Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 394 Departure and Request End of Volume 6

Chapter 394 Departure and Request End of Volume 6


"You certainly are not holding back at all." Alex commented as he watched the devastation brought by the green flood. He narrowed his eyes as the massive flood began to cover the Mountain of Enlightenment, bringing the whole mountain under its torrents.

The whole mountain was like a small leaf in front of the flood, with its entirety unable to do anything against the flood’s momentum.

Everything inside the Mountain of Enlightenment was submerged by the green water, with the Immortals helplessly swept by the flood.

To say that the Immortals were helpless was just an understatement, as all of them went flat out unconscious, with their abilities proven futile in face of the flood.

Even Queen Mother and her minions were affected by the flood too, as they all floated in the flood like bloated tires.

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It was only Kierra and Annie that were not affected by the flood at all, as the green water parted before it could touch the two.

"I promised to your daughter that I will assist Miss Queen Mother. Because of that promise, I had no choice but to show some part of my strongest ability to you." The Great TimeMaster calmly replied as she started pacing all around Alex. "There’s no need for you to comment about my power. After all this is not yet at its full capacity."


"And besides, I also used this ability of mine to save my daughter. There’s no way that I can just hold back with my daughter in danger here." Great TimeMaster added as she gazed at the small Annie with a doting look. "As a parent, you understand this sentiment, right?"

"I am not a real parent, ok? I just had no choice but to take Sierra as my daughter." Alex replied hastily as he shook his head. He ignored the sudden pinch by Sierra on his waist as he started looking around him.

He then let out a small cough as he thumped his feet on the floor, creating a hollow, wooden sound that was fit on his current location.

"So... is this boat the ’Transcendent Ability’ that Sierra was talking about earlier?" Alex asked as his eyes bathed in the massive size of the boat that he was currently riding right now. He honestly has no proper description for the boat that he was riding, so he can only ask the questions that had been bugging him since earlier. "It certainly looks powerful, although something seems off with it..."

"Mr. Alex, don’t ask me any more questions. Just accept the fact that you have witnessed a power that is still beyond you." The Great TimeMaster replied as she began wiggling her index finger. "You still have a long life to live, so you will discover everything in the near future. For now, just enjoy the moment, and stop asking me questions, okay?"

"....If that’s what you say, then I shall accept it." Alex answered as he decided to stop prying on the Great TImeMaster. He then kept quiet as he watched as the green flood below the boat began to systematically break down the whole Mountain of Enlightenment.

He let out a deep breath as he saw the whole mountain slowly melt like an ice puddle, with its components greedily absorbed by the flood itself. As for the people submerged in the flood, a small whirlpool began to suck them into the middle of the flood, creating a large ball made up of combined human and non-human bodies.

"I am a Chronomancer, and yet you see me using an ability that is almost not related to Time Manipulation at all. You must be extremely confused by this, Mr. Alex." The Great TimeMaster suddenly said as she noticed the incredulity on Alex’s eyes. "Trust me, Mr. Alex. Once you reach the level of power that I am in right now, you will discover more and more things similar to these. All that you have to do is to just wait..."

"Hmph, so you’re basically saying that as long as I do not have the enough power, I am not allowed to be privy on things like these." Alex snorted in reply as he suppressed the glow of curiosity on his eyes. "That’s plenty generous of you."

"Mr. Alex, you don’t need to be this grumpy. I assure you that you will understand everything in the future. For now, just focus on your quest for power." The Great TimeMaster unhelpfully replied as she retracted her index finger.

The huge ’ball’ inside the flood then began to tremble as a chunk of it slowly separated itself away from the ball.

This chunk then shot out of the flood, heading straight towards the boat that Alex was in right now.


With the sound similar to that of a fish hitting the floor of a fishing vessel, the chunk landed on the boat, showing its contents to Alex and his allies.

The unconscious Queen Mother and her monster army were the ones contained in the chunk, with their bodies now laying spread-eagled on the floor.

The ferocious aura that they had earlier was now gone, as only peaceful, sleeping expressions can be seen on their faces.

The only exception to this was Queen Mother, as she was letting out agonized moans while her body began twisting around.

A small stream of green water was currently threading through Queen Mother’s body right now, doing things that Alex had no idea of.

"Miss Sierra, I have already done the part of my deal. I already gave Miss Queen Mother the way to strengthen herself beyond her current state. How she will get stronger from this point will only depend on her willpower and perseverance." The Great TimeMaster said in a low tone as her eyes followed Queen Mother’s twitching limbs. "Surely you have no complaints at this point already."

"Hmph, I don’t like the way that you ’helped’ Auntie Queen Mother, but I can see that you are doing your best to help her. Tsk, it seems like I have no choice but to finish this deal already..." Sierra grumbled as she slowly crawled up on Alina’s back. She had this peeved look on her face, as if someone had just played a fast one on her. "Hmph, take good care of your daughter. Don’t you waste this Origin Power that I am giving to you!"

"I never intended to waste your gift, Miss Sierra."

"Hmph, we shall see. We shall see."

After she said these somewhat ominous words, the little Sierra let out a shout as a small, glass-like orb began to appear on her left hand.

This glass-like orb was only as small as a tennis ball, although everyone present could feel their blood boiling as the orb began to spin on its place.

Everyone appeared to be in daze as the sight of this ball, with Alex, Alina, and Professor Frances looking at this orb with undisguised yearning.

Alex could feel his powers roaring in delight at the appearance of this orb, with these powers sending out feelings of greed. It was as if his powers wanted nothing more than to take this orb for themselves. Alina and Professor Frances appeared to be at the same case too, although they did not make any move to approach the orb.

As for the Great TimeMaster, she appeared to be highly delighted as she saw the orb. She appeared to have momentarily forgotten everything around her, as she seemed to be focused only on the orb itself.

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The only one who looked unaffected by the orb was Sierra herself, who was only looking at it with a completely bored look.

"What’s the matter woman? Don’t you want this piece of Origin Energy with you? Take it already!" The little baby commented as she pushed the orb higher in the air. "If you don’t take this, then I will give it to Auntie Professor Frances!"

This warning by Sierra shook the Great TimeMaster out of her stupor. She then shook her head as she took one eager step towards Sierra, with the yearning on her face completely showcased. Her hands then started to tremble as she slowly reached out to the floating orb.

"Beautiful, just beautiful." The Great TImeMaster breathed out as her fingertips touched the surface of he orb. Her eyes then widened in wonder as her hand plucked the orb out of the air. "Only something as ancient like this can appear to be this magnificent. With this... my daughter’s well-being is now assured. Miss Sierra... thank you for your generosity."

"You don’t need to thank me, woman! I just had to fulfill the deal! That’s it, ok? Don’t treat me like I’m your friend!"

"I get it Miss Sierra. You don’t have to be shy anymore."


After she received the glass orb from Sierra, the Great TimeMaster took a deep breath as she looked back at Alex with a grave look.

"Mr. Alex, with everything that had happened here, I am sure that your Mission in this world has been completed already." The Great TimeMaster said as she pocketed the glass orb. "Even though you did not do that much, you still contributed to the win of the TimeMasters against the rebellious Immortals. That is enough to be accepted by the Endless Monarch."

"...I don’t know if I should feel happy or dissatisfied by this." Alex replied ruefully as he let out a sigh. "So we basically finished the Mission here by just letting things happen? Hmph, this place is really just a resting place for me."

"Mr. Alex, instead of being dissatisfied, I implore you to be happy with everything that happened here." The Great TimeMaster replied as she shook her head. "Even if I can’t see your future anymore, I can feel that you are bound to experience numerous disasters on your next world. Without the things that you received in this world, you’re bound to die in the future. So don’t feel as if your potential was wasted in this world. Instead, you should think that this world is the place where your path to the peak has started."


"Okay, Mr. Alex, since you’re about to leave already, you should already take everything that you need with you." The Great TimeMaster said as she snapped her fingers.


Behind her, Annie, Kierra, and Kierra’s grandpa suddenly appeared, with the dumb fairy Asteria in tow.

All 4 of them seemed to be surprised by the sudden change in their surroundings, with Asteria almost cursing out as she glared at the Great TimeMaster.


A small stream of water then shot out of the flood, hitting the necks of both Annie and Kierra. They immediately crumpled on the floor as they lost consciousness. As for Kierra’s grandpa, he was hit by the water stream on his forehead, sending him to the dreamland too.

"Mr. Alex, let me take everything from here. As for you, take everything that you can with you. Just make sure that you won’t violate the rules about bringing non-Traveler beings with you." The Great TimeMaster said as she lifted the unconscious Annie. "You know those rules, right?"

"...Yes, someone told it to me before." Alex replied as Alina stored Queen Mother, the Monster Army, Kierra, and Kierra’s grandpa on her Storage. "So don’t be worried about my allies. I know that they are still within the rules."

"Good. Good luck on your next world then." The Great TimeMaster replied as she let out a small smile.


Before Alex could make a comment about this, the Great TimeMaster suddenly raised her finger as she tapped it on her chin. She appeared to have remembered something important, which she voiced out in her next words.

"Oh, there’s another request that I need to ask of you, Mr. Alex. Will you hear me out?"

"Just say it now. You know that I have no way to unhear you." Alex grumbled as he crossed his arms. "Its just a request right? I can just reject if I don’t like it."

"...My request is just simple, Mr. Alex. At the moment that you reach the level of power that is similar to mine, I want you to return to this world and assist me with something." The Great TimeMaster said in a solemn tone. "I know this might sound fishy with you, but I assure you that assisting me will be helpful to you."

"She’s not lying, Alex." Allina muttered, which made the Great TimeMaster smile at her.

"So what about it, Mr. Alex? Will you accept my plea for assistance?"

"Assistance huh. Let’s see. Hm... frankly speaking, I would-"

Whatever Alex was going to say to the Great TimeMaster was cut-off, as his entire body disappeared, along with Alina and Professor Frances.

No traces of his presence remained as an unseen power, much greater than the Great TimeMaster herself, pulled Alex and his allies out of this world.

The only thing that remained were the faint echoes of his last words, which continued to ring inside the Great TimeMaster’s head.

"Knowing Mr. Alex, I am sure that he will accept my request. That’s the kind of person that he is." The Great TImeMaster muttered as she shook her head wryly. "All that I have to do is wait for him to come back. Hmm... how long would it take for him to return here? 100 Years? 50 Years? Or maybe 10 Years? Hehehe, the earlier he comes back, the better it will be for me..."

[Main Mission Accomplished]

[Acquired: Ultra Rare Specie]

[Grade: B]

-----------------------END OF VOLUME 6 ------------------------

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