Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 396 The Recap that will end all Recaps

Chapter 396 The Recap that will end all Recaps

[Asteria]: To all the hoomans that are still reading this book... Congratulations to all of you! You have all been blessed by my presence! Hahaha, now come and prostate for me! Come here, and lick my-"

[Alex]: Asteria, what the f**k are you talking about? Shouldn’t we be doing a Recap chapter now? Why are you suddenly insulting the readers?

[Asteria]: You’re asking me on why am I insulting the readers? Heh, I am insulting them just because I can!

[Alex]: It’s because of that attitude of yours that many drop this book. Can’ you improve your attitude, even by little?

[Asteria]: Ha? You want me to follow the whims of the readers? Hell no! If they don’t like me, then they can drop this book! I don’t care if they read this or not!

[Alex]: Are you sure? You know, the author will be just wasting his time writing if only few reads his work. You don’t want the author wasting his time, right?

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[Asteria]: Hmph, ite reason that some drop this book was because of the author himself! He has no consistency, and he just introduces new plot points whenever that he can! Does he not know that doing that will saturate this novel? No wonder some of the reviews on this book came from bots...

[Alex]: Shh... Don’ tell that to the author. He will be saddened by that.

[Asteria]: Heh, it’s too late now. He can see our conversation from his laptop!

[Alex]: Why don’t we just do the Recap already? The author wanted to write a Recap chapter, so we must not waste time anymore!

[Asteria]: Wasting time? Hmph, the author only wants to write a recap chapter because he was still too lazy to start Volume 7. Heh, I think he is not even sure on how to start this volume! Hey hooman, what will be the story of Volume 7 again?

[Alex]: I think it’s about a man’s journey to reclaim what is rightfully his... I guess that’s what the author is thinking right now...

[Asteria]: Hooman, that is seriously cringy. I had heard a lot of stories like that before. Is this how low the author had fallen already? Has he fallen so low that he’s now copying ideas from stereotypes?

[Alex]: ...Let’s stop talking about the author already. Even if he’s good at receiving complaints, I am not sure if he can withstand your barbed mouth...

[Asteria]: Fine hooman! I will stop ’wasting time’ already!

[Alex]: Good. So just like what we have agreed before, you will be the one to start this. After all, you can get the attention of the readers more.

[Asteria]: Fine... I will start the Recap. But hooman, remember to give me 3 jars of honey later! If you don’t, I will have a tantrum that will be worse than Sierra’s!

[Alex]: ..

[Asteria]: ...

[Alex]: ...

[Asteria]: Ehem, so for starters let’s tell the readers what this recap will cover. Alex, take it away!

[Alex]: Wait, what? You want me to speak already after short intro? Asteria, you little bit-

[Asteria]: Oi hooman, I started it already, so now you should continue it!

[Alex]: Tsk, you really are a scummy fairy. Do you think that just because you are my Guide that I will let you off from all that you did? Hmph, I will make sure to properly discipline you later!

[Asteria]: Hehe, why don’t you just zip your mouth and start talking? The author is already getting hungry, you know? He needs to eat already!

[Alex]: ....

[Asteria]: ...

[Alex]: You damned fairy. Just you- hoooh... Calm down Alex. You shouldn’t waste the word count with arguments. That will be just cheating. Calm down, just calm down. Okay... I am calm already. Hoooh... okay, let’s do this!

[Asteria]: ...

[Alex]: Good day to all the readers of this novel! If you are still here, then feel free to read this recap! This will help you remember the events in the previous volume! This will also help you save time!

[Asteria]: Hooman, that cheerful voice sounds creepy. Can you tone it down a little?

[Alex]: This recap will cover the events that happened in the Volume 4 and Volume 5 of this novel, with the focus mostly on the characters. Don’t expect this to be detailed, as the author is too tired to make it detailed. Just be satisfied with what is here, ok?

[Author]: Please be satisfied...

[Alex]: After the thrilling events in the Superhuman World, my team were brought by the Endless Monarch at the Four Moons World. There, we were given the Mission to discover the truth about the Calamities. There are some miscellaneous events that happened during these times, but they are too insignificant to be said here. Just remember that I kicked a lot of ass here!

[Asteria]: ...

[Alex]: With my power and my allies’ power, we were able to help the Symbolists get through the Calamities easily! Not only that, but I also gave them a chance to discover the truth about the Calamity! Hahaha! For me, that is a great definition of ass kicking!

[Asteria]: You said that you kicked a lot of ass? Are you sure about that? What about the people that you fought on the Moons? Can you really say that you kicked their ass?

[Alex]: ...

[Asteria]: Hmph, for all of you readers out there, please take note of this. In the Four Moons World, there are three other Traveler Teams that appeared, with each one of them having the same Mission as Alex. All of them had their unique powers, which makes them dangerous enemies for Alex.

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[Asteria]: There’s Traveler Ray, whose ability is making bombs. Accompanying him were Noelle and Vera. Vera is a powerful martial-based fighter, while Noelle is an assassin with an unhealthy obsession for her ruler. Altogether, this small but malicious team had wreaked havoc on a lot of lives in the Four Moons World.

[Alex]: You forgot to mention that fact that Ray has a punchable face. You should have said that earlier.

[Asteria]: The next one is Traveler Delia. She’s an extremely talented Spermaster-

[Alex]: You mean Spearmaster.

[Asteria]: ...She’s an extremely talented Spearmaster, and she’s also the Envoy of the Holy Order PLane. Accompanying her were two young but highly talented kids. The first one is Tong’er, a Spiritualist whose skills can be comparable to that of a Soul Reaper, although her focus was more on suppression and sealing. The second Companion is Milo, whose power is Triplication. Don’t ask me what that word means. Go**le that by yourself!

[Alex]: You want the readers to go**le that? Asteria, you’re still as lazy as usual.

[Asteria]: Hmph, don’t call me lazy when I already had spoken 173 words in the Recap...

[Alex]: Oh, now you’re insulting my ability to speak? Hmph, fine then. I shall finish this recap for you!

[Asteria]: Hey, don’t just-

[Alex]: The last Traveler that I met was Malthus. According to Asteria, this person was a higher-up in the Goethic Order Plane. Well, with the powers that he had shown me before, I can say that he is really dangerous. And that danger will only increase once we meet him again...

[Asteria]: Hooman, don’t try saying those things. That can trigger a flag, you know?

[Alex]: A flag? Hmph, with the way that this author writes this novel, flags are just the things of the past! Just you wait, I am sure that the author will put a twist in this volume!

[Asteria]: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it, the author is cool already. Now, can you continue the recap? You still have someone to talk about.

[Alex]: Ha? But I already covered the important characters. Who do you want me talk about yet?

[Asteria]: Hooman, there’s literally one person in that world that has been inside you for the majority of Volume 5. Why are you not talking about him?

[Alex]: Ugh, I am already doing my best to not think about that guy, and here you are, doing your best to mess it up. Fine, you want me to talk about Emperor Litch, right? Okay then, I shall talk about that sleazy bastard!

[Asteria]: Go on, tell us about your beef with that man! Tell us about your past with him in great detail!

[Alex]: So this Emperor Litch used his Conqueror’s Aura to possess my body. After that he proceeded to wreak havoc using my powers. He even put some Travelers in danger because of his actions. Fortunately for me, I was able to expel Emperor Litch out of my body. Aside from that, I was able to steal 50% of his soul and power, which greatly weakened him. I could have killed him already at that time, but he managed to escape because of a chicken. Up until now, nobody knows where he went, and no one has caught him...

[Asteria]: Okay, I know that already. Now, tell us about your past with him!

[Alex]: Why should I? If I do it here, this chapter will be too long. If that happens, then the premium readers will be unable to unlock this! I can’t let that happen!

[Asteria]: ...This author is so cheap. He is just delaying Alex’s backstory since he still had no idea on what to write about it. Tsk, tsk, tsk. What a lazy bum. If I were the writer of this book, many readers will already be crying from my words!

[Alex]: Then do it. Go out and write. Let’s see if you can make a better work than the author.

[Asteria]: ...

[Alex]: What’s the matter? Why are you not writing anything? I thought it’s just easy for you?

[Asteria]: H-hey hooman, let’s forget about my writing skills already. We still have a paragraph left for the Recap. Why don’t you let me say it now?

[Alex]: ...Fine. But I will make sure to observe your writing prowess later.

[Asteria]: ...

[Alex]: ...

[Asteria]: Umm... s-so, back to the Recap! After Alex and his allies had a massive battle with the other Travelers and Emperor Litch, a sudden change in events forced the mission to be in hiatus. Some of the rewards were held back, and the Travelers were forcefully brought away to different worlds. None of them, including Alex can come back, unless they finish their mission in their new world. Fortunately for Alex, he finished the mission assigned to him!

[Alex]: Because of that, I am now coming back to the Four Moons World with better arsenal and stronger abilities. Everyone, wish me luck on Volume 7. I had a feeling that I will need a lot of luck in this volume...

[Asteria]: And that’s it! That’s the end of this Recap Chapter! Next chapter will be the prologue for Volume 7, I guess? Or will it be the first chapter of volume 7?

[Alex]: Maybe it will be the prologue, but the author will not title it as a prologue.

[Asteria]: Hah? Why would he do that?

[Alex]: Asteria, most readers will skip the prologue since it looks unnecessary. The author did the same thing with manga and other novels, so he has the feeling that readers will do the same thing here.

[Asteria]: Hooman, I think this author is just as scummy as you. If he can do things like this, then maybe he is just as sly as you in real life! What do you think? Is the author really like that?

[Alex]: Why don’t you ask the author? He’s right behind you already. Just ask the question, and he will answer it.

[Asteria]: Erm... maybe I will just ask him next time. I think now is not a good time...

[Alex]: Why? Are you afraid that the author will kill you off in Volume 7? Tsk, tsk, tsk, so you are actually a scaredy cat.

[Asteria]: What did you say?

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