Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 421 The Tree and the Baby

Chapter 421 The Tree and the Baby


As of this moment, there were 2 figures that could be seen lounging inside Alex’s apartment. These two figures were the only ones inside the apartment, and there was no one else that can be seen besides them.

These 2 appeared to be at ease inside this extremely cozy place, and the way that they moved made it seem like they were residents of this apartment.

They were even doing some kind of activity right now, which fortunately for the Alex, was something that did not damage any of his items.


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The entirety of Alex’s apartment was filled with noise due to this activity that these two figures were doing.

The first figure, which was a human-sized voluptuous female, was currently sitting cross-legged on the floor with an expression of intense concentration. She was continuously mumbling gibberish words to herself as she maintained her position, as if these words were something important that she must say.

The second figure, which appeared to be a toddler, was expertly hovering around the first figure which seemed to have annoyed the latter.

And this annoyance continued to increase when the second figure began talking.

"Tree Aunty, Tree aunty, what are you doing? Why are you not telling anything to me?" The second figure asked as it continued on hovering around the first figure. "Tree Aunty, Tree Aunty. Don’t just stay silent like that. Please answer my f**king question."


"Oi Tree Aunty. If you don’t answer my question, I will complain about you to Papa."


"Tree Aunty, Tree Aunty. If you don’t talk to me now, I will continue to make noise."


"Tree Aunty, Tree Aunty-"

"Fine, I got it. I shall answer your question already." In the end, the first figure was forced to break out of its concentration state as it looked at the second figure.

A helpless expression could be seen on the face of the first figure, which had been magnified this figure’s bright green skin color.

"Hey Tree Aunty, don’t look at me like that anymore. Just tell the answer to me already!" The second figure demanded as it began to wave its tiny arms around. "I am dying of impatience here, so just hurry up and talk god**mit. It’s time for me to hear some entertaining things from you already."

"Oi Sierra, is that how you should speak to me, really?" The first figure said in an aggrieved tone as she continued to look at the second figure with a helpless face. "Didn’t Alex teach you about manners? How come you have forgotten about it already?’

"Tree Aunty, I never forgot everything Papa taught to me! It’s just that.... I f**king like cursing more!" The second figure, who was revealed to be Sierra, admitted in an innocent tone as she tilted her head. "Teehee, I’m sorry if I like speaking like this. That’s just how I f**king live..."

"Sierra, you-"

"Tree Aunty, you call yourself Queen Mother, and you had a lot of monster subordinates. Isn’t that just the way that you lived your life? If you can do that, then why can’t I?" Sierra continued to say as she cut-off the first figure’s attempt to explain. "I can still think like an adult, so you should never think of me like I am just a f**king baby! I can already make decisions of my own!"

"Sigh...and this happens again. You curse, complain, and always ask me questions, and then you just force me to answer your queries. Ugh... do you know how tiring is that?"

"Oi Tree Aunty, you are a tree, so-"

"Tsk, even if I am a tree, I can still feel irritation, and a lot of those irritation is meant for you! Hmph, do you want to know how much irritated I am at you right now? Don’t try to know about it. Just know that I am regretting letting you stay here! Sigh, why did I even allow you to be near me?" The first figure, who turned out to be Queen Mother herself, could only shake her head as she said these words.

Her green skin slightly moved around her as she talked, making her appear somewhat more wrinkly compared to before. This look only lasted for a second however, as she forced her skin to smoothen back.


"Now, where were we again? Oh right, we’re talking about what I am doing here." Upon seeing that the rowdy Sierra had been silenced by her words, Queen Mother gave the little girl a smug smile as she continued on talking.

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"Actually, I was just trying to sense the location of the World Soul of this world." Queen Mother muttered as she gave Sierra a meaningful look. "I thought that by finding the World Soul of this world, we will be able to find a way to make the Main Mission easier... After all, once we make contact with the World Soul of this world, we can do things that will be of great help on our cause..."

"Oh, so that’s the reason why you are mumbling like crazy earlier. I though you’re just going bats**t earlier." Sierra commented as she let out a fake sigh of relief. "So, that’s the only thing that you did?’

"Yes, Sierra, that’s the only thing that I did." Queen Mother replied as began clenching her teeth. "Why, do you have any problem with that, Sierra?"

"Well, you have been ’looking’ for this World Soul since this morning." Sierra shot back as she gave Queen Mother a confused look. "From morning until afternoon is around 8 hours of time, which means that you have used 8 hours to look for this World Soul. But even with that time, you did not show any indication that you have seen it. Isn’t that just f**king fishy, Tree Aunty?"


"I mean, with your powers right now, you can f**king find the World Soul with ease. And yet, you came up with nothing at all. It was as if... you did not even see the World Soul." At this point, it was Sierra who was now giving out a smug smile. "Tree Aunty, did you even manage to see this World Soul? Because it looks like you hadn’t seen it at all."


"What Tree Aunty? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"Ugh, Sierra’s way of talking is really irritating. I feel like I am talking to both Alex and Asteira right now." Queen Mother thought to herself as she rubbed her temples. "F**k, do I really have to stay here and talk with this devilish baby? Oh Alex, why did you do this to me? I don’t want to be bothered by this baby anymore!"

After thinking of these words, Queen Mother let out a another sigh as she continued on rubbing her temples. "Ugh, if this goes on, I will really suffer through some mental-related diseases..."

Even if she looked glamourous and perfect right now, Queen Mother was anything but glamorous, as she was exhausted both physically and mentally.

Her body, which was still recovering from what the Great TimeMaster did to her, occasionally brought back spasms of pain to her, which she was only able to resist with her sheer will.

As for her mind, Queen Mother’s repeated attempts to look for the World Soul had left it close to the point of crashing. It was only her resolve to find the World Soul that made her stay awake until now, although even that resolve was already waning after she heard the words that Sierra just said.

"...You are right, Sierra. That is indeed my problem. No matter what I did, I cannot sense the presence of the World Soul in this world." Queen Mother replied as a frown appeared on her face. The smug aura that she was exuding earlier was now replaced by uncertainty, as she appeared confused with what she had just witnessed earlier.

"That’s just something wrong, as a World like this must have its own World Soul." Queen Mother continued saying as she gave Sierra a sideways glance. "This world has a lot of lives inside it, which means that this World should have its World Soul...."


"But I have seen no evidence of a World Soul existing in this place at all. It was as if... the World Soul has never been here at all." Queen Mother muttered as she looked at the floor with a complicated look. "That fact is... something that I find hard to believe, although the evidences here are telling the truth already.

"But Tree Aunty, maybe the World Soul is just like me! Maybe it has been reborn as a s**ty living being too!" Sierra said as she gave a half-hearted attempt to pat Queen Mother’s back. "If that’s what had happened, then you will really be unable to sense the World Soul, as it has been f**king transferred into a living body!"

"Sierra, if that’s indeed the case, then you should have been able to sense the Reincarnated World Soul. But were you able to sense it?" Queen Mother shot back as she tapped Sierra’s head. "Since you are a Reincarnated World Soul, then you should have been able to feel the presence of another Reincarnated World Soul here. But you did not sense anything, right?"



"Yah, I did not sense any other Reincarnated World Soul here. There, are you f**king happy now, Tree Aunty?" Sierra started to say as she gave Queen Mother an aggrieved look. "Ugh, I liked it better when you just stood up like a tree earlier. Its much more peaceful around you when you’re like that..."

Queen Mother ignored this low-quality insult from Sierra as she went back on stating her point.

"Insults aside, I think that you, Sierra, should be worried about the matter of this World Soul." Queen Mother said as she pointed to the ground with a stern gaze. "Even when we used our senses to look for the World Soul of this World, we did not find any trace of it, as if it did not exist at all. It was just... not in this world. Doesn’t that sound extremely worrying and suspicious for you?"

"Huh. A missing World Soul. That’s f**king worrying, but I will not piss myself just because of that." Sierra replied as she appeared to be nonchalant right now. "So what if the World Soul here is missing? What can we do about it? Are we obliged to even look for it? Since its not here, then you should just ignore that thing, Tree Aunty. Let’s just focus more on beating up the bad guys!"

"You don’t understand it, Sierra. This missing World Soul is not just a minor problem." Queen Mother hurriedly said as she shook her head. She then gave Sierra a sharp glare, which had managed to make the flying baby stop on her tracks. "You are a World Soul, so you should know how t a World Soul is in relation to the condition of a World. Do something to the World Soul, and the whole world will be affected by it. You understand what I am saying, right?"

"Of course I do. You’re just saying that the well-being of a World will depend on the well-being of its World Soul." Sierra said in a low tone as she crossed her arms. "That means that if someone wants to maintain good care of a planet, then that planet’s World Soul must be taken care properly..."

"Exactly, and that’s the problem that I am pertaining here." Queen Mother said hurriedly as she clenched her fists. "From what Alex had told me, Emperor Litch usually does nothing against the World Souls of his conquered planets. That Emperor knows that letting those World Souls go on with their life will be better for the planets themselves."

Before Sierra could start giving another one of her sassy quips at this point, Queen Mother shot her a warning look as she continued talking.

"Sierra, since the Emperor is doing things this way, then the World Soul of the Four Moons World, which is now under his Empire, should have been safe too." Queen Mother mumbled as she narrowed her eyes. "But instead of seeing a safe World Soul, what we had only seen was a missing World Soul. Now, doesn’t that just look extremely fishy to you?"

"Oh s**t. Now that you said it that way, it is indeed fishy." This was all that Sierra could say as the baby had now realized the implications of what they had just discovered. "Oh great, now Papa’s going to be worried about something again..."


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