored copies did start talking, with the golden on leading the conversation.

[Golden Alex]: "You have been with us for some time already, and yet you still do not know who we were? Shame on you, Alex. And here I thought you were amazing when you obtained me from Emperor Litch! You are a shame for all the Emperors!"

[Alex]: "What?"

When Alex saw these 5 earlier, he felt a sense of familiarity with them, although he could not place where this familiarity came from.

But as these 5 started talking, Alex’s eyes widened as he slowly realized what they really are.

[Blue Alex]: "I am the first ability that you had, and yet you still did not recognize me. It seems like I have to recalculate your intelligence value..."

[Alex]: "Hey wait a second, are you tell-"

[Black Alex]: It is sometimes not a sin to be ignorant, but when you are ignorant because you did not care, that is a different matter already. Alex, I am your second power. Don’t tell me you can’t recognize me too? Tsk, the Abyss feels offended by this."

[Alex]: "Okay, I get it already-"

[Kid Alex]: "Um... I’m sorry if I look weak. You just bought me earlier after all. But I swear to you! Even if I can only control temperature right now, I can evolve in the future! I promise you that!"

[Alex]: "..."

[White Alex]: "Since you obtained me earlier, that just means that you are highly interested in becoming an Immortal. Interesting... I hope that with my help, you can reach the peak of cultivation in the future But with the way that you are acting right now, it seems like I have to lower my expectations on you..."

[Alex]: "..."

After hearing what these 5 had said, Alex already abandoned his attempt to explain himself as he processed all of what they said.

[Alex]: "..."

A few seconds later, ad Alex’s sharp mind has already given him the answer that he needed.

Who are these 5 people you ask? Well as it turns out, the answer to that was just simple.

[Alex]: "You 5... you don’t need to pester me anymore. I already know your identities."

Before the 5 could speak up, Alex raised his right hand as he pointed his finger at [Golden Alex]

[Alex]: "Golden Alex... you must be the power that I got from Emperor Litch. That demeanor that you are letting out, it’s just painfully similar to that Emperor."

Before Golden Alex could reply, Alex then pointed his fingers at the others, enunciating their identities with each of his point.

[Alex]: "As for you [Blue Alex], there is no doubt about it. You must be my Esper Power. That electricity around you is the indicator of that. As for [Black Alex], you are obviously my Abyss Magic. After all, your body looks like it was made up of Abyss Energy!"

[Alex]: "And then for [Kid Alex], since you look weak and you are holding a thermometer, you must be my Temperature Control Superpowers. As for you, [White Alex], there is no doubt about it, you must be the Immortal Cultivation Power, which I also just gained earlier."

Once Alex said these words, his five doppelgangers started clapping with impressed expressions on their faces.

No matter which way you looked at it, these 5 seemed to be extremely delighted that Alex had managed to recognize them all.

[White Alex]: "Impressive thinking right there, Alex. You deserve full points from that."

[Golden Alex]: "Of course you will be able to discover our identities quickly. After all, we just said the clues to you!

[Blue Alex]: "...It seems like I have to recalculate again."

[Black Alex]: "The Abyss is now appeased by your words."

[Kid Alex]: "Yay! You’re really good!"

[Alex]: "...."

Alex was somewhat relieved after knowing their identities, but he knew that right now, this was not enough for him!

After all, Alex’s discovery of their identities did not help him out at all. Instead, it just gave Alex more questions to ponder!

Why did Alex suddenly find himself inside a dark place, away from his original location?

Where are his Companions that pesky fairy?

Why is he see-through now?

And why is it that Alex’s Major Powers had somehow found a way to form their bodies, which looked identical to Alex, and use these bodies to talk to him right now?

All of these questions forced Alex to let out a sigh, as he realized that him buying those two new powers were basically the cause of all of this.

[Alex]: "Sigh.... So why are you 5 here? If you are my powers, then what are you doing here? Are you here because of what I did with Asteria?"

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