Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 366 Youre Guilty!

Chapter 366 You“re Guilty!

"You know why I came here, Mr. Alex." After staying silent for a few seconds, the Great TimeMaster talked again, this time with a hint of playfulness in her voice. "You don’t need to act so mysterious right now..."

"Hmph, so you are indeed aiming for her." Alex replied, as he sneered at the Great TimeMaster. "I wonder what would Annie think once she discovers that you went here first..."

"I’m sure that my cute daughter will understand everything... After all, I am her beloved mother."

"Beloved mother my ass." Alex’s face showed irritation as he clicked his tongue. "If this is your way of showing Annie your love, then she’s better off on having other mothers."

"Hohoho Mr. Alex. Why don’t you stop criticizing me first? We can bicker all we want later. But for now, let me see the baby." After saying these words, the Great TimeMaster slowly stretched her hands towards Alina, as if she was trying to obtain something from her.

"Huh?" It was at this moment that Professor Frances remembered the statement that Alex told her earlier.

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"Earlier, Alex said something about a baby. Wait, a baby?" It was then that the professor had noticed the baby that was being cradled by Alina.

Due to the tension that Professor Farnces had when she met Alex, she has entirely forgotten to observe Alina closely.

It was only now when the Great TimeMaster made a move that the professor noticed the baby on Alina’s arms.

"Where the f**k did that baby come from?" The professor immediately exclaimed, as she tried to ignore the cute appearance of the said baby. "Is this baby Alex’s and Alina’s child? No... it cannot be just as simple as that!"

Looking at the appearance of the baby, Professor Frances was sure that the baby doesn’t bear any resemblance from either Alina or Alex. So from appearance alone, the professor was sure that this baby is not a biological child of Alex and Alina.

Aside from that, the baby was also emanating out a weird aura, which seemed to be different from any other beings that Professor Frances had faced before.

"That baby... it seems to be entirely human. Although there was something that was also....iInhuman from it." Professor Frances muttered to herself as she now stared at the baby with precaution. "This... this is the first time that I had felt something like this. This baby, this is not something that should easily exist!"

As she thought of this, the professor took a deep breath as she slowly backed away from Alex and Alina. She was not sure why, but she felt the need to back away, as the mere existence of the baby was driving her into full-blown anxiety mode.

"You two... where did you get that baby?" The professor mused as she stopped backing away after she took 5 steps. "Is this the object that you are saying that will help finish the Main Mission?"

The professor had to stop thinking after this point, as Alex started to make his move.

He slightly moved his body sideways, blocking the Great TimeMaster, who seemed to be engrossed on getting closer to the baby.

"Great TimeMaster. Even if you want to get close to the baby, there is no way that I will allow you to touch her." Alex said as he crossed his arms. "Who knows, maybe you will try to do something horrible against it..."

"Mr. Alex. You know that I am not that kind of person." The Great TimeMaster replied, as her voice slowly turned into a pleading one. "Please, Mr. Alex. I just want to see your baby closely..."

"And what? Allow you to manipulate her? Just like what you did to your daughter?" Alex snarled as he barked out a laugh. "Hell no!"

"Mr. Alex-"

"Great TimeMaster, the reason that you were interested in this baby was because this baby was just like your daughter." Alex suddenly said as he interrupted the Great TImeMaster’s explanation. "Your daughter was the reborn soul of this world, right? Hehehe, just like her, this baby in Alina’s arms was also a reborn soul, but of a different world... No wonder you wanted to touch this baby now. You must be planning on doing something on her."

"What?" Professor Frances, who had already turned into a bystander, had to stop herself from making a sound as she heard what Alex said. "What the hell is he saying?"

Alex seemed to take no note of Professor Frances’ surprise and the Great TimeMaster’s awkward expression as he continued talking.

"Actually, I did not know that your daughter was the reborn soul of this world before." Alex said as he patted the head of the baby on Alina’s arms. "It was only after this baby was born after my training that I realized everything."


"My training earlier involved fusing my consciousness with a world itself." Alex said as he tilted his head. "If I succeed on that training, I will be able to reach the Sixth Stage on one of my Power Systems. Of course it was difficult, but with the help of Alina, we were able to succeed on the consciousness fusion earlier."


"Unsurprisingly, my power and Alina’s power has improved after the consciousness fusion." Alex said as the bystander professor got more and more confused from what she was hearing. "But it was not only our consciousness that was strengthened. Even the consciousness of our target world got stronger too. In fact, it got strong to the point that it can be considered to be a Stage 6 Planet."


"Great TImeMaster, you already know what happens when a planet reaches the Sixth Stage, right?" Alex said as he removed his arms from the baby’s head. "It will force it soul to be reborn as a living being, and use that new form to ascend to the next Stage! And that was what had happened here. Our target world has forced itself to be reborn as a human being, and that reborn form is the baby here."


After giving this ’light’ revelation, Alex let out a laugh as he resumed crossing his arms.

"When I saw this baby for the first time, I realized that she exuded an aura that was similar to Annie’s aura." Alex said as his voice turned into a whisper. "After I saw this similarity, I realized that Annie was most likely the reborn soul of this world too."


"It was after this realization that I pieced together every weird thing in this world."


"Don’t you find it weird? The TImeMasters, who were the foreign forces in this world, actually managed to defeat the Immortals, even if the Immortals were supposed to be undefeated this world. Not only that, but they also managed to change the laws of this world, making it so that the TimeMasters were stronger in this world, while rendering the Immortals weaker here! No matter which way you looked at this, something wrong has happened there!"

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"But after I realized Annie’s status as the reborn soul of this world, everything has made sense to me now." Alex said as a relieved smile appeared on his face.


Out of nowhere, a monocle suddenly appeared on Alex’s face, which he quickly wore on his left eye.

His body then assumed a weird pose, with his feet spread apart, and his left arm pointed at the Great TimeMaster.




Before anyone could make sense of what Alex was doing, Alex broke the awkward silence as he started to talk in a loud voice.


"What the hell?" This was all that Professor Frances could say, as she was definitely unable to keep up with what had just transpired. "What the hell is happening here?"

Nobody answered the professor’s query, as the other three people seemed to be only engrossed on conversing with each other.

"Ufufufufu... Mr. Alex, you really are an intelligent guy. It was no wonder you have survived everything up to this day." The Great TimeMaster said, as she neither denied or confirmed Alex’s hypothesis. "That must be also the reason why Annie liked you as her babysitter..."

"Cut the c**p, woman." Alex replied as he continued pointing his finger at the Great TimeMaster. "You are a shameless person who had willingly used a reborn soul just to win against the Immortals. Not only that, but you also did this while acting as Annie’s mother! With these actions of yours, there’s no way that I can just easily trust you!"

"You say that Mr. Alex, and yet you still stand here in front of me, not moving away." The Great TimeMaster said as she lightly giggled. "If you really do not trust me, then why are you still here?"

"Hmph, I may not trust you, but that does not mean that I am sure about everything." Alex said as he continued to stare vigilantly at the Great TimeMaster. "After all, there’s a chance that there’s something wrong with my hypothesis. Who knows, maybe it was someone else who has manipulated Annie, and I was just falsely accusing you..."

"I see, I see. You want to interrogate me about the truth of our past." The Great TimeMaster said as she continued giggling. "That’s a good move, as I am the most reliable person that can give you the information related to the past. But... are you sure that you should ask me? I can just lie to you..."

"You can’t lie to us. We can know if you are lying, so you should just stick to telling the truth."

"Hoho, so someone from your allies can detect lies? That’s convenient ability. But even if you have someone like that, how can you be sure that I will tell you the truth?" After saying these words, the air around the Great TImeMaster began to darken, as a malicious aura exploded out of her body.


"Ah!" As this malicious aura touched her body, Professor Frances was left with no choice but to shout, as she felt the sensation of death pouncing on her again. Fortunately for her, this malicious aura was not focused on her entirely, which allowed her to stabilize herself.

The actual targets of this aura, who were no other than Alex and Alina, seemed to be unaffected by this aura, although the professor noticed that beads of sweat has appeared on Alex’s face, signifying that he was actually having some hard time against the Great TimeMaster now.

"Why would I talk to you amicably here when I can just kill you and your partner?" The Great TimeMaster said as her laugh slowly turned malicious. "If I kill you two now, I can easily obtain the baby without bothering with your farce!"

"Hmph, I know that you are wanting to do that since earlier, but you can’t do it, right?" Alex said in a strained voice as he kept his posture straight. "There’s no way that you can damage or kill us, because if you did, your chance on obtaining the baby in a healthy condition will be nil!"


"After I met this baby, I already realized that you would want to obtain it, although I am not yet sure of the reason." Alex said as he continued his unyielding pose. "Since it was you that we are talking about, I realized that you might use your power to forcefully obtain this baby."


"When I realized this, of course I started to panic a little, since even with my current state, it will be extremely difficult for me to win against you. But then, I realized one thing." Alex then let out the smuggest smile that he could muster, sending it purely on the Great TimeMaster. "Due to my unique training method earlier, my soul right now has made a connection with the soul of the baby. This means that if my soul was damaged, the baby herself will also be damaged too. If that happens, whatever plans you have with the baby will be ruined, right, Great TimeMaster?"


The Great TimeMaster was now at loss for words, as Alex’s sharp and mocking statements seemed to have an effect on her. In fact, Alex’s words seemed to be so effective, that the Great TImeMaster had dispelled the malicious aura out of her own volition.

"Tsk, I now regret praising your intelligence, Mr. Alex." The Great TimeMaster snarled as she visibly gritted her teeth. "As it turns out, that intelligence of yours is a thorn that can bug me. Sigh... I shouldn’t have hired you before..."

"Hahaha, what’s done is done now, Great TimeMaster." Alex replied, looking visibly pleased. "Ok, now that I have told you everything, it’s time for you to tell your story..."


After kneading her forehead for a few seconds from frustration, the Great TImeMaster let out as sigh as she gave Alex a disgruntled look. Her lips then thinned as she started to talk.

"Sigh... fine, I will talk, but I will only tell this story one time. I will not repeat talking about this, so you should listen properly."

"I’m listening."

"So, once upon a time..."

"Really, what the hell is happening here?" The professor thought to herself as she got more and more isolated from the conversation. "Alex, can you at least just give me small context here? I f**king hate being left out!"

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