Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 351 Glory to the Immortals!

Chapter 351 Glory to the Immortals!

When Marcus opened his eyes, what he found was not the mountainous scenery that he was in earlier.

Instead, what he saw was a completely different place.

"...Am I still on the Mountain of Enlightenment?" Marcus muttered dazedly as he looked around him in confusion.


Only silence answered Marcus’ query, as if there was no one interested on answering him.

As all of this happened, Marcus felt that the ground under him was still rumbling at the same intensity as the rumbling earlier.

This rumbling has started to move Marcus, who was still lying down on the ground.

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If it was him before, he will surely be acting all tense and alert right now, as what just happened to him is something that should warrant worry.

But instead of feeling tension and fear, what Marcus felt was actually the opposite.

He felt happiness and comfort from everything that he saw around him.

His heart, which was heavy from all the worries for his sister earlier, now felt light and jolly.

His mood, which had plummeted to the lowest earlier, has significantly risen up, to the point that he seemed to forgot all the sources of his sadness.

"Ah... this is so comfortable.... I do not want this feeling to fade away..." Marcus mumbled as a spaced-out smile appeared on his face. He seemed to be significantly affected by whatever was making him happy, as he seemed to have even lost the motivation to stand up from his current position.

In fact, if what was happening to Marcus goes on, there’s no doubt that he will eventually forget about his goal to save his sister!


Fortunately for Marcus, his subconscious seemed to have realized this problem, as out of nowhere, he suddenly bit his lower lip.

Blood flowed out his lower lip as a strangled shout came out of his mouth.


This lip-bite move brought a lot of pain on Marcus, which seemed to have affected his current state.

As his body felt the sharp sting of pain in his lips, the dazed look in his eyes began to disappear, with clarity returning on them.

"What the!" After his eyes regained their usual look, Marcus said these words as his eyes widened in panic.

He immediately stood up from his place, with him brandishing his hands all around him.

His tension and fear are now back, with him not radiating any happiness or comfort like earlier.

His breathing started to hasten as his body tensed like a cornered prey.

"What the hell was that? Why did I just feel suddenly happy, when I was feeling extremely miserable earlier?" Marcus thought to himself as he wiped off the blood from his lips. "Is this an enemy attack? Or is this the power of the monster who will endanger my sister? Argh! Which one is it!"

After having these thoughts inside his mind, Marcus looked around him, as this time, he has decided to observe his surroundings better.


Right now, Marcus could not see any of the soil, trees, or pebbles that should have been placed around him.

Heck, Marcus could not even see anything around him that says that he was on the Mountain of Enlightenment!

Instead, what Marcus’ eyes could only see was metal.

Pure, white, shiny, metal.

The slanted ground beneath him was gone, as there was only slanted metal below him.

Everywhere that he looked, he could only see metal. There was nothing else other than that.

"What the... Have I been teleported away?" This was the sudden conclusion that Marcus thought as he tapped the metal under his feet.


The metal gave out this deep sound, making Marcus realize that this metal must be an extremely tough kind of metal.

This discovery only made Marcus worry more, as he realized that he was now involved in a weird situation, which he should not have been dealing with right now.

"Tsk, I am just here to save Elise. I did not sign up to do this s**t!" Marcus thought angrily as he gritted his teeth. "Why did I even have to be included in a situation like this?"

After thinking of this, Marcus let out a sigh as he looked above him.

What greeted his eyes was the sun crossing across the sky, with its white glow covering the whole land.


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Marcus’ eyes did not stray away from the white sun, as he only focused his vision on it.


Marcus then started to quietly mumble to himself, with his eyes still staring intently on the sun.


To improve his ability in divination, Marcus studied with high zealousness everything about the stars, the sun, and the moon.

This intense studying has allowed Marcus to gain the skill to use these celestial bodies to know his current location.

No matter where Marcus goes, as long as he looks at the celestial bodies above him, he will be able to ascertain about his real location.

Right now, Marcus was using this skill to determine if his current location was still on the Mountain of Enlightenment.


A few more seconds passed by before Marcus was able to pinpoint where he exactly is right now.

"...I am still here on the Mountain of Enlightenment." This was the conclusion that came out of Marcus’ mouth as he removed his gaze away from the white sun. "There was nothing that teleported me away. I am still where I should have been..."

If the situation was normal, Marcus could have probably been feeling relieved with this revelation.

But right now, this discovery just made him more worried.

"If I am still here on the Mountain of Enlightenment, then does that mean that all this metal around me is the Mountain of Enlightenment itself?" Marcus muttered as visible confusion appeared on his face. He shook his head, as if he could not believe what he was seeing.

"If that was true, then does that mean that the whole Mountain of Enlightenment suddenly turned metal? Is that even possible? How could-"


Marcus’ silent contemplations was suddenly cut-off as a powerful voice boomed around him, chanting these words with fervor.


"Argh!" Marcus body could not help but crouch down as he covered his ears in pain.

The voice which spoke these words was so powerful, that Marcus could feel its vibration affecting his body.

This made Marcus feel visibly ill, as his currently weakened body was unable to resist this sudden change inside him.


As Marcus started to tremble in great pain, the voice continued on chanting these words repetitively, with each repetition sounding stronger than the other.

With his body unable to do anything against what was happening right now, the only thing that Marcus could do was endure and wait.

But even if he was forced to endure now, Marcus of course was not happy with what was happening to him at all.

"What is this? First, the whole Mountain of Enlightenment turned to metal. Now, chants of [GLORY TO THE IMMORTALS!] have been echoing all around me. What is happening here?" Marcus thought as another chant of the same line brought a punishing blow on his body. "Who the hell is making this happen?"

Marcus’ mind then began to whirl as he thought of the possible causes for his situation.

He reviewed everything that he experienced this day, including all the news and rumors he heard from people earlier.


After a few seconds of doing this, Marcus’ mouth slightly widened as his hands fell down to his sides.


Marcus ignored the pain brought out by this chant as an exhausted smile appeared on his face.

"Because of my sister, I did not put that much attention on it, but from what I can remember, it seems like there was a rebel Immortal group that has managed to irk off the TimeMasters." Marcus thought inwardly as his ears began to bleed. "From what I can remember, this rebel group has managed to kidnap someone important to the TimeMasters, which then brought chaos everywhere."

Marcus absent-mindedly wiped the blood off him as he continued thinking.

"This rebel group then announced that they will be doing a ritual against this ’important member’ today. They did not say where it will happen, they just said it will happen."


"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!" Marcus then started laughing after this, with the chants still booming around him.


His laugh sounded raw and frustrated, showing that Marcus was anything but happy right now.

"Hahaha, what rotten luck I have right now! It seems like the site where that ritual will happen will be actually here!" Marcus thought as he smiled wryly. "Hahaha, out of all the places that they can do their thing, they actually did their thing here!"

Marcus continued laughing like this, not caring even when his nose has started to bleed too.

"Why... why do this here?" Marcus’ laughter turned into sobs as indignation appeared on his features. He gritted his teeth as he let out a frustrated growl.

"I went here to save my sister. I did not go here to join in this petty rebellion! Argh! Why did this have to happen?"

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