Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 357 Lets start loosening those cheeks!

Chapter 357 Let“s start loosening those cheeks!

For the last 7 days, Kiera’s experience here in the world of Immortals and TimeMasters was nothing but nice.

From being captured by a group of rebellious Immortals, up to her being kept captive here in a small room, everything that happened on Kiera for the last week were nothing like the vacation that was promised to her.

And to make matters worse, Annie, who was her bona fide new best friend, was forcefully separated from her by the rebel Immortals! For Kiera, who was lacking in similarly aged female friends, this separation from Annie was a huge blow on her!

"Annie, are you safe right now? Please be safe..." For the young and inexperienced Kiera, the only thing that she could do was to wish that her friend is safe. After all, she’s finding it hard to imagine a horrible fate for Annie.

"Kiera, I know that it’s hard for you to feel happy, but I assure you that Annie will not be hurt. Didn’t you see it before? None of those rebels were able to hurt her!" Sitting beside Kiera was her grandpa, who was patting the little girl’s head as he said these comforting words. His face was filled with wrinkles, which seemed to be the result of all the stress that came from their captivity.

"But grandpa, even if those guys cannot hurt Annie, they still seem to be planning on doing something bad to her!" Kiera shot back as the frown on her face widened. "Just look at them! They all look like meanies! If Big Brother Alex was here, he will say that they are bad!"

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"...Yes, Alex will surely say that if he was here. But is he here?" After Kiera mentioned Alex, her grandpa started to frown too as a disapproving expression appeared in his face. "Hmph, forget even his presence. He did not even send us any messages here! Is this how he’s supposed to treat us?"

"Grandpa! Are you doubting Big Brother Alex?" Kiera started to look scandalized as she heard all of her grandpa’s whinings. "T-that’s not good at all!"

"I know, I know Kiera. Doubting Alex is wrong." Her grandpa replied as he shook his head. "But look at our situation. 7 days had already passed by, and we are still here in a tiny room, isolated from other people. Even if we received proper food and other basic necessities here, we are still treated as captives! Annie, do you know how bad our situation is right now? If we don’t make the right move, our lives could be in the line!"


"And yet even with that kind of danger on us, Alex never gave us even just a tiny signal to say that he will try to save us two!" Kiera’s grandpa uttered as his eyes narrowed. "Is this really how he’s supposed to treat us? Did he just abandon us here?"


Right after the old man said these words, his granddaughter immediately unleashed a slap, which landed squarely on her grandpa’s cheek.

The slap was quite weak, but the emotional shock that it gave her grandpa was too much that he was just rendered stunned by it.

"Grandpa! I hate you!" Kiera said angrily as she crossed her arms. Her eyes started to tear up as she used them to glare at the old man. "Big Brother Alex always did his best to help us! So it is impossible for him to just leave us here!"


"Big Brother... he, he is just stuck on making his plan! Yes, that’s it!" Kiera shouted out as her glare on her grandpa intensified. "He did not abandon us at all! He is just delayed!"

"Kiera, ple-"

"Grandpa, don’t talk to me right now. This is your punishment for doubting Big Brother Alex." Kiera did not give her grandpa a chance to explain himself as she quickly rebuked him. "I will only allow you to talk to me once I forgive you!"


After the clearly pissed Kiera said these words, she turned her back on the old man as she pouted, showing that he was serious on her punishment on him.

She then did not talk after this, which led to an awkward silence with her grandpa, who has now lost his courage to speak up.


The old man could only stare at his incensed granddaughter with regret, as he realized that he just successfully f**ked himself up.

"Huhuhu... why did I even have to speak up my doubts against Alex? It just backfired against me!" The old man thought with sorrow as he gazed sadly on his granddaughter’s back. "Huhuhu Alex... please come here and save us already! I don’t know if I can last for long without my dear Kiera talking to me!"


With Kiera’s steadfast attitude, it was obvious that she can keep up her silent treatment of her grandpa for a long time.

But before Kiera could even make her grandpa feel more pain from the punishment, a sudden intrusion changed everything.


The door on Kiera’s room, which can only be opened from the outside, suddenly went open, revealing two people standing at the entrance.

"Who?" Kiera blurted out as she looked at the door with vigilance.

Days of captivity here had taught Kiera to be wary for anyone who enters the room.

Even when Kiera’s clothes has some kind of power that protected her from some of the rebels that tried to beat her up, there is no guarantee for Kiera that she and her grandpa will be fully safe here.

Thus, she always forced herself to be vigilant against any new visitors that will approach them.

But when she saw who her new visitors were, Kiera’s vigilance was replaced by both surprise and panic.

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Standing on the entrance was a man who had an extremely wounded face. He looked somewhat scary, which was exemplified with his greedy look.

Standing beside him was a young girl, who looked all too familiar to Kiera.

This young girl’s face, which was filled with blood and tears, slowly gave Kiera a haggard smile.

"Kiera, so you are still safe. I’m glad you are unharmed." The young girl, who was no other than Annie, uttered these words slowly, as if she was experiencing pain while saying them. "Oh, and grandpa is also fine too, even though he looks sad..."

"Annie, what happened to you!" Kiera forgot everything about her current situation as her attention was only focused on Annie’s miserable appearance. "Did those meanies beat you up?"

"No... I did all of this to myself." Annie replied as the man beside her gave Kiera a mocking smile. "I tried to run away from Uncle Amon, but it was futile..."

"Annie..." Kiera could barely hold back her tears as she saw Annie’s hopeless appearance.

7 days ago, when Annie was taken away by the rebels, she still had a burning and passionate look on her eyes, which made her look extremely cool and reliable.

But right now, all of that passion was gone, as there was only emptiness and desolation filling her hollowed eyes.

Kiera was not sure on what Annie went through to undergo this kind of change, but it must have been something so drastic that it has forced someone like her to be this miserable.

"Hey meanie! What did you do to Annie?" Even though the ugly man looked extremely scary, Kiera mustered up her courage as she talked to him. "Why is she like this?"

"!!!" Kiera’s grandpa gave Kiera a panicked look, as he seemed to be trying to stop Kiera from what she was doing.

The old man was right to be panicked, as Kiera just sounded disrespectful. There’s no way that this will just be overlooked by the ugly man.

"Hahaha! I like your nature!"

But to the surprise of the old man, the ugly man beside Annie seemed to be not offended by Kiera’s question at all. Instead, he was delighted by what Kiera just asked.

It was as if this ugly man was in an extremely good mood right now, and Kiera’s question had fueled the ugly man’s ego.

"Hoho... You want to know why Annie is like this?" The scary man said as he leered at Kiera. "Well, I cannot tell you anything, but I can say with 100% certainty that it is related to her true nature."

"...." After the ugly man gave this complacent reply, Kiera’s grandpa took a deep breath as he realized something about this man.

Yes, there was no doubt about it.

This ugly man was really happy right now, and this happiness seems to be related to Annie’s current condition.

In fact, his happiness was so great that he seemed to be okay on telling everything to Kiera right now.

Kiera’s grandpa of course will not let something like this go past.

If this ugly man is willing to tell everything, the Kiera’s grandpa will make him speak!

"Maybe once I make this ugly man spill his beans, Kiera will start forgiving me!" The old man thought to himself tersely as he observed the ugly man’s relaxed features. "After all, I am fishing the truth that may save Annie! If I do this right, I might be really able to make Kiera forget about my sins!"

The old man then began to rub his hands inwardly as he spoke up, interrupting the still vigilant Kiera.

"Annie’s true nature? What do you mean by that?" Kiera’s grandpa slowly asked as he tried to make himself look confused. "Isn’t Annie just a TimeMaster? How is that supposed to be her true nature?"

"Ho.... Now that is a question that I like!" Just like what the old man has expected, the ugly man became more pleased with the given question. He seemed to be really enjoying this ’interview’, which is a huge relief for the old man.

"Amon! What the hell are you doing!" Annie, who was looking slightly lethargic earlier, started to perk up as if the conversation between the old man and the ugly man had managed to trigger her. "Why are you telling them about me? This is not what you should be doing now!"

"Hoh? And who told you that I can’t do that, huh?" The ugly man said with a sneer as he shook his head. "So what if I want to tell the truth to these two? Will it hurt them?"


"Annie, didn’t you just say before that these two are extremely close to you? Since that was the case, then they deserve to know the truth!" The ugly man ignored the sudden surge of hatred coming from Annie as he looked at Kiera and her grandpa with excitement. "Or would you rather let them know the truth once everything has been fixed?"

"You are just doing this to enjoy yourself, aren’t you?" Annie roared out angrily as she tried to attack the ugly man again. "Why are you like this? Can’t you just be a decent person for once?"

"A decent person? Hmph, ever since you and your mother has brought ruin to us Immortals, the thought of treating you properly has never crossed my mind!" The ugly man said with laughter as he dodged Annie’s attacks with ease.

The ugly man then gave Kiera and her grandpa a sideways glance as he grabbed Annie’s neck.

"Since these two are your friends, then I will tell them the truth! Once they hear the truth, they surely won’t be your friends anymore! Hahahahaha! Seeing their angry faces later will surely be enjoyable!"

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