Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 338 Please dont push me off the cliff

Chapter 338 Please don“t push me off the cliff

That night, Alex was left with no choice but to settle on the couch. After all, he just managed to trigger Alina again.

[Alex]: "Sigh...I really messed up this time."

Alex was not sure on what to feel right now, as he knew that Alina has managed to see through his one main problem.

[Alex]: "Have I been really obsessed with getting more powerful? It could be false... but since Alina was the one saying it, there’s a high possibility that she is right."

After reaching this line of thought, Alex sighed again as he laid his body down on the couch.

[Alex]: "Since I just managed to piss off Alina, then that means that the option for dual cultivation is already cut off from me.... In that case, what should I do to get stronger? Should I really opt for the 5-power fusion?"

Even right now, Alex was still hesitating on the option for the power fusion, as he was not entirely sure if he can even pull this off.

[Alex]: "Sigh... it’s really hard to get stronger when you have different powers to manage. If I can only talk to my powers again...."

Suddenly, Alex stood up from the couch as a bright idea struck his mind.

[Alex]: "Wait a second, didn’t I just talk to my powers before? Since I managed to talk to them, then there is a chance that I can talk to them again! Yes, yes, yes, I can do that..."

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Alex then started pacing around his couch as he cupped his chin.

[Alex]: "If I can talk to my powers right now, I am sure that they can give me a good advice on how to get stronger... The only problem is on how I should talk to them...."

Alex then narrowed his eyes as he remembered the scenario that happened before his powers talked to him.

[Alex]: "At that time... I was in deep slumber while my consciousness was focused on moving my powers. It was there that I managed to talk to my powers. Hmm... Should I recreate that scenario first before I can talk to my powers again? Or should I just sleep it out?"

Alex could have continued agonizing about it, but before he can think up of more possible ways to talk to his powers again, he suddenly felt a weird sensation inside his body.

More specifically, he was feeling this sensation on his soul.

As he felt this sensation, Alex’s eyes widened as he realized that he was actually familiar with it.

[Alex]: "This sensation... I’m sure that I have felt it before. But where? Where did I-urgh."

To the surprise of Alex, after this weird sensation appeared on his soul, he started to feel sleepy, as if he was being urged to sleep right now.

[Alex]: "Urgh... why am I feeling sleepy right now? I am thinking about how to contact my powers... I should still stay awake... Urgh..."

Alex tried his best, but he was unable to resist his drowsiness.


Alex’s body crashed to the couch as his vision was covered by darkness. He let out a peaceful smile as his mind drifted to the sweet embrace of slumber.


A few seconds after he fell asleep, Alex’s awareness came back rushing to him, which urged him to open his eyes.

[Alex]: "Urgh..."

As he opened his eyes, Alex immediately scanned his surroundings.

[Alex]: "Huh? Where am I now?"

To Alex’s surprise, he realized that he was not inside his house anymore.

Instead, from what he can see, Alex can only say that he’s inside a dark cave.

This dark cave seemed to be limitless in size, as Alex was unable to see its boundaries or even its walls.

[Alex]: "..."

Alex immediately felt a sense of oppression as he looked around him, although this feeling faded away as it was replaced by familiarity.

[Alex]: "I... I know this place... But where could I have seen this before? Wait... I went to this dark place after I suddenly fell asleep. Dark cave... fall asleep... Wait! Could this palce be..."

[Dignified Voice behind Alex]: "Welcome back Alex. To say that we have been waiting for you here is an understatement."

[Alex]: "!!!"

After he heard this voice behind, him, Alex started to relax his tense body as he already knew where he is.

[Alex]: "Well, well, well, I did not expect to be quickly brought here again. I thought I needed luck to come here."

[Dignified Voice behind Alex]: "Alex, as long as you are in a dire situation, you have a chance to talk to us."

[Alex]: "A dire situation you say? So does that mean that I am in a dire situation right now?"

[Dignified Voice behind Alex]: "You can say that."

[Alex]: "Hmph, White Alex. I am not sure if I should feel happy about that news, but I am relieved that I am back here talking with you."

The speaker with the dignified voice, who Alex perfectly identified as White Alex, let out a light laughter as he revealed himself to Alex.

[White Alex]: "It’s good to see you here, Alex. I hope you will find the answer that you have been looking for here."

White Alex seemed to still look the same as before, with his white-clad appearance perfectly able to display his graceful and mysterious aura.

Although his appearance was still the same, here was something different about the power emanating out of White Alex.

It seemed to be more potent right now, as if he had gotten stronger.

As this man showed himself to Alex, Alex could only tilt his head as he observed White Alex more closely.

Alex’s eyes seemed to be filled with slight doubt as he stared at White Alex warily.

[Alex]: "White Alex... I am back here in my Soul thingy, right?""

[White Alex]: "Yes, you are back here in your Soul thingy. My existence right in front of you is a proof of it."

[Alex]: "...If I am really back at the place where I talked to my powers before, then why am I just seeing you here? Where are the others Alex(s)?"

[Kid Alex]: "H-hey! We are here too! Look behind you!"

[Blue Alex]: "You followed the technicalities of our admittance process, yet you’re still confused at your arrival... Is your processor working properly?"

[Black Alex]: "The Abyss is not happy with your inability to detect all of us at once."

[Golden Alex]: "Hahaha, why are we even entertaining this guy? Didn’t he just manage to c**kblock himself? Hahaha, what a shame! If it were me, I will not allow you to be here!"

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As he heard this multitude of voices behind him, Alex sighed as he placed a palm on his forehead.

"...So I am really back here."









Alex was not sure how he did it, but right now, he had successfully managed to communicate with his powers again!

Of course from what White Alex has said earlier, these powers has decided to talk to Alex due to him being embroiled in a ’dire situation’.

One can say that they were giving Alex an opportunity right now, which he will obviously accept.

With this opportunity already given to him, Alex of course will not waste his time on idle talk.

[Alex]: "Hey, we can do the small talk later. For now, I wanted your help!"

[Golden Alex]: "Our help? Hehehe, what do you mean by that?"

Golden Alex’s voice sounded a little mocking, which grated on Alex’s ears. The other Alex(s) nearby started to snicker too, which increased Alex’s irritation.s

[Alex]: "..."

But even if these people were already getting on his nerves this early, Alex resisted to urge to glare at them as he told them of his need.

[Alex]: "You guys... I wanted to talk to you today because I need your help to get stronger!"

[White Alex]: "You are awfully pushy today. Do you really need to get that stronger right now?"

[Alex]: "Didn’t you just say it earlier? I am in a dire situation right now. The only way that I can get out of it is by getting stronger! That was why I need your help! With your advices, I am sure I can get through this trial alive!"

[Golden Alex]: "Hehehe, are you sure that our advice can be of help to you? Can you even use them inside 7 days?"

[Kid Alex]: "I-I can’t give any advice...."

[Black Alex]: "You want an advice? Let me ask the Abyss for the permission to talk first.

[Blue Alex]: "..."

[White Alex]: "I have a lot of good advices for you, but with your current level in Qi Condensation, I’m not sure if you can use them for yourself..."

[Alex]: "..."

After he heard these somewhat unenthusiastic replies from his powers, Alex shook his head as he tried to calm himself down.

Getting angry at them won’t be of any help here. Staying calm and talking to them properly is the right thing to do here.

[Alex]: "...Guys, surely you have something to help me out..."

[White Alex]: "Well, I can say one thing for you. Don’t even think about the 5-power fusion. You will die if you will attempt it in your current state."

[Alex]: "Urgh."

[White Alex]: "Oh, and here is my real advice for you: If you want to get stronger using my power, you must first reach the Dao Domain Stage... But seeing that you are still in Qi Condensation, this advice of mine is of no use to you."

[Alex]: "...."

[Kid Alex]: "I-I’m sorry if I am still weak! I can only help you out in the future... but for now... I am just a burden for you!

[Alex]: "..."

[Golden Alex]: "You want to get stronger from me? Hahahaha, you must first consume the remaining Conqueror’s Aura that is with Emperor Litch! Once you did that, you can start aspiring for my evolved version!"

[Alex]: "But Emperor Litch is not here.."

[Golden Alex]: "Exactly! Which means that I am out too!"

[Alex]: "..."

[Black Alex]: "The Abyss has already given their reply. As long as you manage to complete your [Calamity of the Seven Sins], you can use it to reach Grade 7 in Abyss Magic. Once you did that, you will acquire a greater power that will make you closer to your goals."

[Alex]: "You want me to complete that spell? F**k! I only have two spells attached there! And you want me to add more spells for my breakthrough? I can’t complete that in this world!"

[Black Alex]: "In that case, the Abyss wishes you luck in this world."

[Alex]: "..."

At this point, Alex could only slump his shoulders as he realized that his goal of getting stronger in 7 days seem to be much more distant.

[Alex]: "Is dual cultivation the only thing that I can attempt now? But I can’t do that too..."

[White Alex]: "Alex, don’t lose hope yet. In my opinion, Blue Alex’s advice is your only option here."

[Alex]: "Blue Alex’s advice? Hmph, even if he’s not yet saying it, I’m sure that it’s related to strengthening my Esper Power, right?"

[White Alex]: "Exactly."

[Alex]: "Sigh, do you really think that Blue Alex’s advice will allow me reach Stage 6 of power in just 7 days? I mean, Black Alex’s and Golden Alex’s requirements to reach Stage 6 of power is just impossible for me to do now! Since those two are already impossible for me, do you think that I can actually succeed on getting stronger with Blue Alex?"

[White Alex]: "Actually, out of all of us here, your only chance of getting stronger in 7 days lies on Blue Alex’s advice."

Alex immediately froze upon hearing this. His eyes, which were already dim earlier, started to show signs of hope as he looked at Blue Alex and White Alex with incredulity.

[Alex]: "Wait... are you sure about that?"

[White Alex]: "I am sure. Why don’t you let Blue Alex speak up first?"

[Alex]: "Oh right right! Blue Alex! Speak up right now! I want to hear what you want to say!

In front of Alex’s suddenly enthusiastic attitude, Blue Alex managed to contain his stoic face as he started talking.

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