Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 427 I forgot to post this chapter yesterday, Im really sorry about that. F, this is so stressful

427 I forgot to post this chapter yesterday, I“m really sorry about that. F, this is so stressful


Alex, who was about to make a move on the unconscious spy, suddenly let out a frown as he stopped his movements.

His body appeared to be full of tension right now, which in normal situations, should have garnered suspicion from the teachers that were in the same room as Alex.

But instead of getting suspicious from the sudden change in Alex, all the teachers near him became tense too.

All of them, including Alex, seemed to have felt something that warranted them to be this tense.

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As for what this ’something’ is, one look at the nearby window can easily explain it.

"What the hell..." This was all that Alex could say as he saw two massive objects suddenly appearing on the sky. These two objects just appeared on the sky out of nowhere, which caught Alex and the other teachers in a state of indecision.

One of the objects was a massive golden spear, whose length made it look like it can skewer the sky. The other object on the other hand was a pitch-black lotus, whose body was wriggling in a sickening fashion. Both of these objects were exuding horrifying amounts of power, and monstrous killing intent can be also felt coming from these two.

At the moment that these two objects appeared, they immediately clashed with each other, producing deadly shockwaves that threatened to flatten eveything on the ground.

Luckily for the Institute, these two objects were located kilometers away, which weakened the effects of their clash against the Institute’s defenses.


All the defensive barriers around the Institute flickered and shuddered as repetitive shockwaves hit them. These barriers fortunately were able to hold on against the onslaught of these waves, which ensured the safety of everyone inside the Institute.

While the teachers who saw the spear and the lotus were frightened, they also felt happy as they realized that they are safe from the effects of the clash between these two objects. They realized that as long as they stay inside the defensive barriers, nothing bad will happen to them...

But to say that everyone was happy was wrong, as there was someone among them who was not happy at all with what was happening. Obviously, that person was Alex.

"Tsk, the f**k is this? Why are they fighting right now! Damn it! So that man is also here!" Alex thought angrily to himself as he kept on staring at the black lotus and the golden spear.

His eyes, which held a crafty light earlier, was now letting out a gloomy glint, as if the appearance of these two objects made his upbeat mood worse.

"That golden spear... if I am not wrong, that should be related to Delia. After all, she is the one who has immense talent for spear wielding. As for that black lotus, there’s no doubt about it. It belongs that that sick freak!" Alex thought to himself as he began backing away from the spy.

With the sudden change of events here, Alex knew that he had to modify his plans, as he realized that the fight between Delia and that ’sick freak’ will just worsen the situation in this world.

"F**k.... Delia, why the hell are you fighting this sick freak now? I thought you want to also stay low-key?" Alex thought angrily to himself as he resisted the urge to curse Delia. "F**k, now that you are fighting against that pervert, you have just limited your future options. Ugh... and that will surely affect me too. F**k! Now that I did an alliance with you, I am obligated to help you out! F**k this, I never asked for this s**t!"

If Alex could just loudly complain right now, then he would have done it already, as he was highly disappointed with the turn of the events, especially with the person who Delia was fighting right now.

With his former life directly related to Emperor Litch and his Generals, Alex had a lot of knowledge about Delia’s opponent.

"That man is a powerful General who was one of Emperor LItch’s right-hand man. Anyone who tries to cross him usually meets death, as his power was just too much to fight against." Alex thought with solemnity as he placed his focus on his Storage. "Even I am not sure if I can really kill him, as he was just a hard-to-kill pervert!"

After he had these thoughts in his mind, Alex began shaking his head as he let out a sigh.

"Delia.... Even if you manage to win against your opponent, you will still have more problems. Now that you have revealed your location there, other Generals will surely go there in order to subdue you. So even if you find a way to win, you will still be captured by the other Generals..." Alex muttered as he kept himself from frowning. "Delia... you really have a bad luck right now."

Of course Alex knew that it was not only Delia who has a bad luck. Even he was affected by this bad luck too. After all, he already agreed to an alliance with Delia. This means that he had to save Delia when she is in danger, and right now, Delia’s situation can be considered to be already dangerous!

This leaves Alex with no choice but to assist Delia, which in Alex’s opinion, is the worst thing that had happened to him today.

"F**k you Delia. I swear that once I saved you, I will make you compensate me for a lot more!" Alex thought as he clenched his fists.

His cheerful attitude was now gone, as he began prepping himself for an inevitable battle.

Even when he’s still inside the Institute, Alex did not stop his power from accumulating inside his body.

The window of time that he can use to save Delia is just limited, so Alex must do everything that he can to ensure that his attempt on saving her will be successful!

"Ugh.... I really hate this." Alex mumbled to himself as he shook his head. "I know that I still have a way to keep my current identity safe while saving Delia, but if I mess up anything from this point, all my hardwork will go down the drain! F**k, you better make this worth it, Delia!’

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It was not only Alex who felt the clash between Delia and her opponent. Every powerhouse that lived in the Four Moons World felt this ongoing battle, which roused them from their tasks.

Some of the powerhouses who were busy in fornification stopped what they were doing as they stared at the direction of the battle with interest. The same thing also happened on those who were just eating or busy on their cultivation. Even those who were sleeping or in meditation were forced to open their eyes, as the battle was just too eye-catching for them to ignore.

"Hoook.... What is this? Two Sixth Stage Beings are duking it out this time? Interesting..." One of the powerhouses muttered as he stroked his bald head. His muscular body, which was lined with numerous tattoos and symbols, glowed faintly as the powerhouse began to drool. "Why would they fight now? Did Emperor Litch order this to happen? Well whatever. I will just watch this fight without interfering. Maybe this can entertain me for a little while..."

The other powerhouses appeared to have the same mindset as this bald man, as they did not join or even interfere in the battle. They just observed the fight with slight interest and boredom, as if they were just treating it as a way to pass their time.



If Alex can sense this battle, then of course Queen Mother can sense this too. She, who was still busy on trying to locate the missing World Soul in this world, was forced to stand up as she stared at the direction of the battle.

"Hm.... so is today the day that everything will start to unravel?" Queen Mother thought to herself as her eyes narrowed. "It has just been almost two months since we came into this world, and a fight at this scale had already happened? Hm, something will surely happen later."

After she said these words, Queen Mother took a deep breath as a steely expression appeared on her eyes. She then looked at Sierra, who was busy on drinking from her bottle of milk.

This little baby appeared to be adorable as she drank her milk, although the mischievous glint on her eyes ruined this. Queen Mother only sighed as she saw what the baby was doing, although she did her best to keep her face straight.

"Oi Sierra, get up there and enter the Storage. I’m going to leave this place." Queen Mother said as she poked Sierra’s chubby cheeks. "You can just continue drinking your milk inside the storage."

"Hah? Why are you leaving now? Aren’t you looking for the World Soul? And why should I join you?" Sierra abruptly replied, with her mouth still sucking on her milk

"Sierra... there has been a massive change in the situation now. This leaves me no choice but to accelerate my job." Queen Mother replied as she continued poking Sierra’s cheeks. "As for why you should join me, you have no other choice but to do that. So get up there and go inside the Storage already. You’re already wasting our time by complaining here...’

"Hmph fine, I will stand up now. Tsk, what a naggy woman!" Sierra muttered as she willed herself to stand up. She then gave Queen Mother a provoking stare as she disappeared.

Sierra is now inside the Storage, and she quickly resumed her milk drinking task.

"...I still can’t believe that Sierra is a World Soul. She’s just so... unbecoming of one." Queen Mother thought to herself as she shook her head again. "Well, maybe some more interactions with her in the future can tame her..."

After Sierra entered the Storage, Queen Mother did not waste her time anymore as she quickly left Alex’s apartment.

Her skin, which was the color of a Caucasian woman right now, glinted faintly under the sun as she began walking across the sidewalk.

Queen Mother appeared to be suppressing her powers as she continued walking, making her look like a perfectly normal person.

"Since I can’t sense the World Soul, then there is a high possibility that something bad is happening to it." Queen Mother thought to herself as she skillfully weaved through the crowds of people. "And if my hunch was right, Emperor Litch might be the one behind all of this."

As she thought of these words, Queen Mother gritted her teeth as she crossed the street.

"Even if Alex had said that Emperor Litch is someone who would not hurt World Souls, there is still a chance that Emperor Litch will ignore that principle. After all, Emperor LItch had been mortally injured by Alex, so he might be extremely desperate right now. Maybe he was so desperate, that he might ignore the well-being of a World Soul..."

By this point, Queen Mother found herself walking towards a massive building, which towered all the structures around it. Looking at this building reminded Queen Mother about her massive tree-body before, but this thought only lasted for a second as Queen Mother focused back on her plan.

"Because of Alex’s warnings, I withheld my attempt on doing this. But now that things have gone on like this, I have no choice but to execute it." Queen Mother thought to herself as she straightened her body.

Her eyes, which held an apathetic look earlier, now had a steely glint in it. Her composed and relaxed attitude also changed, as it slowly became repressed and tense.

The only thing that did not change on Queen Mother was the tight posture on her body, which began to draw some attention from the nearby people.

Queen Mother ignored all of it as she continued to stand still on her place.

There was nothing in her mind right now but her desire to succeed. Even if there’s an enemy that will approach her right now, Queen Mother will still ignore that, as she was only focused on what she’s about to do next.

After a few more seconds of staying in this positon, Queen Mother let out a sigh as she raised her arms. Both of these arms then began to tremble, which made Queen Mother’s face excruciate, as if she was experiencing great pain. But even under this sensation, Queen Mother still held on to her place.

"If I succeed here, then everything will be fine. But if I fail, I only hope that Alex can forgive me...."

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