Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 362 Munch munch munch

Chapter 362 Munch munch munch

(((TRIGGER WARNING: Yeah, there’s a trigger warning here, just saying.)))


To anyone who approaches this zone, they will see that the boundary between the Jade Prefecture and the Trash Prefecture was always lined with a thick defensive wall.

This wall was erected here to prevent anyone from the Trash Prefecture on escaping towards the Jade Prefecture.

So far, this wall had done its jobs properly, as none of the powerless residents from the Trash Prefecture can even do a dent against this wall.

It was so successful that some TImeMasters had been thinking of using copies of this wall to close off more of the restricted zones.

But today, any plans on using this wall for other purposes will be surely cancelled, as a certain group of people has decided to mess the credibility of this wall.

"Bang!" Out of nowhere, a large, gaping hole suddenly appeared on the body of the boundary wall.

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This hole was as large as a 5 story-building, which was a frightening size for a hole, especially for a hole that has appeared on this boundary wall.

After all, the wall separating the Jade Prefecture and the Trash Prefecture was made up of materials that a Nascent Soul Stage Cultivator(Fourth Stage Being) will find hard to break. Heck, the best that a Nascent Soul Cultivator can do on this wall was to just make a small dent on them!

But even with that kind of sturdiness, there was actually something that has managed to punch a massive hole on the wall!

If the TimeMasters were to see this, they will be undoubtedly surprised and shocked!

"March, march, march..."

As the dust from the appearance of the hole started to settle down, a large number of beings stepped out of the hole, with the marching sounds accompanying their arrival.

As these beings continued to pour out of the hole, their marching sounds got louder and louder.

"March, march, march..."

Due to the amount of dust that were still present, the marching beings that came out of the hole only appeared as silhouettes, which made them look both mysterious and elusive.

It was only after a few more seconds of waiting that the dust has cleared up, which then showed the appearances of these marching beings.

100 Monsters, with varying shapes, colors, sizes, and appearances appeared from the settled dust.

Each one of these monsters looked nothing like each other, with each one monster a unique kind of its own.

There was a monster which looked like lobster dragon, while there was another one which looked like the combination of a dog’s head and an octopus’ tentacles. There was also a cat-like monster, which had hundreds of wide, gaping eyes attached on its body.

The other monsters just looked as horrifying as the mentioned ones, and there are even some that looked worse than the cat monster.

All these horrifying monsters are marching together in a synchronized manner, which was an unnerving contrast with their frightening appearances.

The dull, monotonous sounds of their marches filled the air as they continued going forward, leaving the hole on the wall in a nonchalant manner.


"Ah!! There’s monsters that came out of the wall!"

The nearby bystanders, who were only chilling near the wall, started to shriek in fear after seeing these monsters, with some even fainting from their sheer terror.

This fear was compounded when the bystanders realized that all of these monsters were actually inside the territory of the Jade Prefecture.

With the way that these monsters looked like, there was a possibility that this monster army could be attempting to mount an attack on the Jade Prefecture!

As the bystanders realized these, some of them who were TimeMasters immediately started to contact their superiors to inform of them of these anomalous phenomenon.

But something has stopped them before they could even activate their powers.

A praying mantis, who had katana blades as its arms, rushed towards the bystanders in a swift manner.

"Slick slick slick!"

The Katana Mantis waved its katana arms ferociously, which resulted on 15 bloodied heads dropping to the ground.

These heads obviously belonged to the bystanders, who were all decapitated cleanly by the Katana Mantis.

The headless bodies of these bystanders all crashed to the ground, with blood spurting out like fountain from their necks.

The ground around the Katana Mantis began to turn red, as the said Mantis began to munch on the scattered heads.

"Munch munch munch..."

The Katana Mantis had an expression of ecstasy as it directly crushed one of the heads with its jaws. It slurped the blood happily, while it swallowed the crushed bone, muscles, and brain matter whole.

The monster army only watched the Katana Mantis’’lunch’ in a quiet manner, with some of them looking at the mantis with envy.

It took the ravenous mantis only 1 minute to finish of all the heads. As for the headless bodies of the bystanders, the Katana Mantis kicked them away with its slender legs.

This kick has sent the bodies sailing towards the monster army, which then began to feast on them.

"Nom nom yam rom kom sclurp nom!"

With the amount of the monsters present, the headless bodies were all consumed in just 10 seconds, leaving nothing, not even bones behind.

"Okay, okay. We just had our first meal. It tastes good, right?" After every bit of the bystanders had been eaten up, the Katana Mantis suddenly spoke up.

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The mantis’ voice sounded feminine, although a shrill sound of inhumanity can be heard on its tone. There were also some buzzing sounds accompanying the mantis as it talked, making it sound like it had bees on its throat.

"If you want to get more of this delicious food, then you must follow the commands of your squad leaders! Do you get that?" The mantis said as its eyes landed on the monsters.


A cacophony of horrible sounds filled the air after the monster army gave their answer.

The Katana Mantis seemed to be satisfied by this, as it nodded its head while it wiped its mouth.

"My underlings. You should remember this. You are all the members of the 3rd Monsters Squad. If you want to experience more benefits, then we must do our best to follow our Creator’s orders!" The Katana Mantis said these words in a calm manner, although the monsters who heard it seemed to be affected by its words. "Do you all understand that?"

"YES!" The monsters roared out again, this time sounding more pumped up than ever.

"Good! Now that you have some small replenishments, it’s time for us to continue marching!" The Katana Mantis said as it jumped back to the monster army.

"OOH!!!" The monster army let out an enthusiastic shout as the mantis rejoined them. Their eyes glinted with desire as their bodies began to emit a horrifying killing intent.

The Katana Mantis frowned as it saw the killing intent, but it did not comment on it as it just shook is head.

"Remember, the other 9 squads had already been deployed in a much earlier time at us. If we want to have more contributions, then we must double our efforts!" The Katana Mantis exclaimed as its katana arms began to glow dangerously. "Everything that we do is for the glory of our creators! Viva Queen Mother!"


"All Hail Professor Frances!"


"Let’s go!!!"


The 3rd Monster Squad then resumed its marching pace, with a faint smell of blood accompanying them.

The murderous air all around the 3rd Monster Squad had just turned more and more suffocating, that even the nearby plants seemed to be affected by it too.

Only the monsters themselves were unaffected by this murderous air, as they bore no signs of stress at all.

But the Katana Mantis seemed to be a different case, as a tense and worried expression could be seen on its face.

At one glance, this appearance could mean that the mantis was actually affected by the murderous presence around it. If this was true, then the mental fortitude of the Katana Mantis will surely be placed in question.

But if someone were to get closer to the Katana Mantis and listen to it, the doubts on this mantis will all quickly disappear.

"Hmmm... I wonder many enemies were avoided by the 9 other squads. Surely I’m not the one who killed the most, right?" The Katana Mantis muttered to itself as it continued marching. A worried voice could be heard on its tone, as if the matter of killing enemies was a sour topic for him.

"Our creators told us to not kill anyone brazenly. As much as possible, we should only knock them out and capture them. As for killing them... we can only kill if there was no other choice left..."

The Katana Mantis winced at this point, as it remembered its act of killing the bystanders.

"Umm.. those bystanders were trying to call their superiors, so I cannot just allow them to do that. By killing them, I prevented them from leaking about our presence! Yes! I had to kill them to preserve our mission! I did nothing wrong earlier!" The Katana Mantis muttered to itself as it seemed to be desperate on convincing itself. "Surely even our creators will understand that I just had to do what I have to do, right?"

The Katana Mantis then put its head down as it licked a blood splatter on its lips.

"Ahh... those heads surely tasted good, especially the heads of the males. Hmmm... I wonder what would a male’s head taste like after I had sex with him? After all, I am technically a female praying mantis, so eating heads of males after they had sex with me should be good for me..."

After saying these words, the Katana Mantis began to chuckle as it imagined itself gobbling a head of a young man who was in the middle of pleasure.

"Ahh~ Just thinking about that is making me hungry! Should I try doing that later?"

"Doing what exactly, Katana Mantis?"


Katana Mantis’ immersion in its fantasy was quickly cut-off as it heard an authoritative voice behind it.

Katana Mantis looked back, and once it saw who was behind it, Katana Mantis immediately dropped down as it held its head close to the ground.

"Ah! Greetings to you, oh Venerable Professor Frances!" Katana Mantis shouted as it did not dare to raise its head. Katana Mantis kept looking only at the ground, as its kept its body still. "We are happy that your great presence is here right now!"

"GREEETINGS, OH VENERABLE ONE!" IT was only when Katana Mantis had dropped down that the other monsters had noticed the presence of Professor Frances. All of them kowtowed on the spot, with their bodies trembling from both happiness and fear.

"Forgive us if we did not notice your almighty presence earlier. If you’re displeased by our inattentiveness, then you are free to punish us!" Katana Mantis said as it took a deep breath. "If you would want it, I will personally give you my head right now if that will please you the most!"

"Nah, I don’t want your head. It will just stink." Professor Frances replied, which made Katana Mantis sigh in relief.

"Forgive me if my head smells bad. I will make sure to make its smell good next time!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You can do that later." The professor replied, with irritation present on your tone. "Tsk, why am I even entertaining you like this? I did not come here to hear your worships!"


Katana Mantis did not say anything at this point, as it knew that keeping quiet while the professor was irritated was the best thing to do.

"Tsk, I did not come here to talk nonsense with you. I appeared here because I wanted to see if you are doing your job of leading the 3rd Monster Squad properly." The professor said, which made Katana Mantis stiffen. "After all, every one of you are still young! I have to know if you and your other comrades are all reliable enough..."

"Oh... so the Venerable One wants to observe us... It’s an honor to be treated like this..." Katana Mantis asked as it kept its head down. "So umm... what do you think of our job, Venerable One?"

"Hmm.... What indeed?"


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