Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 308 Is that part available? If it is, then let me use it!

Chapter 308 Is that part available? If it is, then let me use it!


For the 2nd time this day, Alex found himself opening his eyes again.

His mind, which was overtaken by darkness earlier, has now cleared as he regained control of his faculties.

As he slowly opened his eyes, Alex’s awareness flared up as he remembered the conversation that he just had with the 5 Alex(s).

He remembered everything, even the important message that they just gave to him.

But before Alex could focus on their message, he was interrupted by a sensation that he was not prepared to feel!

"Argh! It hurts!" Alex cursed inwardly as he felt an excruciating pain across his whole body!

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This pain, which was flaring all over Alex’s body, was enough to make him cry and curl on the floor in agony.

"F**k, why does this hurt so much?" Alex complained as he found himself unable to move because of the pain. "Argh! I can’t take this pain anymore! Why does it hurt like this!!!"

For Alex to feel such pain like this was a great surprise for him.

After all, Alex knew that he can tolerate extreme pains, which was shown when he passed through the barrier of evolving into a Grade 7 Abyss Monster!

Alex managed to go through something like that, and yet he actually could not withstand something like this?

There must be something wrong with his body right now!

As Alex reached this conclusion, he immediately used what remained of his power to scan his whole body.

At the moment that he did this, Alex’s pale face paled more, as he saw the reason for his pain.

Inside Alex’s body, 5 different-colored energies could be seen swirling chaotically.

These energies, according to Alex’s eyes, were almost the same at the powers that his soul met earlier.

There was the gold-colored energy, which was releasing an aura of nobility and tyranny. Then there’s the blue energy, which was surrounded by electrics sparks and small gravity waves. The third one was the black-colored energy, which was thick to the brim with black mist.

Of course there is the white energy, which was letting out an aura of pureness and confidence. As for the final energy, the pale red energy, it looked almost insignificant, as its small size and mediocre color made it look weak compared to the other four.

All in all, these 5 energies were wreaking havoc, with each energy dealing immense damage inside Alex’s body.

Even the pale red energy, which looked weak, was also dealing some damage to Alex!

As Alex saw what was happening inside his body, he let out a mental sigh as he realized what this was.

"So what those 5 said was true. All my Major Powers... went berserk inside my body." Alex muttered to himself as he forced himself to not black out from pain. "And now that they are berserk, all the energies inside my body started to go out of whack, bringing me countless injuries and pain-Argh!"

After saying these words, Alex’s face contorted again as another bout of pain made him tremble in agony.

"F**k! This sucks! This pain I not worth it to be here! And to make this worse, there is a chance that I might also die here..."

Alex knew that with his high regeneration prowess, he was able to heal from these damages.

Unfortunately for Alex, the intensity of the damage dealt by the energies to him now was too much to bear, that even someone like Alex can only barely keep up on healing himself.

And make it worse for Alex, this was not the only problem that he has to face.

Alex realized that as time passed by, the energies inside his body were increasing in power, to the point that Alex’s healing was being overwhelmed.

As these energies increased in power, the damages that they dealt inside Alex increased in quality and quantity too, which just made it harder for Alex’s body to heal.

This, combined with the way that his energies continued to wreak havoc , made Alex realize that he will die if he doesn’t do anything about his body’s condition right now!

If he lets his berserking energies get stronger, his body would gain numerous injuries that could be enough to kill him!

This is already a bad news to Alex, and the fact that he has to stop it right now just makes it worse!

But even if Alex knew that he must do something to save himself, he was actually not sure on what do.

After all, Alex has no idea on what he must do to save his powers and also keep him alive.

The only clue that he had was the message given by the 5 Alex(s) earlier.

[The Will of an Emperor]

[The Mind of an Esper]

[The Heart of a Monster]

[The Dao of a Cultvator]

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[The Body of a Hero]

Alex did his best to remember this message through his pain, although his perfect recall of them did not help him out at all.

"What the f**k does this message mean?" Alex thought to himself angrily as his muscles began to burn in agony and lactic acid. "The Will of an Emperor? The Mind of an Esper? The Heart of a Monster? Are my powers saying that I should live out my powers?"

Alex let out a wry smile as he imagined himself doing like this.

"For [The Heart of a Monster]... Does it require me to live my life as a monster? Or just be a monster out of my own volition? For [The Mind of an Esper].... Am I required to think like an Esper? As for the [Will of an Emperor], do I just have to obtain the will itself? Does this also apply to the other lines too? Well, now that I think about it, this could actually be it...’"

At first, Alex thought that this could be the method that his powers were telling him.

But a second later, Alex shook his head as he gritted his teeth.

"No... this cannot be that way. It is just too idealistic. The solution that I need must work in seconds! If I follow this iaealistc way, it will take me a longer time to deal with my condition! If it were before, I could still accept this. But right now, I am about to die, so I cannot do this method!"

As Alex thought of this, he continued squirming around, as the pain on his body continued increasing, along with the damages on him.

His body then began to leak blood, as some of his unhealed wounds bled out, making Alex feel weaker and weaker as time passed by.

"Ugh..." As he felt this weakness assaulting his body, Alex’s panic increased as he knew that his end was about to arrive!

Naturally, this forced Alex to think of the solution right now!

"Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body..."

Alex murmured these words to himself like a chant, as he was hoping that saying these words might give him the answer that he is looking for.

"Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body!"

As if possessed by a demon, Alex continued on chanting these words, even when his body was starting to collapse inwardly.

"Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body.Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body. Will, Mind, Heart, Dao, Body!!!"

"Hm?" After chanting these words a few more times, Alex tilted his head as he seemed to notice a similarity between these 5 words.

"Is it just me... or does these 5 words represent a literal body part of me?" Alex thought to himself as he took a deep breath.

"[Heart]... it obviously refers to the heart of course. As for [Mind], it could be representing the brain. As for [Will], it might as well be referring to the soul. As for the [Dao] and [Body]..."

Alex’s words then trailed as a fantastic idea appeared on his mind.

His heart, which had been taxed on keeping him alive, let out a thump as Alex seemed to receive a great burst of life right now!

"Hahaha! So it was actually that simple? How did I not even think about that?" Alex roared out as he started to laugh. "I see, I see. So this is how I should deal with my powers then? Hahaha, so this is why many failed on getting a lot of powers... They did not have the luck like me to discover the right way to obtain them!"

Even if Alex’s body was heavily injured right now, Alex seemed to not care about it as his focus was more engrossed on his discovery.

"Hehehe, right now, this is only a theory, but I highly think that my idea right now is the only way for me to survive!" Alex thought to himself as he forced his mind to stay clear. "Body parts and powers? I never thought I could make you two be relevant to each other today!"

After observing the condition on his body, Alex realized a simple solution to his problem.

Since the powers inside his body was becoming berserk right now, maybe making them close together is a bad choice.

Maybe placing them on different parts of Alex’s body might calm them down. This way, his powers will stay inside Alex and be used by him properly, while also being isolated safely away from each other.

But here lies a dilemma.

Even if these powers can be collected on body parts, where exactly would Alex place these powers?

Well, if Alex did not talk to the 5 Alex(s) earlier, he will also be stumped right now.

But fortunately for Alex, he did have a talk, with him receiving an important message from them.

There is no doubt about it.

The message that Alex received earlier from the 5 Alex(s) was the guide on where he should place his powers!

"Each line that my powers said to me earlier refers to a certain part of my body and their respective power." Alex thought to himself as he narrowed his eyes. "One example is the [Heart of a Monster]. The body part referred to that is my Heart, while the energy referred to is my Abyss Energy. Now, if I follow my theory correctly, what I should be doing was to place all of my Abyss Energy inside my heart! Yes! This is the thing that I should do! And this applies to my other body parts too!"

Alex then began to pant as he listed the other body parts that he must use.

"[The Mind of an Esper]... [Mind] could refer to my brain, and [Esper] refers to my Mental Power! That means that I could place all of my Mental Power inside my brain!"

"[The Will of an Emperor]... [Will] could refer to my soul, while [Emperor] obviously refers to my Conqueror’s Power! Following my idea, I can just shove my Conqueror’s Power towards my soul!"

[The Dao of an Immortal]... [Immortal] is surely about Immortal Cultivation. As for [Dao]... I think this could be referring to the dantian, which is the part that is used for Immortal Cultivation! Hmph, I don’t even need to be smart to realize that I should place all my Immortal Cultivation inside my dantian! After all, Immortal Cultivation has always been done in the dantian!"

"As for [The Body of a Hero], maybe [Body] refers to the entirety of my body as a whole, while [Hero] is about my Temperature Control... Hmm, this is the hardest one actually. I think I should deal with this one the last..."

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