Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 391 Origin and Conditions

Chapter 391 Origin and Conditions

"Its fine, Miss Alina. Sometimes children have their rebellious days too..." The Great TimeMaster replied awkwardly as she stared at Sierra. "As long as you shower her with love, she will no doubt grow up to be a fine woman."

"Love? What’s that? Can I eat that c**p?"

"Okay, Sierra, why don’t we just proceed to helping me out already? I can see that talking with you will just make things worse." The Great TimeMaster said with her eyes twitching. "You seem to not like me, so I won’t stay with you for any longer."

"Hah, at least you are sensible about my precious time!"Sierra suddenly said, making Alina sigh loudly. "Come on woman, tell me what you exactly need from me!"

In face of these insulting words from Sierra, the Great TimeMaster appeared to be keeping her temper in as she answered the baby’s question calmly.

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"I just need a little bit of your Origin Energy. You still have enough to give out, right?" The Great TImeMaster said as she stared at the baby’s eyes. "Please, I just need a little of it. It won’t hurt you to give some of that..."

"Hah? You want some portion of my Origin Energy? Are you tripping balls?" Sierra cursed out as she squirmed on her place. She appeared to be attempting to jump out of the Great TimeMaster’s grasp, who was doing her best to keep he unruly baby in. "Since you are related to a World Soul, then you must know much important Origin Energy is. And yet, you want me to give out some of mine? Hah, no way in hell I am going to do that!"

"Miss Sierra, I know a lot of things about Origin Energy just like what you said, so I know how important it is to you." The Great TimeMaster hurriedly said as she tried to keep Sierra in her arms. "However, I also know how much Origin Energy you have, and right now, I can sense that the Origin Energy inside your body is way higher than your normal capacity."


"Miss Sierra, you know that the Origin Energy is the energy birthed every time something extraordinary was birthed in the Multiverse." The Great TImeMaster said as she continued on talking. "Whether it was a Godly Divine Beast, an Innate High-Staged Being, or a World Soul, these kinds of extraordinary births will be accompanied by the appearance of Origin Energy. And you, Miss Sierra, has some of this Energy too."


"Origin Energy is the energy of creation and as such, it has a lot of applications. It can be used to create a new ability, or it can be used to create a new life. It can also be used to create a weapon of destruction or build a sanctuary safe from danger."


"The only limit of the Origin Energy was its amount. Most of those who receive the Origin Energy only receives a miniscule amount of it, that the things that they can do with it are almost at the low end of the scale. Only those who are birthed in unfathomable manner obtains massive amounts of Origin Energy, but they are extremely rare and it will be almost impossible to find one in your lifetime."


"When my daughter was born , she also gained some portion of the Origin Energy, although just like the others, the amount that she obtained was miniscule too." The Great TImeMaster shook her head ruefully at this point, as she seemed to remember the things that she had showed to Alex before.

"Annie used all of that Origin Energy to heal herself, although it’s not enough to make her reach full recovery. Of course my daughter can just undergo rituals that can heal her, but I prefer to have her use Origin Energy on herself. As such, I have no choice but to look for a source of Origin Energy...’

"And the source that you found was me? Hmph, you are one hell of a lucky woman!"Sierra finally said as she stopped squirming on the Great TimeMaster’s arms. "But even if I have this Origin Energy with me, I will still not give some of it to you! DIdn’t you just say that I have to save it up? Why would I give some of it to you then, huh?"

"It’s because you have too much Origin Energy with you right now." The Great TimeMaster replied in an even tone as she did not back down from Sierra’s stingy words. "The way that you were birthed must have been extremely unusual, that the Multiverse has decided to gift you with 50 person’s worth of Origin Energy. Now that’s just too much."


"Miss Sierra, that amount of Origin Energy is extraordinarily many, so there must be no problem with you if you can give me a little portion of it." This time, the Great Time Master opted to say these words in a pleading tone as she gazed at Sierra with watery eyes. "Just a little will do, Miss Sierra. It won’ hurt you at all."

"Yes, it won’t hurt me at all, but I will still be losing out on some of my precious Origin Energy!" Sierra complained as she avoided the Great TimeMaster’s stare. "I don’t want to give it out this way! It will just be waste! But if-if you can compensate me for the loss of my Origin Energy, then maybe I can give you some of it...’

"So you want a trade then." The Great TimeMaster said in a deadpan tone as Alex and Alina both facepalmed. "You want me to give something to you in exchange for some portions of your Origin Energy? Is that what you are saying?"

"Yes! That’s what I am saying, woman! I will only give you some Origin Energy if you give me something good!" Sierra replied shrewdly. Her tone sounded proud right now, although Alex and Alina only smiled wryly after hearing this. "So you better prepare yourself for my demands!"


At Sierra’s mention of the word ’demand’, the Great TimeMaster’s eyes started to twitch again, as she realized that this baby will most likely attempt to milk more benefits from her.

The Great TimeMaster was someone who hates people taking advantage of her weakness, so for a split-second, she thought of rejecting Sierra’s demand.

But due to the situation of Annie’s soul, the Great TimeMaster could only relent, as she knew that she has no choice but to play along with Sierra.

"I have 4 conditions, and only after you fulfill them all that I will give some Origin Energy to you!"Sierra said as she crossed her tiny arms. "Do you have the guts to fulfill these conditions, woman?"

"Just... say the conditions." The Great TimeMaster said as she let out a sigh. "But you should make sure that these conditions of yours are things that I can fulfill. Because if I can’t, then I will be forced to change those conditions..."

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"Hmph, don’t you worry, woman. I am a genius baby, so I already know that to say!" Sierra replied in an affronted tone. "So just you listen, woman!"


"First condition: You must give Mama a lot of Time Essence!" Sierra said as she looked at Alina with a fawning smile. "Even if Mama is a Chronomancer, she’s still having difficulty on using higher level Chronomancy spells because she lacks Time Essence. You woman, should give Mama enough Time Essence so that she can pull off a lot of cool moves!"

"You want Time Essence? Here it is then." Green lights began to gather in front of the Great TImeMaster as a small, black suitcase materialized right in front of her.

All the green lights were sucked in by this suitcase, creating a light, shrill sound that can be heard from a far distance.

It was only when the suitcase has started to bulge that it stopped absorbing the green light.

"Thud." The Great TImeMaster grasped this suitcase by its handle before passing it to Alina, who was looking at the suitcase with a wary look in her yes.

"There’s 10 Million Years worth of Time inside this suitcase. Use it well for your spells." The Great TimeMaster said as Alina held the suitcase gingerly. "With that amount of Time, you can dish out a spell that can kill a Sixth Stage Being, although I am warning you that doing that move will drain all of the Time inside the Suitcase. Oh, and you cannot replenish the Time inside this suitcase, so use your spells with care."

"Thank you." Alina quietly said as she stored the suitcase in her storage. "This will be helpful to me."

"Okay, now what’s your second condition, Miss Sierra?" After receiving Alina’s thanks, the Great TimeMaster looked back at Sierra, who was giving the Great TimeMaster a smug smile. "Let’s see your next way of leaching off benefits from me."

"Woman, you have conquered this world for a very long time, so you must have a lot of pills, cultivation methods, and treasures owned by Immortals! So for my second condition, I want you to give these resources to Papa!" Sierra unabashedly said as she pointed her finger at Alex. "I don’t want Papa to be useless, so give him the items that can make him stronger!"

"So you are now helping your father after your mother. I wonder what your third condition will be." The Great TimeMaster muttered in a wistful tone as she removed a small pouch on her waist.

This pouch seemed to be an ordinary one, although some runes and strange words could be seen written on it.

The Great TimeMaster casually tossed this pouch to Alex, who deftly caught it.

"That pouch contains resources that if used enough, can allow you to reach Domain Stage, or if you’re lucky, even Immortal Soul Stage." The Great TImeMaster said as Alex began to observe the pouch. "That pouch is a spatial treasure created by a powerful Immortal artisan before, so you should be assured that everything inside it will be of high quality."

"Oh... you’re right. These things seem to be high quality treasures..." Alex seemed to have forgotten the existence of the Great TimeMaster as he was only intent on observing the contents of the pouch. "Hehehe... now that I have this, I can now try out many cool things that a cultivator can do! Just you wait Asteria! I shall chase you later while riding a flying sword!"

"...Miss Sierra, your father seems happy with what you got him already. Can we now proceed with your third condition?"

"Okay! For my third condition, I want you to give Auntie Frances a lot of biological materials, which include potions and immortal herbs! And if you can, give Auntie Frances bodies of magical beings and corpses of cultivators. Oh, and if they are alive, you can also give it to her too! Just give Auntie Frances a lot, okay?"

"Huh? You’re calling me Auntie?" Professor Frances, who was already sidelined by everything that had just happened, could not help but blurt these words out, as she was taken back by Sierra’s deeds. "We haven’t even met before, and you’re already helping me out right now?"

"Piss off crazy woman. I am just helping you out because I hate seeing weak-ass people like you."Sierra quickly shattered Professor Frances’ good impression on her as she said these words. "Seriously, you were about to piss yourself earlier when you met Papa. If that’s how weak you are, then you need a lot of help to catch up to him! So be thankful that I am helping you right now!"


"Here’s everything that Miss Sierra demanded, Miss Frances. Take care of them." Before the professor could start blowing up on the rude baby, the Great TimeMaster threw a small burlap sack towards Professor Frances, who had no choice but to stop talking in order to catch it.


The professor caught this sack hastily, with her body almost crashing down to the ground because of its weight.


The professor had no choice but to start heaving and panting on the spot, as she used almost all of her physical strength just to lift the sack closer to her body.


"There, I gave Miss Frances the biological materials that she needed. That’s the third condition already fulfilled." The Great TimeMaster hastily said as she ignored the professor’s visible difficulties. "Now, tell me your fourth and final condition."

"Hmph, getting hasty now, aren’t we?" Sierra said with a sneer as she crossed her arms. She seemed to be enjoying the urgency on the Great TimeMaster’s face, that she purposely slowed down her next words.

"For... the... fourth... condition... I... want... you... to... use... your... power... to... accelerate... Auntie... Queen... Mother’s... growth... Make... sure... that... she... will... be... a... big... boisterous...thick... tree... again!"

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